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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Workshop

For Experienced Users

WORKSHOP COPY this workbook is for reference and use during the event. Please do not markup or remove.

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction

Table of Contents
Introduction.......................................................................................3 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Overview ................................................................. 4 Workshop Objectives .........................................................................5 Tutorial Instructions ........................................................................................ 6 Requirements................................................................................................. 9 Core Design......................................................................................10 Sketcher ......................................................................................................11 Auto Round ................................................................................................15 Hole Tool ......................................................................................................18 Shell Tool .....................................................................................................24 Surface Remove ............................................................................................28 3D PDF Export...............................................................................................32 Feature Recognition .........................................................................35 Extrudes using the Intelligent Extrude Search ....................................................36 Fillets using the Intelligent Fillet Search ............................................................41 Holes using the Intelligent Hole Search .............................................................44 Chamfers using the Intelligent Chamfer Search ..................................................46 3D Drawings ....................................................................................48 Annotation Element from Driving Dims .............................................................49 Modification of Annotation Attributes ................................................................54 Controlling Display and View Manager...............................................................59 Additional Capabilities ....................................................................................63 ISDX (Interactive Surface Design eXtension) ..................................65 Style Tree.....................................................................................................66 Curve Ghost..................................................................................................67 Direct Surface Edit .........................................................................................70 Surface Merge ...............................................................................................72 Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica ...............................................................74 Nonlinear Materials ........................................................................................75 Contact with Friction ......................................................................................80 Results.........................................................................................................86 Electromechanical ............................................................................93 Ribbon Cabling ..............................................................................................93 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration...............................................................................98 Import DataDoctor (IDD)...............................................................101 Manufacturing................................................................................115 Manufacturing Ease-of-Use ........................................................................... 116 Machine Kinematic Simulation ....................................................................... 125 Advanced Rendering ......................................................................131 Floor Placement........................................................................................... 132 Region Rendering ........................................................................................ 133 Lighting Controls ......................................................................................... 135 Dynamic Textures........................................................................................ 138 Environment Lighting ................................................................................... 141

Hands-On Workshop (HOW) Tutorial

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Introduction

Welcome to this Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction workshop for experienced users! Now that you have heard about the key themes and enhancements, this will provide you with a unique test drive opportunity.
Preproduction software is scheduled for download availability following the PTC/USER Conference on June 13, 2007 to facilitate your testing and upgrade planning.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Overview

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction offers many new capabilities and productivity improvements from previous releases. These enhancements will help you optimize your Global Design Processes, including Electromechanical Design. Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction builds upon the capabilities introduced in prior releases such as the modernized Pro/ENGINEER user interface (UI). The UI, which utilizes a dashboard interface and icons that offer simple and intuitive access to menu options for creating and editing designs, has been further enhanced and extended to more Pro/ENGINEER modules. The embedded browser and file directories have also been improved for faster navigation to valuable design data and resources. A few of the key enhancements covered in this tutorial are highlighted below: Global Design Process Enhancements Optimize Detailed Design - Create both simple and complex designs faster with improved assembly performance, new Auto Round capabilities, direct surface editing, automated 3D drawing annotations, and more Optimize Verification and Validation - Analyze your designs faster and easier with improved meshing, support for assembly contact points, nonlinear materials, better results analyses, smarter diagnostics, and other simulation improvements Optimize Manufacturing Tooling & Factory Equipment Design - Simplify and automate the transformation of engineering designs into manufacturing processes with an easy to use, powerful process manager tool for toolpath definition, annotation features, and other key tasks

Electromechanical Design Enhancements Faster Detailed Design - Create electromechanical designs faster with intelligent, automated capabilities for adding and routing ribbon cables Faster Design Collaboration - Accelerate design collaboration with a new associative interface between MCAD and ECAD designs. Automatically identify incremental changes and cross-highlight between MCAD and ECAD circuit board designs
For the best experience, please review the remaining pages in this section. At the conclusion, we are very interested in your feedback - so please complete the brief survey from the start page. Enjoy!

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Workshop Objectives

1. Be one of the first to test drive what's new! 2. Experience how key enhancements will increase productivity 3. Provide a hands-on environment, staffed by product experts, to address technical questions 4. Prepare you for Preproduction testing phase 5. Collect feedback about your experience
Continue to the next page for Instructions, or return to the Table of Contents page for a list of exercises..

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Tutorial Instructions

This tutorial is intended to be used alongside the version of Pro/ENGINEER shown in the Tutorial Header. In a workshop environment, all necessary software and data files will have already been installed and setup.

Link to dataset Use this download link (~50 MB) if you need fresh copies of any exercise files. Also includes required support files (e.g.,,, ...). 1. Extract the .zip contents, and preserve folder structure - simple path with no spaces recommended (e.g., D:\PTC\WORKSHOP) - creates a WF4_HOW parent folder 2. Edit the startpro.cmd to update installation path to Pro/ENGINEER 3. Launch Pro/ENGINEER - Working directory will be EXERCISES 4. Follow instructions within each exercise to set working dir, load configs, models, etc. Screen Layout Pro/ENGINEER and the web browser can be resized and arranged as shown to facilitate effective use of the material To maximize working area within Pro/ENGINEER, set Display Properties to a high resolution (e.g., 1600x1200)


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Information is provided at the start of many tasks

Tips are provided along the way, with time-saving or alternate techniques

Notes are provided with additional useful details, which may not be required to complete the exercise

Menu and Toolbar commands ("picks and clicks") are shown in Bold Icons and their names are shown inline with the text; names match the Status bar and Tool tip Text that you enter is shown in Bold Names of models and directories are shown in CAPS Keyboard keys are shown in Bold CAPS Areas of interest in images are green Mouse buttons are referred to as LMB, MMB, RMB; instructions will indicate click vs. drag

Navigation If a page contains more information than will fit in the viewport, a scroll bar will appear. Make sure to scroll through the entire contents before advancing to the next step. There are several options to easily move through the material: Home Previous Page for Page TOPIC Next Page

NAVIGATION Header Icon Links (top right) Keyboard* / Footer Icon Links (bottom right) Other
* Requires IE 5.5+


Footer Quicklinks TOC - Returns to the Table of Contents, listing ALL Topics Home - Returns to the start page for CURRENT Topic Top - Returns to the top of the current page You may also use standard browser history (Ctrl+H)

Vista-style File Dialogs Microsoft Windows Vista introduced a new paradigm for exploring folders. Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 embraces this concept of "Breadcrumbs" in the new & improved File > Open dialogs.

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Note Pro/ENGINEER-specific capabilities under Tools, Open, Preview

Selecting an element in the path will expand to show contents at that level Selecting down-arrow at the end of the address bar will show full path as editable text Arrows to the left use folder history Note Search... panel

You can still use Set Working Dir... from the File menu. To use the RMB shortcut in the folder browser, you must expand the Folder Tree Panel!

Recommendations Proceed through the Main Topics in any order that interests you Proceed through the material within each topic in sequence, since many concepts/tasks build upon one another Follow the steps as outlined, and move quickly through each exercise to experience "What's New" in the time allotted Unless otherwise indicated, erase models from session before continuing with next topic If you get stuck, or something doesn't make sense, ask for help!

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Requirements

The following software is used in this Workshop: PTC Download or order software from: Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction o o o o o o o Foundation XE, or higher Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica ISDX ARX Cabling Design Option ECAD Collaboration Option IDD

InterComm o o o Expert 5.2 EDAcompare 2.2 Validation Manager

Feature Recognition Toolkit

Third Party Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 Internet Explorer 6 (IE7 also supported)

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Core Design

Enhancements covered in this Tutorial: Sketcher Auto Round Surface Remove Shell Tool Hole Tool 3D PDF Export (Adobe U3D)

* For all exercises, Set Working Directory to CORE_DESIGN

Highlights for other key enhancements: On-demand improvements for retrieving Simplified Reps All new Reference Manager, ability to break dependencies Part/Assembly Replace with any component Improvements to UDF placement Transparent Display Style Unicode support Improved Help System

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Sketcher

Sketcher enhancements covered include new diagnostic tools: Shade Closed Loops Highlight Open Ends Overlapping Geometry Feature Requirements 1. Choose File > New (Type Part), enter sketch for the Name.

