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ALTA IR - 607 - Brief on Immediacy Values and October Surprise - October 3, 2006

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 10.03.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 5.11 million reads. Immediacy value processing only. Immediacy Data - October Surprise, A cautious radical linguistics experiment, Eat your turkey now To be posted on October 3, 2006 Our immediacy data set {ed note: emotive sums of aspect/attribute sets whose temporal range is from 1/one day out to 3/weeks, more-or-less}, processed from the data acquisitions begun on September 28 offer us a small glimpse into the language surrounding a deterministic aspect which we have labeled 'the October Surprise'. Please note that the whole of the concept of an 'october surprise' which is expressive of the bespoke 'fear' of a political decision to 'cause harm/death/destruction' with the intent of propping up political support for the failed Bush/GOP regime is very "hot" emotionally. This is due to many thousands of persons discussing the subject on various parts of the internet. The conscious discussion of the concept 'october surprise' provides a lexical base which our processing filters out. However, there is a limit to how much of the 'conscious language' contribution we are able to effectively remove. So a caution is indicated in the following interpretation. This is to say that some level of conscious paranoia *is* creeping into our work, therefore it cannot be read in our usual fashion as we *know* that some level of emotional data pollution exists. HOWEVER, this does not mean that the rest of the language is invalid relating to the aspect of 'october surprise'.

As the modelspace is empty, and awaiting the loading of the complete immediacy values set, Igor and I thought to use the opportunity to model the aspect/attribute set for an 'october surprise' as we would a complete entity. This has proven to be a most entertaining, and hopefully enlightening linguistic experiment. The loading of the aspect/attribute set into modelspace was surprising from the very first few million data points. The aspect/attribute set exploded into being in a manner that produced a visual impression of some strength. As the data loaded we became aware of many aspect/attribute sets clustering around a distinct set of references to 'contaminated air'. Now please note that the 'contaminated air' as a lexical set has a primary supporting sub set of 'reproaches/castigations/accusations' and so could easily be referring to an 'october surprise' in which the surprise is the huge level of 'secrets revealed' which lead to day after day teevee coverage of 'accusation' and 'counter response' between the 2/two central parties in a 2/two party system which is 'close' to 'collapse/catastrophic failure'. So, just to be clear, that while we have both strongly supported, and complete data sets going to the idea of 'contaminated air', the 'contamination' described here could easily be merely the 'hot air' and 'bad words' coming from the human garbage known as 'politicians'. We also note that the consciously high level of speculation makes the whole of this interpretation a bit suspect as these hot emotional sums will be polluting our data set to some degree, and that we are not able to estimate that level of pollution of our data as we are *only* examining the immediacy values as they are the only ones available at this time. That said, we do have a fair track record with our immediacy values interpretations in the past. So, to continue, our data set is headed by 'october surprise' as a descriptor set deterministically constructed which as as its primary supporting aspect/attribute set 'contaminated air', which in turn has its primary supporting aspect/attribute set as 'reproach/reproachful words'. So the instant interpretation is that any 'october surprise' will be composed more of 'words' than 'deeds/actions'. However, we continue into the lexical set to discover that within secondary and lower levels of the supporting sets for 'october surprise' both touch on many of our usual entities spaces {ed note: Bushista, Populace/USofA, Markets, and a few minor ones}, as well as participating within the meta data layers of 'conflict' and 'secrets revealed'. We also note minor levels of participation within 'duality' meta data layer, and 'restrictions/constraints' meta data layers. The impacts seen here on the Markets entity and the Bushista entity of this aspect/attribute set of 'october surprise' are severe, however as our modelspace is only partially loaded at this point, the actual extent, direction, and nature of these impacts are not visible to us. Much of the supporting language for the 'october surprise' hangs under the aspect/attribute set headed by our old friend 'conflict' which is held internally to the 'october surprise' descriptor set, but is of course also participating within the meta data layer of the same name. The 'conflict' within the 'october surprise' lexical set is diverse, and has pointers to dozens of areas within many entities. So as an example we note that descriptors within the 'conflict' aspect here point to 'iraq', and 'climate' as well as 'politics', and in that sense is very broadly defined. Apparently the 'october surprise' will bring up all of the emotions associated with all of the various 'conflicts' between humans and universe, as well as among humans. Our data set is very distinctly clear about the link between the concept of 'october surprise' and the 'Fall elections'. This is not necessarily meaningful other than as a descriptor which is being reinforced by the data set in that *all* of the conscious discussion about the idea of an 'october surprise' *does* focus on its election impacting goal. So while this is to be expected, we do note that a definitive link between politics and the 'surprise' attribute does exist within the immediacy values. This is very suggestive of a 'surprise' originating at this time, but given our data at this point the language would suggest that it will be the Bushista/GOP regime and politicians in general who will be the 'receivers' of the surprise. The data set of the 'october surprise' aspect/attributes itself rises from a mass of linguistic descriptor "hits" coming in which form a large, entity-like cluster around the key emotional/meta data layers as mentioned above. The shape of the cluster of data, as it is moved forward with the progression of the modelspace, alters from a more-or-less cohesive whole to a 'fracturing' very early in the process. It is this movement, beginning on October 6th, at about 5:17 AM that prompts this email. There is some suggestion within the data that 'internal circumstance' changes at that time which 'induces fear' and 'radiates/broadcasts/flings

inner tension/conflict' out into the mediastream of the planet. Further the aspect/attribute sets indicate that 'rain showers' which begin at the 5:17AM time {ed note: rain showers may be allegoric, not actual rain} will precipitate (pun intended) 'actions of energy' which are 'unable to be contained'. In turn, these 'actions of energy' will bring 'release of emotional tension' through 'actualization/materialization/manifestation', but that 'the whole' of the effect will still not 'clear/remove' the 'reproaches' from the 'air'. The data set further contains warning-like language which goes to the effect that 'someone/other' who is 'above/beyond' the 'parties' will be 'consulted' in the matter of the 'contaminated air'. However the data set is also showing in the supporting layers that the 'consultation' will 'be showing/demonstrating extent of unwisdom/stupidity/un-awareness' which is seemingly to rise from a 'great leap outward/forward'. This latter is supported by aspect/attribute sets suggesting that a 'risky venture' in the form of 'words of great power/revelation' will take place. Seemingly the data is indicating that some person within the 'power clique' is going to 'take a risk of revelation'. There is also language within the set suggesting that the 'risk of revelation' is *entirely* a 'cogitative structure/mental image' within their mind(s) and that it does not even come close to 'matching/harmonizing' with the 'reality of the people' and thus is will not only over like a lead balloon, but is also shown to produce a distinct 'failure' and to 'open the abyss' of 'real perception' to the 'speaker of unwise words'. Hmmmm. Now, let me see ...politicians freaked out to the point of taking the risk of actually saying 'truth'. Well no wonder it goes horribly wrong. One must be able to recognize truth before being able to speak it. So we continue drilling down into our 'october surprise' lexical set to discover that smaller, but numerous, supporting sets are going to the imagery of 'tension raised to higher level', and 'conflict ensues {after/following} heated raise in tension'. And that further the 'great leap forward' actually will lead to an 'uncrossable abyss'. As a side note the data set appears to suggest that the global mediastream (aka: teevee "news" ) will take a full 7/seven days to chew on the words which form the basis of the 'great leap forward' to be soon proffered to the Populace/USofA. Much of the data set of immediacy values which are part of the 'october surprise' aspect/attribute set actually "belong" to the descriptor set of the Populace/USofA entity. Within this section of the data set, taken in isolation, the primary rising aspect is a very heavily supported 'regrets' aspect/attribute set. Taking the supporting sets and their imagery down to the tertiary layer of the descriptors we arrive at an image that reads as 'populace/USofA hears ill-conceived, hastily spoken words {and} response with ill-reception/bad acceptance'. The 'hearing of bad tasting words' causes the 'populace/USofA' to 'shrug'. This 'shrugging' is shown as 'directly beating/hammering' the whole Bush 'torture' issue somehow, as well as producing a reaction at some significant section of the social order which is interpreted as 'precursor to violence/riots'. All bound up with the 'rejection' of the 'bad tasting words' is a sub set which belongs to the Bushista entity and goes to the idea of 'thrown back into face' under the 'words, hastily spoken'. This in turn is supported by extensive language going to the idea that the 'accomplishments {of the} past are all {that/which} remain'. The imagery of the data set is describing a 'dejected/pressed_upon' mental state in which 'mythic/illusionary remembrances' are all that 'can be claimed' to support the 'presidential position'. Igor wishes to note with beaming satisfaction the chart from the previous ALTA series 307 in which we "nailed the mothers"' {ed note: forgive the kid, he is young and uses language unwisely occasionally} on the timing for the 'condi dis', as well as the eruption of recent 'secrets revealed' with appropriate language. We are re-using the chart from 307 below as an illustration/reinforcement of what is coming.

Chart 1: We would like to specifically focus your attention to the yellow box within the larger purple box. The purple box with its linguistic sample set are already manifesting, but the yellow box leading edge, while difficult to distinguish within the scale at the bottom of the chart, actually begins on October 6th. This leading yellow edge, picked up in various immediate and short term data sets from ALTA 307, is a very likely bounding for the current 'october surprise' data set. We would expect to see the 'october surprise' begin it manifestation on October 6, however note that it will be October 10th before we start getting 'close to the abyss' which will be 'revealed in hasty words'. Nonetheless, we still have data developing which supports the development of the language in the chart above. Noting that this was created some weeks ago, we are equally as wide-eyed at how well the annotations fit the actual developing language 'here in the now' as it manifests. Tres cool. Returning to the chart, it is necessary to point out a significant element in that the first of the visible 'release periods' occurs in the days immediately before, and immediately following the elections within the USofA. This is highlighted with a red box in a duplicate version of the chart presented below.

Chart 2: Please note the surrounding context of the 'release period' and also be aware that it immediately is followed by a resumption of the rapid and steep rise upward in emotional tension. Could the modelspace be signaling that there will be 'no resolution' to the elections? As in the idea that there will exist a national 'florida syndrome' of 'claims' and 'counter claims' of vote fraud which cannot be reconciled due to the lame-ass nature of the electronic vote stealing machinery used in the election? And could this 'fraud' obstruction to the social order break 'revolution/rebellion' out into the open? Will the 'october surprise' starting early morning on October 6 lead to a 'revelation of deceit'?

Oh, and by the way, while we are all watching the self-proclaimed 'right hand of god', aka Bushista/GOP regime machinations, 'violence' will overwhelm at least 5/five of the 'battle fronts' currently occupying the attention of the 'crusaders'. Oh, and also a 'huge fall' into the 'mud' will take place which will result in 'christian clerics' place in the social order be questioned, and that the emotional sums are suggestive of a new place right next to their philosophical cousins, the pedophilic politicians. Not a very good time for the 'brahmins/priests' of the world. It appears that soon many of the populace will waken to the truth in the old saying that "any man, standing before you and asserting that the path to god lies through them, is surely lying to either you or themselves". The hidden part of the truth in that saying is that it is up to you to decide who shall be lied to in the exchange. And as all politicians, priests, and stage magicians say, "here, watch this hand here, not that one over there". For us, we will be watching both hands with some seriousness starting October 6th, 5:17AM Pacific coast time. Oh, and remember, with 'indigestible holidays' coming, Igor says, 'eat your turkey now'. Me, I will stick with vege's, but the point is well taken, and I think a pumpkin pie is in order. Part 1 is still on track to be posted by close of business on Saturday, October 7th. Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 607 - Part 1 - October 7, 2006

Part 1:Meta Data - Shape of Entities Impact, New chart style* Terra - 1/One degree of Separation Separates, Angular Arrangement Augments Antagonism, Antarctica Announces Aleph* Bushista - Surprise, Surprise, Surprise* Conclusion: Part 1 - Processes processing processes, Crazed Jutnobs* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes

as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 10.07.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 13.441 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series.

Meta Data - Shape of Entities Impact, New chart style Within the modelspace the view is actually *not* similar to the traditional left-2-right charts which we have presented in ALTA reports. In fact, mapping linguistic structures to the traditional chart form takes a large effort as we must first process for both emotional sums in all fields of the array {ed note: linguistic descriptor connotation emotional array is 3/three dimensional and runs 8/eight by 8/eight by 10/ten for a total of 640/six-hundred-forty potential cells}, and then must re-match these sums to the guesstimates of the temporal shift rate for the emotional sums involved {ed note: immediacy = 3/three days to 3/weeks; short term = 3/three weeks to 3/three months; longer term = 3/three months ->}. A difficult task under the best of circumstances. And the result, especially for people caught up in their monkey minds who focus on the 'sparklies' inherent in the numeracy/date progression, is misleading. Perhaps misleading in the extreme for those who take the charts as reflections of 'events' rather than emotional-waves which will precipitate events/circumstances. This kind of chart is typified by the most recent offering duplicated below:

Chart 1 In this form of chart we have a strictly linear representation which will only go to reinforce the "monkey mind" trap of all of the numbers. And why not? It all looks so sure and solid, therefore also 'certain'? That is the trap. Our work translates poorly into straight-line {ed note: meaning temporal rate on Y axis} progressions. Such translations necessarily "flatten" the data stream, thus removing many layers of meaning, as well as force complex structures with complex movements into a strict planar step-by-step illusion.

In reality, Igor and I deal with much more nutty representation of the complex system which is the global language patterns that we sample. Let us consider a closer approximation of our data streams in the chart below.

Chart 2 The first point to notice is the multiplicity of the axes involved. Also observe that the left-2-right temporal scale as a Y`` axis is seasonal, and not delineated. This is due to the movement patterns within the entities displayed. In the case of the chart above, this is an extract of *only* the larger of the meta data layer patterns and their impact on a single entity, Bushista. Note that the 'entity space' is represented by the boundaries of the red circles seemingly placed on the equatorial axis of the chart. These red circles are a very crude approximation of the 'space' within modelspace which is 'owned' by the Bushista entity. Further these red circles should be viewed as representing a 3/three dimensional shape reminiscent of a toroid. In the case of this chart we cannot render a smooth surface translation without losing the ability to view the activities of the lexical sets as they 'travel' through and over/around the entity. In detail, please note that the toroid of the Bushista entity is not symmetrical. It should be, more or less. This aberrant shape detailed in the chart represents the Bushista entity as described by the most recent immediacy data processing, and is showing the impacts of the meta data layers indicated. Also note that the toroid of the entities rotates its way through modelspace. This rotation is fed by each new level of data being processed. When we speak of the modelspace being progressed, it is the movement of the entities in both rotation and 'distance' which is being referenced. Within the movements of modelspace the visual impression is quite a bit different from the static image provided by this chart. A key element of difference is that the modelspace entity has the meta data layers in varying thickness which provide a much more impressive view of their 'weight' and the impact of the 'weight/mass' on the entity. As an instance, please note how the Bushista toroid above is 'compressed' as

would be a fresh donut grasped too tightly. This apparent compression is the smaller/thinner edge presented in the apparent foreground of the entity. This compression is due to the combining weights of the various meta data layers as they gain mass as the entity is moved forward along with modelspace. This compression is a wave affecting the entity as the continually rotating edge of the entity slides into/under/over the wave, it is compressed. Within this compression component, the actual numbers show a rise in the emotional sums relating to 'negative impact' and 'continuing/duration' cells within the emotional sums array {ed note: among other cells}. These 2/two cells are of particular importance in that the provide a base from which many of the entities emotional sums are computed. Thus in interpreting this chart, we arrive at the conclusion that the meta data layers are going to 'gang up' on the Bushista entity, and that these layers are already having an impact within their various 'spheres of influence', and collectively in a 'greater than the sums of the parts' fashion. Noting that this is the Fall equinox running to the Winter solstice on the chart (even if not state there), and that the small line off the vertical axis which is labeled 'c/i' is pointing at a particular geometry relative to the equinox to solstice axis, we can determine {ed note: within Intellicad CAD program relative position maths} the angles involved and thus plot an approximation of its time/temporal 'leading edge' and 'trailing edge'. Bearing in mind that there is an 'invisible wave' carried along within the chart above. This invisible wave is presented in the form of 3/three dots identifying the 3/three key components of the emotional wave impact of the meta data layers as 'trailing edge'= most right; 'point of most impact' = middle; 'leading edge' = most left within the chart below.

Chart 3 By running a LISP program we can produce the actual geometric angles involved for any 'lp'= 'linguistic point' within modelspace. Then, taking that angle, the speed of rotation of any/all entities with which it is associated, we can guess as to the timing of any impact which may be forecast to arise from that point.

Editor's note: Lisp is a close cousin to the primary programming language employed in our work. We rely on LPA Win-Prolog as our main programming engine. They are also offering new "agent creation" software for those readers who may wish to develop their own ALTA technology. Igor is quite enamored of "agents" and just loves releasing them out-and-about. Taking the 3/three marking circles above, we can determine, as an example, that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer will be most impacting soonest, and that the timing would seem to be about 4/four days following the equinox, or September 26th, more or less. Again, we can then take the angles and apply the same formulas to determine that 'conflict' will be very seriously impacting the entity from late December onward. And as the modelspace is expanded by the inclusion of new data sets as this ALTA series continues, the entity will move along within that expanded space, and we can again run the numbers to produce more detail about just when 'conflict' will not only impact, but will be dominant and therefore most likely to produce a 'visible in manifest reality' event. We then can drill down into the data set found at that point within the modelspace for hints as to the nature of the event which we find as aspect/attribute sets that are clustering at that point within modelspace. Wheeeew! Clear as mud on a dark night? Ok, so we push on. Note that the 'conflict', 'secrets revealed', 'duality' and other meta data layers are 'spread out' on the leading edge/left side of chart, and seemingly closer on the right side of the distorted torus of the Bushista entity. This is indicative of the extra 'mass/weight/impact' that these layers acquire as the modelspace is progressed forward into the values sets. While not shown as such, it is more accurate to envision the 'mass' of the individual lines as growing in size as they cross, left to right. Further, the torus of the Bushista entity is not really smooth circles, but rather is a complex, lumpy shape composed of hundreds of thousands of individual dots, each representing a lexical point at which many descriptor sets may be 'hanging' and each descriptor set may include thousands of aspect/attributes. Again, make sense? So the interpretation of modelspace is *not* like reading Chart 1 above, but is rather a multiplicity of processes which must be done repetitively at various stages, and all of which ultimately lead to lists of words, and their supporting phrases. Thus all is revealed, and it is shown how anyone may create their own predictive modelspace at home. As a further point of clarification, the charts of the Bushista entity above do a very poor job of depicting the 3/three dimensional nature of the space. The effect should be clearly visible that the 'compressed' side of the Bushista entity is actually 'down' below the ecliptic at an extreme angle while the 'upward' or 'far' side of the entity is actually only above the positive/negative/unity/neutrality line due to extreme 'bending' or 'wrapping' of the entity. This is a sure sign of a very significant, and continuing propaganda/lies campaign to attempt to distort in a positive direction, the public impression of the Bush regime. At a macro level the entity is showing as 'slipping' over into 'negative territory' much like a Salvador Dali watch slides over the edge of the table.

Terra - 1/One degree of Separation Separates, Angular Arrangement Augments Antagonism, Antarctica Announces Aleph The state of the planetary life-supporting environment is bad, and getting worse. The rate of deterioration is so rapid as to cross into the kinds of time that humans can notice, and comment upon. We take a brief revisit to some of the themes/memes expressed in previous ALTA reports and current manifestations before continuing with the new immediacy values interpretation. One degree and we are done for or so think many climate scientists. The issue is the 'floating' of the various planetary land based glaciers such as those in Antarctica off the land and into the oceans where they will raise global ocean levels. The arithmetic varies a bit, but we can expect that a 1/one degree Celsius raise in temperature will equal something *over* a 100/one hundred foot raise in ocean levels. If it is *any* of the Antarctic glaciers which goes, then the total rise in water levels may occur in as little as 5/five days as the ice mass shifts into the ocean. As a sub text within these articles, we note with grim satisfaction that previous ALTA reports indicating 'waters recede from use' is actually manifesting as a series of memes

within the global mediastream. Recently announcements by scientists globally have pointed to large cracks in north polar ice sheets, as well as the racing retreat of glaciers globally. This is augmented now by current reports globally of 'falling wells', by which water level reductions in global aquifers is meant. Waters are indeed receding from use. Scientists are now in agreement that, indeed, on or about August 10th, indications for a completely new solar cycle were clear beyond doubt. Now the prognostications for a Violent Solar Disruptions 2011/2012 must be taken in relation to the geometry {ed note: geometry means 'earth measuring', and what we are really discussing is angular alignment when applied extra-terra} which will exist between our solar system, its ecliptic plane, and the galactic central point. There is now no doubt in the minds of old-fart nutjobs that the angular relationships is *the* causal factor, and that no other element is required. The actual "mechanism", at the solar system level, which will be the cause of so much terra based distressed is perhaps best described as the compounding of forces of process affecting interdependent complex systems. We note with irony that the Milky Way galaxy is *far* less dependent on our solar system than we are on it, but the point is well taken. What will occur at the Winter solstice in 2012, as predicted by several ancient knowledge bases, is a particular angular relationship between the complex system we call home, that is, the solar system, and what is known as the "manifesting Q-prime point", or the "point of emanation". This will be recognized by readers of Paul LaViolette as the point from which our galaxy was begun and is continually renewing. This is also the point from which our center-2-center sub quantum kinetic energy source is based. The effects upon our local-complex-environmental-system, also known as "the solar system" are both to be expected, and widely unpredictable. Also these effects are likely to be widely unknowable in the sense that the range of energetic transformations directly attributable to the angular alignment cannot be extracted from the totality of all effects including cascading circumstance. In other words, we here are affected *as observers* and so will never be able to be totally known. As an instance, what is making the whole world population so belligerent at this time? A natural process unknown to us, and un-feel-able as well? Do not discount the idea. More will follow. The first of forecast 'global coastal' events may have happened. We note that storms in Alaska are credited with inducing fracturing in Antarctic glaciers. The aspect/attribute sets which led us to an interpretation for 'global coastal event/impact' in previous ALTA report series are still building in the immediacy values. This suggests that the 'global coastal event/impact' may be plural, and continuing. This alef of 'global coastal events' can be considered a 'demonstration' of the possibilities/probabilities inherent in a "closed system" of oceanic mass. Leaving our "revisiting" of past forecast future history, we continue with the immediacy values most recently processed. As it happens, a first-up data set within the Terra entity is referencing 'antarctica'. We note that we see this frequently, this focus or highlighting of 'antarctica' as a very emotionally powerful archetypical focus for shifting linguistics. There are several theories floating around here at HPH, but the consensus is currently resting on the Geo. Ure proffering of 'gee, well, I don't know why, but cool, huh!?'. Yes, we can't say why, but there is indeed a very notice-able, and catch-able emotional bias over the last few years for 'antarctica' as a subject matter. New frontier? Old Atlantis? It does not appear to matter what the excuse of the moment is for the focus, all of the subject modifying contexts around 'antarctica' have a significantly raised emotional bias over any/all other continents on planet Terra. Noting that the Terra entity within modelspace is the largest of all entities, and therefore the most confusing, we can see that the current immediacy values are pointing to a curious aspect/attribute set at the primary level in support of the 'antarctica' sub set. This aspect/attribute group actually translates as 'thunder' supported by 'released from/buried within {the} earth/ground'. Hmm, no scenario conceivable would make that sound good. The 'pulsing' of the 'thunder buried' in the 'ground/earth/rock' is shown as 'barely perceptible' within the array elements of the immediacy values denoting "current context" or "most immediate emotional quantifier". The suggestion from the shape of this area and its impact on the Terra entity toroid is that the period of Fall will 'sweep' the 'focus' toward 'Winter solstice'. This latter is an actual, rising, and well supported, bespoke descriptor set. We rarely get bespoke time references and we we do, it is worth noting that in the past, they have all been manifest as emotional release points of some significance. Usually such

