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Diary of a young mad man - December 30th 2011 At Barcelona

*** Sex: Try to control the sex pulsion, and do not let it control you. It's a path towards freedom from that pulsion that has churned my flesh and my mind for so long.

*** Art: MACBA is a genius museum. Reflect on which questions arise from contemporary art: beingdestruction-construction-speech-mind-art. Urban occupation of space: Hookers waiting for a ride from truck drivers on an industrial roadside, like ironic pinups. Sexy in a rugged environment. Communicating with their pimp using radio or listening to portable music while waiting? The charm of contemporary art ? Like a foreign language you approximately understand, you can give it the meaning that suits you best.

*** Criticism vs journalism: A journal is a description on superficial matters, while a critique can be a profound insight for the art lover. It can be art, philosophy, literature, on a different level. (But there is quality journalism as well: it paves the path to interpretation and appreciation of the artistic object, and "opens" the world of the reader. A good journal (NYT, El Pais, Le Monde, New Yorker) reveals the transcendent inside the daily and shows directions to deepen your understanding). But one needs the other. Journalism without specialists turns round on itself and has no basis. It also disappoints the specialist readership who looks for something deeper, and who need critics to sharpen their judgement. But without journalism, how to know about art and critics ? Beware of too much journalism consumption, definitely.


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