2. Select 3. Select the Extrude Tool , RMB > Define Internal Sketch..., select datum plane TOP as the sketch reference, and MMB or choose Sketch to enter sketcher. 4. Select Highlight Open Ends from the Sketcher Diagnostics toolbar.

5. Sketch the following shape anywhere in the sketch window.

6. Choose the Select Tool and with the Highlight Opened Ends option selected your sketch will appear as shown below.

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7. Choose Feature Requirements to have Pro/ENGINEER determine if the sketch meets the requirements for the current feature. The following report will be displayed:
The status column of this report will show all green dots when the requirements for the feature type being created are met.

Continue with the sketch from the main toolbar at the top right of the 8. Select the Shade Closed Loop screen. sketch another line to close off the shape that was sketched 9. Using the Line Tool earlier. 10. Choose the Select Tool or Click MMB.

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11. Deselect the Shade Closed Loop , and the Highlight Open Ends tools from the top toolbar, so they are no longer selected. sketch another line intersecting the rectangular sketch 12. Using the Line Tool created so far. 13. Choose the Select Tool .

14. Select the Overlapping Geometry Tool from the main toolbar at the top right of the screen and the entities in the sketch that are overlapping will be highlighted. 15. Delete the line that intersects the rectangle

16. Choose Feature Requirements to determine if the sketch meets the requirements for the extrude feature that was selected as the feature type earlier. The following report will be displayed:

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17. Select Complete Sketch 18. Select Complete Feature . 19. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Auto Round

Auto Round is a new feature that intelligently rounds edges of a part. The Auto Round feature enables you to create round geometry of a constant radius on solid geometry or on a quilt of a part or assembly. The Auto Round Feature creates Round features called Auto Round Members (ARMs) and are represented on the Model Tree as subnodes of the Auto Round feature. 1. Set Working Directory to CORE_DESIGN autorounds_housing.prt. 2. Open

3. Select Insert > Auto Round.

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4. In the dashboard, Enter .05 for the convex edges and .1 for the concave edges.

From the Options panel in the dashboard, you can choose to have a group of regular rounds created.

If the design intent is not to round all of the edges currently in the model, the autorounds can be applied to selected edges only, by using the Scope panel in the dashboard. As apparent in the message window shown above, it is also possible to select edges and intent chains to exclude.

5. Select Complete Feature

While Pro/ENGINEER is Auto Rounding the part, you can preview the rounds that are being created by selecting the "Show each member" check box in the Auto-Round player.

6. View the rounds just created.

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7. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Hole Tool

Enhancements to the Hole Tool include: New Simple Hole Profile with: o o o Countersink Counterbore Point Angle

Support for Tapered Holes and Threads o o o NPT NPTF ISO 7-1

Hole Callout Format Overhaul

1. Set Working Directory to CORE_DESIGN hole.prt. 2. Open

3. Select the Hole Tool from the feature toolbar. 4. Pick a location near the center of the top surface of the part for the placement of the hole feature.

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5. Locate the hole on this surface by dragging the location handles to the front and right surfaces.

6. Set the diameter = 4, and the depth = 17 7. Change the Display Setting to Wireframe.

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8. From the Dashboard, choose the Standard Drill Profile Tool .

9. Using the dashboard try some of the other enhanced capabilities for this profile, including: o o o New depth options Countersink Counterbore

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10. Select the Shape tab in the dashboard and review the new information provided in this tool.

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11. Close the Shape tab. 12. Select the Standard Hole Tool and the Thread Type pull down menu, to see the enhancements to the predefined thread types. NPT, NPTF, and ISO 7-1 have been added to the list.

13. Select NPT as the thread type, and choose the Shape Tab to preview the options.

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14. Select Shaded Display from the main toolbar at the top of the screen. to Finish the feature. 15. Select Complete Feature

16. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Shell Tool

The Shell feature has been enhanced to allow a surface with neighboring tangent surfaces to be removed, and or have a different thickness value than the default. This improvement allows for greater flexibility when creating parts that need to be hollow. 1. Set Working Directory to CORE_DESIGN shell.prt. 2. Open

3. Select Shell Tool . 4. Select the end surfaces shown below, as the surfaces to remove during the feature creation.

5. Enter .5 as the overall thickness. to Finish creating the shell feature in the model. 6. Select Complete Feature

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7. Select the View Manager on the top tool bar. 8. Select the Xsec tab in the view manager, then RMB on the cross section named shell, and choose Visibility as shown below.

9. Spin the model and take a look at the geometry that was removed during the shell. Investigate the section in the model. 10. With the shell feature selected, RMB > Edit Definition. 11. Hold RMB and select the Non-Default Thickness option, then select the surfaces on the opposite end of the model as shown below, and change their thickness to .1

12. Select Complete Feature

to Finish the edit definition.

The cross-section will not update until the feature is completed.

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13. Spin the model and take a look at the change just made to the wall thickness in the model. Investigate the section in the model.

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14. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Surface Remove

The new Surface Remove Tool can be used in many ways, including: Modification of imported geometry Remove round and hole geometry to prepare designs for tool design Simplify geometry for analysis by removing small details 1. Set Working Directory to CORE_DESIGN surface_remove.prt. 2. Open

The geometry for this part was imported from a step file and is a single feature solid model that you will make modifications to.

3. View > , select Default Orientation. 4. Change selection filter from Smart to Geometry. 5. Select the (3) surfaces shown below using CTRL + Click.

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6. Select Edit > Remove to create the remove feature.

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7. Select Complete Feature geometry.

to Finish the feature and view the changes to the

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8. Try this tool on other geometry in the model. . 9. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction 3D PDF Export

Pro/ENGINEER creates the exported file based on PDF v1.6. Adobe Acrobat v7 and later support U3D graphics. Universal 3D (U3D) is a 3D graphics format developed by Intel and the 3D Industry Forum (3DIF) for sharing 3D models and drawings on the Web and in common office applications. In order to reduce the file size for quick downloading and fast screen rendering, most of the engineering data associated with the original drawing is eliminated, also protecting IP.

1. Open; double-click on ac-40.asm. 2. File > Save a Copy... 3. Select U3D PDF (*.pdf) in the Type drop-down. By default, the current object name appears in the New Name field. 4. Accept the default, or type a different name. 5. Click OK. The PDF Export Settings dialog box opens. 6. Click OK to complete the PDF export. Adobe Reader 8 will start automatically and load your file! Optional Settings 1. Click the General tab and preview the options available.

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The Pro/ENGINEER model graphic is sized to fit on the selected page size, within the user-defined margins.

2. Select the Security tab and preview the options available.

If you do not select Restrict Viewer Operations, anyone can print or copy from the document. To restrict high-resolution printing, change the option from the default, High Resolution, to Low Resolution. Certain options must be checked as pre-requisites to make sub-options available.

3. Select the Description tab to specify descriptive information for the PDF document.

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4. Type relevant document information in the following boxes: Title, Author, Subject, and Keywords

You have completed the Core Design Tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Feature Recognition

New Feature Recognition Toolkit (FRT) enables the selective conversion of imported model geometries to certain classes of native Pro/ENGINEER features such as holes, rounds, chamfers, and extrudes. This greatly extends the value of imported data by enabling easy modification using familiar parametric techniques.