references are also not as specific and in the past have provided ranges as opposed to the 3/three day period which includes the Winter Solstice as its center. While the solstice is sidereal only 1/one day, to humans here-on-earth, the whole of the event spans a perceived 3/three days. The 'antarctic, hidden/buried thunder' presents many intriguing supporting aspect sets. The secondary support layer of descriptors includes references to 'man returns', wherein 'man' is an aspect header for the 'humanity' descriptor set. Further we note that the 'hidden plan' is shown as 'not yet complete'. Hmmm. Spooky, and starting to read like a Dirk Pitt novel. However, in this case the "read" soon gets lost in aspect/attributes which are headed by 'confusion'. Noting that 'confusion/unknowing' is starting to show up in many entities and may be on its way to developing as a meta data layer, we look within the structure as a whole, place the modelspace into progression which rotates the Terra entity and allows us to take a larger view of the aspect/attribute set formations. At that point the temptation is to render the interpretation as 'Fall provides thunder, and hidden plans {about Antarctica} and Winter {solstice} is focus of fruition/completion'. In support of the idea of a 'completion' concept associated with 'winter solstice' the data set provides aspect/attribute sets going to 'circle/system closed/sealed_off', and 'second return {will} not {be} necessary'. Further the lower layers of support go to the idea of 'interrupted activity' is 'set into motion'. Still lower we note that 'guaranteed fortunes' and 'triumphant movement' are 'exhorted'. Curiously, this last aspect has a support set going to the idea of 'hoarse whispers', or perhaps 'whispered fiercely' . The idea coming across is that no-one associated with the 'hidden plan' which is 'not yet complete' is willing to raise their voice very much. Also it is worth noting that 'not yet complete' is part of a descriptor set headed by 'stalled/blocked'. To return to the larger, more macro view of the 'antarctica' sub set within Terra, an acceptable interpretation would go to the image of a 'focus on the winter solstice ends/leads to confusion'. While the data set is indicating that much emotional energy is being put into an 'antarctica' focus for the 'winter solstice', the immediacy data set projects that before Winter is even well in place, the dominant emotional meme will be 'confusion'. And, as if that is not enough, this descriptor set is going to the idea of 'rampaging confusion', rather than the more ordinary sorts of 'confusion' to which humans are prone. Further supporting layers and their cross links suggest that following the 'winter solstice' the global media stream will be 'echoing' the 'confusion' shown here to the planet via teevee. The idea coming out is some significant level of discussion, however 'oblique' and 'off the mark/misplaced', about 'antarctica' and further, within a more 'mystery' shrouded context. Much of the other immediacy values which rotate into view are showing 'lightning' and 'thunder' as the operative state of things for a large portion of the North American continent, as well as for several locations dispersed around the equator. The imagery is of a very unusual sets of 'lightning storms' in that these will be 'parked' or 'stationary' and that such descriptors will mark how humans think of the storms, after the events. The references to 'unusual' and 'distorted', and 'extra-ordinary' are numerous, and reinforced with aspect/attribute sets for 'reverberations' of the 'thunder' being 'destructive' on their own as the 'reverberations' will seemingly set up 'resonances' that 'bring down bricks' and 'extract windows'. Bushista - Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Of course the Bushista entity is full of 'hot' language now. As arguably the most hated man on earth, G Bush is certainly a linguistic magnet for emerging trends. While the charts above only show the impact of the meta data layers, it is nonetheless visually (sort of) clear that the entity as a whole is distorting from the equi-radius toroid structure favored by modelspace. This distortion likely will *not* be a good thing, and certainly is indicative of the failure of 'internal supports/rationale' within the Bushista entity as an entity which leaves us wondering if this is an advance trend warning of the 'disintegration' of the Bushista as an entity. As the Bushista entity rotates into the leading edge of the meta data layer impact, it is possible to determine, that is within the modelspace, not the chart, that the largest quotient of emotive tension values forcing the "crushing" of the toroid are focused on or about October 11th. This toroid-crushing influence is most pressing {ed note: pun intended, insert mad scientist laugh here...} between October 11 and November 17th where we see that the operative language of the pressuring period will be 'manipulate' and

'denial', and 'lies'. This will be applied to a large number of issues which will surface. Among these issues will be 'evident/demonstrated failure' and 'abject surprise/shock'. This last is applied to developing circumstances near November 2nd and has both shorter term and longer term language which points toward effects continuing well into 2007. In fact some of the early language around the 'november shock' extend out to July of 2007. Within the immediacy values for the 'shock/surprise' are aspect/attributes which go to the idea of 'thwarted intention', and which are associated with the United Nations, and 'national borders'. Much of the language is extensively linked to the Bush league war in Iraq. Within this area the lexical sets go to 'extra burden', 'new waves', 'struggle uphill', and others of similar nature. Much of the archetypes are very negative and when reduced to lexicon, primary descriptor aspects produce a image such as 'decaying head, rotting on pike'. Hmmm. Yep, that ain't good. Further bad news arrives for the Bushista entity within a complete and correct, fully populated aspect/attribute set headed by 'atrocities'. A terrible image arises from this aspect of 'simmering flesh' with references to humans, not BBQ. Now, the really bad news is that according to our data, the Bush/GOP regime fully expects to once-again, "win" the elections in November, in spite of how any given voting goes. There is little in the language to suggest that the 'manipulation', and 'lies' applies to anything other than the election. As the immediacy values accrue to the Bushista entity, many of the meta data layers gain strength all out of proportion to the size of the entity. The lexicon of descriptors for the newly acquired immediacy value set are dominated by 'struggle/conflict' all the way through the complete range of the modelspace. *EVEN* though 'conflict' loses its status as a meta data layer sometime around September 19th of 2007, the Bushista entity emotional duration/impact fields of the immediacy values just processed suggest that Bushista will *still* be dominated by 'conflict' all through 2007. As we noted in the ALTA report 307, the Ides of March release period begins a time of 'frothing turmoil' and the Bushista entity is at the center of it. Much of the links within the entity now suggest that events/circumstances of the 38/thirty-eight days from October 10th through November 17th will describe the shape of the 'conflicts' besetting Bushista next year. Noting that 'pakistan' is showing up as a politically focused, geographic indictor within the trailing edge of our Bushista entity immediacy values, with language extending out just to the Ides of March, the interpretation must involve a 'point of lack of presence' or 'retreat from position' affecting the Bush-2Pakistan relationship, and thus all the peoples involved. The data suggests that 'abhorrence' is the driving aspect which is shown as 'altering the stance' of Pakistan. This apparently comes about, again, as a direct, though delayed result of the 'surprises' affecting the Bushista entity this October through November. These 'dire' and 'crushing' circumstances likely are pointing to a successful revolution within the Pakistani social order which leads to 'conflict' between Bushista and the 'former ally'. Within the leading edge of the distortion of the Bushista toroid, the entity is housing a number of aspect/attribute sets which go to the idea of 'grandiose illusion/delusions' and 'dashed {by} pain', and 'reality blinds {through} painful onset'. It would seem that the collective mental illness of the Bushista entity will, at last, impact 'painful reality' and that the result will be the 'pissing {in} public' about the 'loss of {grandiose} expectations'. Much of the internals of the Bushista entity are consumed with variants on bespoke 'fear'. The single largest locus for the bespoke 'fear' is held within the descriptor set headed by the aspect 'revolution'. While we note that *all* complex political systems in the past have *only* changed their nature, or seemingly predetermined path, by virtue of 'revolution', the Bushista entity apparently does not comprehend the tone of the times, and is taking the idea of 'revolution' in a very personal sense. The entity indicates that the view is 'revolution' = 'direct personal attack' on the Bush regime/cabal. This apparently is without regard for where the 'revolution' is occurring. This particular lexical structure may be indicating that the Bushistas are at least savvy enough to recognize that as self-considered, 'emperor of the planet', any and all revolutions eventually lead back to your door. In the usual course of processing, which is being followed within this ALTA series, we gather and process the data for immediacy values as the first order of business. The immediacy values, which extend from

3/three days out to 3/three weeks, are typically reported within parts 1/one and 2/two of the report series. However, it needs to be noted that a component of the processing handles those shorter term values {ed note:- 3/three weeks out to 3/months, m/l} and the longer term data sets {ed note: 3/three months ->} and places the resultant processing within the data base from which the modelspace is both defined temporally, and populated once defined. So we do see the modelspace expand and alter based on these not-yetinterpreted value sets and this provides some hints as to the developing shapes of these more distant time frames. Bearing this in mind, we note that all of our currently processed immediacy values continue only to about the time of the elections, and perhaps a few days afterward. A further note on the processing is that even the immediacy values bring along links to shorter term and longer term descriptors within the lexicon. So it is interesting to note that there is very little language, currently accruing to Bushista entity, which extends much beyond the November elections. The lack of any level of carry-forward language associated with the most recent processing is quite anomalous in our experience. In the past no entity has failed to produce less than 10/ten per cent linkage "outward" within the immediacy set. Now the Bushista entity is less than 1/one per cent outward linkage within this last group. The image/feeling produced within the modelspace is that Bushista 'hits a wall' after the November elections. That virtually 'no thought' is being given to anything beyond the day of the elections. Understandable, perhaps, from a human viewpoint, but very spooky to see within the data set. We are confident that Bushista as an entity continues beyond the elections simply from the extensive number of cross links from other entities, but still this is an unsettling visual within the modelspace progression. Within the immediacy set accruing to Bushista, the rising aspect/attribute sets contain a dualistic {ed note: yes, aware that duality is also a meta data layer and now we are showing splitting, or 'dual' cross links and directly held sets} descriptor set of 'putrefaction' and 'dying off/decaying_in_place'. Most of this set is acquired within the temporal boundaries for 'october' as a manifestation period, but we note that 'putrefaction' is consistently growing through into 'november' as the entity is progressed along with modelspace.

Chart 4 As noted within the chart above, the blocks of 'dying off' and 'putrefaction' increase significantly in impact just as the point of the November elections are completed. Within the complexities of the 'dying off/putrefaction' dual data set, a very interesting picture is painted of 'balance being lost'. The descriptors go to a 'shield of lies/deceptions' which is so 'intricately intertwined/inter-linked' that ultimately a point will be reached where 'balance {will be} impossible {to} maintain', and a 'great unraveling' will occur. Apparently the Bushista entity, either through 'grandiose self assessment', most likely, or through 'ignorance {of the most} fundamental {of} natural laws' has reached the stage of just such a 'great unraveling'. The whole of this linguistic set goes to the idea of 'energy' being 'transformed' into 'motion' by a 'machinery' so 'complex' that a single missed step crashes the whole of the system. Again noting that this is under the 'grandiose self assessment' section, the interpretation is that the Bushista entity is operating with this view of its environment, without regard to the whole view being flawed, and not reflecting of reality. Nonetheless, internally, the Bushista entity contains language suggesting that some very significant 'transformations' will occur over the course of 'october' as time moves the 'fear camp' inexorably forward to meet 'destiny'. The Bushista entity 'putrefaction' data set points to a continuation of that theme over the rest of the month of 'october' with a visual impression of 'bits and pieces dying off' which likely refers to an irregular stream of resignations. However, once the main temporal point of the elections has been reached within our modelspace, the data set points toward a view of 'bad luck' and a curious aspect/attribute set image of 'the clans face inward'. The whole of this set suggests an interpretation that a 'united face' will present itself to Bushista following the elections. In examining the detail levels within the 'clans' aspect/attribute set, the idea of a 'united face surrounding' Bushista is again reinforced by the consistent themes of 'bonded by common enemy' and 'fellowship {in the } plaza, massed face {of} anger'. In both cases we note that these are derived from cross links over to the Populace/USofA entity and are targeting the Bushista entity as the terminating point of the 'anger' and 'common enemy'. Much of the directly held, supporting aspect/attribute sets within the 'clans face inward' lexical set goes to the idea that the Bushista entity is 'running into/crashing into' a 'wall' which is 'created by enemies'. It would appear that the Bushista entity, taking on the paranoia of that for which it is proxy, is pointing to a 'conspiracy' to 'remove the press' from the election equation. There are very large areas of immediacy values pointing to the idea that the 'feeling of fear', or bespoke 'fear' is linked to 'blockages {of access/control to/of the} press'. It would seem that the Bushista entity is signaling that someone has thrown a wrench into the whole Bush-dominates-media machinery, and as the entity holds a 'great unraveling' has begun. Curiously, or perhaps fittingly at the universe level, the 'unraveling' data set has detail aspect/attributes which go to the idea that 'false good luck {in the} beginning' will, at this time, end in 'seas/oceans/masses of disorder'. There are references to 'sticky vines {of} returning/continuing themes/memes/contexts' which will 'cling' to the 'bare legs' of the Bushista entity as Fall progresses into Winter. At a higher level within the entity, and taking the many data layers both meta and cross links, there is a real sense of a 'time of completion/finality' which is developing. If we examine the first chart in this article, there is a red box around the period of the elections. Note that within it is a very distinct release period of moderate depth, but both precipitous in its decline, *and* more ominously, rapid in its recovery back to steeply climbing emotional tension building period. This in turn leads to the "shoulders" of our graph where we start to get into a very choppy, 'build-release-build' pattern continuing onward to the Ides of March. Along with the many supporting layers for a 'time of finality/completion_of_large_archetypical_themes', it is worth noting that the Bushista entity has some very explicit 'cautions' within its data set. These 'cautions' are internally held references to bespoke 'caution' as an aspect which contains attributes going to 'unrelenting diligence' and 'unremitting/unflagging caution'. This descriptor set goes to the idea that the 'downfall' or 'unraveling' will 'rise {from} unwary {attitudes regarding} caution'. This area would seem to

be a self-contained 'tale of woe' as 'madness/grandiose_self_assessment' is shown as 'running amok' in response to a 'wall of reality/clans face inward'. With the immediacy data for the Bushista entity in place, it would appear that reality has a good chance of following either of 2/two paths, both leading to a 'constitutional crisis'.

Chart 5 Either a 'surprise that the manipulation did not work' stunning Democratic victory sets up a 'mandate' to impeach/imprison the Bushies, *or* the 'machinations' at the ballot box will 'visibly fail', then be 'proffered by the press' as 'evidence pointing to past crimes of vote manipulation'. In either event, the indications within our data set do not call for a smooth transition either before, during, or after the elections. The data set shows that 'intractability' will be the watch-word as the 'constitution' is 'threatened' in the days after the elections. Hmm. Promises to be a very good teevee season in 'real reality' this year. Conclusion: Part 1 - Processes processing processes, Crazed Jutnobs Remembering to maintain sight on these reports as 'entertainment', the data sets are showing that 'excitement' as a 'cause' of 'death/suffering' will emerge from the 'viewing' of events to emerge later this Fall. Again, the data set is also showing that the 'holidays' will be 'indigestible' for most, and that much of the 'misery' is to be 'economic'. In spite of the continuous media stream of happy-talk about 'this great economy' which is 'completely a result of tax cuts', it is all a very complex illusion, which, along with what remains of 'peace' in the world will apparently be merely 1/one more casualty of the 'unraveling' into disorder predicted to begin almost immediately following the elections here in the USofA. A further note of caution in reading these reports will be continually reinforced within, and that is that our work necessarily "flattens" radical linguistics into a static snapshot of what is a continuing process of change. Therefore we are *always* going to be slightly off {ed note: both in nutjob, and accuracy sense of the word} with our predictions. This is due to the shifting of the sands beneath our feet as Igor and I stand there on the sand in our pith helmets in the sun, staring downward into a digital photo of the sands, now shifted, that we stood on so solidly only moments ago. We are attempting to model a seriously complex system of systems with a process which processes other processes. Really the best we can hope for in accuracy is something close to almost not-wrong. Sometimes we get there. Mostly not though. As an example, our early in the week warning about 'contaminated air' *should* not have discounted vast quantities of actually contaminated air, instead of wrapping it all up with the political hot-air, and 'inflated bull shit' flying around. Oh well, each failure makes us better. So on we go, future ward, as crazed jutnobs with a mission.

A lot of immediacy values remain un-interpreted, most of these from the 2/two populace entities, Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop. We also have large, yet to be processed immediacy values for the Terra entity, and for Markets. We will be processing these data sets this weekend, and starting interpretation next week. Should any pressing event predictors arise, we may send out email notifications. If you have been having problems receiving our emails, it is likely due to spam filtering somewhere along the line, and it may be worth checking back into the main HPH page occasionally just to see if new postings are available. Excepting the need to post early, Part 2 is anticipated to be posted next Saturday, October 14th. Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 607 - Part 1 Addendum - October 8, 2006

Part 1:Addendum - You are here, Chart of immediacy values Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 10.08.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 13.441 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series.

Meta Data Values - Immediacy Value set chart

Chart 1 Note that the period of 10/08 through 10/10/2006, though showing as a 'plateau' is actually a small release period. The chart shows some of the language appearing within the immediacy value set. Expect lots more to be 'revealed' about the 'page boy(s)' and predatory politicians. This should last until late on 10/10, and thereafter 'new concerns' will fill the media stream, as we head back into a building emotional tension pattern. Also note that just ahead, focused on 10/24 through 10/26/2006 is a release period which is showing up in the early processing of immediacy values, and shorter term value sets as being focused on 'ownership' and 'enormous house(s)' and 'concealing poor interior', as well as language going to 'no sensible man {ever/will} come to {its} door'. Hmmm. Wonder what that is all about.... Part 2 up on Saturday where we'll have a go at the language building for the end of the month and beyond.... be seeing you. (just for Igor). Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 607 - Part 2 - October 14, 2006

Part 2:Populace/USofA - What if?, Deep End of the Pool, Wrestling with the Devil, Sucking Mud from Hell, Sloooowly We Turned* Markets - Now for Something Completely Different* Conclusion: Part 2 - Tooting, Within the Cusp*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 10.14.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 21.582 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. Populace/USofA - What if?, Deep End of the Pool, Wrestling with the Devil, Sucking Mud from Hell, Sloooowly We Turned Well, we know, or rather 'think we know' that October 24th through the 26th is a 'release period', and given the highly charged nature of the emotive sums within many of the entities including Populace/USofA, we "suspect" that "a something" of serious, future-altering significance will occur, and manifest over the course of those 3/three days. But what? We have data, but the ambiguity of words, and the constant pressure of monkey-mind trying to intrude on the interpretation with our personal emotional ties makes times such as this gut-wrenching while watching the modelspace progress with the data load. What, specifically makes grown men run for the pie and milk? Well, as the modelspace is loaded with the current data sets, we see that many, very large entities, are moving in conjunction toward a single small space. Last time we saw anything like this was as a tipping point developed in which all of the entities converged into a single point. That occurred in June/July of 2001. Now, we note that we have many more entities modeled at this point. And that the modelspace is much more mature, and that programmatic changes over the years may actually prevent such a re-visiting of an in toto tipping point within modelspace. We also note that at this time, we are processing mostly immediacy values with just a few of the shorter term set in place, and the pressures of actual calendar dates will preclude a more complete entity processing since the times will be on us before such processing could take place. So we are stuck with what we can glean this week from a relatively paltry data set. Bear in mind that the 2001 conditions arose after nearly 6/six months of straight processing. Given the highly emotionally charged nature of the election period within the USofA, it is understandable that very 'hot' language would arise. So discovering such language is not unexpected. Also though, within the manifesting reality of a governmental/political meltdown, and the palpable 'fear' emanating from the

dysfunctional Bush regime, and given that over 1/3(one third) of the populace of the USofA believes that the government both lied about, and participated in the attacks on the WTC on September 11, 2001, it *must* be taken into account that evidence of such 'grand conspiracies' riddle the history of any age, and any human group, therefore, that such an 'october surprise' might be planned *has* to be considered as a probability. Though we cannot know with any certainty what level of probability exists that the Bush regime has such a plan as an attempt to retain power, and purge their enemies, that such a chance does exist should be allowed to influence the thinking. The impact of the sex scandals impacting congressional elections may actually raise the probability of an 'outside' attack on the country as levels of desperation rise. There are other indicators though, pointing to the reverse. Recent 're-toning' by the press has placed a curious question in the minds of the public, to whit, 'can the GOP/Bush regime claim status from war on terror if there is another attack on the USofA?'. Stated in the reverse, 'the GOP/Bush falls as a failure *if* there is another attack on the USofA'. It is relatively easy to imagine the ferocity of even the most ardent of BushBotz if another attack occurs. The blood lust would know no limits. The 'rally round the flag' thing only works once in the face of failure. What we have at this point within modelspace is a convergence of both the Populace/USofA entity and the Markets entity toward a single point below the mean axis line of neutrality. Stated another way, both entities are moving down below the "negative indicator line" for emotional sums, and both are moving toward a specific, as yet un-examined point such that if they both arrive there, the whole of both entities will be below the 'neutrality' line for emotional sums. As confusing as that is, we can metaphorically look at it as though both entities just dove off the edge of the pool and into the water. Further that both entities will soon be completely underwater and swimming for a small spot at the deep end of the pool. This view may be more manifest than metaphor. The largest of the entities, the Terra entity has yet to be loaded into modelspace, and on the current schedule will not be in place until Thursday, so we have an interpretation at this point which may be altered or modified by the Terra entity should it provide any clues. We could, of course, be looking at a natural occurrence within modelspace, and the entities may well be just pointing to an 'underwater' state to hit both entities within the release period of October 24-26th, rather than anything larger developing. However, since our lives are nothing if not paranoid, and given the dread nature of the times, it becomes easy to imagine the worst. Oh, and did I mention that right at the top of the Populace/USofA entity lexical set, just before the release period, and just before the plunge below neutrality is the aspect of 'attacks'? Hmm. Probably not. Well, there you go, got a bit rattled I guess. Anyway, yep it is there, as an aspect, 'attacks'. So we do, imagine the worst that is, but then we dive into the data details, seeking confirmation or rejection. Details, details, details, the devils dinner, and, if you want the devil's dinner, you must be prepared to wrestle him for it. At the primary level of the Populace/USofA entity, arriving as an aspect on 10-24-2006, early AM, is the aspect of 'attacks'. It is fully populated, and complete and correct down to termination. This implies that within the set maths used, that the data set will *not* be changing with new values coming in. This implies that the immediacy data set derived from these reads and their processing applies to the 3/three days following. The very interesting lexical structure that is 'attacks' as its leading aspect, is supported by 'elections' at the first layer of aspect/attribute development. We need be clear about this as it is 'elections' not as an event, but rather as a temporal marker. Confusing yes, but the modelspace has, as expected, picked up a considerable bulk of language which is bound temporally to 'the elections' as within the Populace/USofA, and that for which it is proxy, and especially within the Press entity, the 'elections' is also a 'time/date marker'. It is this context which is being referenced within the aspect/attribute set. So the interpretation is that the focus of the 'attacks' language is for the period of early November, even though the manifestation

