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Mining Acitvity and its Impact on Enviroment and Economy: Study from Makrana Marble

The present study incorporates an attempt to assess the effect of marble mining on the economy and environment in Makrana city of Nagaur district in rajasthan.

MINERAL RSOURCES UTILISATION AND ITS IMPACT Humanity has utilized minerals for millennia and dependence on them is now total, as one can not imagine living the modern-day life with out the use of minerals. The mineral resource utilization has several impacts, out of which few ones are: i. ii. iii. iv. mineral resources are non-renewable, finite assets, the per capita consumption of minerals is increasing rapidly mechanization and development of infrastructure has added to their rapid utilization micro-level environmental adjustments.

The mineral resources are not uniformly distributed on the surface of the earth; consequently, certain limited areas are blessed with mineral riches. Evaluation of land use pattern for the state of Rajasthan has revealed that the land use for mining, direct and indirect, is less than 1% of its total surface area. The mining activity has also resulted in certain environmental degradation, but the problem was unfortunately highly exaggerated during past decade and a panicky situation developed due to the biased attitude of people who should have taken a more informed perspective. Every human activity results in certain negative impacts. Mining of industrial minerals and rocks in Rajasthan has also caused micro-level impacts that can easily be handled. Because of the climatic handicap a very large section of states population depended on livestock rearing, a small section of the population had been migrating out of the state for its livelihood. Mining is not only changing but is reversing this pattern. Rajasthan is no longer a backward state of the Union that it was few decades back- mining activity has added considerably to this development. Therefore, the concern regarding deforestation and environmental degradation due to mining activity is unjustified.

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