1. Set Working Directory to FRT , set Type to All Files (*) and select frt_tutorial.stp. 2. Open 3. Select OK and select Close from the Information Window.

At this point the model is just a 'dumb' solid and cannot be parametrically modified.

4. Start the Feature Recognition Toolkit Application: a. b. c. d. e. Tools > Auxiliary Applications from the main menubar Select "Feature Recognition..." Click Start button Confirm successful start in the Message Area Click Close button

Notice the new toolbar with the tools we will use to recognize features. These commands are also accessible from the Edit menu.

Proceed to the exercises: Extrudes Fillets Holes Chamfers

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Extrudes using the Intelligent Extrude Search
Extrude As Solid Extrude As Blind Cut Extrude As Thru Cut Intelligent Extrude Search Tool: Extrude As Solid

1. Select the Intelligent Extrude Search Extrude as shown.

and select the bottom edge of the grey

Notice that it was replaced with a 'default color' extrusion of the same dimensions.

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Also notice the Model Tree as added a Remove Feature and an Extrude Feature. The Remove feature is new in this release, and can remove geometry. The feature then recreates the extrude using standard extrude feature.

2. Select the Extrude 1 feature and Right-Click to select Edit.

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3. Flex the design by editing any dimension values.

This native feature has a fully parameterized internal sketch, and you can use Edit Definition to fully control the dimensioning references, scheme, and constraints.

Intelligent Extrude Search Tool: Extrude As a Blind Cut

1. Select the Intelligent Extrude Search

and select and edge of the pocket as shown.

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This will create a Blind Extruded Cut.

Intelligent Extrude Search Tool: Extrude As a Thru Cut

2. Select the Intelligent Extrude Search

and select the bottom surface as shown.

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This Intelligent Search Tool is smart enough to find all enclosed loops and recognizing them as extrudes.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Fillets using the Intelligent Fillet Search
Simple Convex Fillets Simple Concave Fillets Multiple Fillets at Once Intelligent Fillet Search: Simple Convex Fillets

1. Select the Intelligent Fillet Search Tool

and select the top 'green' surface.

Intelligent Fillet Search: Simple Concave Fillets

2. Select the Intelligent Fillet Search Tool the pocket as shown.

and select the bottom 'brown' surface of

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Intelligent Fillet Search: Multiple Fillets at Once

3. Select the Intelligent Fillet Search Tool the large pocket as shown.

and select the bottom green surface of

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Note that (2) round sets were created. The tool is smart enough to find all associated rounds to the plane selected, regardless of whether concave or convex rounds existed.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Holes using the Intelligent Hole Search
Intelligent Hole Search - multiple sized holes on a plane Intelligent Pattern Search Intelligent Hole Search: Multiple sized holes on a plane 1. Select the Intelligent Hole Search Tool shown. and select the top 'green' surface as

Notice it found all holes regardless of Diameter and Depth and created 3 separate Hole Features.

2. Select the Intelligent Pattern Search Tool shown. Close the info window that appears.

and select the surface of the Lip as

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In this case the tool will find all the holes on this surface and remove and replace them with a hole pattern.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Chamfers using the Intelligent Chamfer Search
Concave Chamfers Convex Chamfers Intelligent Chamfer Search: Concave Chamfers

1. Select the Intelligent Chamfer Search Tool shown below.

and select the bottom Surface as

2. Select the Intelligent Chamfer Search Tool shown.

and select the surface of the Lip as

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14. At this point, inspect the Model Tree.

You can see the features that were created. Feel free to edit any feature. Please stop the FRT plug-in before continuing. 1. Tools > Auxiliary Applications 2. Select Feature Recognition... 3. Click Stop, then Close

You have completed the Feature Recognition Tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction 3D Drawings

In order to better support Global Product Development, and further speed time to market, there is a shift in industry away from conventional, full 2D production drawings. The alternative is a modelcentric approach. To support this concept and the ASME Y14.41 standard, Annotation Features were introduced in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 and have been significantly enhanced with each release. Downstream products like Pro/NC and ProductView are also being enhanced to understand and leverage this rich information.

Enhancements covered in this Tutorial:

o o o o o o Annotation Elements (AE) from Driving Dimensions Active (sticky) Annotation Orientation Modification of 3D dimension attributes View Manager Combined State support for layer status Rule-based layer organization Additional Capabilities Annotations in fixed position - relative to screen or geometry Ordinate driven dimensions

* For all exercises, Set Working Directory to 3D-DRAWINGS

Return to this topic home page and use these links to quickly jump to specific enhancements.

PTC recognizes that 2D Drawings are still a very important deliverable, ingrained in the design process and supply chain. Highlights of some other Detailing enhancements: Improved conversion of model snapshot draft entities Convert Broken View to Full View BOM balloons for Flexible Components Cosmetic threads for NPT / conical surfaces Modify model edge linestyle Apply cross-hatching to flat surfaces, with support for HLR Hole note callout attachment, offset from model axis or point Additional text areas for GTOLS 3D -- 2D associative annotation placement Use surface references for driven dimensions

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Annotation Element from Driving Dims

1. Set Working Directory... to 3D-DRAWINGS 2. Open em_frame.asm using: a. b. c. Folder Browser (tab in Navigator panel) Select Working Directory from list of Common Folders Use embedded browser, and Preview to locate correct ASSY:

3. Once assembly finishes loading, select indicated part in graphics area, or Model Tree (33901025-001-RH) - note the marking with part name/number 4. RMB > Activate - Transparent shading is now applied to all inactive members - Annotations on visible layers for activated part will appear
View > Display Style > Transparency is a new view state for easily seeing inside your design, without having to modify Color & Appearances! Simplified Representation settings are also now available on the RMB pop-up for objects selected, to streamline working in context.

5. Window > Close

to leave the assembly in session

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6. Open 33901025-001-RH part in main window - enter *rh in "File name:" field to filter listing
A great productivity enhancement is the "Active Annotation Orientation"

set on-the-fly during initial Annotation Feature creation in a session/model reference is "sticky" and re-used automatically not limited to being a datum plane

7. View > Annotation Orientation a. b. select Named orientation option select FRONT from drop-down list

Note the enhanced and more powerful options available for placement, and easy control of text orientation.

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o o o

The active orientation is denoted by the green grid YELLOW arrow = viewing direction RED arrow = reading direction of the text

8. Select OK 9. Zoom In on cutout, or use Saved View CUTOUT-3D 10. CTRL+Click to select the features CUTOUT and RND-CUTOUT

11.RMB > Create Driving Dimension AE

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o o

Placement reflects the position of the driving dimensions in the feature. Since entire features were selected, ALL driving dimensions visible in set orientation were converted to Annotation Elements.

Note that individual dimensions can be displayed using Edit, then selected for conversion. These annotations can still be double-clicked to make modifications.

Annotation Elements are added as nodes under the feature they drive, not as separate Annotation Features.

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12. Verify Model Tree Settings > Tree Filters...

13. Expand features as shown in the Model Tree:

Additional capabilities are available using Insert > Annotations.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Modification of Annotation Attributes

There are now more options for controlling the position and appearance of Annotations. 1. Select Annotation from the dashboard filter.

Annotation Elements can also be selected in the Model Tree for RMB commands.

2. From the main toolbar, use View Manager > All Cutout-3D.

to select Combined State Ex-

If the View Manager icon is greyed out, and the dialog is not visible, use Windows ALT+ESC to pop forward. You can also use CTRL+A to re-activate Pro/ENGINEER window, but this will cancel the current operation.

3. Select the dimension for slot width (100) from the screen. 4. Depress RMB, and note the various commands available.

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Undo (CTRL+Z) / Redo (CTRL+Y) are available for these operations.