of the language will appear within the October 24-26, inclusive, release period. Whew....this makes it seem a bit more like the data is pointing to 'political attacks'. As the data set is explored further, at the macro level it becomes apparent that the Populace/USofA is manifesting an internal 'duality' within the entity in which the same sets of supporting aspect/attributes are showing up in the lower 2/3(two-thirds) of the entity. Not a complete duplicate as each section of the entity has a differing focus, but rather a situation in which both 'internal, self' focus and 'external, outward, other' focus sections of the entity are both accruing the same, lower 2/3rds of supporting aspect/attribute sets. Within modelspace in the past, such developments have indicated macro level changes occurring. The examination of the entity at the 'elections' level reveals that the Populace/USofA will run into a 'sucking mud' during the 'elections' which will bring about a 'stuck-ness' period. Seemingly the data is suggesting that the 'elections' will be 'hung up in sucking mud'. As though 'mired' and 'restrained/constrained', the progression of manifesting circumstance during the 'elections' period, which the data suggests will drag out several days, is shown as providing an 'agonizing hell/suffering'. Hmm. Hope it is the politicians who suffer. But, to continue, the 'stuckness' of the 'elections' will lead to an 'attraction of bad/mal fortune'. This is within the 'internal' aspects of the entity, while the external aspects are headed by 'caution' and 'respect'. Hmm, since Bush regime never has no respect for anything, and does not have caution in its lexicon, this does not bode well. But to return to the descriptor set, the 'mired in sucking mud' aspect/attribute is supported in turn by 'danger' and 'disorder'. The 'disorder' is in turn supported by 'restraints {on/over} change'. As the entity is progressed along with modelspace the 'attacks' sub set acquires several supporting sets going to the idea of 'slowly/patiently' and 'persistence' which in turn are supported by aspect/attributes with imagery of 'measured response {to} perfidy/illegality', and 'mass(es) turn slowly'. The whole of the entity as it moves through this period does not in any way slow down, but it is internally acquiring values pointing to 'slow down' and other aspects of support for the idea that the 'elections hang in limbo' for a while. However, the whole of the movement goes to very large scale change. Seemingly the entity is suggesting that in spite of 'official slowdowns/blockages' the 'progression of slow change manifests' and that, again, seemingly the data further suggests that, both by cross links to Bushista, and internally held data sets, that the GOP/Bush regime is 'reduced by 1/one of 6/six'. The data seemingly is stating that the GOP presence in both houses will be 'reduced by 1/6th'. In the case of the 'lower house' there are specific references to 'economics' and 'failure' which are shown as 'moving/driving' the change. Further this is all under the meta data layer of 'secrets revealed' within the larger meta data layer of 'conflict'. This last is important as there are still indicators building for yet another 'release/revelation' which goes to foment/froth yet another scandal in the last days prior to the 'elections'. There are values accruing which can be interpreted as 'constitutional crisis', though we need note that to many, the current 'detainee bill/enabling act' *is*, itself a constitutional crisis, as are the many other 'extraconstitutional' actions taken by the Bushistas. However, the data set is suggesting that a 'national', and 'emotional' sort of component to the 'constitutional crisis' is developing. These lexical sets begin piling on about November 8th, but really show up with serious intent after November 15, 2006. And here is where the interpretation gets a bit tricky. As the modelspace is moved through the November/December time period, many, separate, but interrelated release-then-build periods take place. A number of new themes are layered upon old wounds until we arrive at the point where the easiest interpretation to make is that the Bushista entity is entirely dominated by 'conflict', both internally and externally. This necessarily involves the Populace/USofA entity in at many points; as a source of fodder for the wars, as a source of power for the 'legality' of the wars, as the object of the wars, as the object of the political wars, and more, but lastly, now as a 'participant' within the 'conflict'.What is being described by modelspace is a chaotic stew of the Bushista entity at 'conflict' with everyone, including 'conflict/tension/aggression' with both the populace of the country, as well as the 'legal system'. Now note that this last is a very broad descriptor and includes both the 'oversight/legal restraint' *supposedly* exercised by Congress, as well as actual 'courts'. But, curiously, if not unexpected, we also note that there is a rising aspect/attribute set within the Populace/USofA entity which is going to the idea of 'street action' as a new modifier to 'justice'. We also note that the 'justice' sub

set within the Populace/USofA has a very high emotive sum indicating that the 'feeling' in the country is overwhelmingly of 'justice blocked/attacked'. This emotional component will surface within the 'conflict/tension and constitution crisis' of November 15th. Once 'visible' within the populace, whether reported by the global mediastream or not, the 'justice blocked' and 'street action' response stays active and moves into a solidly supported long term values set indicating existence of the meme for 12/twelve months or longer. But back to the tricky part of the Populace/USofA entity and its relationship to 'conflict' as the meta data. Thankfully the data set is indicating that the majority of the populace of the USofA, by a factor approaching 73/seventy three per cent of the new data within the sub set within this immediacy values processing, is rejecting the idea of the expressed relationship to 'war' and 'aggression' and 'conflict'. Both ThePowersThatBe, and the Bushista entities are in opposition, at the 'conflict' data set level, to this emerging trend within the populace. It appears that in spite of the propaganda mediastream here in the USofA touting the opposite, there never was a legitimate emotional commitment to the 'war against earth' pronouncements from the Bushista's. At least not in the majority, and not in the longer term value sets. So, what is appearing now appears to be the very slow turning of the 'visible' components of this deeply held 'feeling' that "things ain't right", especially with all the 'conflict' shit spewed by the administration. True, there are very high emotional sums within the Populace/USofA entity which *do* support 'conflict', but these are centered on subject such as 'illegal invasion', and 'assault on constitution' as well as the prime aspect/attribute set of 'aggression/assault on personal financial position'. So there is 'anger', and even bespoke 'rage', but not as the 'deciders' think, rather this is directed at 'those above' and 'all that has gone wrong'. Now the data set is indicating that 'manifestation is near'. Presumably the inherent themes, and sub themes within the November 15th release period will be very clearly carrying this message, once again, the appearance of 'revolution' within the power structure. Also, please note that a parallel theme, though without the same level of emotional support, does exist for 'rebellion'. So even within the 'conflict' themes, there is 'conflict'. Getting pretty messy out there. Better get our brooms for when it all settles down a bit. Unfortunately the state of the modelspace indicates that sweeping *won't* be necessary for well over a year. There are indications that Bushista, within the longer term values which are necessary support for immediacy sets, will *still* be pushing 'conflict' and 'aggression' even a year from now, long after the meta data layer 'conflict' has begun to fade out as both a meta data layer, and as a driving force within Populace/USofA. It is as though the huge mass of the populace is rejecting the war-liker's view of the world, and the rejection of that view is so deeply held that it will 'change the planet', however, it will not be either a rapid change, nor a smooth one. Within the Populace/USofA entity are indicators that the 'duality' will overcome the 'cohesiveness' of the 'law', and that 'conflict' will break out within the Populace/USofA as an entity. Again, we seemingly *have* to work out our 'conflict' issues at all levels. This includes 'fighting (internally) about fighting (externally)'.

Chart 1: In the chart above we have outlined the next 4/four release periods which step us up toward the Winter solstice. In the first (October 23 - October 26, now both accelerated by a day, and lengthened by a day) we

note that the 'scandals' will merge, and 'new revelations' will come out which will have a 'weighting' effect on the elections here in the USofA. The indications are that the 'attacks' will 'force reverberations {to/into} 90/ninety days {of} conflict'. Though it must be made clear that the 'conflict' here is clearly associated with the 'constitution' and with 'inter tribal aggression'. A very large segment of the data set, both immediacy values, and shorter term value sets already processed are accruing under an aspect/attribute set indicating that 'rejection' of 'conflict/war' is already a 'rooted' meme well dug into the populace of the USofA. Curiously, and perhaps expectedly, the whole of this area of the lexical set is under 'conflict' and that there is a sub set which goes to the idea of 'fighting war' in a very active sense, including 'violence'. Now noting the irony in the old truism that "wars are not stopped by more wars", it is nonetheless intriguing that the data set is suggesting that the 'populace {will - longer term future} rise up/stand up against/rejecting USofA culture of war'. The suggestion is further that within the far extremes of the longer term set, that is, something less than 2/two years from now, a 'confrontation' over 'claims of power {to} execute/prosecute war' will 'bring down the government'. This last can also be interpreted as 'collapse the system'. The idea coming across is that the Bushista 'remnant' including the ThePowersThatBe entity are trying to pursue 'more war' and come across an 'astounding and shocking' total 'rejection/non-participation'. Now, just to be clear, the data set is not necessarily suggesting an event, but rather is describing circumstances which could also arise after a protracted period of 'conflict' Bushista/TPTB versus Populace/USofA. In any case the language is very interesting as the new, just processed longer term value sets included as supporting sets for the immediacy values are presenting language stating that '4/four generations' of the Populace/USofA will 'reject war culture' following the 'ending of the course of changes'. This last phrase is appearing in several entities using differing language sets, but all contain exactly the same descriptor bounds and the same numeric values for their summations. We are interpreting this as a suggestion that the 'rejection/removal' of the 'war culture' is a process which already has begun, and has gained some mass, but in the future will provide entertainment for us all as the 'populace' is shown 'battling/warring/in conflict' with the 'government/officialdom', both 'servants and masters', over the ideology of 'war'. The data set suggests that within the next 2/two years, and beginning around March 18th, just following Ides (15th) of March release period, a 'progression of circumstance' will 'bring blood to the surface' as 'revolution flowers'. Again, the data set is suggesting that the 'turning {of the} populace' has already started, but as with any large mass, it takes a while for the whole of it to be shifted. Against the background of the 'shifting of the populace/mass' no matter how slowly {ed note: became a clear movement in July, 2006}, and considering the large number of cross links over to Terra, all of which are long-term value set driven, and considering the ThePowersThatBe entity, and its cross links, and the 'wall' that the Bushista entity is shown hitting, some possible paths for future events are illustrated in the chart below.

Chart 2: Skipping, for the moment, the first of the release periods shown, and concentrating on the period of the elections, we note that the 'constitutional crisis' takes a large jump up in emotive sums on November 6th, the day before the elections, and that level continues releasing through November 14th. Thereafter it begins

to rise again on November 15th, and continues with another release period through November 26th. Aha! We say, now it is revealed why the 'holidays will be indigestible'. It would appear that not all will go well with the elections. Consider three mutually divergent, but equally probable paths for our future history. 1) Republicans retain control of the government. Populace and press realize the huge statistical improbability of this occurring without fraud, and given the 'secrets revealed' meta data running vertical within Bushista at this point, it would seem likely that fraud would be revealed. Thus a constitutional crisis ensues with first legal, then street challenges to the fraudulent theft of power. 2) Democrats win control of both houses of Congress. Given our 1/6 (one in six) reduction shown for Bushista entity, the House now has 57/fifty seven fewer Republicans, and the Senate loses 17/seventeen (extra info here within Populace/USofA). In any event, this change of face in Congress is merely a reflection of a wholesale political change from the local level on up. The newly changed Congress, not yet sworn in, freaks out the more paranoid elements of Bushista, and 'extra legal' measures are attempted to 'thwart' the results of the election. There is some considerable language within the data set to support this outcome. However, the result is the same as number 1 above, a 'constitutional crisis' ensues. Likely jumping right into the 'manifest violence' and 'military rebellion' scenario depicted by the language. 2a) Democrats win control of government as above, Bushista accepts results, but this leads to a 'hardening' of positions very rapidly. Again, 'extra legal' measures are taken, but the new Congress gets sworn in spite of 'problems' which develop along the way. Also, due to the 'mandate' granted to the Democrats by their large victory, the 'calls for impeachment' begin immediately following the election. This ratchets up the paranoid within Bushista, and things go to hell rapidly. Stances are taken which force the 'conflict' into visible confrontation with the new Congress immediately. By the end of December, the government is in virtual chaos as 'confrontation' escalates to levels of viciousness never seen before in USofA politics. The civil service including the military is effectively in 'standstill' mode, confronted with conflicting 'claims of authority', as well as conflicting orders. Again, the end result is 'constitutional crisis', and government instability. Given the manifest reality on the ground, this is the outcome of the *most logical probability*. However, the data set would seem to favor number 3 below.

3) Neither party is shown to win anything due to the incredible screw-ups (deliberate or accidental) with the whole of the national election system resulting in.... a 'called' election. In this case the Bush regime attempts to say that 'status quo' will 'last until makeup elections' can be held. This, as may be expected, is perceived as the ultimate power grab, conspiracies run rampant, and as with numbers 1 and 2 above, a 'constitutional crisis' ensues. The data set, seemingly indicating this scenario as its 'pick' for the future, also seems to suggest that the first 'standstill' with regards to the election lasts from November 6th through Nonmember 14th. At that point, for only a few hours, the data shows that the 'release' associated with the elections subsides, allowing more tensions to build, then, almost with the dawn on November 15th, off we go again. Given the patterns emerging which are displayed {ed note: after a fashion} within the chart above, it would seem probable to suspect that the whole of the month of November will be occupied with the 'elections' and the continuing emotional 'froth'.

And as if all of the emotional 'stair stepping' was not enough, the 'reality of economic collapse/deflation' emerges as several manifesting events. In spite of the most recent "pump you up" attempts to 'levitate' the Dow, over the course of the rest of October, and specifically following the late October release period, 'economic reality' is going to 'bite butt' within the Populace/USofA. The expectation is that once again, the 'unexpected' will 'shift the ground' such that 'air cools'. Hmm. Connected with this is the large amount of verbiage associated with 'housing' via cross link to Markets. It would appear that a very large 'manifesting events' will 'strand 10s/tens of thousands' relative to the 'housing market'. This is seemingly a 'failure to perform' which will 'cascade'. The 'cascade' is fiscally focused, and has more 'west coast' USofA

geographic associations than others combined, but the imagery seemingly points to the 'failure' of a 'fiscal entity' to 'perform for tens-of-thousands', and the result is 'rollbacks' and 'chaos' as the question of 'who takes the {failed} debt' arises. This is shown to 'spread east' as a rapid, and 'frightening' meme within the populace. According to the data gathered and processed so far, this 'failure' will leave many established 'home owners' wondering if they actually do 'own the home'. This will cause 'anxiety' and will initiate yet another layer of 'social stress' within the overall stressful time ahead. The data suggests that 'secrets revealed' {ed note: now going vertical in markets} will force the Bush regime to 'pronounce' on the subject 'through official voices'. Problem for them will be the 'sting of rejection', and further, the cross links show that 'sting' will cause 'shock' within the 'complacent set' of the populace as the come to understand the 'powerlessness' of 'officialdom' to address their problems. This whole economic 'hidden problem' is shown as manifesting as a series of 'events' or 'chained occurrences' over the course of Fall and Winter. Amidst all of the human produced chaos of October/November, the data sets also show, via cross link to the Terra entity, that 'unexpected {by most} intrudes {from} below'. This 'unexpected intrusion' is also characterized by supporting descriptor sets, including cross links to the Press entity, as 'the first', or perhaps, better shown as 'The First'. For the environmental cognoscenti of the world, the 'Fall intrusion' is neither 'unexpected', nor 'the first', and the data set supports that Terra entity is going to produce 'unexpected events' *only* for the naive and unaware within the populace. However the Populace/USofA is showing that a very large impact on continuing emotional tension will come from the 'Fall intrusion', and the sudden movement of consciousness toward a 'new understanding' or 'realization' that it provokes. This 'new understanding' is also reflected within cross links to the Press entity, and will be providing emotional energy to other manifesting social shifts through Fall and Winter. Much of this emotional boost shown from the 'Fall intrusion', including the sums gathered from the Press entity are under the internally held 'secrets revealed' sets within all these entities which suggests that the 'consciousness shift' may arise from a 'trigger event' which 'unleashes' information which in turn provides the 'shock to the system' and the 'immediate' shift in values. Note also that with large populace masses, 'immediate' is a relative term, but we do note that specific instances demonstrating a radical 'shift in view' about 'terra/gaia' will be demonstrated through the mediastream over the course of the rest of Fall and early Winter (December and January). The data set is also suggesting that the 'officials' will basically 'lose their grasp' either of power or reality when trying to grasp the 'shock' that the 'shifting popular opinion' will present. Markets - Now for Something Completely Different Not unexpectedly the Markets entity is running a very close second in the accrual-of-values race with Populace/USofA, and in a similar fashion is also driven by the coming close of the election cycle. The Markets entity is accruing its most values from this immediacy set under the aspect/attributes of 'fulfillment {of cycles} stresses'. Under the 'fulfillment' aspect are supporting sets showing both the presence of an 'active duality', though perhaps in this instance 'dichotomy' would be a better choice, as well as a very large level of aspects/attributes moving under 'uncertainty'. Of course, 'uncertainty' is a natural aspect for Markets entity, however, it rarely appears in the current context. In this case the aspect/attribute set interpretation goes to the idea of 'uncertainty {of/about} future'. Now, again, while such should be the driving force of any non-manipulated markets, this aspect/attribute set is focused on *BIG* issues such as 'survival', with sub set of 'species, humans', and 'extension {into the next} 4/four years' with sub sets for both also containing 'uncertainty' at a high degree of emotional tension summation. The interpretation is that there are very basic, and very fundamental 'worries' which are currently just under the surface of the Markets, in spite of the manipulation-to-new-highs frothing of the markets at the moment. This last is so largely perceived by the social order as a 'prop for the elections' as to preclude any lasting improvement from the actions. In fact, it would appear from our data that November 6th 'initiation of crisis' will also be 'bringing down the house' in so far as Markets entity is concerned. Now, are we talking 'prices', well, at this point the data is indicating that 'duality' begins to manifest its dominance as a meta data layer with the October 23rd release period. Further the data suggests that 'fundamental duality' leads to 'schisms' within the markets. This manifests particularly in the 'separation of cores' between the 'paper goods' and the 'commodities markets'.

Within the former, rank manipulation is the order of the rest of the month up to the elections, however, the immediacy data set suggests that the manipulations will very rapidly find themselves 'grinding down {their own/self} teeth' in an effort to 'sustain {their} grip'. This will be exacerbated by developing circumstances in which 'geopolitical alignments' will be 'bringing animosity {toward BushLand}'. This 'animosity' is seen as a key element in the continuing 'duality' as it represents the dwindling group of foreign nations willing to support the activities of the 'officialdom' of the USofA. The 'animosity' is shown as being under the meta data layer of 'secrets revealed' and has a very large jump of emotional values on or just before October 25, 2006. This jump is to a level that suggests a manifesting release of some form related to the subject. The impact, found within the shorter term value set, is to 'separate' the commodities from the 'paper goods' markets. The commodities, especially 'food' in all its forms is shown as 'seeking support', and 'propelled by sympathy/empathy' moves up. Further, in spite of 'suppression {of} knowledge' by 'officialdom' about 'economic/fiscal world/reality', the 'duality' and 'secrets revealed' within Markets entity are indicating that 'financial world crisis/scandal' is going to merge with the 'political scandal(s)'. Much of the language about the 'paper goods' markets is held under aspect/attribute sets suggesting that a 'manifestation' of scandal will begin in the October release period and will still be actively affecting Markets several months later. Much of the 'turmoil' will relate to the 'degradation' of the 'government/officialdom' within the USofA, as well as the materialization of 'active rebellion' within the military just as 'revolution' begins manifesting within the populace at large. Within the 'commodities' aspect/attributes, and led by 'food groups', the data set is accruing language for 'lone rise', perhaps indicating that these commodities rise in value against all others. Makes sense as the global food production system is indeed hitting the first of its pending environmental crises. Within the 'production degradation' language, there are indicators for yet more problems with food production. The data set points to 'large crushing/impacts' as a result of 'mud flows', and 'exceptional rain/hail'. This last has several sub sets under 'exceptional' which point to both 'places' and 'events' suggesting that very unseasonable 'rains/hail' in very unexpected places will produce measurable impacts on production of 'core grains'. Further the Markets section, sub section 'commodities' as a whole has a large number of cross links over to Terra entity, sub section 'waters recede {from} use'. This latter cannot be a good sign as agriculture is the worlds most water dependent activity other than fishing. Within the general Markets entity, the visual 'cast' or appearance is changing. The entity as a whole is being more controlled by meta data layers than has been the case in the past few years. It would tend to suggest that many more of the 'illusions' which supports the whole idea of 'paper goods as debt instruments' are under some very severe stress from such meta data layers as 'duality' and 'secrets revealed'. In the numerous cross links with the Bushista entity, as well as other entities the linkages are suggesting some form of 'surrender {to the} inevitable' which begins this Fall prior to the elections. The Markets entity is apparently going to be very severely impacted, but not by any of the manifesting events of this Fall, so much as the 'realization' of the 'suddenly apparent, shift in consciousness'. This last descriptor set is suggesting that the very long occurring change in the emotional matrix which provides the glue to the social infrastructure will be 'suddenly noticed' by the Markets entity this Fall as a result of the manifestation of some series of events. Note that the data set is very clearly pointing to the 'change in social/emotional consciousness' as the underlying reason for the 'manifestations {on the} surface'. This is seemingly important as the 'emerging changes' are being shown as the very early signs of a long term, and very deep social trend. A heavily cross linked area within Markets entity, sub set of 'emerging changes', shows that while 2006 was/is a pivotal year, and August was the pivotal month within the pivotal season, it will be Fall that 'confirms' the 'appearance of the watershed'. This area is supported by 'chaos {in the} zone' or 'froth {in the} arena' which is 'affective of/causative of' the 'seeming fit/niche' of the 'tensions'. It is the 'tensions' which will arise as a result of 'ascertaining/discovering who {will} survive {politically?/environmentally?}' which 'drives/creates chaos'. And, within the sub set of 'chaos' is a succinct image of 'chaos reveals fragility'. Again, noting that this area participates in the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed', and 'duality'. Much of the impact of the 'chaos' within the Markets structure is pointing to November 24th in its movements through the progression of modelspace. Could the entity be indicating that it will take until November 24th to determine who has 'won' the elections? Perhaps. Given the state of the Populace/USofA

entity, and the Bushista 'wall' which is hit on November 8th, this would not be unexpected. IF so, then this entity is indicating a victory for democrats which while 'delayed in delivery' will still be stunningly huge. The impact is shown within the entity as so large as to cause the 'collapse of the props' as the 'realization sets in'. This suggests that the November 24th period, otherwise shown in earlier ALTA reports as 'indigestible holidays' may well have taken that appellation from the Markets entity, as it seemingly shows that the 'manipulators will flee' and 'expose cracks'. This is *not* good for the international currency system in particular. This sub set of the Markets entity is shown as particularly 'disturbed' in this time. The data set is also very clearly being led by rising aspect of 'defaults' with supporting aspects of 'network/linked' and 'cascading'. The data set has aspects which suggest that 'hints' of the 'defaults' will arrive, hidden in the flux of the October 23-26 release period. The 'defaults' are shown with rising visibility as the modelspace is progressed forward and the short term value sets are loaded. This suggests that the 'wave recedes/retreats' language in support in this area, along with the very early long term values are pointing at a 'long term/progression of defaults in a rising wave' . At the top or leading edge of this structure is language both through cross link and directly held which goes to 'currency' as being 'subjected to curious movements'. This somehow precipitates the whole of the 'completion of the experiment'. This last is a very complex context with sub references to both 'democracy' and 'paper currency'. Also adding its own level of energy to the 'chaos' shown for the Markets in Fall will be the Terra entity level events. These will impact in a number of ways and not be merely limited to 'impacts on food production'. The data set is indicating that a 'shock to the bone' will 'hit the populace' this Fall which is shown to 'move the stubborn masses' at the level of 'their pumping blood'. This 'wave of change of perception' within the individuals who comprise the social body en masse is shown as 'tearing at the exposed roots' {ed note: sub set links to debt as aspect} of the Markets entity beginning this Fall. At a very philosophical level much of the Markets data these last few years has pushed toward a view of 'an ending' or 'completion' in a very final sense. This is now showing not as supporting aspect/attribute sets, but rather as actual bespoke 'announcements of the end/fulfillment/completion'. Much of the supporting language would be understood to be archetypical or allegoric renderings of the 'last wave' concepts within "long wave economics". It is just that our data set does not express it quite the same way. However it is noteworthy that bespoke rising aspects include 'completion', and 'final', and 'conditions {at the} end of functions'. Further there are very large sub sets with details suggesting that 'duality' cannot be 'sustained any longer'. This reference is focused on the 'official speak' and 'eating money' views of things in the economic life of the USofA. As a rising-to-dominance aspect within the Markets entity and derived from the immediacy values processing, the entity suggests that 'acuteness' or 'singular intensity' will become the emotional driver of the Markets from late October onward. This 'acuteness' will still be manifesting and rising into December. What is shown within the immediacy values as they appear within the Markets entity during the progression is also echoed in much of the aspect/attribute language. As had been noted in previous ALTA reports, the 'entire global landscape' is changing. Currently the data is indicating that 'cycles' which had expressed their 'last wave' are now ending. Specifically, cycles begun in December of 2004, and January of 2005 are now, or have just 'completed, final'. These cycles are composed of influences on 'trade', 'currency', 'investment', and most specifically, 'wealth distribution'. These cycles are shown both within the growth patterns of the data as 'dying off/finishing up' as well as within specific support for the 'completion {of} change {in} global markets'. Now, for better or worse, the data is showing that the Fall is when 'manifesting' of the 'completion' is 'visible and undeniable' . Further, the data set indicates that 'global systems' will participate in the 'defaults' discussed above, and having 'participated/joined' the 'collapsing/breaking wave' will then 'separate the nations'. Hmm. Don't sound too good for global pie deliveries. It will be the 'sudden' rise of 'acuteness' which will 'propel' the 'fracturing' of 'global business', but we need also note that Terra entity plays its part both in 'shipping impacting events', as well as 'directing' the 'shift in consciousness'. This last is much more important in the longer term and is already accruing longer term

values even in the immediacy processing stage. As may be expected, much of this language is focused on all of the contexts surrounding 'housing'. NONE of the contexts is reporting back a positive emotive sum. ALL the summations are negative, and judging against previous ALTA reports, continuing to drop, even accelerating their rate of emotional negativity.

