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Acidizing Fundamentals Bert B. Williams Manager, Drilling Technology Esso Exploration, Inc John L. Gidley Techinical Advisor Exxon Company, U.S.A. Robert S. Schechter Professor, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering University of Texas Henry L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME New York 1979 Dallas 1. History of Acidizing Md 12 13 14 1s 16 Introduction Frasch Acidizing Patent Early Scale-Removal Treatments Beginning of the Modern Era of Acidizing Formation of Acidizing Companies Eatly Sandstone Acidizing History 2. Acidizing Methods 24 22 23 Introduction Description of Acid Treatments ‘Theoretical Productivity Improvement From Acidization 3. Acid Types and the Chemistry of Their Reactions 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Acid Systems and Considerations in Their Selection 3.3 Stoichiometry of Acid Carbonate Reactions 3.4 Equilibrium in Acid-Carbonate Reactions 3.5. Stoichiometry of Acid-Sandstone Reactions 3.6 Equilibrium in Acid-Sandstone Reactions 4, Reaction Kinetics 4a 42 43 4a Introduction Surface Reaction Kinetics Mass Transfer in Acid Solutions Models for Heterogeneous Reactions in Laminar Flow Systems 5. Acid Fracturing Fundamentals Su 52 53 54 Introduction Fracture Geometry ‘Acid Penetration Distance Fracture Conductivity 6. Acid Fracturing Treatment Models, 61 62 63 64 Introduction Dynamic Fracture Geometry Equations Used to Define Fracture Geometry Fluid Temperature in the Fracture Contents 1 1 1 2 10 10 10 2 14 16 ” 19 19 19 ai 2B 29 2» 29 30 35 38 38 38 2 6.5 Acid Penetration Along the Fracture 44 6.6 Fracture Conductivity 49 7. Acid Fracturing Treatment Design 383 7.1 Introduction 53 7.2 Determination of Formation Matrix and Fluid Properties, 3 7.3. Selection of Variable Design Parameters 58 7.4 Calculation of Fracture Geometry and Acid Penetration Distance Ct 7.5. Prediction of Fracture Conductivity and Stimulation Ratio 2 7.6 Select the Most Economic Treatment 65 7.7 Design Hints for Unconventional ‘Treatments, 65 7.8 Design of Acid Fracturing Treatments ‘To Remove Near-Wellbore Damage 66 8. Models for Matrix Acidizing 68 8.1 Introduction 68 8.2. Description of a Model for Matrix Acidization 68 8.3 Application of the Matrix Acidizing Model to Retarded Acid Systems 69 8.4 Application of the Model to Slowly Reacting Systems 70 8.5 Application of the Model to Fast Reacting Systems 70 8.6 Prediction of Acid Penetration Into Sandstones n 8.7 Model of Wormhole Growth in Carbonate Acidization B 9. Matrix Acidizing of Sandstones 76 9.1 Introduction 76 9.2 Description of a Sandstone Acidizing Treatment 16 9.3 Mechanism of Acid Attack 16 9.4 Prediction of Radius of Acid Reaction 8 9.5 Productivity After Sandstone Acidizing 9 9.6 Design Procedure for Sandstone Acidizing Treatments 81 9.7 Common Mistakes in Application of Acid Treatments 83 9.8 Future Trends in Sandstone Acidizing 83, 10, Matrix Acidizing of Carbonates 86 10.1 Introducuon, 86 " 10.2 Description of a Matrix Acid Treatment ina Carbonate 10.3 Mechanism of Acid Attack 10.4 Prediction of Radius of Reaction 10.5 Acids Used in Matrix Treatments 10.6 Design Procedure for Matrix Acidization of Carbonates 10.7 Novel Matrix Acid Treatments for Carbonates ‘Acid Additives 11.1 Introduction 11.2. Corrosion Inhibitors 11.3 Surfactants 11.4 — Mutual Solvents 11.5 Friction Reducers 11.6 Acid Fluid-Loss Additives 11.7 Diverting Agents 86 86 87 88 88. 89 92 92 92 95: 96 97 97 99 11.8 Complexing Agents 11.9 Cleanup Additives 12, Acidizing Economics 12,1 Introduction 12.2 Cash Flow Analysis 12.3. Payout Period 12.4 Profit-To-Investment Ratio 12.5 Discounted Cash Flow Techniques 12.6 Use of Economic Yardsticks ‘Appendix: Conversion Factors Nomenclature ibliography Author-Subject index 100 102 104 104 104 104 105 106 106 107 110 12 118

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