5. Select Move, pick new location for result as shown. > Cutout-2D shown for clarity - optional View - note this does not use dynamic dragging

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6. Repeat for round dimension (R6). 7. Retrieve saved view using View > Jog-2D.

8. Select vertical dimension for hole pattern (65). 9. RMB > Insert Breaks. a. pick the (2) approx. points on the witness line shown below

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b. c. MMB or Click OK leave the dimension selected to modify more attributes

10. RMB > Insert Jogs. a. pick the (2) approx. points as shown b. MMB or Click OK

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11. Notice drag handles to manipulate breaks, jogs, and extension lines.

12. RMB > Properties.

13. Review various settings available, then click OK.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Controlling Display and View Manager

Global Visibility of 3D Annotations 1. Toggle visibility with new icon on standard datum toolbar. Set display to visible before continuing.

By Item Visibility New ability to save layer status with a Combined State provides powerful display control.
This replaces the approach of using part Simplified Reps or Family Tables to suppress/resume Annotation Features.

1. Open the View Manager

, select the All tab.

2. Investigate each layer shown in the green box in sequence. 3. Select Mfg-Step2, RMB > Redefine - review to see how a Combined State works...

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- note enhancement to save layer status, and preview button

4. Select Cancel

Layer status can be changed while this dialog box is open, and status will be captured upon Accept . Use the option "floating_layer_tree yes" to detach the layer tree from the Model Tree.

5. Open the layer tree with Show > Layer Tree button in the Model Tree panel, or on the main toolbar.

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Different icons are a visual cue about how the items are maintained on the layer. rule-based layer. indicates a

6. Select ANNOT_MFG-STEP2, RMB > Layer Properties..., Rules tab. - this layer is currently empty, notice there is no expand node - review existing rule

7. Select OK. 8. Select the Annotation Elements as shown in the Model Tree. a. RMB > Edit Parameters.

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9. Select Add Parameter , create MFG_STEP, with a value of 2.

10. Regenerate (CTRL+G) to update layer. 11. Expand the layer ANNOT_MFG-STEP2 to see that the 3D Drawing items were automatically added to the appropriate layer!

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Additional Capabilities

Flat to Screen
Annotations Orientation can be specified as flat to screen, but the position can now be fixed relative to the screen of model geometry.

1. View Manager > All tab, select combined state New_Annotations. 2. Rotate, Pan, and Zoom the model, and notice that the title block remains fixed. 3. In the Model Tree, expand the Footer, and ANNOT_SCREEN.

4. RMB > Properties to review the definition of this element. - this is a standard drawing symbol, with variable text associated with model parameters! Hyperlinks 1. Unhide the layer containing the material specification note > RMB > ANNOT_MFG-GENERAL > Unhide a. Layers b. Toggle layer dialog to reactivate Model Tree In the Model Tree Footer, expand the ANNOT_SCREEN node Select AE_NOTE3 (material note), RMB > Properties Click the Hyperlink button on the Note dialog to view the URL Select OK to close Edit Hyperlink Select OK to close Note dialog Open the referenced document using the hyperlink

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

To navigate to the URL, use CTRL+Click - watch for the cursor to change indicating a hyperlink.

Ordinate Dimensions 1. View , select saved view 3D-DETAIL

A layer may be set to Active. Annotations created will automatically be added to that layer until deactivated.

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2. Insert > Annotations > Ordinate Driven Dimension

. 3. Select DTM B in the Model Tree or with Search Tool a. MMB to create baseline (0) - also determines location of text. 4. Pick ATTACH TYPE to Center (side menu manager). 5. Select the (3) hole edges shown below. 6. MMB to create ordinate dimensions.

Select any ordinate dimension to move, and the entire set will be repositioned.

You have completed the 3D Drawings Tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction ISDX (Interactive Surface Design eXtension)

Significant enhancements to ISDX make it even easier and faster to achieve more advanced/complex shapes demanded by today's products.

Enhancements in this tutorial include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Style Tree Curve Ghost Direct Surface Edit Surface Merge

Please complete these tutorials in the sequence shown.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Style Tree

Style features now display a tree for easy visibility, naming and selection.

1. File > Set Working Directory... select the SURFACING folder. 2. File > Open isdx_drill.prt.

3. In the Model Tree, select the feature, "HANDLE" 4. RMB-Click and choose Edit Definition.

5. Observe the tree for this Style feature at the bottom of the model tree.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Curve Ghost

Style curves now have capabilities like extending a curve-on-surface to the boundary and a "curve ghost" while editing. 1. Switch to the Saved View "CURVE-GHOST"

The next step assumes you are still editing the "HANDLE" Style feature. If not, then please select it and Edit Definition, as described on the previous page.

2. Move your cursor over the top curve.

3. Double-click to edit this curve.

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4. Drag this curve point and observe the curve ghost. This makes it very easy to see where you started!

Note: The Curve Edit dashboard has a check-box for this ghost curve display called "Show Original." Try it out.

5. Complete the curve editing by selecting the check As mentioned at the top, the curve-on-surface Extend function, now allows for easy, robust editing in ISDX. The example below demonstrates this enhancement...

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Direct Surface Edit

This is a powerful new way to make flexible changes directly to any surface in a Pro/ENGINEER model. It is applied and manipulated within a Style feature, but it can work on any surface in a model. 1. Select the Saved View "SURF-EDIT"

2. Click on the handle surface to select it. 3. Style > Surface Edit... (also available on the Style toolbar).

The Pro/ENGINEER window will automatically resize to accomodate the toolbar. It may be resized for the tutorial using the utility provided in the workshop.

At the bottom of your screen, you will see the dashboard display for Direct Surface Edit. Choose the surface transparency toggle button in the dashboard.

With this new Direct Surface Edit, you can make quick work of style changes. It's Simple. AND Powerful!

4. The initial mesh density is too coarse. This is easily adjusted. Set the number of Rows and Columns to 9 in the dashboard.

This will give us enough control. 5. Select the row shown below, holding down the mouse button, and pull it up.

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6. Then select this lower row and pull it down. Nodes may be moved, also.

The Direct Surface Edit dashboard presents many other powerful options for manipulating surface geometry. Notice the options for Move (Direction) and Filter (Changes with distance). The dashboard also presents display toggle buttons for original surface or mesh, transparency, and mesh control.

7. Select the check

to complete the Surface Edit. to complete the Style feature

8. In the Style toolbar on the right, check

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Surface Merge

Surface Merge / Join is much faster and easier now because you have multi-quilt selection!

1. Select View > Orientation > Refit 2. Change the Selection Filter from Smart to Quilts. 3. Trim the BODY with HANDLE: a. b. c. d. Select BODY (Quilt:F11) Edit > Trim Select HANDLE (Quilt:F21) MMB or Click Accept in the dashboard

Depending on the magnitude of change you made during the Curve Ghost exercise, the trim may fail.

4. Merge the BODY and HANDLE: a. Select BODY (Quilt:F11) b. CTRL+Select HANDLE (Quilt:F21) c. Edit > Merge (also on bottom right toolbar) d. DO NOT complete merge yet... 5. Continue adding surfaces to merge: a. CTRL+Select COLLAR (Quilt:F20)

If you pick more than two surfaces before selecting Merge Tool, it will automatically set Join option. You can also use Region (pick-box) select once inside the tool.

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6. Click MMB or on dashboard to complete the Merge feature. 7. Select the HANDLE feature in the Model Tree. 8. Take a look a the new & improved Reference Viewer: a. RMB > Info > Reference Viewer

9. Select Window > Close

You have completed the Surface Design Tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica

Enhancements covered in this Tutorial:
Nonlinear Materials* Contact with Friction Improved Results

Simulation Products Mission: Provide the spectrum of Pro/ENGINEER users, from designers through analysts, a fully integrated suite of world class applications for the evaluation and improvement of all aspects of product design performance.