Conclusion: Part 2 - Tooting, Within the Cusp Just a bit of touting of the horn to satisfy Igor. He wishes to point out how close our pre-pre-dictions on Bush popularity, and GOP scandals came out, relative to the charts, even when made months ago. To whit, the old chart below:

Even back in May when the data for the chart was first collected, the then long term value sets were pointing to 'plummeting popularity' for Bush regime as 'actions reprised {under} secrets revealed lead to revulsion {over/from} betrayal'. Hmm. Sounds a lot like the reactions now going through the "evangelical community" as regards to Bush regime 'playing them as patsies, and simpletons' as is revealed in a new book by an insider within the Faith based initiative office. And so we find ourselves floating on a rudderless derelict of an environmentally 'challenged' planet at the threshold of monumental events within the global social humanstream. The economic shifts are already complete and the results are just now hunkering down under a carpet-bombing of propaganda and jingoism. The shifts in economics precede the manifestation of large movements of consciousness which will change the entire social landscape. As with all periods of change, chaos emerges from the predictable degradation of static complex systems. All chaotic systems eventually oscillate to stability, only to begin to degrade once more. We are within the cusp of such a shift. Stability is dead, it is just not yet noticeable as it has been 'papered over' with 'lies and numbers'. The chaos is manifesting now, and if not visible in a reality near you, it will soon be so. At the core of all chaotic states of all complex systems is 'struggle'. Prepare for it now as it is surely ready to manifest with a vengeance. It will not be the 'intensity' of the emerging struggles of Fall/Winter which will shock, but rather the 'suddenness' with which the 'planet moves' which will 'gravitate the consciousness into the stomach'. The data set is using language we have not seen in some time, and these include the bespoke aspects of 'great' as applied to 'waves of change', and 'pivotal' as applied to 'manifesting circumstances' in the Fall of 2006. We expect to post Part 3 by Saturday, October 21, 2006. Noting how close that is to our release period, we expect the short term value set which is the focus of this next week's proccessing will run hot.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 607 - Part 3 - October 21, 2006

Part 3:Markets - Burping Bile, Rumbles Signal* Terra - Antarctica - Bouchon et Convoquer Militiaire* Terra - Northern Hemisphere - Patterns Rule, Advancing Horns* Bushista - Spots on the Skin, Unraveling Begins* Meta Data - December Press Headlines/Memes* Meta Data - New Entities - Global Food Supply (OmniBiota)* Press - Flapp'n Them Gums, Whistle While They Work* Conclusion: Part 3 - Release Plateau Imminent, Naps and Pies Suggested

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 10.21.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 33.993 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. Markets - Burping Bile, Rumbles Signal As may be expected, given that our data collection is within the 'elections' time frame, we are processing with emotional sums for both the immediacy values and shorter term value sets running 'hotter' than usual. These high emotional sums have a tendency to blur the whole of the processing as the differences numerically which indicate linguistic shifts are taking place become very subtle. When the Markets entity is loaded into modelspace and advanced, we find that the whole of the entity is under the domination of 'restricted movement' as of November 8th and beyond. The data set shows that this meta data layer, will be going vertical within the entities data set on late November 6th and is forward affecting for some considerable time. This situation is also aggravated by the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer already having gone vertical within Markets as of about October 23rd. As part of the supporting set for 'secrets revealed', the Markets entity has a directly held lexical set going to the idea that a 'fearless beginning {has/is revealed as} going stuck'. The 'going stuck' reference in its turn is supported by aspect/attribute sets of 'repentance', 'recklessness', 'the third action', and 'personal demons'. In support of 'repentance' and 'recklessness' is an area which is both participatory in, and cross linked to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. The indication is that a 'reckless action revealed' will 'induce' bespoke 'fear'. This whole area is then 'burping fear/bile' over the last days of October and into the 'election season' in November. The modelspace, when progressed to November 8th, has the emphasis shift from 'secrets revealed' over to 'restrictions on movement'. This last is also the dominant element for the 'economy' sub set in both Populace/USofA *and* the Bushista entity. The idea is that seemingly some real 'blockages to flow' occur in very short order following the elections. These 'blockages' are shown as being 'economy' focused. Further the supporting aspect/attribute sets go to bespoke 'fears' which 'conjure up {the} realm of demons'. Granted a bit obscure, but still unmistaken in tone. Also involved very heavily within the 'restrictions on movement' will be some of the very large 'flow managers'. We can easily interpret this to be some form of 'funds' or 'derivative' management kind of critter, and note that 'veils of illusions' {ed note: also participates in 'secrets revealed'} will be 'spoken open'. This last is cross linked to the Press entity and suggests that the 'parting of the veils' {ed note: a reference to islam? Burka/veils?} will make it to the global mediastream. However the real import is the impact on the 'economy' of the USofA as the implication from the data suggests that a 'restricted movement' or 'slowdown' is beginning. Further, both the emotional sums, the early long term values, and the actual descriptor sets are suggesting a 'restricted movement' economy for '3/three years'. So this Fall is merely the 'fronting point' or 'departure' point as the data states it. Now more ominously, and also much more difficult to interpret is the 'military' impact shown following or rather as part of the 'restrictions on movement'. Could this be forecasting some form of martial law? Perhaps. The data shows that 'military' is the rising, and dominant aspect following immediately on the heels of 'restricted movement'. Further it shows that the 'military' aspect arrives and 'blends into' the whole of the 'restricted movement' aspect for some considerable time. Could this be indicating that the 'military' are used to enforce 'restricted movement'. Yes, but before we go imagining the USofA being garrisoned, we also need to keep in mind that the totality of this data set is within Markets entity, and that *both* the 'restricted movement' and 'military' are 'economy' focused. So it is just as easily interpreted as a 'military action', say in Iraq, causes problems such that an impact is felt on the 'economy' of the USofA which in turn causes or participates in 'restricted movement'. The loss of large numbers of personnel or equipment in *any* of the active theaters of war around the planet would/could be a causative path leading to just such a 'restriction on movement of the economy due to impacts from the military'. Or it could be that some strategic assets such as oil fields could be lost and again, the same sort of scenario of impacts on the economy could/would play out. The data set does suggest a 'foreign' setting for the beginning of the

'military' component of the 'restrictions on movement'. There are aspect/attribute sets going to 'gatherings {of} tension/conflict', and 'parties {at/to} war'. The Markets entity is pointing to the 'loss of regularity' as the 'initiator/spark' which will begin, seemingly, late on November 6th. From that point on within the range of the shorter term data set, e.g. 3/three months inclusive, the Markets entity appears to be suggesting a time of 'loss of correct rhythm' and 'regularity destroyed'. Further, there is much language suggesting a 'force/pressure {to} return {to} natural positions'. This latter is connected by cross links to both Populace/USofA and Bushista, and is filled with legal language. This suggests a 'spill over' effect to the economy from the 'conflict' about to ratchet up within Bushista, and the Populace/USofA. In the direct cross links between the Bushista entity and the Markets entity an interesting story is revealed as the modelspace is progressed past the point of the elections. It shows that the markets will perceive the Bush regime as 'not {being able} to rely on helpers/minions'. Further the Markets entity is also showing that the outcome of the elections will be that the Bush regime 'cannot proceed', or alternatively is 'unable to continue'. Within the details here it shows that the Bushista entity 'sought supporters' within the general theme of the elections, and 'turned up animosity' instead. The result of this will be 'visible {bespoke} fear' within the Bushista entity. In turn the 'visible weakness' is shown as 'contributing/augmenting' the problems of 'flow' within the Markets. Speaking to the 'flow' problems besetting the Markets entity post-election, a further wrinkle is added in that the Markets entity is showing that its perception will be that the Bushista entity has 'withdrawn' as its reaction to the outcome. The perception of the Markets entity is of a 'closed shell, reduced, withdrawn'. Further this is indicated to come at 'just the wrong time', and may well be predicting the 'reduction {of the} ability/capacity' for the PPT to operate. The 'withdrawal' of the Bushistas is indicated to 'exacerbate' and 'magnify' issues around both 'flow' and 'production'. Seemingly these are pointing at 'currency' rather than something straight forward such as 'oil'. Within the shorter term value set, and indicated as rising to dominance of the aspect/attributes for Markets in late November and operative through December is the aspect of 'rumbles/noise/sounds' with the supporting aspects of 'deep in/deep under', as well as several bespoke references to 'danger' which in its turn is supported by 'imminent' and 'approaching', and 'gathering'. Each of the supporting sets has temporal clues indicating that over the course of late November and through all of December, the Markets entity will be 'reacting' to 'appearances of danger' as well as being 'fearful of close/near-by rumbling {of} danger'. Further we have references within the Markets entity pointing to 'external rise' and 'external impacts' as being the proximate source of the 'danger'. The indications are that the 'bad taste' and 'rising bile' will be 'afflicting' those who 'trade {with} crossed/crooked managers'. The idea comes across as an outgrowth of the 'defaults' lexical set. The imagery points to a 'builder' who will 'default' such that 'thousands {are/will be} denied'. This in turn sets off a new round of 'secrets revealed' within Markets which leads to the 'discovery/realization' that 'manipulation' has been the 'trading partner'. It is this set of circumstances which induce the 'bad taste/mouth coating'. Those shown as 'afflicted with understanding {about market manipulation}' are shown as 'recognizing ineffectiveness {of} action', and then in turn decide to 'withdraw into regrets'. This area is parallel to, and cross linked with another section, also under 'secrets revealed' which goes to the idea that 'broken teeth' will 'litter the street' as both 'justice and possessions' are 'placed at risk {by secrets revealed}'. Again, note that this area is suggested to be effective within December. The cross links suggest that the Bushista crowd will find much to be 'anxious' about as 'secrets reveal {their} complicity {with manipulation}'. Much of this area is also carrying early long term values point to lots of legal language in the future over the subject. Heavily involved in this area is the 'gold' sub set. It would *appear* that 'gold' as an emotional subject is to take a very large jump up in emotional summations as a result of the 'confluence' of several sets of events. First there is the 'impacts on flows', then the 'rumbling of danger', then the 'impact of revisiting secrets revealed', and then the '2/two external impacts' which will be part and parcel of the global 'reaction to restrictions of flow'. The whole of this area is showing as 'exposing' or 'allowing/facilitating discovery' of

'gold'. While the interpretation could run toward a new 'gold' discovery being announced, it reads much more as though 'circumstances' will 'present awareness {of the} possibilities {of} gold' to the general populace. The idea being that 'shocks' and 'stinks' and 'bad tastes' will motivate the "early adopters" to follow in the footsteps of the "visionaries" towards a shift out of paper currencies. This 'movement of assets/wealth' is its own lexical set, coming on through accrual in mid December, and it continues to grow over the course of December and through Winter. This whole area is shown via cross links as 'exacerbating' the 'work-load/concerns/worries' of several of the Bushista's. Specifically we have aspects/attribute indicating a very high level of involvement in this 'shift of reasoning' by D. Cheney and C. Rice. The level of bespoke 'fear' shown within the cross links is very high within Bushista, though only in some of the outer bands of lexical structures. It is clearly as though the central core of Bushista is 'lights on, no-one home' in a state of near catatonic 'withdrawal' or other wise deeply involved with 'conflict' which is rising internally within the entity.

Terra - Antarctica - Bouchon et Convoquer Militiaire The Terra entity is increasingly under the rising aspect of 'conflict' with the supporting aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of 'fighting {for} survival'. This can also be interpreted by the secondary layer within the descriptor set as 'struggle against the elements'. The Terra entity is suggesting that such will be very true this Fall. The Terra entity is showing that 'conflict' or 'struggle' or 'contention' will 'encounter blockages' this Fall. Notably in Antarctica, the suggestion being, since Fall in the northern hemisphere is Summer in the southern, that a 'blockage of movement {will} produce contention/struggle {in the} waters/ocean'. Now while there are sets within the descriptor which also contain descriptor links for 'armed aggression' as in 'armies and navies', the entity does not seem to be growing its data set in that direction. Rather the imagery coming out in the shorter term value sets is of a 'contention' between '2/two large masses' rather than between navies. The supporting aspect/attribute sets are indicating a situation which would seem to be more likely involving '2/two large ice masses' which while 'now stuck/corked' will at some point become 'contentious' or 'struggle' or 'compete' for 'access within {the} narrow passage'. A very curious component of this linguistic set appears to suggest that a 'global noise signal' will occur as a result of the 'friction' between the '2/two masses'. Hmmm. Ear plugs...on the list now.

Terra - Northern Hemisphere - Patterns Rule, Advancing Horns Once again the question of the season for the global mediastream will be "can they all be freaks?", and of course, they will be referring to the weather which will be described as 'freakish' ad nauseam. The whole of the mediastream will be involved in 'weather alterations/shifts' coverage. Much of the top layer of the Terra entity, 'northern hemisphere' sub set is showing as 'abnormal' or 'extreme' or 'extra/beyond season' weather. Further the cross links to all other entities including both populace entities, the Markets entity, and Bushista as well as various other 'officialdom' sub sets indicates that 'extra-seasonal' weather will provide its own level of impetus to the various Fall and Winter release periods in our stair step approach to the Ides of March larger release period. THE key driver for the 'shifting weather' is seen as the 'warping/warpage/distortion' of the 'global respiration patterns'. This is within supporting sets going to 'winds' and containing specific references to 'jet streams'. The whole of the visual impression is that as Fall rotates into Winter the global jet stream patterns will make large and 'noticeable' changes in a manner 'never before seen/unknown'. This will in turn impact global weather patterns. Some indications within the data set are going to the idea that 'new lands bloom' albeit, 'temporarily/instable', as 'waters return'. We have much suggestion that very 'wet' winds are headed to formerly desert areas. Much of the geographic references here are for points below the 'equator'.

The 'winds shifting' their patterns of behavior is also shown as a driver for weather events in the northern hemisphere. The indications are for 'sudden' and 'fierce' shifts which will totally disrupt 'local climate' for brief, though 'devastating' periods. The data set suggests more 'sudden snows' and 'strange ices' as well as 'unusual hurricanes/tornados'. The over all impression is one of 'weather chaos' which brings things like 'intense cold' to places where the 'dry ground' is going to 'buck/heave' like some form of animal as 'deep fissures form' and 'deep waters freeze'. It would appear that some areas where the usual frost line is on the order of say a few inches may get very deep freezes indeed. On the order of 'depth shocks, skin burns' kind of freezing. The whole of this area is specifically also referencing 'great danger'. This is shown as 'affecting all' including 'animals', and 'sleeping pollinators'. Not a good sign at all. Further the cross links are very extensive and thick going over to the Press entity so the implication is that the mediastream coverage will be extensive. The data set has many caution hinting aspect/attribute sets including some indicating that an 'accident' which is really caused by the 'stupidity and arrogance of youth' will put some of the press peoples 'at risk' for 'half a day'. Likely some young foolish reporters will go zipping about in icy conditions somewhere, careen off the road and be undiscovered and at 'risk of freezing' for 12/twelve hours or so. That kind of thing. Along with the 'alterations' of the 'wind/jet stream' patterns, and the subsequent 'new weather', the data set is still indicating that a large earthquake is pending for the 'west coast' of 'north america'. As with all these earthquake forecasts, caution must be taken. We have no real way to separate what may be several, large, and temporally close earthquakes. So rather than a large earthquake, perhaps what is being shown are several spread out over the whole of the 'west coast' of both 'north' and 'central' america. The continuing build of value sets for 'earthquake' within the shorter term processing argues that the earthquake is 'still ahead', and that as our shorter term value set peaks with the December solstice, we can *hypothesize* that a largish earth quake will manifest on the 'west coast' prior to the solstice. It is also becoming apparent that the 'central american city of brick' which was shown to be 'leveled/razed' by an earthquake may have been misinterpreted at the time. What we now have with the continuation of the building values for earthquakes is the suggestion that it was not a 'city IN central america made of brick', but may be, instead, a reference to a city which has a 'central edifice' by which the locality is known which is made of 'brick and tile' which came from 'central america'. Damn tricky this stuff. So the early values included all the words we have now, but the Terra entity now has very extensive links to the 'central american city' as being tied to the 'west coast, usofa' sub set, and the still building values for the 'earthquake'. Further the detail sets are going to 'stella', and 'obelisk' which is seen as 'having an interior' and which is 'tiled'. Now note that this is likely describing a building and not an actual 'obelisk'. Further the data for the 'earthquake' is still growing within the processing for this report, and that suggests that temporally, the manifestation of such is 'further out than in'. We also continue to gain values suggesting that the 'razing/destruction' from the earthquake will be large indeed, and may exceed the number of homes destroyed in the Katrina/Rita storms. The descriptor set for the 'earthquake' has a supporting detail set headed by 'horns'. The 'horns' reference is from a descriptor set which goes to 'encircling' or 'entrapping' or '2/two pronged'. Further the data details suggest that actually '2/two points' or 'epicenters' will 'block action/motion'. We note that very recent processing from the Populace/USofA entity, shows very large dominance by 'restrictions on movement' at the immediacy values level. True these appear shortly after the November 7th elections, and are part of the 'release period' at that time so they could be referencing political, but we also have the values appearing both directly held and via cross link within the Terra entity. Further details about the earthquake suggest an 'up thrust' manifestation in that there are several references to 'not being {able to} fall backwards', and 'vents closed/filled/smashed'. Additional details for what they are worth, go to several large areas being 'flooded' or turned into 'salt marshes' by the actions of the earthquake as though levees are impacted. The range of geography with such conditions is very large and includes areas in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California, and likely B.C. as well. Bushista - Spots on the Skin, Unraveling Begins

The Bushista entity has a number of 'spots on the skin' of the entity which rotate into view post-elections. Among these is a continuing build for 'ill health' and 'coating yellow fur' which will 'afflict' D. Cheney. The 'health' aspect is clearly indicating that the 'tensions' resulting from the 'finally completed' elections will take their toll. The data set shows that 'arrogance' will 'bring misery' in the form of 'black spots on the skin/brain'. This area is likely more a general indicator of for 'ill health' rather than actual 'black spots', however the 'visibility' of the 'misery' will be quite apparent. This area is heavily cross linked to the Markets entity. As to the actual cause of the 'ill health', there is the lexical set which says that the 'misery lives {in the} belly' and is merely 'producing the black spots'. Hmm, sounds like liver to me... As the Bushista entity is progressed through November and December and into Winter along with the modelspace, a series of 4/four cross links develop with the Populace/USofA which join together within the termination point within Bushista. The implications are that the originating aspects within the Populace/USofA entity are the proximate cause of the terminating aspect of 'misery'. The aspects within the Populace/USofA are 'placid satisfaction', 'unanimous purpose', 'relaxation' and 'fulfillment'. In all 4/four cases the originating aspects come into place in late November, and are associated with the elections. The implications are continuing for some level of 'contest' to continue into late November, but then the outcome is seen as 'justice long denied' which produces 'beaming placid satisfaction' within the populace. Hmm, probably means that the ALTA report prediction of a 57/fifty-seven seat loss in the House by the Republicans is seen as a *good* thing by the general populace, and that along with the 1/6th shift in the Senate, the Populace/USofA entity is suggesting that it feels good about the new 'restraints' being placed on the Bushistas. This is shown as 'increasing anxiety and fretting' within Bushista to the point that the 'outer ring' {ed note: WH staffers?} are 'dismayed' by the 'catatonia' being displayed. Compounding this area of bespoke 'misery', is a very extensive cross linking to the Markets entity which is suggesting that 'secrets revealed' within the markets and consisting of 'manipulation' and 'lies {about} numbers' will 'leak out' and the 'leak' is shown as beginning to 'scald' those involved. The 'scald' reference is particularly telling as it is associated with several body parts, and such associations have in the past been reliable indicators of very high emotional levels manifesting to the point that they hit the mediastream. As is noted below, a large number of new aspect/attributes are accruing which go to the idea of the 'bush defeat' or 'waterloo'. These are taking shape now, are bringing along a lot of longer term values, but are not totally populated yet. The implication is for a December time frame for the 'waterloo' manifestation for Emperor Napoleon Bush, but as may be expected the ramifications have long term impacts. Some of the longer term data is suggesting that a 'consortium of nations' will 'visit' with Emperor Bush to 'present a list'. Apparently the 'list' will contain a set of 'constraints' that the USofA must live within or risk 'consortium disapproval'. As may be expected, the Bushista entity is showing that 'defiance' will be the response to the 'list of constraints'. We need to note though that other 'constraint lists' are also in the Bush future, many with indications of 'congressional' or 'legal' backing. All of which are difficult to separate from each other in the interpretation.

Meta Data - December Press Headlines/Memes Of the many emails that we get, a most frequently arising question relates to how we determine what to interpret within the modelspace. Without going into boring details on what constitutes an entity, we can say that we interpret those areas which have the largest amount of details sets such that we can have several differing viewpoints represented, via cross links and referential integrity checks. This allows us to sometimes pick up on emotional trends which will soon manifest. However, we do get a large number {ed note: in the millions} of areas which contain some information, but are not 'complete and correct' in the computer programming sense of the phrase, and or, are not fully populated. In the case of the latter, we wait to see if subsequent processing will fill in the lexical set. Frequently this is not the case. So what are we to make of this data which is passing through our processing, but never reaching the state that invites interpretation?

An ancillary question that frequently pops up is whether there is information that we "know", but do not report. Usually this is not the case. We may have some suspicions as to how a pending entity development is going to emerge with later processing, but until we actually see the data output, we don't speculate. So in that sense, what we think we know, we report. But, there is a very large amount of data which goes unreported. Mostly also unexamined. This is due to the incomplete nature of the data sets as they finish processing. Perhaps some will fill out and attract interpretation later in the series. Perhaps some are forming the base for later series interpretations. We do have most of modelspace filled with such data, so in this report we thought it "entertaining" to present the top level of the aspect/attribute sets as "headlines" as though taken from newspapers/teevee_crawls. These are for December, and arise from these usually-not-examined data sets. Note that what you see is what we got. There is little or no meaningful data other than what is presented. Again, these are offered as 'mock headlines' from December of this year. MIA. Plane shot down, 4/four missing. Sudden rise in mortgage rates. ISS problems. Meteorite shower threatens shield stability, orbital track. Riots in Moslem Universities (secrets revealed) Emp. Napoleon Bush Waterloo Poverty threshold in USofA collapses under middle class. All that is left is the poor and the elite. Large fires in Texas. Industrial? Residential threatened. Israeli Radical Right Rises Righteously. Slapped down. Stunned to speechlessness by global reaction. Congress calls Bush on dollars and impounded properties. Breakthrough in research on energies coming in from space. Announcement. Oklahoma Law enforcement problems widen. State stability threatened. Russian programs against Israeli spies/informers. USofA Navy loses vessel. Deep antiquity find in Turkey. Careers/academia threatened. Microbiology menaces Missouri. Coal upheaval in Utah. Wave of eye damage from solar radiations. Queen and Prince Chucky problems erupt. Bird issues (flu?) raise alarm. Ultimatums delivered to Bush regarding 2/two wars.

New method of propulsion announcement (flight?).

