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A RITUAL or FREEMASONRY ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. : ‘TO WHICH 15 ADDED A KEY TO THR PHI BETA KAPPA, THE ORANGE, AND ODD FELLOWS SOCIETIES. with NOTES AND REMARKS, BY AVERY ALLYN, K.R.C. K.T. K.M. &e. + Yes, ye vile race, for Hell's amusement given Too mean for earth, yet clai kin with Heaven! ‘Ye shall have mysteries— For knaves to thrive by Dark tangled doctrin Which your blind votaries on trust receive, White craftier feign belief till they believe.” Moore. v NEW YORK: WILLIAM GOWANS. 1853. yore MERRY ; 326430B MASONIC DIPLOMA. ‘Hn poe signo binces,’ CONSTITUTED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE GENERAL GRAND ENCAMP MENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. TO ALL SIR KNIGHTS of the illustrious order of the Red Cross and of the valiant and magnanimous Order of Knight Templars and Knights of Malia around the globe, to whom these presents may come ; Grecting. We, the presiding officers of New-Haven Encampment of Knights Tem- plars, No. 2, held at New-Haven, in the State of Conn. do hereby certify and make known, that our illustrious Sir Knight, Avery Allyn, having previously received the necessary degrees, has been regularly dubbed and created in this Encampment, a Knight of the Illustrious order of the Red Cross and of the Valiant and Magnanimous order of Kn‘ght Templars and Knights of Malta, or order of St. John of Jerusalem. We do therefore cordially recommend him to the Friendship, Assistance, | and Protection of all valiant and magnanimous Sir Knights, in all parts of the Globe wherever he may go. IN THSTIMONY whereof, having first caused our Illustrious Sir Knight to sign his nanie in the margin, We have hereunto set our hands, and caused the seal of our Encampment to be affixed the 16th day of January, A. D. 1827, and of the order of Knight Templars 709. 4 M. E. LABAN SMITH, G. C. | E. WM. H. JCNES, C. G. E. BENJAMIN M. HILL, G. | E. TIMO. P. BEERS, P. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Recorder. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred, and Gy, “by Wittiam Gowans, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS. Degree of Entered Apprentice « «Fellow Craft... «= « Master Mason. ud “Mark Master. 82 + « Past Master. 102 « «Excellent Master 109 «4 Royal Arch. 118 Royal Arch Cipher ‘The Holy and thrice Illustrious Order of the Croes...... ‘Secret Master.......... Perfect Master Intimate Secretary. pores and Judge. tendant of the Buildings, or Master in Israel Sublime Knights electe Grand Master Architect Knights of the Ninth Arcl Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason..... Phi Beta Kappa . 4A5X394

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