Highlights of other enhancements in the area of Simulation: Contact with Infinite Friction* Dynamic Query on Cap/Cut Planes Exploded views in results Enhanced Geometry Selection in Results Model Connectivity Review AVI Movie Export Mechanisms Springs and Dampers as Features Mechanisms Parameter UI in MDX Hierarchical Loads Resultant Measures Thermal Resistance* New AutoGEM Controls (Max size and curvature based refinement)

* Denotes functionality in Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Advanced. The remaining functionality in this tutorial is available in Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica.
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica is now fully unified as a module of Pro/ENGINEER during install using PTC.Setup. This streamlines the process, and eliminates the risk of a version mismatch.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Nonlinear Materials

Hyperelastic materials, such as rubber, are nonlinear materials that exhibit instantaneous elastic response to large strains. Mechanica uses an industry leading material definition UI to bring this complex nonlinear solution capability to non-specialist users. Mechanica supports several different mathematical models of hyperelastic material. Material properties can be defined by experimental data or using popular material laws such as Arruda-Boyce, Mooney-Rivlin, Neo-Hookean, etc.

This section of this tutorial is included within Pro/Engineer Mechanica Advanced licenses.

The working directory for all the Simulation tutorials is called SIMULATION. Change your working directory to this. 1. Open HANGAR.ASM
This model is made up of two steel plates that sandwich some elastic material. We are going to review the material properties and review the results of this analysis.

2. Applications > Mechanica > Continue

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This model already has material properties, loading conditions and constraints. You will first review the material properties for the parts in this assembly.

3. Click the Materials

icon on the right to go into the material definition dialog box.

4. Select Urethane from the list on the right and right click and select Properties to enter the Hyperelastic Material Definition 5. Explore this dialog box and select dialog box. Explore the options as you wish within this dialog box.
Currently the material is being defined by a text file called Test1 and you can see the two columns of data on the left side. The UI is set to select the best fit automatically and has selected the Yeoh material law.

6. Cancel out of dialog box and OK to confirm. OK and OK for remainder boxes open. 7. Select analysis to enter the analysis dialog box. Edit Study to enter the Static Analysis

8. With HANGAR_LDA highlighted, select Definition dialog box.

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Note that the check box for Calculate large deformations is checked. This is necessary for the nonlinear material definitions to be in effect.

9. Click OK to exit box. 10. With HANGAR_LDA highlighted, select the Results icon.

11. Fill out the Result Window Definition dialog box with the following information. Select OK and Show. (use the 'Click to view larger picture button' below)

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You should see the following image:

Erasing the barrier separating design and analysis .......... Unparalleled CAD/CAE Integration

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12. File > Exit Results > NO and close out of dialog boxes and close this window in Pro/ENGINEER with WINDOW > CLOSE.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Contact with Friction

Users have the ability to add friction to individual contact regions. Once contact is enabled, users may also define "slippage measures." Measures will let users know if the normal force with the friction coefficient specified is enough to keep the parts from moving. Friction can be used to keep contact models from being under constrained in static analyses.

This section of this tutorial is included within Pro/Engineer Mechanica licenses.

This model is made up of two parts that are both made of aluminum. You are going to run this simulation with friction and without friction. Contact definition is part of Pro/Engineer Mechanica licenses.

2. Applications > Mechanica > Continue

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The material assignments, loads, constraints, measures and contact regions have already been defined for you.

3. Review the contact interface In the model tree, click Connections > Interfaces Interface1 Right click on Select Edit Definition Note that the coefficient of Friction is .15 Close the dialog box

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This dialog box is used to create all free, bonded and contact


OPTIONAL: In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0, you can set a default state of coincident surfaces or components in an assembly model. You can choose to merge them, leave them free, or create contacts between them. If you'd like to explore this, go to Edit > Mechanica Model Type and select the Default Interface selection. Leave it at Bonded for this exercise.

4. Use the Run a Design Study


Click File > New Static Name the study - CONTACT Complete the dialog box as follows

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5. Click the Start Run


Click YES to Do you want to run Interactive Diagnostics Click Display Study Status to check progress of study

The study runs very quick

Close the Diagnostics dialog box that has popped up With the CONTACT analysis highlighted, click the Results


6. Fill out the Result Window Definition dialog box as follows. Click OK and Show when finished. (use the 'Click to view larger picture button' below)

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7. Your Results look like this:

8. Notice the green area. No slippage occurred here because of the pressure load in that area.

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The Contact Slippage Indicator is an automatic measure that is created when friction is defined with contact.

Color Red Green Gray

Value of Slippage Indicator Measure S>0 S<0 S=0

Slippage Yes No -

9. File > Exit Results > NO and close out of dialog boxes 10. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Results

The intent of this tutorial is to highlight enhancements made to displaying results in Mechanica. Edit legend values from the result screen Dynamic query using a capping surface Selection of surfaces for results from geometry Show explode state during results Export an AVI file of an animation

This section of the tutorial is included within Pro/Engineer Mechanica licenses.

1. Open 4913003.asm.
This assembly is made up of two halves of a brake caliper. Both of these parts are made up of aluminum alloy.

2. Applications > Mechanica > Continue

All of the materials, constraints and loading conditions have been applied and the analysis has already been run.

3. Create a result window (Analysis > Results) Click on Results (Insert > Result Window) Click on Insert a New Definition Select Caliper and then click Open

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Define the Result Window Definition as follows (use the 'Click to view larger picture button' below)

4. Change the Legend values on screen Edit > Legend Value Click on the 3.052e+02 value and change it to 200 Enter Yes when asked about distributing it

5. Use Dynamic query on a capping surface Insert > Cutting/Capping Surf Fill out dialog box with following

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Apply and then select OK Info > Dynamic Query

Notice that the stress value changes with the mouse location. You can relocate the Query box by selecting it with your mouse and moving it.

Close the Query box Edit > Delete Capping Surf to return to the initial results window

Making sophisticated analyses accessible to design engineers

6. Change results to only show stress on selected surfaces (Edit > Result Window) Edit the Selected Definition Select the tab called Display Location Change All to Surfaces Select the

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Select some surfaces that you would like to isolate (the following image is a guideline, but you can select any surfaces that you wish to. Use CTRL key to select multiple surfaces.

Click OK or Middle Mouse button Select Now you are left with the surfaces you selected

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This was possible in previous versions, but now you are able to select surfaces directly from the Pro/Engineer model instead of the Mechanica mesh model.

7. Explode state during results (Edit > Result Window) Edit the Selected Definition Select the tab called Display Location Change Surfaces to All Select Select View > Explode Change it back to unexploded by repeating the last step

8. Create an AVI file

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Edit the Selected Definition (Edit > Result Window) Select the tab called Display Options Put a check mark in the Animate box and increase the frames to 12 Then select

Select File > Export > Movie icon. Click on the Open Change the type to AVI and enter a filename (caliper1) Then click Save Change the Output Settings to NTSC CDROM Finally, click on Export to create the movie. The movie will be created in the working directory of directory that you navigated to after clicking on the open icon.

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You can view your movie if you'd like to by navigating to the location you saved it.

File > Exit Results > NO and close out of dialog boxes Window > Close

You have completed the Simulation Tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Electromechanical

Products today incorporate more advanced electronics, in a more complex and smaller mechanical package than ever before. To design these products successfully requires tight integration and collaboration among ECAD and MCAD development teams. Significant enhancements were made to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 in the areas of routed systems, Pro/ECAD, and integration with InterComm.