Meta Data - New Entities - Global Food Supply (OmniBiota) As the ALTA work has progressed, new entities have infrequently arisen in our serendipitous processing mode. Such is the case now. We note that a cohesive separation of values relating to a descriptor set focused on the 'global food supply' is taking place over the course of this last week's processing. There are elements which relate to the planetary plant and animal life in non-food terms, but still considering them as 'resources' and so we have chosen to name this entity OmniBiota as it is proxy for all life-based resources exploited by humans here on earth. As the OmniBiota entity is initially loaded into modelspace, and progressed along through Fall and into Winter, there are some indications which accrue as primary and secondary aspect/attribute sets that may go a long way toward explaining the 'why now' component of the OmniBiota self-separation. What is visible early, and rotates into view around the end of November, but only really gains strength following the Winter solstice, is the 'emergence of conflict' over food. Apparently a couple of 'needy nations' will 'face off/oppose' each other in a 'war like stance' over the 'protection/acquisition' of a 'near-by/proximate {to} both food source'. The appearance of the 'food war preparation' is shown as making it to the mediastream in December, though there will be some hints of the developments being discussed through very late November, and December. The prima facia reason for the development of the OmniBiota entity is clear when the emotional sums are computed. It would seem that the global populace will soon be discussing with some emotional fervor, the twin issues of 'food supply', and 'overpopulation'. These 2/two aspects are at the top of the descriptor set for the OmniBiota entity, and represent the core of the emotional creation energy which is driving the appearance of this entity. The modelspace is indicating that a 'crash/collapse' of a major food source for the planet will occupy much of the 'building tension' discussions this Winter, and will be at a key focus area for the coming Ides of March release period. Further the OmniBiota entity is also indicating that 'some will profit' and that 'some will deceive {in order to} attempt profit'. Both of these areas are filled with cross links back to ThePowersThatBe entity as well as Markets entity and all our 'officialdom/government' sub sets. The implication is that lots of effort will be made to 'sell alternatives' in the form of both 'genetically engineered', and 'particle built {nano-tech}' food sources. Other efforts will be focused on 'extraction of resources by deceit'. This last is seemingly 'space focused' and is yet to be completely filled, however again the idea coming across is that someone/organization will suggest 'space farming' or something similar in nature as 'the solution'. While small the OmniBiota entity is very emotionally complete. The data sets are building in such a manner as to show this area of concern as a powering element to some of the building emotional tensions this Winter, but the relatively large ratio of longer term value sets point to a very long term existence for OmniBiota.

Press - Flapp'n Them Gums, Whistle While They Work The Press entity has been examined in detail at the immediacy and shorter term value levels as a referential integrity check on the emerging view for a 'reduction' of Bush/GOP regime power by '1/6th' in the elections, and a subsequent 'withdrawal' into near catatonia by the Bushistas. It would seem just by the rising aspects of the Press entity, sub set 'usofa', sub set 'portion/global mediastream', that this will be the case. This section of the entity, standing proxy for a very wide definition of 'press usofA' has 2/two new aspects which appear following the election on November 7th, and which are both inter-supporting, and supportive of the 'altered' relationship between the Bushista's and the press.

The indications from the Press entity newly acquired aspects are that following the elections, the press will be 'increased/expanded' in their 'position of power' relative to the 'politicians'. Further it would appear that the data is pointing toward the emergence, around November 10/11 of the first signs of a 'rebellion' within the press. Bear in mind the differences between 'rebellion' and 'revolution', in the former, the infrastructure is preserved and only the power players change. This is clearly the direction that is being forecast for the Press entity. Not a 'revolution', but pointedly a 'rebellion'. The whole of this area is cross linked to many entities and is also participatory within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. Further, the cross links over to Markets, Bushista, and Populace/USofA are also very extensively involved in 'secrets revealed'. From the data indications, and the rate of growth of certain detail sections, we are interpreting the period from November 24th onward as being a 'whistle while they work' time for some months as a 'wholesale/complete/intensive spilling of secrets' begins. Many in the Press will *not* be happy about this, and there are a number of areas within the Press entity suggestive of a 'cleansing' of several global mediastream organizations. However, the majority of previously 'restrained by power' press people will 'jubilantly join' the feeding frenzy of the Winter of Secrets Revealed. Conclusion: Part 3 - Release Plateau Imminent, Naps and Pies Suggested Many new wrinkles have appeared in our time processing these last few weeks, and even though it was expected, we have been surprised by the actual 'hotness' of the emotional values. It seems the whole of the planet is emotionally involved in the USofA midterm elections. Of a necessity, this 'hotness' focuses our attention to more immediate and shorter term values. We are just now getting into the processing of the first of the defined longer term values (as opposed to those which come along with other data sets). This, and the last of the shorter term value set should allow us to increase our projections forward into 2007. That in turn should allow us to produce a longer term chart for Part 4. We expect the first of the manifestations of the next release period, which is sort of an abbreviated, and 'flattened' release dip to begin on October 23rd. This will last with the same level of intensity through October 26th. The pointers that we have suggest that the 'scandals' both 'sexual' and 'political' will be 'joined/merged' and 'magnified/augmented' by developing circumstance. A very heavy teevee chatter week is in the offing. Naps and pies are suggested to stoke the system prior to the onslaught that awaits this coming week. Part 4 is planned for posting next Saturday, October 28th.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 607 - Part 4 - October 28, 2006

Part 4:Populace/USofA - Sick Bucks, Calm House, Shame about the Plans, Young Blood* Populace/USofA- Clashes of the Classes* Markets - Shifting Earth, Superficial Display, Complexity Compounds * Conclusion: Part 4 - Cinch Up*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 10.28.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 48.726 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. Populace/USofA - Sick Bucks, Calm House, Shame about the Plans, Young Blood Much of the data sets, both the shorter term values, and the longer term sets within the Populace/USofA are focusing on the period from April 2007 through June 2007 as being particularly important within the Ides of March release period. It would seem that the 'sheeit takes a while to roll down the hill' and that while the Bushista entity is going full blast emotionally on March 11th and beyond, it takes until nearly April for the emotional wave to overtake the Populace/USofA entity. Before the events which initiate the Ides of March release period begin to propagate outward into the Populace/USofA entity, the stressors which will support that spreading wave of emotional release have to be in place. We see those pressures rising over the course of Fall and through Winter. Much of the stressors will relate to the USofA economy, and the USofA dollar. There are very large levels of cross links between the Markets entity and the Populace/USofA entity and the various entities and sub sets representative of 'government' in the broader sense of things. ALL of these groups are in positions which have not been seen since 2001, and to be clear, we are not discussing another 'terrorist' attack, but rather are commenting on the inter-related nature of the sub sets. The data would seem to be suggesting that the 'tie that binds' all of the entities, and then whips all their separate problems into a very thick stew is 'currency, usofa dollar'. The data is suggesting a view of the future following the elections in which a series of 'inter-governmental' crises move to 'bind' the markets and the populace to the 'same spot/state' in that they are both to 'discover vulnerabilities' which have been 'previously hidden'. There are some data sub sets within the Populace/USofA to suggest that a 'leak' of information about the 'maneuvering' of 'currencies' will come out

in such a fashion as to *seemingly* misdirect attention away from a building wave of 'defaults' as previously noted in this series. The state of the modelspace indicates that the 'sinking' of the 'usofa currency, dollar' will take several 'bounces, swoons' to complete, but once begun, the 'chains of the slaves' are to be made 'visible' in the outpouring of 'secrets revealed' which will accompany the first of these 'intergovernmental' crises of late Fall and Winter. Much of the 'revolution' language within the Populace/USofA gets its emotional energy from the 'currency illness/disease' sub set of data as it accrues to the entity. The 'revolution' meme gains several orders of magnitude in strength as the modelspace is progressed through to Winter, *and* the conditions of 'failing markets', and 'failing food {supplies}', and 'failing wars', and 'failing money' all come together to create a storm of 'concern/worry' which will seriously drive down the national 'mood' in December and on into Winter. Following the 'indigestible holidays' of Fall, the Winter 'storms' both in 'property afflicted by weather', and 'economy fractured {by} currency/debt', will seriously stress the Populace/USofA. Further, the data is suggesting that this Winter, the 'dollar' will, through its 'sickness/disease', become a 'burden on the global populace' as well as the 'sharp pain' which is driving the economic headaches of the local-to-the-USofA populace. Yes, there are huge areas indicating that 'social turmoil' will 'stem from/derive from' the forecast 'political turmoil', but the overall impression is that nothing bites the ass of the populace in the next 8/eight months so much as the 'economy' and its 'vulnerability' to the 'disease of the dollar'. A significant component of the 'disease of the dollar' shows up with 'housing' as the leading aspect of the descriptor set. The supporting aspects of the set go to the idea that 'housing' was the 'second {to the} last refuge/hidden_safety/preserve'. Further the suggestion is from the data set that the 'heat' within the global economy of late is now 'off' due to the 'rising calm {in the} inner workings/machinery {of the} USofA housing industry'. We need also note that this area is extensively cross linked to the 'illegals' sub set and the coming 'clashes of the classes' ( see below). The Populace/USofA entity is pointing to a number of 'stressors' on the social order which will derive an 'illness' from the 'dollar', and which will also 'feedback' into the 'dollar disease'. The rapidity with which the 'illness progresses' will 'shape fortunes' according to the modelspace, as well as 'adding fuel' to the 'political fires' engulfing the nation. It is too bad that the 'political fires' are made up of rhetoric, and not distributable 'hot air' as the modelspace, including Terra cross links is suggesting the 're-appearance/return' of 'energy problems' in heating many of the mansions built of late. This in turn contributes to the 'housing woes' which are also exacerbating the 'dollar disease' and vice versa. The whole of the picture shows that a 'deadly/fatal inner calm' comes over the 'housing markets/industry' as 'fogs of Winter' settle in. Apparently this 'inner calm' will be so recognizable as to 'elicit coverage' from the global mediastream. However 'calm' the inner core of the 'housing industry' is to be, the outer edges are shown as being in a 'screaming panic'. Much of the 'panic' has yet to show up, but the lexical sets are showing that 'millions' will be 'affected/diseased' by 'contagion' as the 'roots are ripped out' of a 'major housing industry' component. While there are large numbers of accruing data sets within this area of the entity, it is difficult to separate the 'cause' from the 'affected' within our view. Sooo...what it *looks* like is that either a 'major housing producer' *or* a 'major mortgage packager' is going to 'be pulled out by the roots, blood running, denial remains, all hidden complaints exposed, millions denied/remanded'. This data suggests something on the order of a fallout from the previously reported in this series 'defaults' which are forecast for later in the Winter season. The 'pulling out by the roots' is a very specific metaphoric picture and goes to the descriptor set for 'investigation/inquiry', with sub sets of 'legal' and 'judicial' primary aspects. The data set suggests that another ramification of the 'extraction by its roots' of the 'rotten core' within the 'housing industry' will be almost instant 'pressure' on government, both civil and political. In this case the modelspace is showing that 'both {will} fail' and, given the tone of the times, seeming the failure will be somewhat 'spectacular'. Oh, well, what can you expect of a species that puts politicians in charge?

A curious note within the data set, sub set 'housing', is a commiserative 'too bad {about} your/the plans'. Hmm, well, the data continues on into a supporting aspect/attribute set where we encounter , 'externally {to the market} focused, disorderly situation developing, fomentations {of} civil collapse {impacts/affects} ability {to register?permit?} plans'. It would seem from the extensive number of cross links to the 'government' sub sets, mostly 'civil service', that the 'chaos' of 'political problems/instability' will seriously damper, along with the 'dollar disease', the 'new permits' component of the 'housing market'. Again, a caution to our timing, but the impression given by the math is that December, perhaps from about the 15th onward, is the 'real beginning' of the next phase of problems for the USofA economy. Further the timing suggests that as Winter progresses, so will the 'flu' of the dollar. The suggestion is that a temporal marker can be picked up from a 'radical/unexpected drop' in 'new permits' within the 'housing market'. Again, our timing suggests December, but the numbers for that month will not be reported until January at the earliest. Of course, there will be 'other signs' beyond the 'official numbers' which are lies in any case. As the entity is progressed along with modelspace through Winter and into Spring of 2007 the newly acquired short and longer term values point to a continuation of 'plagues/illnesses' which impact the 'dollar' and, 'disorderly situations' to be found in almost all areas of the 'political discourse' of the USofA. The data further suggests that in Spring, the 'political/social sores' will further exacerbate a bad foreign relations situation which further impacts the 'dollar disease'. The 'disease of the dollar' will be the 'infestation' which the modelspace shows a bringing 'putrefaction/rot/dying off' in Spring. This is certainly the strongest language, and timing clues we have had for a 'depression' of the 'populace', and this is reflected in all of the new data as well as the cross links. All of the components for the entities' emotional sums, when extracted for the 'economy/economic' sub set are below the neutral line, and some are orders of magnitude below the totality of the entity master value set. This suggests that the Spring of 2007, following the 'crumbling' of Winter 2006/2007 will mark, temporally, the 'descent'. And the implication is that the rest of the entity will soon be following the emotional trend line for 'economy/economic' aspects down below the neutrality line in whole. The developing extension of the modelspace forward by the longer term values shows that the 'economic' problems are at least '3/three' years in length. These are further suggested to be 'testing years' with the inference that 'failure' might be an outcome of the 'trials' to afflict the populace. There are language sets going to the idea that the social order will be 'tested' at many levels, including 'exposure of oppression', and 'exposure/revelation of theft of core materials/resources'. This area is participatory within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, and provides some of the driving emotional values for the 'conflict' meta data layer, including the 'revolution' sub set. As we have noted in previous ALTA reports, the Bushista entity is complete dominated by 'conflict' meta data layer both internally, and externally by the end of Winter. Just before Spring, on March 11, 2007, the Bushista entity goes into a period where 'conflict' is being supported emotionally by 'transformation', 'duality', and 'secrets revealed'. Within this set of meta data aspects/attributes are cross links over to the Populace/USofA entity where the terminating lexical sets go to the idea of a 'return/revisiting {of} revolution'. Much of this area is heavily populated with language going to 'constitutional' as a subject or a modifier. The suggestion is from the acquired language that the 'legal' aspect will rise to prominence late in March, but continue for some time thereafter. Impeachment? Hard to say at this point. What does seem to show is that the Bushista entity is clearly in conflict with the Populace/USofA entity, however, in spite of the 'legal' language, the dominating theme is 'violence and blood'. From the perspective of the Populace/USofA entity, the advent of Spring brings about several twists in manifesting circumstances which force the populace to 'return {to the} themes {of the} beginning' and to do so as a result of 'young blood on the grass, washed by rain'. The lexical sets are for 'bloody wounds' to arise between the Populace/USofA and the Bushista entity which will clearly move the "relationship" along to 'confrontation/contention/conflict'. So the Bushista entity *will* be 'openly/on-the-face' at 'conflict' with the 'people'. Further the data goes to the idea that 'children {on the hill/mound} will wash {their} hands {in} blood {from the} wounds'. This last is from a data set going to the idea that a 'protest against injustice' will lead to the 'dead {replacing} fears', and 'attachment {to the} place {of} martyrs'. Curious language arising within the Populace/USofA. Much of it reflects a state of 'revolution' at the emotional level, and much of it is suggestive of actual 'blood {running/covering} the streets and hills'.

The data suggests that in the 'battle for supremacy' between the Bushista and the Populace/USofA beginning with Spring, that a 'first tactic/movement' will be by the Bushista entity as it 'tries/attempts' to 'bribe/purchase' its way out of the 'difficulties'. This is to be done by the 'distribution {of} secrets {from the} repository {as} sops/stop-halts {to the} people/mob'. The idea is that 'secrets' will be 'revealed by Bushista' as a method of 'turning the wrath'. Hmm. So they will sell out others to deflect the mob? Well, it apparently does not work, and by the actual Spring equinox, Bushista is shown to be fully 'engaged' in 'conflict' with the populace at large. A lot of the language within this area of both Bushista and Populace/USofA goes to the idea of the 'social body falling apart', or alternatively, the 'social/political contract' being 'repudiated'. It is this 'stubborn refusal' to 'voice reality' that leads to the 'open warfare' between the entities. Much is made of the 'attempted bribes', and what seemingly will take place is that 'bribe offers' will 'open/reveal {the existence of} storage/hidden receptacles' which in turn will be 'stormed/taken' and the 'contents exposed {to the} light'. This in turn leads to even *more* emotional release within the populace. Within this lexical set, at all levels including cross links back to 'transformation' and 'revolution', the Populace/USofA entity is filled with aspect/attribute sets supporting the idea of 'blood' and 'violence'. The implications are for actual 'actions', and 'war/battles in the streets'. However we need to note that the language can also be interpreted at lower levels for a 'fierce battle' rather than a 'bloody battle'. The difference is enough to suggest that perhaps the war of 'populace versus Bush' will be played out within the legal system and not the streets. But of course, knowing that we err consistently on the extreme side of things with these reports does *not* provide any comfort in the midst of so many references to 'broken bodies', and 'shattered skulls', and 'fractured bones'. All of which are shown to be from the 'centurions/enforcers/body_guards' of the Bushista's. It would be understandable for the data set to suggest that perhaps there might be some level of actual 'blood on the street' in the case of say, protests against Bush which involve an over-aggressive response from the Secret Service bodyguards to Bush/et al. However, what the data is suggesting is not a single, isolated incident, but rather a pattern of activity which is seemingly dominate the whole of the Ides of March release period at least through to the end of June of 2007. Within the Populace/USofA this whole pattern of activity, and the times in which it is expressed will become known as the 'redemption' or 'taking back the core/soul' of the Populace/USofA. And of course the whole of this area is also supporting both the 'secrets revealed' as well as 'conflict' and 'revolution' meta data layers. Populace/USofA- Clashes of the Classes While it won't quite play out like Spartacus, many of the same themes, both background and center stage are headed for a USofA near you beginning this Winter. There are some stirrings of the themes of 'slave revolt' already seen within the 'immigration reform' marches of 2006. Again noting what a pivotal year this has become, we see that the modelspace is presenting yet more opportunities to 'get right with universe' later as the various points of social friction rub themselves into open wounds as the stressors of Fall pressurize the Populace/USofA. A very large and soon to open into 'violence' social wound, from both sides we add, is the 'illegal invasion' and the 'reconquista' agenda. A very large component of this descriptor set derives its emotional energy from the 'combat/conflict' which is developing as a result of the 'opening of the drain' of employment as the 'usofa dollar' catches the flu/disease and the various 'controls' are put into place on hiring non-documented workers. The greater component is the 'loss of work/income' which exacerbates a very harsh winter in many areas. The totality of the 'dollar disease' impact will spread slowly, however, the cumulative effect is similar in nature to a 'dispersion/diffusion' pattern, and the modelspace is suggesting that the 'economic' situation 'cascades/diffuses' very 'rapidly', and 'visibly' as Fall moves into Winter. The exceptional weather, the crumbling infrastructure. the developing chaos politically internally, the mounding chaos external to the country all join to compound the situation. As the 'economic instability' grows the foreign inflows drop, this

has an immediate impact on housing and mortgages, which in turn affects employment, and exacerbates political tensions, *just* as the whole issues of crumbling infrastructure enter the picture, *and* so does the whole 'energy' costs equation. As if that were not enough, Terra intrudes even further with 'climate woes' and the whole social mood turns sour. This in turn drives a 'depressed housing' market even deeper into malaise, which in turn releases tens of thousands of illegals into the work-stream where there is 'no work'. Hmm. Wonder how that will play out? The modelspace is hinting that it will be visible on the global mediastream, and will add energy to the 'revolution' memes already out-and-about. Intimately connected to, and inter-twined with the 'revolution' themes emerging for Spring and beyond, in both the 'reconquista', and the 'redemption/transformation' within Populace/USofA, are the lexical sets for the 'putrefaction/rotting' of the 'economy, usofa', and the 'dollar disease'. In both cases the 'financial illness' will move much of the population into a 'state of confusion'. While seemingly both expected and understandable, the data set is signaling that this 'state of confusion' is *much* more than just merely being 'unsure' economically. Rather what is appearing here is at a very high level of emotional summations, and is curiously cross linked back to the 'death of {faith based/monotheistic} religions'. It may be that the data is trying to suggest that the 'religion of the american populace', i.e. 'capitalism' will fall victim to the 'state of confusion' which besets the populace. It is clear that the 'state of confusion' is pointing to a 'national impact/affect' and goes to something very deep indeed. We even find data sets explicitly going to the 'loss of {national} character'. Perhaps another way of stating this is the 'destruction {of the} illusion {of the} american dream'. Much of this area is involved with 'secrets revealed' and 'duality' and 'transformation'. Much of this area is focused on the 'transformation {at the core/principle} of the economic life {of the} nation'. The whole of this area, with its seemingly straight forward 'confusion {arising from} economic circumstance and dollar disease' language is setting up to be the next emotional driver of the entity as a whole. There are actually orders of magnitude larger emotional sums in this section of the Populace/USofA entity than are in all the 'revolution' areas combined. So the 'confusion state' will be very descriptive of the whole 'national mood' as the 'troubles/trials' of Spring settle in on the populace and the country.

Markets - Shifting Earth, Superficial Display, Complexity Compounds As noted within the Populace/USofA entity, much of the emotional pressures developing over Winter and Spring relate to the economic state of things within the nation. The data set for the Markets entity is supporting this idea that the 'central theme' or 'preoccupying worry' for 2007 for most of the populace will be the 'nation' and its 'economic' and 'political' health. Or lack thereof. Through the cross links over to the Terra entity it can be seen that the 'economic' focus will be sharpened by the impacts felt from 'weather' and other 'terra events'. Apparently a key area will be the impacts on 'transportation' including rail traffic where the data suggests that 'railroads' will be 'burdened, heavily' while at the same time trying to 'run on shifting sands'. The image coming out of the aspect/attribute sets goes to a year of 'excessive' demands on repair crews as the 'infrastructure/roadbed/foundations' are constantly 'under pressure/attack' by the 'shifting' parts of the planet. The impacts on 'transportation' are also shown as involving the 'restrictions on movement' and 'encounters with scarcity' at all levels. In other words a negative feedback loop will develop wherein 'encounters with scarcity' of support materials/human-power will induce 'restrictions on movement {of people/goods}' which in turn feeds back into the 'encounters with scarcity' and a downward spiral is begun. Within the Markets entity, and extensively cross linked to both the Bushista entity and Populace/USofA entity, is an area in which the aspect/attributes go to image of 'superficial display {in} support of {the} dollar {will have} no/little success'. This 'superficial display' area arises within Bushista and is coming from aspect/attribute sets which suggest that the Bush regime will go to great lengths, at least on the surface, to 'dispute' the 'developing dollar disease'. It will have no avail. And in at least the support sections for this area, is shown to 'amplify' the 'smell of rot/decay'. This 'rotting smell' which surrounds the 'usofa dollar' appears with seriousness in Winter, is augmented by the political instability, and participates in the 'malaise' of the 'homes', and the 'encounters with scarcity' which hit at a national level about mid-Winter.

