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Past Experiences with Technology My first experience with technology and education was my undergraduate course at Michigan State

University. It inspired me to develop lessons that include technology. I knew at that point that incorporating technology into lessons was the way I wanted to direct my teaching. The past two years of teaching, I have been fortunate enough to have great technology devices in my classroom. The technology tools I have worked with include smart boards, document cameras, wireless internet in the classroom and students having computers to easily access. When teaching lessons using technology, I would present lessons from the smart board and show worksheets and examples of assignments under the document camera. I would additionally show United Streaming videos or Brain Pop presentations on the smart board and have students use their computers to put together projects or look at demonstrations online. After two years of teaching, my goal for taking courses toward my technology certificate was to become more confident and knowledgeable with technology in the learning environment. I can confidently say I now have the skills and tools that it takes in order to do this.

Differentiating with Technology To further my education with technology in the classroom, I would like to connect with studies and research on how to use technology to help differentiate learning. More specifically, on how to incorporate technology to help students with learning disabilities, students with severe needs, as well very high achieving students. I feel that a lot of the technology that I have learned is geared toward the mainstream learner. I have a classroom with students with many different needs. Therefore, in order to make all my students successful with technology I need to be educated on how to differentiate the way I use technology with teaching.

Liz Kleins Professional Learning Plan

Creating a Technology Based Classroom

Implementing new technologies effectively into the classroom has a tremendous impact on learners. Through the positive research that has been collected on student achievement using technology, as well as my own assessment of my students when implementing technology in my classroom, I know it helps bring all learners success in the classroom. As a teacher, I am continuously trying to grow in my career. I want to work toward continuously bringing in new technologies in my classroom while applying the TPACK ideology when framing my lessons with these technologies. I would like to try stepping away from the more traditional ways of teaching that I was taught when I first started my career. I feel very comfortable saying this after taking my technology courses through the MAET program. I am ready to jump in full force next school year and use my creativity to make my classroom ready for the 21 st century learner

My Technology Education
After reflecting upon my Personal Growth Plan from CEP 810, I discussed how I wanted to learn more about the various technology tools that I can implement into the classroom. I feel that I have accomplished this goal through the technology courses I had taken through the MAET program. Some of the tools that I have learned include... Creating blogs on Weebly Website creation Survey Monkey surveys PREZI and Google Presenter Visualization tools Twitter Using SMART technology on a SMART board Google collaboration tools Bookmarking sites RSS feeds Wiki creation UDL principles Stand-Alone presentations Podcasting Screencasting on JING Wordle Vyew virtual collaboration Glogster Digital Storyboards Creative Commons Licenses Professional learning communities (MERLOT) Webquests These exciting new technological tools will be used to enhance learning for my students in a state of the art 21st century classroom.

Technology Goals
My Technology Goals Have students create a glogster/wordle at the beginning of the year Use Prezi and or slideshare instead of using PowerPoint to display my social studies notes Continuing using my solution to my Wicked Problem Project and sharing it with my math department Use more Google applications that my group leadership project presented to increase student collaboration in the classroom. Using Survey Monkey on my blog more frequently to get student and parent feedback Attend more professional development on technology that my school provides Attend a MACUL conference. Use bubbl to help my students with mind mapping and to get them to organize their thoughts more effectively. Use Vyew to collaborate with another classroom to have my students experience virtual learning. Use webquests more frequently in my classroom. Use my classroom blog more collaboratively verses using it more as a website for posting information. Have my students create instructional videos using Jing and slideshare or PowerPoint Create a video of myself for my classroom blog as an introduction to parents at the beginning of the year.

Plan of Action This summer, I plan on looking into and experimenting more with the new technologies that I plan in implementing into my classroom. That way, I am comfortable using them effectively in my teaching. For some of the programs that I need more assistance with, I plan on using some atomic learning videos to help guide me, or using the help feature of the different technologies to guide my learning. Additionally, through the connections that I have made through my CEP courses, I feel that I can use my classmates as a resource for any questions I have when experimenting with the different technologies I want to implement in my classroom. Finally, I would like to join more professional teacher online learning and sharing communities, like Classroom 2.0, to learn new ideas and post to discussion boards that other teachers could respond to. All in all, using what I learned from the Getting Things Done lab in CEP 810, I think I would like to make it a goal to implement a new technology each month in my classroom. If this becomes too much, I can reassess this goal to make it more manageable for my teaching.

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