Enhancements covered in this Tutorial:

Ribbon Cabling ECAD-MCAD Collaboration

Highlights of some other enhancements: o o o o o Cabling Design Improved sub-harness control Automated checking for network continuity Support for External Simplified Reps (ESR) Improved stability for locations with missing references Autorouting shields

o o

Pro/ECAD Improved hole performance Incremental updates

Ribbon Cabling
This new functionality accurately captures the mechanical and electrical aspects required for virtual design of ribbon cabling. Ribbon cables can be defined and routed with tools to split, fold and bend the cable. Logical schematic information is supported from Routed Systems Designer. This is a significant improvement over workarounds using sheetmetal or sweeps.

1. Set Working Directory... CABLING VCR.asm 2. File > Open 3. 4. 5. 6. , click All tab, activate Ribbon-Start View Manager Applications > Cabling from the main menubar Verify Datum Points are displayed - including their tags Select Harness > Ribbon to activate Work Harness - Spool with a 15 conductor ribbon cable was pre-defined

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7. Route > Ribbons > Create to define the new cable 8. Enter RIBBON-1 for the name 9. Select 15_Cond > Done Sel to use all conductors 10. Done Sel from CABLE SEL menu 11. View 12. Define a. b. c. , select RIBBON-START the Entry Port to start routing: or (CTRL+F) Click Search Tool Look in: start typing "VCR" and Pro/E will auto-complete Enter RIBBON for the Name Value to search

13. Click Find Now 14. Two matches will be found for the same connector in (2) locations.

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Note pre-highlighting, and select this one as the start:

Datum points have been named to indicate the type of route TO that location. You do not need to snap to them, just pick in their vicinity.

*use the Through option for routing to points labeled "free-#". There will be a single green-dot to denote each location, but each wire will have a centerline arranged in parallel to form ribbon.

15. Follow these steps to complete routing, using named Datum Points as guides:

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o o o o o o o 16. View Free > Through, click near free-1 Click near free-2 Fold, click near fold-1 Through, click near free-3 Click near free-4 Bend, click near bend-1, Enter 2.0 for radius Click near free-5 , select RIBBON-END

17. Select Entry Port option from the side menu to define termination a. b. c. Use the Search Tool Find and Select Done/Return as above in Step 12 (or display CSYS) the other RIBBON CSYS

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18. Switch to Thick Cable


Conductor 1 is automatically colored Red.

Congratulations, the Ribbon Cable is complete!

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction ECAD-MCAD Collaboration

ECAD Collaboration will be an optional module for Pro/ENGINEER, and requires InterComm Expert 5.2 and InterComm EDAcompare 2.2.

A typical design process involves many iterations between the mechanical and electrical designers. Each company may handle the specifics differently, but all face challenges of keeping both disciplines in sync and avoiding re-work. In this exercise, we will touch on a few basic steps within a typical scenario...
Phase 1 MCAD creates a board outline, including critical components and areas constrained by the physical design. An IDF export captures this baseline, and is shared with the ECAD design team.

Phase 2

The ECAD team continues work on the detailed electrical design. InterComm EDAconduit can be used to export a neutral version of the design instead of IDF. EDAcompare will help determine the incremental differences between iterations, and can generate an XML file for use with the Validation Manager. Changes are prepared to share with MCAD team via XML.

Phase 3

Incremental XML data file with changes is shared with MCAD team. This is where our hands-on exercise begins...

Incremental Import of XML from EDA comparison 1. Set Working Directory... ECAD. dback_3_081006-bl.asm. 2. File > Open 3. View > Default Orientation (viewing top side of PCB assy).

4. Applications > ECAD Collaboration A new toolset will appear in the dashboard area:

5. Start the Validation Emulator from the dashboard. 6. Click Browse, and load .\XML\baseline_to_3_5.xml.

7. Select a. b. c. 8. Select a. b.

the first two components in the Changes List: BRK1, BRK2. Click After to see proposed changes Click Highlight to identify objects with selection color Click Zoom to fly to the selected objects in order All Changes Select first entry... Scroll to the bottom, and SHIFT select last entry.

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c. d. 9. Select 10. Select a. Click Accept Click Exit from the VMEmu OK from the ECAD Collaboration dashboard to commit changes. OK from Changes Notification alert - 1083 changes imported! Optionally use File > Save a Copy... (*.eda) to establish next baseline.

An MCAD library of detailed parts that correspond to various electrical symbols and packages is typically established for a more accurate representation.

Phase 4

The MCAD team continues working in parallel, and makes sure there are no interferences between the populated PCB and surrounding enclosure. The MCAD user wouldn't have access to ECAD authoring tools, but can leverage InterComm Expert to help facilitate and communicate a change.

Collaboration Session and Cross-Highlighting

This is being simulated on the same system, but in reality could be a synchronous design session between dispersed team members.

1. Mechanical design change in Pro/ENGINEER; move a component. a. b. View > CHANGE Select MECH3990010N04 (M300)



RMB > Edit x : .22 to .30 y : .23 to .22 Regenerate (CTRL+G)

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2. Start InterComm Expert 5.2; arrange windows side-by-side. a. b. c. d. File > Open Design... browse to ECAD\EDA\8475198b01_3_5.eda Browse > Visibility > double-click PHY12 > Apply > Done Browse > Bottom View (U) Browse > Fill Shapes (F) (make sure icon is enabled)

e. Query > Cross-Highlight 3. Back in Pro/ENGINEER... a. b.

Applications > ECAD Collaboration From the dashboard options: Output Control > Dynamic mode

if Send on Select is not checked, you can also use RMB to send ondemand. c. d. Select the moved component from Step 1. Object will highlight in white in InterComm Changed position will appear in RED

Phase 5

The ECAD team investigates and evaluates the proposed changes. If implemented, generates a new XML file using EDAcompare.

4. Select Close button from ECAD Collaboration dashboard. 5. File > Erase Current > Select All 6. Exit InterComm Expert. > OK.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Import DataDoctor (IDD)

This new and improved module enables you to import and utilize data from other systems more effectively. The toolset has been expanded to provide more ways to find and heal problems that prevent a model from solidifying.

This tutorial will use the tools in the New Import DataDoctor to repair a STEP file that has gaps, holes, and extra surfaces. 1. Set Working Directory to IDD 2. Open 3. Select and set the Type to All Files (*) and double-click the idd_tutorial.stp file. from the Import New Model. Close the information window that appears. .

4. Ensure that the model is being shown in Wireframe

Notice that there are multiple edges that are yellow vs. purple. This denotes one-sided edges and they need to be repaired to make this part a solid.

5. RMB CLICK on the Import Feature from the Model Tree and select Edit Definition.

6. Select the Import DataDoctor ...

icon in the right-hand toolbar.

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There are 3 modes available: In Repair mode, you can remove gaps and sliver surfaces, add uv-curves, and fix tangency in the imported geometry. In Modify mode, you can modify individual curves and surfaces, replace one-sided edges with a uv-curve, and change surface math properties using tools and procedures such as merge, intersect, and so on.

Repair Mode

Modify Mode

Featurize mode is the default mode when you import a model into Pro/ENGINEER. In this mode, you can convert individual surfaces or group of Featurize Mode surfaces and quilts to analytical, spline, or procedural surfaces or quilts. You can also use surface conversion tools such as convert to plane, convert to cylinder, and so on to convert surfaces. IDD Display Toolbar The tools on the IDD Display Toolbar are the commonly used tools in IDD. Repair Mode Modify Mode Featurize Mode Display Tangency Display Frozen Display Vertices Display Wireframe

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7. Note the new Model Tree tab - it is the GTS Tree (Geometry and Topology Structure) and is similar to the standard Pro/ENGINEER Model Tree except it shows the Topology of the geometry you are attempting to repair. from the Model tree > Expand All or 8. Click all branches respectively. Removing Coincident Surfaces On the GTS Tree, you can see the imported model and the logical grouping of surfaces under Component 251. However, Surface 242, lies outside the group and is not required in the model as it is a coincident surface, that is, this surface lies on top of another surface. Surface 242 can, therefore, be removed. > Collapse All to expand or collapse

The ID numbers for your imported model may be different.