The areas of 'scarcity' within this data set are suggesting that a 'multiple year' time frame is being anticipated in which there will be some 'shortage of goods/necessities' within most parts of the country most times. In other words, the lexical set is forecasting a period of encounters with scarcity which is shown to last at least as long as our longer term value set is displaying, or out some 41/forty-one months. As with the messy interconnectedness of real life here on earth, the modelspace also has a tendency to reflect a certain "messiness" which makes the interpretation of the various lexical sets into a dog-chasingtail kind of operation. A promising aspect/attribute set is located, the various supporting aspects are explored, and the trail leads over to either another area within the entity, or off into another entity in a round-robin of mutual cross links. The impression is a 'compounding of effect due to complexity'. Such is especially true in tracing the various links and supporting aspects for the Markets entity. Especially now. The interpretation that most easily springs to mind is a 'compounding of problems' due to the 'complexities' of the 'crash'. The modelspace is providing a view of a giant 'house-of-cards illusion' which seemingly began crumbling slowly at the edges a few years ago, but now has reached the point where the 'core illusion/deception' is being exposed by the 'tumbling, masking cards'. The Markets entity has supporting lexical groups which paint a picture of large numbers of 'abandoned projects' which will 'litter the landscape'. These 'failures of timing', both as residential and commercial structures become very important in later years, but for the Spring of 2007 their importance is both symbolic and fiscal as they represent the 'mal-investment' which accompanies the end of all boom cycles just as the bust appears. In this case the imagery is of tens of thousands of 'derelict' structures, half completed, as well as similar numbers of completed houses, and strip mall/commercial building structures which will sit, empty, as reminders. Such structures are shown to have a significant impact on the social order in that their long term values are very well populated and the summations of the "duration" and "impact" values go to significant levels of emotional attachment. The image coming across is of these structures both as 'refuge' and 'rat-hole' in future contexts. It is perhaps that such structures *could* be viewed as 'warrens of revolution' if they come to 'house the disenfranchised class', and an 'authoritarian' government objected. In any event, the importance of the 'derelict' structures' and 'empty eyed buildings, no life {inside}', to this time will be the 'attachments' of the mediastream to the images this coming Spring as they seek to illustrate the unfolding present {of the time}. As symbols of a 'once great' nation, the 'abandoned/failed' construction projects will stand everywhere, a constant reminder. The complexity of the whole of the inter-linked aspects within the various entities is shown with the many cross links which spread out from the 'derelict structures', seen as symbols of failure within the Markets entity, over to most of the other entities. The termination points within the Populace/USofA go to such aspect/attribute sets as 'loss of {personal} fortune/future', and 'status', and 'revolution', and 'anger', as well as several thousand other lexical sets. These in turn feed back to Markets as well as other entities. At the core of the many layers of mutual cross links is yet again, the usofa 'dollar'. The interpretation suggested just by the visual appearance is that the 'pressurization' of the 'dollar' as a currency is impacted by so many compounding points of failure within the complex system of the actual global economy, as well as the engineered 'economy illusion' of globalism, that once the process has begun to be visible, it is both well begun, and unstoppable. The data suggests that 'visibility rises' in early December, and is a constant in daily life by Spring. The various 'housing' related sub sets within the entities, when extracted, place, by emotional summations, the set removed from the Markets entity at the lead position, and its rising/dominant aspect is 'danger/dangerous'. The suggestion from the timing clues is that by Spring, the 'dangers' of the 'crumbling housing market/industry' will be very clear, and 'too involved' to do much more than 'debate causes'. In turn the cross connections to 'social order' or lack thereof, as well as 'foreign inflows' are linked from 'housing markets' through 'derivatives' over to 'economy', and the 'perception of health'. On this last element there are large numbers of cross links going to Bushista, and other 'government' and 'officialdom' sub sets where we see that a 'war of words' will be launched to try to 'staunch bleeding', though again, by the time that this action is taken, the whole of the process will be way too far along to affect in any meaningful manner. Further compounding the whole of the complexity issue are the many other impacts on both the 'housing' and the 'currency' of the core of 'globalization' which is the USofA. The Terra entity is clearing pointing to

'constant', and 'continuing' problems throughout Fall and Winter related to 'oscillating extremes' of climate, as well as continuing to build values for a 'global coastal occurrence'. These as well as other issues will put social infrastructure pressures on both the 'housing' and the 'currency' markets. Within the Populace/USofA and Global Pop entities are suggestions that the 'conflict {with/among} the illegals' will also 'alter the landscape', causing shockingly 'rapid shifts' in 'social relationships'. This area of Populace/USofA is also extensively linked back to Markets, and other entities around the idea of the 'crumbling economy' which brings out 'divides' between the 'hosts' and the 'invaders'. The data suggests that actual 'battle lines' will come into existence as the whole of the social order is pressured by rampant crime, and homelessness among the now-displaced legions of 'guest workers'. Think of the previous "great depression", and this time the prejudice will be against the "mexi's" instead of the 'oakies' and 'arkies'. In the interpretation of the shorter term values, and their initial longer term associated lexical sets, we have necessarily focused on the human related entities more as they are showing large areas of change, however it needs to be noted that 2006 still has the potential to prove its 'pivotal year' status with inputs from Terra which alter the 'housing market'. There are also building data sets which are pointing to a particularly brutal Spring relative to 'solar influences', as well as 'natural extensions {of} sun energy'. These are showing already as having significant impact of their as contributors to the general crumbling of the housing market(s). At this point the interpretation is for a very 'unseasonable hot' Spring to be followed by an even hotter Summer. The implications for food supply are not good, and this in turn affects the 'currencies' of the planet and the complex system we think of as the 'economy'.

Chart 1: The whole of the 'placid satisfaction' with the 'economy' meme as proclaimed by the Bush regime and its supporters, as is illustrated in the chart above, starts to 'visibly unravel' with manifesting circumstances of early December. It is worth remembering that the left most point of this chart follows a very rough November which is itself composed of sharp builds and releases of emotional tensions centered around the elections. Following the late November release bubble, the modelspace indicates that we move into a very bumpy December. Remembering that this time is still within the 'indigestible holidays' period for the Populace/USofA, it can be seen within the first week of December that 'political roughage' is added to the diet. The impacts of the 'political turmoil' both internal to the USofA and external, as noted within GlobalPop, will amplify the rising concerns about the real fundamentals of the global economy, and thus re-focus attention on the failing local economic structures. This starts a small feedback loop which is responsible for 'pumping up the volume' on the emotional side of the equation as the various political and market forces ALL try their "usual suspects" approach to 'calming' the 'economic waters'. Each effort in turn fails, each failure in turn ratcheting up the emotional tones ever further, and so it goes. In the chart above the newly processed shorter term value set, as well as the longer term values associated as supporting aspect sets have been presented with greater granularity in an effort to detail the 'choppiness' of the coming months leading to the Ides of March {ed note: actually begins, as is now shown, on March

11th, not the 15th} release period. The obvious stair step pattern of build-release alternating periods is *still* able, even with the significant release levels, able to raise the overall emotional tension sums by 50/fifty per cent over the previous levels of Summer, and we note that this was with the Israeli Mistake underway in Lebanon at the time.

Conclusion: Part 4 - Cinch Up In examining the chart above, it becomes clear that *IF* we here at hph are anywhere near correct about the levels of emotion upheaval coming over the next few months, then 2007 will be a spectacular year, in the Guy Debord sense of the word, an even more evolved concept than had occurred in previous states of empire. We note that his last paragraph is yet-another-way of describing the 'self organizing collective' concept which continually reasserts itself {ed note: prolog pun intended, hahahahaha} within our developing data set with every run. The implications here are for a very fundamental change within human organization. This is undoubtedly *not* going to be our idea, but rather will be forced on us by way of manifesting circumstances. Much of the supporting data for the 'self organizing collective' is pointing toward a reasonably short term period before large(r) scale manifestations of the meme/movement/social order. This concept is supported as beginning to come into its own within the release period of Spring of 2007. During this time, conditions will be such that 'collectives' at a local level will be the 'natural response' required for 'furtherance'. Again, even within data sets such as 'self organizing collective' which is fundamentally positive in its sums, it carries a negative summation element pointing outward into modelspace. The visual impression is reinforcing of the idea of 2006 as the 'pivotal year', and 2007 as the 'spectacular year' in many senses of the word. The 'spectacular' year ahead will begin from the 'tensions of conflict' in December, and then immediately step up the volume with 'international energy exchanges/swaps'. There are some indications that an alternate interpretation of a more sinister 'missile' based view of these 'energy swaps' could be closer to the mark, especially as we note that 'fire {from under the} water' may be a 'contributor' to the whole of the tensions involved. Of course, this *can* be interpreted from the Terra entity view point which does show for very much increased volcanic activity in 2007, its contribution to 'spectacle'. Also in contribution to the 'spectacle' that will be 2007, launched from the last, pivotal gasp of 2006, is an 'up welling' of 'secrets revealed' which is indicated as 'shocking' in the 'intensity' and 'volume' with which the 'past {illusion/lies} are destroyed'. A very large 'conceptual roadblock' lies ahead for the sheeple, and since we are all riding this herd together, it is worth noting that 'chaos' rules in sheeple brains when 'cognitive dissonance' appears. The clear advice emerging from modelspace is that since we are 'riding a sheeple herd up some very erratic time stairs, now is the time to cinch up the seat belt '. And note the caution that the first step in December is a really nasty one.

Chart 2: Also note that the 'indigestible holidays' theme continues to play out in this most recent chart. Christmas eve is highlighted in yellow, and is right on the cusp, as they say in the astro-biz. Part 5 is anticipated to be posted on Saturday, November 4, and, if warranted may include a reversion to processing of immediacy values since we anticipate that the data set will run very hot at that point. Igor reminds that pumpkin season is upon us and it is every humans duty to fight the scourge of pumpkins on the planet....of course through the consumption of vast quantities of pumpkin pies.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 607 - Part 5 - November 4, 2006

Part 5:Terra - Space - Fire in the Sky, Scary Ball Growls* Markets - Heavy Words, Heavy Drama, Cold Sargasso Sea* Terra - Drowning Denial Rivers Move Cities* Terra - Manifesting Deviation* Populace/USofA - Duality Intrudes* Terra - Water Behaving Badly, Ooh, Pretty Lights* Conclusion: Part 5 - Revolution Plays, Last Days, New Ways*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 11.04.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 56.913 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. Terra - Space - Fire in the Sky, Scary Ball Growls The Terra entity is very unambiguous about the headline aspect of 'fire in the sky' which is showing up for Winter/Spring of 2007. As the pivotal year, it is fitting that 2006 should pass in a 'blazing light' show as the coming year slips into place. However unambiguous the aspect, the detail aspect/attribute sets in support are less specific. There is no real indication as to just what the 'fire/light in the sky' will be. There are aspects in support which go specifically to the idea of 'aurora borealis', however these are relatively isolated, and totally outnumbered by the aspects/attributes sets which contribute to the 'blazing light show', but do not reference 'high energy particles' or the 'ionosphere'. There are no direct linguistic clues pointing to any form of general catastrophe resulting from the 'fire in the sky', at least in any immediate sense of the concept. However we do note that the descriptor set is replete with such imagery as 'night {lights} hiss' and this is within an aspect set going to 'reported globally'. So the curious part is that we can *hear* these night lights? As they extinguish in the atmosphere? As in micrometeorites? Along with this area of the Terra entity, sub set 'space', we have a very robustly filled descriptor set for 'sun/solar' with 'activity' as the primary supporting aspect. Within this set is a fully populated descriptor set indicating that the 'sun' will spend much of this Winter and Spring in a state of 'growls', and 'disharmony'. These 'solar burps' shown within the data are either very much likely contributors to the 'fire in the sky', *or* are caused by the same set of circumstances...such as 'dust'. The entity builds its shorter and longer term data sets associated with 'sun' and 'solar' with a new set of values going to the idea of 'fuel'. Within the 'fuel' sub set are numerous variations on the idea of

'attachment' or 'cohesion'. Much of the 'fuel' sub set is indicating that the 'fuel' is somehow 'new', and that the 'attachment' of the 'sun' for this 'new fuel' just *may* not be a good thing for humans. Much of the negative summations for this region of the Terra entity center around the 'growling', and 'burping' aspects. These are supported in their turn by aspects/attributes going to the idea of 'disharmony induces vocalization/display'. It is very much as though the data is suggesting that the 'sun will eat a bad {shrimp, burrito, lunch of dust}' which will 'induce burping, growling'. And, being downwind, humans probably won't like this. The indications are that this will cause a 'sensation' within the 'sunsets' over the course of at least the day of the 'burp', however cross links to the Press entity indicate that the pictures and story will be well represented on global mediastream. Much of the supporting language describes 'brilliant yellow' as a 'radiant afterglow/follow-up' to the 'sunset' such that the 'moon becomes surrounded by a halo', and 'night burns as day, fire in the sky'. While there are no indications that this 'solar growling' produces a directly felt catastrophic impact, there are large numbers of cross links internal to the Terra entity showing that the 'growling' sun has very serious impacts on weather/climate here on earth. The shift of the data sets as they are explored for details, and as the entity is advanced forward along with modelspace, moves summations for the 'solar burping' from a slightly lower than neutral when summed at the descriptor for the circumstance, and then as applied later to the same data set now advanced well into Spring, the summations drop considerably into negative areas within modelspace. The net effect is that the 'solar burps' will be 'prompting/pushing' some 'violent' and 'variable' weather in Spring, and the weather *does* have catastrophic impacts for humans, at least groups of them. The data might be describing a full blown CME with measurable impacts on the infrastructure as directly effected 'electrical circuits' fail, and produce 'communications bottlenecks/corks/bouchon'. However, the total summation of the effects are shown as still accruing within the longer term data set, sooo... the idea is that the effects of the 'growling old scary ball in the sky' will persist at least through the extent of modelspace which runs out to about December of 2007. The impacts of the 'solar activity' of Winter 2006/2007 are showing within modelspace very much as a 'last hurrah' kind of thing for 2006. It is as though a final push of energy is needed to propel the events of 2007 into the proper course. Hmmm. And you thought 2006 was 'event filled' so far. There are also lexical links between the 'solar growling' of Winter, and the 'forth and back' motions of Spring. The indications are for some large earthquakes which have their own impact on local weather. This latter is shown as involving 'alterations {to the} air flow' due to 'land changes'. A curious minor arm of the Terra entity associated with the Spring earthquakes is that a 'soldier' who is 'experienced in relief' will be the '1/one to lead' the 'recovery efforts'. This 'soldier', likely an officer given the other details within the descriptor set, is going to be 'promoted' by 'popular opinion' to a 'position beyond {the/his/her} rank' due to the 'relief efforts' which will be 'masterfully' managed by this personality. Attempts to 'co-opt/control' this individual by the ThePowersThatBe will result in failure, and yet 'another brick in the wall' of 'revolution' will be in place.

Markets - Heavy Words, Heavy Drama, Cold Sargasso Sea The Markets entity continues to build both shorter term values as well as longer term sets for a 'dollar disease'. The currently processed descriptor sets are led by the rising aspect set of 'heavy words'. This set contains a descriptor base which goes to the kind of 'heavy words' that a doctor may speak at a time of 'family tragedy'. Or that your auto mechanic might say about the sudden 'restrictions on oil flow' which arise just as the 'weather turns'. As the 'heavy words' data set grows it has become apparent that the 'disease/malaise' of the 'dollar' will not, seemingly, be 'cured' and rather it will lead to 'gangrene/putrefaction/rot'.

This is a still building emotional set, which continues to show builds in the longer term values indicating that the impacts of the 'dollar disease' will still be felt well into late 2007, if not beyond. The manner in which both the immediacy values and the shorter term value sets continue to grow within this lexical set is unusual and is probably pointing to an 'early December' manifestation of 'dollar sickness'. The 'woes of empire' are showing as the principle, or rather proximate cause of the 'dollar disease'. The many diverse lexical sets within the support aspect/attributes for 'heavy words' about the 'dollar disease' are pointing to a 'plethora of causes/instigators/contributors' to the 'manifesting weakness' of the 'dollar'. We need also note that the December 'dollar disease' manifestation of weakness will be echoed in March/April as 'unexpected moves' are made by Congress relative to the Bushista's. It would appear from the progression of the various entities along with modelspace, that following a Winter manifestation of the 'dollar disease', that Spring, specifically in April through to the June Solstice, and slightly beyond, will bring 'heavy drama'. Much of the supporting set for the 'heavy drama' gets its base from the 'dollar disease'. The indications are for a 'sudden' and 'theatrically large/over-reaching' action on the part of a 'besieged' Bush regime in March {ed note: associated with 'conflict' and the Ides of March release period beginning}, to be met by a 'totally unexpected' and 'independent' response on the part of 'congress' as well as 'military'. Hmmm....what's that old saying about the political weather in Spring, "March wars bring April coups"? Whatever the nature of the Congressional 'response' to the Bushista 'desperate act' of March, the whole of the situation is begun with economic issues manifesting in November/December. These are *all* currency based. And *all* relate, at least through the cross links, to the impact of the 'conflict' meta data layer on the Bushista entity. Now, with the processing of the most recent data set of values for the Markets entity it can be seen that 'conflict' is going vertical within this entity as well, and that happens shortly after the Solstice. Both the Markets entity and the Bushista entity, when progressed, are manifesting 'conflict' as the most "visible" meme of their participation within the Ides of March release period. As the immediacy values have come in, some indicators of the 'initial change state' of the Markets entity are emerging. This 'change state' is the emotional categorization of the entity at the broadest level as it moves between emotionally dominating factors. In this case, the primary emotional drivers for the markets as the modelspace moves into November are the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed', and 'duality'. As the modelspace is moved forward through November, the dominant aspect becomes 'enmeshed'. Other translations of the aspect come from the second and third layers in where 'mired/stuck', and 'entrapped' arise. These alternative descriptors also have attributes suggesting that a curious 'calm/lack of activity/hiatus' will arise within the Markets entity as the release periods of November are encountered. The 'developing lack of activity', or 'systemic calm', is shown as competing with 'duality' and 'secrets revealed' as the emotional driving force behind the changes in the entity over this next month. Noting that the 'calm of being enmeshed' is derived from immediacy values, and noting that much of the 'calm' appears to be 'fear driven' in the sense of 'too afraid to risk movement', we can place a corollary of 'within this set of circumstances' to the interpretation, and then go even further and suggest that the Markets entity is suggestive of a 'wait and see' attitude about the election results. It could also be that the Markets entity is suggesting the lack of any clear resolution within the election process for most of the month of November. The Markets entity is quite clearly showing that a major component of 'irritation' with markets in November will be 'retreat of strength'. This in turn is very deeply supported by cross links to the 'dollar disease' of Winter. So the 'malaise of Fall' will directly precede the 'disease of Winter'. Also within the immediacy values, and also headed by the same descriptor set for 'loss of strength' are lexical sets which are describing 'short selling'. This component of 'market activity' will also encounter its own issues with 'unexpected waiting', but the primary aspect/attribute sets for this sub set are going to the idea of 'disorder descends', or alternatively 'disorder demands compliance'. Both of these interpretations of the main supporting set for this area of the entity arise from the ambiguity of this area relative to the 'hidden nature' of the activity itself. That is to say that the entity is suggesting that 'secrets revealed' will be 'triggered by digging out the roots with a knife', and that 'roots, entangled, all sing/scream together'. Further the 'threads of conspiracy' will be 'exposed', though note there are yet *no* links to Press entity so likely *no* general mediastream coverage. But nonetheless, the whole of the sub set within this area for 'exposed'

participates within several larger, greater threads within 'secrets revealed'. This last is as the next 8/eight months progress. Also within the are for 'short selling' and also participating within the 'secrets revealed' are many cross links which curiously go over to the Terra entity. At first glance, given that these links persist from immediacy values through to longer term value set, it would appear that the Terra entity will participate within the 'disorder' which 'descends' on to the Markets entity and makes 'hell emerge' for so many of the 'short sellers' in the coming month or 2/two. It could be that Terra events which manifest over the last months of Fall will indeed provide triggers for market reaction. Alternatively, the Terra entity may be offered by modelspace as a temporal marker for subsequent Market manifestations. In either event the modelspace is very crowded with immediacy values for both the Markets and the Terra entity, and these are inter-twined, and both sets progress toward the release periods later in November. So....seemingly not only election chaos, but also 'disorder' here on earth will be filling the mediastream the rest of Fall. Within the 'disorder' lexical set as a supporting set to 'short selling' within Markets entity, the supporting aspects are 'unrestrained energy', as in a condition, soon to be manifest in which a 'hiatus' creates a situation in which 'energy unleashed' will exacerbate a bad situation into something worse. The data set is quite explicit in referring to 'trampling herd' and 'sudden fear shift/movement', as well as 'teeth extracted forcefully, blood on the chin', and others of similar nature. The supporting sets for the 'sudden fear {induced} shift' includes 'ripped out/off/removed', and 'hidden complaints shouted out'. These in turn not only participate within 'secrets revealed', but also have components within 'duality' in which we note that the Markets are about to have an 'impact/collision' with 'duality' as it is 'presented by counsel'. Further this area goes to the 'questioning of the internals' such that 'secrets revealed' cause many to 'reject an appeal for common meeting'. This last is 'rejected {amidst/among} cries of dishonesty'. If we view the data sets at a higher level, that is to take the view out to the modelspace level, and, with special emphasis placed on the cross links, we examine the Markets entity, specifically this area of 'short selling', a view arises which prompts a different interpretation. It could be argued that the modelspace is showing that a 'current inner calm' exists over the 'practice/method' of 'short selling' and that conditions soon to emerge will cause the 'disorder' to appear *at the operational level of the markets. That is to say the data sets could be suggesting that 'disorder' and 'chaos', both participating within 'secrets revealed' will lead to 'meetings to avert disruption'. That the data set suggests these 'meetings will fail' is less important that the 'appearances of the personalities' at the meetings. This is to say that should meetings to cope with 'issues' within the management of 'short selling' be announced, then that is a clear temporal marker for the soon-to-visibly-manifest 'disorder' within the 'exchanges'. This will also be related to both the 'derivatives', and 'mortgage, after-market' markets. These in turn have significant effects shown within the modelspace for the 'dollar disease' manifesting in Winter as well as the global economy in Spring.

Terra - Drowning Denial Rivers Move Cities The modelspace, when progressed into the shorter and longer term value sets has the Terra entity suggesting that Spring 'violence' will bring an 'eerie calm' in Summer. Both will be seen as 'frightening' by the humans. A very disturbing part of the data set for Terra entity for this Spring is pointing to 'rising well water' within the primary rising aspect. Its supporting aspect/attribute sets do not in any way sooth the nerves of the situation in that we find 'muddy wells cannot be drunk from', or alternatively, 'pollution {from the} floods poisons wells'. Also in prominent supporting roles are aspect/attributes going to 'well leaks, water over flows', and 'leaks {to the} south, bring/foment/cause misunderstandings'. There are also repeated references to 'water over the rim', and 'water(s) cannot {be} contained/restrained'. Further there are supporting sets for 'waters not used, polluted', and 'salt {in the} well'. There are 2/two specific areas of note within the supporting set which bear examination if only because each set is slightly out of place within the larger context of the Terra entity. The first of the sets should

rightly belong within a populace entity as it goes to 'global relationships', and 'personal relationships' among humans. The second of the sets goes to the idea that 'money is bound/enslaved', and as might be thought, this aspect set should belong with Markets. In both cases these are explicitly *not* errors in processing, but rather *we think* represent a couple of fundamental shifts within consciousness which will soon manifest. These are both 'bound' up within the idea of 'green' and 'revolution' only here we are not speaking of an 'agricultural revolution', but rather a 'planetary environmental' awareness movement which is already manifesting as a 'green' movement in fuels, and other ecologic impacting human activity. What is specifically interesting about the 2/two data sets within the Terra entity at this point is that it it very easy to interpret their appearance within the context as the 'revelation of the secrets of the waters'. Or perhaps, 'exposure of hidden knowledge, deliberately not shared, about the impending future of global waters'. Either is easily extracted from the Terra entity at this point. And all of this relates to 2007 as being the 'year of manifestation'. The Terra entity, as bizarre as it is to contemplate is clearly showing that this coming year, beginning more toward Spring, but continuing throughout the rest of the year, will bring the 'drowning of rivers' such that 'cities will relocate'. Again, there are numerous lexical sets which seemingly should belong within populace entities, but are held within Terra entity as they go to the impacts on the populace from the 'waters spilling the rim', or as is shown here, 'waters which cannot/unable to stop'. These are shown as 'moving the city elsewhere', and in support of that aspect/attribute set is also, 'inhabitants depend on feet, pails {from which} to drink'. These 'former inhabitants' are also described as 'the city, on its feet, moving'. Along with the 'moving' aspect comes the relationship descriptors of 'west by south' and 'toward tan hills'. Continuing down into the supporting set is like reading a movie script for a modern catastrophe. There are signs that 'common human courtesy' may assist in the the 'movement of the city', but also that problems with 'feeding the crowds', and 'distribution of goods' will arise as a key element of the global mediastream coverage. Much of this area goes to 'lack of resources', and 'problems larger than concept(ions)'. A significant portion of this area also can act as an indictment of 'government' in general, but specifically, within the aspect sets, states that 'unwillingness to share {information} condemns/murders'. Hmm. Once again, government flucks up, and it is the populace who pays the penalty for others' incompetence/agenda. Terra - Manifesting Deviation In taking up the idea that is being expressed within the Terra entity as a rising aspect/attribute set for 'manifestation', or alternatively 'emergence to visible', or 'demonstrable presence'. All of these labels can be extracted from the descriptor set within the Terra entity. This descriptor set is accrued over the course of Winter in the shorter term value set, but continues to gain emotional summation support into the longer term values. Therefore the interpretation is for a 'year long manifestation', and thus we are starting to think of 2007 as being the 'year of manifestation of change here on/within earth systems', in the same manner that we had come to think of 2006 as the 'pivotal year'. The Terra entity is very robustly acquiring values going to bespoke 'manifestation', and 'emergence'. This last has supporting sets going to 'visibility', and 'reported'. Much of the supporting sets for these are heavily cross linked to the Press entity suggesting that global mediastream gets very much into 'water reportage' this coming year. Further clues to 'manifestation' as a theme of the year arise from the movement of the Markets, and Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop entities over the course of modelspace progression through Winter and into Spring of 2007. The indications are for a 'spring emergence' of a very 'controversial', or 'up-roar causing', 'expose/revealing'. This 'revelation of hidden knowledge' has a very damning set of cross links back to both populace entities, the various 'government' sub sets as well as ThePowersThatBe entity. In most of the cases the cross links terminate in 'unwilling to share'. And in all cases the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is dominant in the entities involved, *and * is supported by the participation of these various 'up-roar causing' lexical sets. Further many of these sets, especially where termination is within the populace entities, but also noteworthy, in some areas terminating within 'government' lexical sets, they also participate within the 'revolution' meme, and the 'duality' meta data layer. In the case of the latter, the modelspace is indicating the visible emergence of a 'duality of position' or an 'us versus them' mentality which is based on 'elite versus everyone else' definition of status. It is the 'hardening' of the 'perception'

which will prompt many of the 'manifestations' within 2007, at least in so far as the political response to the 'changing waters' here on earth. We note somewhat ironically that 'changing waters' within the Terra entity contains supporting sets for 'manifestation of deviation {from} normal', and 'emergence of visible changes in reality'. Both of these primary supporting sets are fully populated with supporting sets of their own going to the idea of 'changes', both 'subtle', and 'gross/large', which bring a 'perception/perceptual failure' upon viewing. These supporting sets, especially within their originating cross links to the populace entities, are showing that the primary impact will be a 'double-take' or 'momentary refusal to believe sensory input' which will be so pronounced as to be 'commentated'. The idea is that humans will frequently just 'run into' these 'manifestations of deviance' which will prompt that 'say what?' moment. And that such moments will be frequent throughout the day, week, month, season, and year, and that they will also be global. Populace/USofA - Duality Intrudes While we have various meta data layers going vertical {as we say here in the nutjob business}, and by which we mean that the trend line for the identified meta data layer is exerting its maximum, and/or rising maximum, amount of emotional summation influence to the entity, we need to note that within various entities not all meta data layers are equal. For instance in the Bushista entity, 'conflict' dominates all, but the primary support for that meta data layer is coming from 'secrets revealed', whereas within Populace/USofA 'conflict' does show as a driving force, but, at least for the moment, 'duality' trumps all within the Populace/USofA entity. Yes, 'conflict' is expressing vigorously within the Populace/USofA entity, but it is also a 'waning' trend within the entity as a whole for longer term shifts within modelspace. The action of this meta data layer within this entity gives us the confidence to interpret the action as a 'general movement away from combativeness, and global domination'. True, this trend does not express itself in a very visible way until perhaps 2008 or 2009, but the lexical support is there. However, there is a trip/bump in place to cause trouble, and that is the meta data layer for 'duality'. It would appear that the 'duality' meta data layer is expressing the 'radical/complete separation' between the 'rising few' and the 'falling many', or, the 'haves' and 'have-nots' within the social fabric. Note that the absolute conditional requirement for the *other* developing trend line of 'revolution' is that the populace *must* be 'radicalized' by government. This is being picked up now within our data sets as the vast numbers of the 'disaffected/non-participants' within the populace are continuously bombarded with propagandistic portrayals of a USofA which does *not* match their experience. Thus is the stage set for the developing aspect/attribute set for 'revolution' within the Populace/USofA entity. When we first began to pick up the trends for a 'confrontation' developing within the 'populace' some years back, the initial set of supporting descriptors led to an interpretation of 'rebellion', rather than 'revolution'. This was, and is, a very important distinction as within 'rebellion' it is merely the "power players" who change places, while within 'revolution' the whole of the power structure undergoes destruction, and hopefully, reconstruction, in some new form. What makes the rising aspects of 'duality' and 'revolution' within the Populace/USofA entity particularly risky at this time is that this is a case of the 'times' being truly different. Confusingly said yet another way, the environment of the planet, and the solar system are *not* in a *normal* condition, and as such add huge pressures on the population, increasing the risk of extinction, *and* thus now is not a good time to be going politically batshit. Make sense? Of course, just because it makes sense not to do it, does not mean humans won't. The modelspace suggests that 'revolution' is a developing meme at the 'bottom of the rungs', and that further, the 'duality' of 'opportunity/life' here in the USofA is shown, via cross links to Press entity, to form a very visible mediastream examination of the "whys" of the Spring Upheaval. The aspects/attributes supporting the internally held lexical descriptor set for 'duality' within Populace/USofA entity are filled with references to 'precarious balance', and 'inner respect/allegiance', as well as 'united {to} common

vision', all of which are in turn now filled with negative emotional summations. Such references as these are indicating a 'broken social contract', and the emergence of the 'new slavery'. There are many layers of descriptor sets in support of the impact that 'duality' of life will have on the Populace/USofA, but perhaps none so telling as 'hogs eat flesh', and 'confused personalities drive/motivate/control'. In both cases these will be emerging memes within the Press reports of the incidents of Spring, 2007, again, in yet another way, an example of the 'year of manifestation'. As the modelspace is progressed through Fall, the Populace/USofA entity starts to gain emotional sums around the 'conflict' meta data layer. This is coincident with the Bushista entity gaining 'conflict' mass. These are likely not good signs, however, there is some hopeful suggestions emerging from the data set in that the immediacy values are still showing for a 1/6 (one in six) reduction in power for the GOP and consequently a reduction in the ability of the Bushista's to cause trouble. The data set may also be indicating that the rising 'conflict' layers are between the Bushista's and the populace in general. It is certainly showing that the Bushista entity is going to be focused on 'conflict' at all levels almost exclusively from about December 2nd onward. Terra - Water Behaving Badly, Ooh, Pretty Lights According to the progressed modelspace, the Terra entity is indicating that global weather in Spring will be 'dominated by winds'. These will come in all forms, be 'excessively violent', and will rise up in places not usually known for a windy nature. This manifestation of 'developing deviation' will also bring out more 'secrets revealed' as the 'authorities/officialdom' try to control a 'spreading' sense of 'panic'. The shorter term value sets, as well as the longer term processing support the view that 'much violent reaction/response' will 'afflict' both 'government' and 'hidden groups' as the 'radical view of developing reality' spreads from 'weather/climate developments' in Spring. The cross links to the GlobalPop entity suggest that much more freedom of expression will emerge from areas outside the borders of the USofA, but the data is also showing that a 'spark' or 'personality' will emerge from within the USofA who will 'shock' the 'social illusion' with 'language' which is seen by ThePowersThatBe as 'breaking the rules'. This 'personality' will be 'attacked' in Spring, but since the 'wave of understanding' will already exist, the 'attacks' will merely 'incite' further 'rebellion/revolution'. This in turn will lead to 'confrontation' with 'officialdom' and the 'manifestation {of a} not-to-be-denied revolution' spreading globally. The Terra entity is showing that its 'windy' contribution to the 'mind revolution' of Spring, and Summer is not the only 'manifestation of deviation' that Spring will produce. While it will be 'water' which will 'push the populace' about, and 'move cities', the problems of the planet as a whole will be 'wind based'. These will include 'restrictions on travel' as the data is showing that 'conditions {within the} atmosphere' will, at least for some period of time, force 'no fly' days, or areas. Hard to say which just now. The lexical sets for the 'winds' contain supporting groups, some of which go to the idea that at least 2/two 'lakes' which are very 'high' in 'mountains' will 'blow over {their} rims' and cause the expected chaos to the humans who *always* end up living below. These 'lakes' are new in our experience as the data suggests that 'hot winds' will 'melt' the glaciers to form these lakes which in turn will then threaten to 'over flow' their 'boundaries'. There are links to 'solar activity' relative to the 'hot winds' within this area. There are links to the Press entity which suggests that a mediastream coverage will bring us the details of the event. There are links to 'impact' seen on the global economy. Much of this last arises from internally held value sets suggesting that some very productive areas will be 'scrubbed clean' by 'mud'. Also cross linked to this area are other internal sections of the Terra entity, most of which either originate or terminate in 'water' as the head aspect. In most of these cases the 'water' is being described as either 'rainwaters', or 'coastal tides'. And in most cases these are being described as 'behaving inappropriately'. Further details in many of these areas all go to the idea that the 'volcanoes' under our 'oceans' will decide that 2007 is the year to party. The descriptor sets even include aspect/attributes which go to the idea that the 'crust cracks' and 'miles of heat/magma' pour into the 'bottom of the ocean'. And we note that the Terra entity is suggesting that turning a section of the global ocean into a hot tub is *not* a good thing in general. The data suggests that the 'heat from below the ocean' is at least partially responsible for the 'new

patterns/movements' of the winds, and further that the 'rupture of the crust' is certain to participate in the 'elevation' of the waters. Sooo... the coastal event that the Terra entity has been showing for some time is likely a tidal waters flooding, but it is not, at least at this point in the data, showing as being from the movement of the Antarctic glaciers, rather is shown as being derived from 'up thrusts' of the 'ocean floor' due to volcanism. Whew, now that is way better ...right? There are other areas within the Terra entity which also hold values for 'volcanoes' and their impacts on both the planet, and via cross links, the populace. Most of the temporal clues that we have in references to 'volcanoes' are necessarily held in the longer term data sets. These would seem to indicate that Winter/Spring of 2007 will bring a 'change' of 'nature' of 'volcanoes' here on earth. Whether above water or below it, the suggestion from the data is that 'magma pulses' will be a constant theme for humans for a number of years from this point on. The cross links over to both Populace/USofA and GlobalPop are indicating that 2007 will see the 'volcanoes push back {the} populace'. These 'relocations' are shown as being more or less permanent, with the 'slopes of the volcano' now showing as *not* a good place to be putting your house. Further the global impacts, both on the 'winds' as discussed above, and waters will not be the only area in which 'volcanoes' will be causing problems. There are lexical sets going to the 'redirection/rerouting' of air and sea and land travel routes, again, more or less permanently, and directly caused by volcanic 'pulsing', and 'flow'. As a supporting area to this section, the data is showing that the 'volcanic activity, pulsations of magma flow' will be manifesting to the point that 'pictures from space' will be featured prominently within the global mediastream and these will feature the 'pulsing flow of magma' outlining continental plates. The Terra entity has some temporal clues which indicate that Winter/Spring earthquakes will be 'shown as responsible/blamed' for the 'quickening pulsations' of the 'magma flow'. These earthquakes will be spread throughout the planet, and are shown as being in the upper levels as 'walking goes wrong', and 'big steps bring falls'. The earthquakes are also directly linked to both the 'sun activity', and the 'volcanoes', and may mistakenly be cited as a 'cause' of the latter. The data set suggests that many 'broken arms, legs' and 'damaged feet' will result from these earthquakes such that 'medical supplies' are 'used up' creating spot shortages of basic first aid sorts of gear. The other temporal clues we have are for a 'near full' moon {ed note: could be either side of full by a few days}, and 'dark nights draw out missteps'. The data is suggesting an apparent large increase in global earthquakes over a short enough period of time that the humans will notice and, as we see via cross links to the Press entity, will comment on the increase within the global mediastream. As this work is all about words, it is fitting to report that we show that 'catastrophe' is the rising aspect for the area containing these earthquakes, and misbehaving waters. The indications are, via cross links again, that 'catastrophe' will show up as being the descriptor du'jour within the mediastream. Also note that extensive cross links to Markets entity show that 'moving earth' will seriously impact the 'housing markets' in 2007. The damages of the earthquakes are showing as being severe enough as to participate in the 'shifting of cities'. Further there are large areas indicating that 'business disruptions' and 'restrictions on access' to both 'communications' and 'history/paper' will bring about global economic shifts. A large group of cross links over to the Markets entity, *if* taken at its aspect/attribute image level, would seem to be suggesting the 'death' of the global insurance business over the course of Spring/Summer of 2007. Conclusion: Part 5 - Revolution Plays, Last Days, New Ways Throughout the data set, in various entities, a curious thread is rising with consistently populated aspect/attribute sets in all of the areas in which it appears. The aspect/attribute set is for 'new persons/faces' set to appear within the last days of 2006. These 'new personalities' are showing as 'emerging' from the masses, and forming a de facto 'new way leadership'. By way of cross links to the ThePowersThatBe entity, it can be seen that these 'new leaders' are *not* necessarily favored by those at the top. In fact, the descriptor set for these 'new faces' all contain, at some level, references to 'revolution'. These 'new leaders' are shown as 'announcing/declaring' themselves here in the waning days of 2006, and making good on their declaration by 'taking over/conquering' in 2007. The descriptors and their locations make it

clear that this is a 'global phenomena', and not limited to the USofA elections. It may be that some new faces within the political power structure of the USofA *will* participate in this wave of 'emerging new leadership' which will declare itself in late 2006, but the data is very explicitly focused on the GlobalPop entity as the primary source for these new global leaders. Further, it would appear from the accretion of the data elements that much of the 'motivation', and 'power base' of these new leaders will come directly from 'urgent response {to} manifesting climate change'. Again, to once more state it clearly, the data is showing 2007 as the year in which 'climate change' manifests with a vengeance. While the humans-in-charge and their stooges may discuss climate change as an abstract concept some 30/thirty or more years into the future, our modelspace says to the contrary that 'catastrophic climate change' is here to a spot on earth near you in 2007. The data set is also providing a glimpse of the types of 'new leadership' emerging, and we can note that it is *not* likely that any of the personalities showing up in the 'climate crisis' over the next 6/six months will be from the "baby boom" generation. While there are some indications for this generation participation, it appears that a 'generational shift' in political leadership dominance is occurring globally, and the manifestation will be 'herded along' by rapidly developing environmental crisis on a planetary scale. Also shown to affect things at a planetary scale is the 'revolution' meme. Much of the supporting lexical sets, also cross linked to the various 'climate degradation/collapse' individual data points, are showing that the first thing humans will do as the 'global life crisis' unfolds, is to have a good old fashioned 'revolution'. However absurd this might seem, that is to dispute ownership of the boat as it both burns and sinks, the data set is showing that this 'revolution, bloody, quick, violent', is both 'necessary', and a potentially good thing. This latter is based on the theory that 'the thinking that got us into this mess, will not be getting us out'. Again we note the dominance of the 'conflict' meme emerging in a whole lot of areas. The modelspace is also showing that the 'environmental crisis' is now to merge with daily life patterns. The data set has longer term values indicating that the basic 'situation/status' of the 'crisis' will continue to 'morph/change/alter/progress' for the 'next 5/five' years before reaching a 'culmination/phase shift'. Hmm. Let's see, 2007 plus 5. Now that equals... *** We expect to have part 6 posted by late next Saturday. It ought to be an interesting next week/month here in the USofA.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 607 - Part 6 - November 11, 2006

Part 6:Markets - Gold/Silver - USofA Dollar - Concrete Sinks, Stepping Brinks, Export of Empire* TotalPop - Hu'nab Ku' - Welcome to Process* Bushista - Farts Just Ain't As Funny Any More* TPTB - Hard Biting Bitter Men Oppose* Conclusion: ALTA Series 607

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 11.11.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Extracted from 69.778 million reads. Last report of the series. Markets - Gold/Silver - USofA Dollar - Concrete Sinks, Stepping Brinks, Export of Empire Well, we *don't* know how it will happen, nor which specific triggers will show up in the manifestation to be labeled as *the* cause, but the one thing we do know is that the November 23rd emotional tension jump brings serious economic change globally.

Chart 1:

As shown in the second of the red circled areas in the chart above, the November 23rd emotional tension summation jump in values marks the beginning of the visible manifestation of the 'dollar disease'. The primary aspect accruing during this period of a sudden jump in emotional tension is found to be cross linked to the 'usofa dollar' in a number of entities, and is 'stench {of the} rot reaches nostrils'. As had been noted in the Terra entity interpretation of last week, it would appear that 2007 is going to be a year of manifestation, and it will 'spring from/flow from' the events of the last 2/two months of 2006, the 'pivotal' year. In the case of the immediacy data as well as both the shorter and longer term value sets, the projection is for the 'smell of putrefaction' to emerge in November, subsequent to the elections, but really starting to 'smell' after the 23rd of the month, and for that 'stinky' trend to continue through December and on into 2007 at least until the Winter solstice. All of the data sets are in agreement that 'manifestation of dying off {of the} dollar' will be only 1/one of the many 'transformational waves/energies' which will show up within the Populace/USofA, *and* GlobalPop in 2007. As a temporal marker, among the many starting to show up, we have an aspect/attribute set for 'concrete sinks' with in Markets which is relating via cross links to 'gold/silver/pm' and 'energy, oil', and 'housing'. Likely this is yet another indicator that the flood of Federal Reserve dollars which went into 'housing' after the 2000 crash of the equities markets has already overflowed/bust that market, and the 'foundation' of the housing market {ed note: hahahahaha!} will be showing signs very soon. What the data set is pointing at within its imagery is a situation in which the 'stone/concrete' has become the 'footing' of an 'entangled mess' which is seen as 'going nowhere/not moving/stationary'. Further the data set shows that 'concrete production/industry' has 'neglected the physical plants' to the point that 'absent production' the 'capital value falls/sinks'. This is the data as we have it. Our interpretation is that 'fundamental demand drops, and given the recent period of corporate maintenance neglect, the sudden lack of income at concrete production facilities nationwide allows the abysmal state of care to show through, and thus reveal capital at risk of being lost with physical production plants which now have to be taken off-line due to rapidly falling demand'. Whew. Oh, and along with all that, the 'concrete sinks' aspect is identifying itself as a temporal marker for the 'dollar disease' which will come to dominate discussions this Winter. Also accruing along with the 'concrete sinks' temporal marker for the November 23rd time frame, and affecting things for a loooong time thereafter is an aspect/attribute set which is going to the idea of 'stepping over the brink of the abyss'. This is 'usofa dollar' focused with secondary aspects of focus being 'global reserve currency'. Within this set the supporting aspect/attribute sets go toward the idea that the 'globe/planet will step over the brink of the abyss' and begin to abandon the dollar as the world's "reserve" currency on that date. A very chilling forecast indeed. The repercussions of which can only be vaguely imagined. Along with the aspect/attribute sets in support directly for the 'stepping over the brink of the abyss', relative to the 'usofa dollar' within Markets, we also find that other directly held areas within Markets, which are internally cross linked back to our 11.23 temporal marker via accrual patterns, are also going to the idea that 'transformation begins', and that the 'transformation' is going to be 'extensive' and 'core affecting'. This 'change/alteration' is shown as incubating within the 'political fractures' which have now been exposed {ed note: and presumably which will be highlighted in the week before 11.23 by manifesting circumstance}. The aspect/attributes in support of this area are specifically supported themselves by references to 'faults/faultlines open, fractures expose flaws', and 'pay dear price {for/after} faults exposed'. Further language in this vein continues within the lexical set to provide an over all impression of a 'very steep price to be paid for past dollar sins, disease'. Much of the totality of emotional tension support for this whole idea of 'dollar disease' derives its basis from the summation of the emotional tension values of the language within the 'usofa, dollar ' sub sets. These sub sets include all entities where the values are held, and are the aggregate summation state for the 'usofa dollar' with all of its many sub text/contexts. So, as such this is a data extract view of the subject in general, and it does not bode well. Not for those of us whose livelihoods depend on 'dollar production' nor those who formerly were 'dollar consumers'. It appears that the data set is saying, in its own round about

language that the 'export of empire' is over. This latter is shown as a focal point for the 'causative' stream of events which will begin on November 23rd and continue to 'pile up' over the course of December and then into Winter such that by the time that the Ides of March release period rolls around the whole of the 'dollar issue' will be a giant cauldron of whipped up emotions. A state not good for anyone. Except, perhaps, and in a limited sense, for those who hold gold and silver and other precious commodities. As may be expected, a great deal of the bespoke language around the USofA economy contains negative emotionally summed references for 'housing'. The bespoke 'fear' language is slightly countered numerically by the positive spin language coming from all those with a vested interest in promoting the continuation of the 'boom' component of the housing market. As noted above regarding the 'concrete sinks' forecast, a lot of the language in the 'housing' section of the Markets entity is expressing the idea of a 'Winter of sublimation/contraction'. While a normal enough occurrence, the data set suggests that unlike most seasonal transitions, the 'shift to Spring' will *not* be bringing a renewed 'ability' to buy or sell housing. Rather in this case as the modelspace is progressed from February into March, and as it approach's the 7th/seventh of March, it starts to move a series of sub components into new areas such that by the time of the Ides of March release period, the 'usofa housing market' is dominated by a closed-system {ed note: same aspect dominates both top and bottom of the lexical descriptor set} aspect/attribute which is 'repression/suppression'. The terminating reference set at the bottom of the lexical structure contains a bit more details as it refers to supporting sets internally suggesting an interpretation of 'housing market repressed/suppressed by global circumstances'. This last is both supported directly by 'usofa dollar' and other 'currency' language as well as being cross linked back over to the 'dollar disease' areas. The suggestion is becoming clear that the 'commodities' side of the housing market will be going through some serious upheavals. Further the data suggests that as we progress through Winter and into Spring the 'materials' and 'components' sides of the 'housing market equations' will be less 'available' due to many reasons, and that the net result will be a general 'suppression' of the housing market. We need to note that there are numerous points of cross links to other entities which suggest that 'politics' will drive a lot of the issues facing the housing markets within the USofA and to some extent, the other industrialized countries. The 'politics' of 'distant commodities' are showing as 'intruding, restrictions on movement', which is suggestive of globalized materials being impacted by local politics. The entity also contains references for impacts on the housing market, particularly within the 2007 space as the modelspace is progressed, arising from both the Terra entity, sub set 'catastrophe', as well as Populace/USofA, 'politics' sub sets. These are both showing as very significant multipliers of the emotional tensions and so are unlikely to be merely 'local' issues, unless they catch the attention of the global mediastream. If this does occur it will be due to these local areas reflecting larger, emerging themes nationally. Again we note that the meta data layer of 'duality' is resident at the core of the 'usofa housing' sub section of Markets entity, and that the totality of cross links suggest that the meta data layers are increasing their emotional dominance of the area. The 'duality' core is specifically multifaceted. There are several sets of aspect/attributes representing 'opposing dualities'. The idea coming across from the manner in which the data has been accrued is that a series of these 'dualities of opposing interests/agendas' will each in turn rise to the surface of the consciousness as a deleterious effect on the 'housing markets'. As an instance, the expectation is that 'availability' and 'ability to ship/transport' of international materials will impacted such that the expression of the 'duality' will be 'restrictions on travel/movement', which in turn impact 'prices of materials' and this will occur *just* as 'availability of materials' is to be impacted. This last is shown through many cross links to the Terra entity and is suggestive of 'local earth impacts' on the 'availability of materials/commodities'. The concentration of the language around the 'housing market' concept is understandable. Due to the large number of people of the middle class and below who have recently become dependent upon the 'housing market', the rise in bespoke references is both expected, and anticipated. We are able to extract all sorts of intelligence {ed note: we claim intelligence, yet to be proven} from the very emotionally charged nature of these 'housing' related areas within conversations. What has been very clear from about mid 2000 was that the language of the heyday of the "internet stock boom" was in the process of transferring itself to 'housing'