9. On the GTS Tree, RMB on Component 251 and click Hide. Component 251 and its surfaces are temporarily hidden in the graphics window. 10. Select Component 251 on the GTS Tree. The model appears in the graphics window as a red mesh. Surfaces that appear as a red mesh as shown in the following figure indicate that they are hidden.

11. Select Surface 242 on the GTS Tree. Notice that it is and extra surface that does not belong to Component 251.

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12. On the GTS Tree, right-click Surface 242 and click Delete on the shortcut menu. 13. On the GTS Tree, RMB on Component 251 and click UnHide. Selecting Gaps Using the Search Tool In the previous section, you learned some basic operations such as Hide, UnHide, and Delete that you can perform using the GTS Tree. You will now select the gaps present in the model using the Search Tool. You can define the gaps only in the Repair mode. Searching allows you to find and select gaps in your model without selecting them in the graphics window. You can specify rules for the search operation using attributes such as size value. 1. Click on the IDD Display Menu. on the Edit toolbar to open the Search Tool.

2. Click Find

3. Under Look for, select Gaps. 4. Click Find Now with Value set to the default of 0.099129. A list of found items and an area to transfer selected items are displayed. No items are found because the model does not contain gaps with the specified value. 5. Set Value to 1 and click Find Now. GAP0001 and GAP0002 appear in the list of found items. The gaps that appear in the list of found items have a value of 1. 6. Select these two items and click to the Search Tool. transfer them to the selected items area. Close

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Closing Gaps You will now close the gaps that you have found using the Search Tool. Before closing the gaps you must add the edges (gaps that you have found using the Search Tool) to wireframe. When you add edges to the wireframe, Pro/ENGINEER automatically creates a wireframe piece that forms two closed loops and closes the gap. on the IDD Repair Tools toolbar to add the edges to the wireframe. 1. Click Alternatively, click Edit > Add to Wireframe. 2. Click on the IDD Repair Tools toolbar. The repair dashboard appears. The new surfaces that will be created are highlighted in the graphics window. on the repair dashboard to close the gaps 3. Click

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Defining Gaps Manually

In this section you will define the gaps in the model by selecting them in the graphics window. (IDD > Define Gap) on the IDD Repair Tools toolbar. GAP0001 is 1. Click Define Gap displayed on the left hand side of the dialog box.

2. Click the Side 1 collector box in the Define Gaps dialog box and select Edge A (1-sided edge id 44) in the graphics window as shown in the following figure.

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3. Click the Side 2 collector box in the Define Gaps dialog box and select Edge B (1-sided edge id 89) in the graphics window as shown in the following figure.

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4. Click from the dialog box. Adding Selected Edges to the Wireframe and Closing the Gaps Now that you have defined the gaps to be closed, you must add the edges to the wireframe to enable Pro/ENGINEER to close the gaps. 5. Click Add to WireFrame wireframe. on the IDD Repair Tools toolbar to add the edges to the

on the IDD Repair Tools toolbar. The repair dashboard appears. The 6. Click Repair new surfaces that will be created are highlighted in the graphics window. 7. Click now. on the repair dashboard to close the gaps. This is what the model should look like

Adding a Boundary Blend Surface After closing the small gaps you will close the missing surface as shown in the following figure, using the boundary blend tool. With the boundary blend tool, you can create a boundary blended feature between reference entities that defines the surface in one or two directions. The first and last entities selected in each direction define the surface boundary. 1. Click Featurize on the IDD Display toolbar to change the IDD mode.

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You can add boundary blend surfaces only in the Featurize mode.

2. Click Boundary Blend on the IDD Featurize Tools toolbar (IDD > Boundary Blend Surface). The boundary blend dashboard appears and the first direction chain collector is active. 3. Select curves A and B for the first direction of the surface, as shown in the following figure. Once you select curve A, hold down CTRL and select curve B.

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4. Click second direction chain collector on the boundary blend dashboard and select curves C and D in the graphics window as shown in the previous figure. 5. Click on the boundary blend dashboard to create the boundary blend surface.

Combining the Boundary Blend Surface Now that you have created a boundary blend surface, you must combine the newly created boundary blend surface with other surfaces in the imported model. When you combine the boundary blend surface with other surfaces, Pro/ENGINEER creates a combine node. 1. In the Model Tree, select the nodes as shown. 2. Click RMB > Combine.

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This is what the model should look like now.

Advanced Repair Mode At this point you will finish repairing the model by moving a vertex using the Modify Mode.

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1. Click Modify Mode 2. Click Move Vertex

on the IDD Display toolbar to change the IDD mode. on the Modify Mode Toolbar.

3. Select the vertex with the LMB and hold to drag the vertex to the correct corner. Zoom in as close as possible to get a good fit.

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4. Notice that it automatically zips the gaps. If there are still open edges (i.e., magenta) then zoom in and repeat the above steps. 5. Click on the IDD Featurize Tools toolbar.

The model is fully repaired at this point. The next steps will convert the quilt to a solid feature.. Creating a Solid Feature 1. Click Edit > Feature Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.

2. Click Make Solid to convert the closed volume into a solid. 3. Click solid feature. 4. Click in the Properties dialog box. Pro/ENGINEER makes the imported model as a

to exit the Edit Definition Mode.

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You have completed the Import DataDoctor Tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Manufacturing

Enhancements covered in this Tutorial:
Manufacturing Ease-of-Use Machine Kinematic Simulation

Other key enhancements to Manufacturing Solutions: o o o o Manufacturing & Tooling UI Modernization New UI for turn profile (dashboard) Improved workflow (removal of some of the "side" menus) Modern NC parameter UI Improvements to Process Manager Support for Roughing, Re-Roughing, Finishing and Corner Machining 3 Axis Trajectory with Customize Improved Surface Finish Holder Degouging New Corner Machining Direct Nurbs Output Color Mold Splitting Pro/CMM Leverages Pro/NC user Model Support of non-measured entities Support for scanning

o o o

May 16, 2007 - PTC Aquires NC Graphics! Read more here: NC Graphics delivers best-of-breed software for optimizing tool making and high-speed precision machining processes to more than 1,500 customers in multiple discrete manufacturing vertical markets such as aerospace, automotive, medical equipment and motorsports. With this acquisition, PTC strengthens the link between product design and manufacturing, offering our customers faster production of molds and dies.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Manufacturing Ease-of-Use

This Tutorial will go through the basic Manufacturing workflow: Manufacturing start part Reference model definition Workpiece definition Operation definition Toolpath definition

1. Set Working Directory to MFG_UI 2. Select New Object from the main toolbar.

3. Select Manufacturing from the Type list. Ensure that Use Default Template is Unchecked and click OK.

4. Select dmu125 from the Template List and click OK.

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The Manufacturing Template is useful as it will have the Machine, Fixture and Operation predefined. In this case it is a 3-axis mill that we will use to machine a core from a mold. This ability is also available in Wildfire 3.0.

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Assembly of Reference Model and Workpiece At this stage we need to define what part we want milled and assemble it in as well as define the workpiece. 1. Click on the flyout for the Assemble a Reference Model icon. Click on the Create icon.

a reference model with features inherited from selected model

2. Select the core.prt and select Open.

Component Interfaces are used to make the assembly process easier for this step.

3. Click on the Datum Plane icon from the Main toolbar. We will use planes as assembly references for the next step.

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4. Select NC_ASM_RIGHT plane first, CHUCK_FACE plane and BOTTOM_PART plane last in that exact order as shown below. 5. Select Apply from the dashboard.

6. Click on OK from the Create reference Model Window. 7. Select OK from the Warning Message Window. This is to confirm the change of accuracy to match the Assembly Accuracy. 8. Click on the Datum Plane icon from the Main toolbar to blank the Datum Planes.