as a subject. So we knew then that the vast overflow of newly created digi-dollars and other digital debt instruments was going to exert its influence next in the area of housing. Beginning with the Iraq War, the 'housing' language started to gain the negative emotional elements which had come to be currently associated with the whole 'internet stock bubble'. It was at that point clear that the 'bubble nature' of the 'housing market' would sooner or later lead to a similar end as recently experienced within the internet stocks. As housing involved the necessary 'flow restrictions' on the passing of dollars through the system in the form of the time it takes to 'flip' the house, including all the delays found in the acquisition of materials, it is understandable that the "flow through to maximum saturation" equation will take longer with housing as opposed to the totally "no there there" trade in internet stocks which were a digital abstraction supporting a house of paper. It is not surprising then that the time stream took this long to arrive at the totality of linguistic transformation within the language sets describing 'housing'. And while we note that the mediastream has finally caught on and is now discussing the 'death of the housing bubble', it will be a number of months before the actual collapse of 'housing' as we currently understand the 'industry' within the USofA market. The modelspace is suggesting that the collapse, while already begun, will accelerate appreciably this Winter, and then by Spring be *just* beginning a the actual 'step over the brink' into the abyss. Our data suggests that some 'political' or 'social' issues will rise up this Winter, and will participate as the effective 'trigger' for the 'crash' of housing in Spring. These issues will also participate within the 'dollar disease' area, and are at least connected at the periphery to the broader context of 'energy'. As observers we should, according to modelspace, be able to track the 'deterioration' of the housing markets in lock step with the 'rotting stench' of 'foreign entanglements'. All of these diverse areas come together over the course of Winter to reach a point where 'expression/manifestation' will begin within the 'gold/silver' and other commodities such that 'pressurization' of the 'commodities exchange' will be the dominant factor just prior to Spring. Then this area jumps right into the Ides of March release period frenzy. A significant contributor to the release period math comes from the area of the 'usofa housing' sub set within Markets which all through the Winter has been in 'building emotional tension' mode due to the 'application/pressure of repression'. This 'pressure' is shown as 'blowing off' within the Ides of March to Summer Solstice release period. Note though that this 'blowing off' does *not* relate to a positively summed emotional totality. In other words this is likely *not* a good thing. The 'repression' language is also showing up as a dominant aspect for the 'usofa economy' as a whole. This aspect has rising potential and appears to come to dominance as the Ides of March release period progresses. The imagery provided by the modelspace is of the economy going through serious 'dissolution/dissolving' over the course of Winter to the point where the 'repression' begins very near the Spring equinox. The interpretation of the 'repression/suppression' language is difficult. There are supporting sets going to the idea of "wage and price controls" sort of interpretation. There are other areas suggestive of 'political repression/suppression' juxtaposed with 'via economic controls'. As a slightly deviant note, the 'repression/suppression' sub set also contains cross links over to the 'derivatives' area of the Markets entity. Within this area the descriptor set is dominated by the aspect/attribute for 'saturation'. This area is in turn cross linked back to both Markets, and Populace/USofA, sub set 'foreign affairs, politics'. The 'derivatives' area of the Markets entity also is accruing values which go to a very clear warning against 'pumping too much steam into the pot' and to 'watch {out for the} resulting explosion'. The idea coming across is that the 'derivatives markets' will be 'pressurized by dumping too much into them', and at least according to modelspace, are headed for an 'explosion {into} vapor' some time around the Ides of March release period. There are at least 9/nine potential triggers for the release period showing up slightly prior to the 15th of March 2007, and the 'pressurized' language within 'derivatives' is cross linked to 8/eight of the 9/nine. ALL of these many Markets sub sets are all tied to the movement of 'gold/silver' which is shown as a bespoke 'successful movement' over the course of Spring and towards Summer. However we need to note that as the 'repression' language shows up for 'housing' in Winter, and 'derivatives' just prior to Spring, the

same language sets continue accruing for the 'usofa economy' sub set by mid June of 2007. Probably not a good sign. Especially with the 'housing' as industry concept itself showing as 'under review' within the Populace/USofA by the onset of Spring. Further impacts on the 'usofa economy', some of which are directly cross linked to 'dollar disease' of Winter, show up as a 'revolution' and 'violent expression' which is also a member of the 9/nine preappearing potential triggers for the release period. This 'violent expression' is held by Markets within the 'usofa' sub set, and within that is held by both 'housing' and 'gold/silver'. And the Populace/USofA entity is still accruing values for 'revolution', again, these are also involved within the sub sets for potential triggers for the Ides of March release period.

TotalPop - Hu'nab Ku' - Welcome to Process We have a slight divergence here at the end of this series in that we are combining the 2/two populace entities, GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA back into a single populace proxy entity we are going to label as TotalPop. This has been done as we are again noting that many areas of changes centered around a single context are occurring in both entities, as it should be since both are proxy for humans en masse, merely separated by miles of water, and acres of mindset. To return to the discussion of the moment we need note that in the last 3/three ALTA series reports the context of the 'galactic alignment, 2012', or as the mesoamerican's of ancient times knew it, "hu'nab ku'" has been growing steadily in both of our proxy entities. The vagaries of circumstances and work loads being as they are, it has taken us until now to get the time and energy necessary to extract the populace data into a single entity where we could focus on the hunab ku effect. Unlike previous cases of cultural 'millennium jitters' , the hunab ku effect is emerging as pan-cultural. There are indications that a juxtaposition of the global reach of the internet along with a revival in historical cultural roots planet wide is taking place with much of the emotional energy seemingly transferring over to the "hunab ku effect". The modelspace as it has been progressed to this point is showing that in the totality of global populace there is a distinct 'worry' about the pending 2012 date. Further, much of the 'worry' is Terra directed, and there are large numbers of indicators that the cross connections include the recent global weather changes, planetary politics, and resource related national actions. The populace at large has an increasingly negative tone associated with the 2012 date. In this most recent processing for this series all of the values combined into the emotional sums went to bespoke 'fear' for the first time in our processing of the context. A reasonably surprising element within the lexical sets in the hunab ku context has been the rising of the aspect/attribute set around 'process'. The whole of the idea is that the TotalPop entity is showing that humans are gradually coming to feel, and to realize that the 2012 "issue" is not a 'drop dead' date, but rather is a process. The bespoke Terra related 'fears' of recent past {ed note: basically since Sumatran tsunami} are now centering on the hunab ku context. At first we thought this merely to be a case of a "convenient focal point" for the rising awareness of environmental changes, however in this most recent processing of the longer term value set it has become clear that the populace extract is now considering the hunab ku context as a fitting greater housing for the developing planetary changes. The difference is that the hunab ku context is growing of its own momentum, and not merely due to our processing the terra to populace cross links in a certain manner. We are finding significant levels of increase in verbiage associated with the 2012 over the course of this last processing. Not only has the mass of words increased {ed note: greater than 25% in single processing run}, but also the diversity of languages has increased. The developing context around 2012 itself is diverse, and changing within the TotalPop entity as the modelspace is progressed. What is showing is a clustering of various sub sets/contexts, more or less culturally influenced, but all coming together around 2/two aspects which are the twin dominating factors of the moment. These are 'confirmation' and 'coagulation'.

Within 'confirmation' as supporting aspect/attribute sets we find 'shock {of} relaxation/reality' and 'seriousness/gravitas'. Both of these are in direct support of 'confirmation', but are also being held by yet another supporting aspect at the primary level which is 'examination {of} newly revealed {fundament/core} laws'. Perhaps a better interpretation of this last would be toward an 'examination of newly discovered natural laws which go to the confirmation of hunab ku issues'. As supporting sub sets of 'shock', there are aspect/attribute sets going to 'coming shock stuns {back}, reality impacts', and 'alert, shock of understanding/awareness stuns {multitudes/many} senseless/insensate'. We further note aspect/attribute sets in support of this area going to the idea that the 'realization shock', or the 'shock of confirmation' is going to produce a variety of predictable effects. The first predicable effect will be that all the other predictable effects will 'coagulate' together to change the 'nature and direction' of the 'global human society/social order'. As we have discussed in previous ALTA reports, the actual 2012 alignment is *not* a date. Yes, the 22nd of December, 2012, or the Winter solstice of 2012 is an actual date of maximum alignment, however we need to remember that our sun is one half of a degree wide and so the meso-american's in their defining of the hu'nab ku' accounted for this and recognized that the span of alignment would actually take 26/twenty six years for the sun to pass the alignment in all of its totality, including the first 3/three layers of the heliosphere. They also recognized the point of maximum alignment as being the Winter solstice, 2012, but they were keenly aware of the 13/thirteen year period on either side of the point of maximal alignment as being significant. The meso-american traditions have that the first half of the first half would be a 'time of plenty, food abounds, wealth flows', and that the last half of the pre-alignment 13/thirteen year period would be a time of 'famine, dearth, upheaval, and reductions'. Of course we note that within the mesoamerican scheme of things, 2006 was the 'pivotal' year of the 13 year period, and that following the 'middle time', the meso-american's were forecasting {ed note: apparently based on having been -there, done-that 13000 years ago, *and remembering it}, a rapid 'increase in flow' from galactic central. This 'flow' is seen as a cosmic river of creative energy blasting out of the center of the Milky Way galaxy. According to their scheme of things, the solar system started to enter into the 'stream of hunab ka' {ed note: hu'nab ka = alignment of the planets/stars/gc; hu'nab ku' = personal experience of alignment/energies} in 1999, and passed the 1/4 (one quarter) mark in 2006. The solar system, specifically the sun/earth/moon tuple will meet the 'middle of the stream' in 2012. This is the point at which the meso-american forecasters expected the solar system to be receiving the 'maximum blast' of hu'nab ka energies. What is important for us to know about their analogy is that, as with a river, as the middle is approached, the flow increases exponentially relative to the distance from the center. So just as the 1/4 (one-quarter) mark was passed, theoretically, the solar system has only received a fraction of the energetic increase. Hmmm, and we note that so far the environment is hugely affected these last 7/seven years, and this with only perhaps 1/10th (one tenth) of the totality of increase in energy experienced. What is increasingly seen within modelspace is that the hu'nab ku' concept as a 'personal experience' of the 'times of hunab ka', is self-creating. The TotalPop entity is predicting an increase in the 'aha factor' in which more humans become aware of the 'personal experience {of the} process of hunab ku'. What is significant for us is the move towards 'process' rather than 'event date/deadline'. This is a very significant shift in thinking and is responsible for most of the emotive tension value summations within the lexical set. So the 'shock of realization' which is supporting both 'confirmation' and 'coagulation' is the core of the 'transformation' supporting sub set of this entity. We note that 'transformation', as well as 'secrets revealed', and 'duality' meta data layers are very extensively supported by the directly held data sets within this entity. The progression of modelspace forward through the extent of the body of longer term values takes us over a period of roughly 18/eighteen months. As the TotalPop entity is moved forward with modelspace, it gains nearly 20/twenty per cent again its current mass in new values going to these twin aspects of 'confirmation' and 'coagulation'. Much of the supporting sets go to the Terra entity by way of cross links, and the suggestion is that the data set is forecasting 'confirmation' of significant environmental changes over this next year and a half.

Chart 2: As is shown in the crude graphic above, the alignment of our sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy has many interesting facets. There are numerous books available containing astronomic details on the alignment. The graphic above has annotated some of the more intriguing points to consider. The "synchronicity" of the distance from galactic central and the totality of precessional cycle, as well the angle of our planetary precessional tilt, and the 'tilt' of all the atoms in our universe/galaxy. A very intriguing idea is presented by NASA when they note that our sun has a 'dark twin' suspected to be in a 'trailing' orbital pattern from our sun's orbit around the galactic central point. IF true, then this 'dark twin' could act as a 'block agent' and in effect keep our solar system from receiving the totality of galactic central radiation/energy for virtually all of the "bottom half" of our 26 thousand year precessional cycle. This would certainly explain much as a theory and does also provide a mechanism for increasing energy exposure just as the alignment is approached. As we are aware of the many new forms of energy pouring into our solar system, and as we are aware of the increase in existent energies such as gamma ray bursts, and as we are aware of the marked increase in both of these factors since 1999, it makes sense to consider the idea that the 'blocking effect', whatever its cause, is diminishing rapidly. In essence, as we move further into the 'stream of hunab ka', we receive more of the current. This is not being lost on the masses of humans according to our data set. We note extensive discussions on the 2012 issue in dozens of languages and increases in word volumes on the order of 45/forty-five per cent in the course of only 4/four months. The data set for TotalPop gains the most emotional tension values under the 'confirmation' aspect. And within this aspect, the largest of the supporting aspects is 'shock'. As may be expected, much of the support for the 'shock' aspect derives from various expressions of 'shock' such as 'thunderclap knocks senseless', and 'stunned into insensibility', as well as 'shock of realization {produces/causes} thunder {in the} skull'. And more of the same. Much much much more of the same.

The supporting aspects for 'shock of realization' also include some descriptor sets going toward 'reaction states' such as 'stand firm/rooted' and others descriptive of various bodily reactions including some rather nasty involuntary muscle issues. Needless to say, this is no small 'shock' being described. Among the lesser bodily impacts are shown 'numbness', and 'falling over {from} stunning realization', and 'knees {as} water/liquid', and 'bereft {of} sight/hearing/sensation'. There are references for 'heart beats too fast', and 'sweat {of fear} runs cold {down} hot skin'. There are numerous references to 'belly/stomach' issues better left to the imagination, but all indicative of large scale 'ego meltdowns'. These are in their turn supported by 'mental illness', and 'mental collapse' lexical sets. The real nasties are the bespoke 'fear' values which are both broadly and deeply supporting the 'stunned shock of realization'. These include 'out of breath', 'trembling hands', and 'jittery/shaking eyes', and 'horrors {of} soiled pants', and 'afraid others {will} ask/demand control'. This last is actually going more towards the 'fear of having a mental breakdown just when others who depend on you really need your attention', rather than a 'political control' sort of interpretation. Within this last set, which is surprisingly large, we note that the fear set includes 'fear of long reaction time', and 'fear of not being able to absorb/comprehend information'. A very interesting, and perhaps very predictively promising aspect rises from these areas and seemingly represents the 'aggregate response to the new understanding'. This aspect is an old acquaintance and a meta data layer. It is 'restrictions on movement'. In this instance the descriptor set which defines the aspect includes supporting attributes for the idea of 'self-imposed limitations on the view of time/future'. The most surprising of the lexical structures within this section are those going to the idea that the 'whole of process' will come to be 'understood/grasped' as the data shows the planetary human collective begins to 'wrestle' with 'consciousness'. This last is all bound up within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layers, has cross links to the 'duality' meta data layer, and is very well supported by the longer term value set. The supporting aspect/attributes seemingly suggest that this complicated linguistic concoction is pointing at humans 'shifting {their} universal view'. Further there are repeated references within the supporting sets that go to the idea of 'process' coming t0 the fore relative to the global consensus view of the 'sudden awareness {of the} onset of continuing process' in which the precessional alignment of our solar system to the galactic central is now seen as an 'energetic source'. This lexical structure is very suggestive, due to its long term value set summations, that the 'awareness of process' is going to actually alter the social order. This is shown within incredibly high summations in many of the longer term value sets such as 'continuing emotional duration'. Some of these array elements are at summation levels several orders of magnitude larger than we have yet encountered in that position within the array. The idea is coming across of a 'sweeping, albeit slowly, multigenerational change in the collective social view of universe'. Bushista - Farts Just Ain't As Funny Any More As may be expected given the outcome of the elections and recent events, the data set that we have is continuing to show the Bushista entity as having 'hit a wall' {ed note: language from this series, earlier reports}, and that the 'wall' will morph rather rapidly from November 23rd onward to some serious 'depression', 'lessening popularity', and 'unusual facial antics'. Excepting this last, we had pretty much captured all of this sort of thing with our earlier chart, now reposted below.

Chart 3: The 'deepening depression' will not be Bushies alone. We have very extensive cross links over to the Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop in which the links terminate in the economic sense of the descriptor 'depression'. This emerging 'economic ill' related to the 'dollar disease' is shown as beginning serious manifestation in emotional impact on/after November 23rd. The whole of the 'crash of the illusion', as the aspect/attributes describe it here within the Bushista entity, will drag down the emotional tone of the Bushistas over the course of the next 2/two months. Not only are the results of the election sobering, but within a short period the 'economic illusion' is indicated to be 'parting/cleaved', and this will open up Bush for another round of 'slap face {with} reality'. The data set is indicating that the 'continuing devastating news/results' from Iraq, as well as other 'pressures on energy' will so shatter the carefully constructed 'illusions' that 'dysfunction' is showing as a seriously rising aspect. The idea coming across is a period of some 'disillusion' to the point of 'questioning of divine promise' which in turn causes 'near paralysis' through Winter. The overall impression of the Bushista entity including the immediacy values, shorter term value set, and the longer term values, goes to the idea of a 'break in faith' due to the 'shattering' of so many illusions. This will seeming set up an emotional wave within the Bushista entity which will again manifest in the Ides of March release period. The data set is showing that, at that time, the result of the 'challenge to faith/delusion' will be a 'dynamic surge of delusional energies' as a 'reconnection' to 'divine rule' is sought. The data set shows that when the Ides of March breaks, so does Bushista. Taking the totality of the current data set we see that as the Ides of March release period begins, the Bushista entity is 'filled' with 'self-delusion' and 'dishonesty' as rising aspects. These combine to form a new aspect shortly after the 15th of March, and that pushes a new lexical structure headed by 'drama' forward into lead position. The data is showing that in March and April of 2007, the Bushista entity will 'induce' both 'drama' and 'aggression' in a 'quest for reconnection' to the '{self supposed/claimed} divine selection'. From the Bushista 'melancholia' of December, the data suggests that a 'slowly building religious energy' will flow until it manifests in March with an 'explosion of delusion' and an attempt to 'impose dictatorial will ' on 'domestic circumstances'. This area is, of course, supporting the 'conflict' meme which is dominant as a meta data layer through to September 20th (more or less) of 2007 when other meta data layers begin to take over the dominant position. The entity is showing that April, from about the 20th onward, and all of May will be 'expressed' as 'anger' and 'mean spiritedness'. The Bushista entity is shown as coming out Again, as it the pattern with the Bushista entity, much of the data is suggesting that 'actions will be taken based on spurious evidence'. In this case we also find supporting sets going to the idea of 'ms-interpretation' of the 'evidence'. Unlike past manifesting circumstances, the data set is suggesting that this time 'conflict' erupts with congress, and 'investigations fly {as} locusts'. The data suggests 'heat' and 'aggression' and 'unilateral actions' coming from the Bushista camp. This will be met, as per the data set, by an 'iron wall/will', and 'refutation'. This confrontation manifestation is showing as appearing all through March, and

the rest of Spring. It may well extend through the early part of Summer,but not with the intensity of the Ides of March release period. TPTB - Hard Biting Bitter Men Oppose A number of the very large areas within the ThePowersThatBe entity are showing that a 'concerted push' is being planned. We even find some emotional clues that the 'planned plan' will begin implementation/manifestation with the November 23rd emotional tension jump.The data set further suggests that this is a 'long term plan' with an 'expectation of confirmation/surety' that will be some years out. Even as the TPTB entity is showing the beginning of the 'execution/implementation' of the plan, there are directly held value sets within both shorter term, and longer term which go to the idea of 'opposition'. The 'opposition' is shown as rising from 'bitter men'. Or perhaps, a more apt descriptor would read 'the men of bitters'. These 'bitter men' are also described within the same set as being 'hard biters'. This in turn is supported by descriptors for 'mountains' and 'cold tall rocks'. Further descriptors give an idea of 'rich poverty', and yes, this is being correctly construed from within the data. There is a clear 'juxtaposition of duality' about the whole of the descriptor sets. Most of the duality impacted descriptors are headed by the 'rich poverty' aspect. Of course, this could also be translated as 'poor wealth' as there is no particular order of precedence within the data set. Many of the other descriptors are equally colorful and confusing. We note that the 'hard biting bitter men' are coming up as a very threatening 'obstacle' to TPTB entity. We also can note that they will show up as an 'puzzle/enigma' for some time to TPTB. The entity also has descriptors for this 'opposing force/set/group' which go to 'climbing and walking' from 'out of the spine'. This last phrase has cross links back to Terra, and there is some suggestion that perhaps it should be interpreted as 'spine of the planet/world'. From the point of view of the entity, they are already showing as 'aware' of the 'new obstacle'. However, there are indications that they do not yet know just 'what' composes this new blockage to the advancement of their plans. What the entity is showing is that the 'rapidly accelerating' rate of change of the planetary climate, while not a surprise, is nonetheless catching the TPTB off guard. Further, while apparently aware of far more than the ordinary humans, the TPTB entity is again stating that the 'surprising element' of 'space water', and 'other unknowns' has put a bit of a hitch in the get-along of TPTB plans. So the impression coming across from the progression of the entity is that universe has brought up a new obstacle just as the 'plan' had been brought forward due to accelerating circumstance. A significant percentage of the geographic references within TPTB go to 'antarctica', and other 'southern hemisphere' areas. Further general descriptors within TPTB entity are also continually gaining supporting references to 'south' as a regular occurrence. This is likely meaningful. We note that other planets in the solar system are also having all kinds of interesting things show up at their 'south pole regions'. Conclusion: ALTA Series 607 This is the last report of the ALTA 607 series. Thank you for participating and making this series possible. This is clearly a time of manifesting waves of change. This year has been, and continues to be, a pivotal year in which meta data set themes are appearing within the emerging circumstances here on earth. If our interpretation of the data sets is correct, next year promises to be the 'year of manifestation'. But the manifestation of what? Well, it is our feeling that the 'manifestation year' of 2007 will be bringing out the 'realization of process' through various different components of universe. The details of the 'process' aside, the data set continues to point to the idea that it is the 'realization' or 'awareness spark' that is the important bit. And that all the rest are merely the details required for the humans to 'get it'. So, being aware of the big picture, we can settle back and enjoy watching the interplay of emerging details.

*** Igor and I are taking a new approach to our processing schedule. We are already have the data pipes running for a "limited party, private ALTA series". The data streams have been building and we will likely be able to begin this series of private reports next Saturday. Much of the new lexicon tweaks for this set are in Chinese,Brazilian Portuguese, and Cyrillic. This report series will run through November and December. Sometime in the next week, Igor will start the servers for the next public subscription ALTA series. This next series will run off a concurrent data stream and will be active through November, December and likely the first week of January. I expect to have the announcement pages for this next series posted by late tomorrow, Sunday, November 12th. Email announcement of this series will be sent out as soon as the posting is complete. Our plan is to be able to capture the developing emotional tensions as they accrue over the 'stair steps' shown for the end of Fall. Many of the events of the Ides of March release period will arise as echoes of those stairs. If you look at the charts above, you can see why we are anxious to be able to grab data sets during this period. However doing the 2/two ALTA series simultaneously will necessitate a down time in January that may extend into February. Igor sends his thanks to those subscribers who were enquiring about the flooding at his place. The flood was at his old location near the lake. His new house is 'high and dry', though he admits to being a bit worried about the rising waters on local roads. We can note that we do have standing water on the old logging road we call a driveway, and that the rains that came down broke the all time record for most rain in 5/five days. And in spite of having lost a few more trees in the 45 mph winds that tore through, the ground has been so dry from the exceptional number of days without rain this past Summer that neither Igor nor I are particularly worried about general tree falls in the winds. Those usually occur as a result of super saturated ground and the roots of the fir trees just pull out in a big flattened ball, and over they go. Having no tap roots, tall, thin firs are dangerous under certain ground conditions. However, a lot of our firs which could fall have done so, resulting in more light, more winds, but also less dangers exist now from the south and west, which is the new wind corridor. So now all we have to worry about is all the other manifesting crap that universe has headed our (planet's) way. Oh well, none of us had anything better to do anyway. How about you? Again, thank you for making the 607 series possible. Clif and Igor. (He has gotten started on stove top, southern raisin pies. Probably not a good sign.)

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

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