Creating Workpiece 9. Select the Create Auto-Workpiece icon from the toolbar on the right hand side. This uses the default CSYS from the Fixture. 10. Select the ZERO from the Model Tree. This aligns the Workpiece to the CSYS.

11. Adjust the workpiece by dragging the handles in white directly from the model. Drag the middle (Z+ direction) about 5 mm upwards.

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Alternatively, select Options from the Dashboard and enter 5 in the +Z box.

12. Select Apply

from the dashboard.

Toolpath Creation

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At this point we will create the toolpath from pre-defined templates using the Process Manager. First, we need to define a Mill Window to define what to machine. 1. Click on the Mill Window Tool icon from the right-hand toolbar.

2. Select the "Retract" plane from the Model Tree. This creates a mill window on the retract plane by taking the outline of the workpiece. 3. Select Properties from the dashboard and rename the Mill Window to MYWIND. 4. Select Apply from the dashboard.

This is the default setting but other techniques exist to create Mill Windows such as Sketching or selecting edges.

Now we have all the settings necessary to define a toolpath. 1. Select the Process Manager icon from the main toolbar.

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2. Select the OP010 by selecting the icon to the left of the operation as shown above. 3. Select the Insert New Steps From Template icon.

4. Select the basic_roughing.xml template > Open. Notice that there are 2 sequences, roughing and re-roughing.
The template is looking for specific references such as the RETRACT Plane and the MYWIND Mill Window. This is the reason behind renaming the Mill Window to the proper name. If not you will be prompted to select a Mill Window manually.

5 Click on the Apply from the bottom toolbar of the Manufacturing Process Table. The toolpath is completed.

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6. Select the Operation by clicking the icon to the left of OP010 as shown below.

7. Click on the Show Toolpath

icon to play the path.

8. Click on Play

from the Play Path Window. Select Close when done.

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9. Select Window > Close.

You have completed this tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Machine Kinematic Simulation

Machine kinematics for Pro/NC is a new capability that enables the simulation of the NCL tool path with an actual machine. Some features include: Dynamic Collision detection with the solid tool, holder, and fixture Stop at collision Available for both Milling and Turning

In this exercise you will setup a 5-axis laser cutter NC machine and simulate a tool path. 1. Set Working Directory to MFG_MKS 2. Open LASER_TEST.MFG

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3. RMB on Trajectory Milling from the Model Tree and choose PlayPath. 4. Play Forward and adjust the speed as necessary.

Creating the Machine Now we will build the 5-Axis LaserDyne Machine that will simulate the Cutter Location (NCL) toolpath from the previous page.

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1. Open the LASERDYNE_5AX.ASM assembly.

In this case, the X,Y,Z and C Axes are already defined as parts with mechanism constraints. We need to define the D Axis that will hold the tool. 2. Move the machine as a regular mechanism by using the Drag Packaged Components tool .

3. Pick anywhere on the yellow (yaxis.prt) part, then drag around with mouse. Close the Drag dialog box when done.

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4. Select Add Component

and assemble daxis.prt. .

5. Change the constraint type from User Defined to Pin

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6. Select the cylindrical surface from both the caxis part and daxis part as shown.

7. Select the 2 planer surfaces for a Mate. Ensure the Mate is Coincident by selecting the icon from the Position drop down list in the dashboard. Click Position Coincident on the dashboard to finish the operation.

The machine is complete! Feel free to move it using the Drag Packaged Components tool 8. Save from the main toolbar. Close the Drag Dialog box. the assembly and OK.

Simulation Setup At this point we are ready to setup the tool path simulation. 1. Close the LASERDYNE_5AX.asm Window by WINDOW > Close.

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2. Return to LASER_TEST.MFG by Window > LASER_TEST.MFG from the main menubar. 3. RMB on MACH01 from the Model Tree and select Edit Definition.

4. Select the Machine Assembly tab. 5. For the Machine Assembly select Open assembly and OK. 6. For the Coordinate System select Model Tree and OK. and select the laserdyne_5ax.asm

and pick the ACSO Coordinate System for the

7. RMB on Trajectory Milling and Select Machine Play. from the Animate Dialog. Adjust Speed as required. If window is not visible, 8. Select Play select the LASERDYNE_5AX.ASM window from the main menubar.

You have completed the Manufacturing Solutions Tutorial.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Advanced Rendering

Enhancements in this tutorial include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Floor Placement Region Rendering Lighting Controls Dynamic Textures Environment Lighting

Please complete these tutorials in the sequence shown.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Floor Placement

1. Set Working Directory to the ARX folder. 2. File > Open render-test.asm. and choose RENDER.

3. Select Saved View List

4. Enable the Render toolbar. Right-Click on any toolbar icon, and select "Render"

The toolbar will dock at the top.

5. Toggle Realtime Rendering 6. Display the Room Editor .

There are new icons displayed next to the Ceiling and Floor size.

7. Select Floor Alignment assembly! That was EASY.

and you will see the floor snap to the bottom of the

8. Click the Close button to exit the Room Editor.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Region Rendering

This is a quick and EASY way to get a preview of your rendering. 1. Select Render Region from the Render toolbar.

2. Click two points, to define a window "region" to render.

A region render makes previewing a snap!

3. Wait a couple of seconds for it to render. You're done!

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You can also render the whole window, and then re-render a small region to easily compare your changes. This is a GREAT way to quickly perfect your material appearances and lighting!

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Lighting Controls

New enhancements include the new "Sky" type of light, properties for color temperature, light intensity settings with units, and Environment lighting.

1. Select Lights

from the Render toolbar.

In the Lights Editor, there is a new type of light called "Sky." This generates a dome of lights equally spaced around the object to simulate an even distribution of light and shadows.

5. Select Add new skylight

6. At the bottom, in the light Properties, browse the choices for Color Temperature.

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7. Close the Light Editor. Example: Color temperature set to "Daylight"

Example: Color temperature "Low Pressure Sodium"

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8. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Dynamic Textures

1. File > Open dynamic_watch-bezel.prt. "RIGHT" from the Render toolbar.

2. Select the Saved View

3. Select Color and Appearance

4. Load the appearance file. In the Appearance Editor, select File > Open.

5. Select watch-appearance.dmt. 6. Select the "watch-brush" material in the Appearance Editor.

7. Apply the appearance to the model. 8. In the Appearance Editor, select the Map tab, Bump image.

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9. Set the Mapping Type to Spherical.

10. Select the Saved View


11. Drag the handles around dynamically on the model. EASY!

These handles can scale and stretch or rotate the image dynamically. Example: Dynamic decal applied using the "watch-face" appearance -

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Here is an example render of the watch bezel...

12. Window > Close

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Preproduction Environment Lighting

1. File > Open hdri_render-test.asm. "RENDER". from the Render toolbar.

2. Select Saved View

3. Open the Scene Palette

4. Choose the scene called "environment-studio" (Double-click to apply it).

Scenes were introduced in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 as a way of quickly reusing saved room size, shape, appearance, effects and lighting. All in one!

5. Select Light Editor

from the Render toolbar. icon. (CTRL+T).

6. Toggle on the Environment light by clicking it's

This new type of light uses HDRI or EXR images. HDRI is "High Dynamic Range Image." EXR is also supported, which is another high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.

7. Select the image at the bottom for Environment Lighting and choose Studio-1.hdr.

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HDRI images contain information to calculate lighting, reflections and backgrounds. All in one file! AND, the result can be more like a real photo.

8. Here is an example rendering...

9. Click Close button to exit the Light Editor. 10. Turn off the Render Toolbar. (RMB on any toolbar area > uncheck Render) 11. Window > Close

You have completed the Advanced Rendering Tutorial.

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