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Anger Management

Anger in relation to the Quran & Bible

( Those ) who restrain Anger and Pardon (all) men -- for Allah loves those who do good. ( Qyran 3:134 ) . The Prophet ( SAW ) said : Do not think little of Any good deed even if it is just greeting your brother with a cheerful countenance . According to Bible that thou shall not kill but in a quote in the bible it says I'm telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder . (Matthew 5:22).

Anger Value
Anger is a valuable signal, because it lets us know when something is wrong or a when there is a problem, It does not solve the problem. Things that happen : We want something and are not getting it From past experience, we expect trouble We have feelings of powerlessness Sad Feelings . Etc.

Options confronting Anger

You can choose to react angrily or not . You can become aware of what you are feeling. You can be aware of the intensity of your anger, if you are in control of your anger, it controls you.

Causes Of Anger
Anger is caused by external events called provocations, which create angry thoughts, angers arousal, and angry actions. 6 Major Causes Dependency Relationships ,Resentment Grief, Victim Mentality Abusive Relationship, Low Self-Esteem

Ten steps to Control Anger

1.Make a list of things that make you mad, and memorize it. 2.Talk about your feelings, let people know when something is bothering you. 3.When you feel angry, do something with the energy. Slowly breathe in and out ten times. On the exhale, spread your fingers. 4.When you feel the urge to strike out at at someone, raise your shoulders, as you breathe in deeply; rapidly lower your shoulders as you exhale. Notice your jaw muscles, shoulders, chest, and torso muscles.

Ten steps to Control Anger

5. Make peace with yourself and the person who is the object of your anger. Forgive yourself first. Than apologize to the other person for the lack of control 6. Mentally visualize two paths. Have one of these paths be positive, pleasant, and full of light. Have the other path be dark, gloomy, and depressive. Then send your angry feeling down the dark path and over the cliff

Ten steps to Control Anger

7.Notice if you feel like yelling, screaming, or hitting. Before you act on your anger, think of why you are angry. Is your angry feelings legitimate, or did you create a situation to justify your need to be angry. 8.Talk your way through your anger. Tell yourself you can change from being a reactor of your emotions to being a processor. Notice your thoughts, change negative thoughts to positive. 9.Change the image you have of yourself from blowing your stack; to being a cool headed person. Whenever you are able to control your anger, reinforce it by saying something kind to yourself10.Daily seek ways to change your image, inner thoughts, and outer behavior, so the two match.

That all anger is unhealthy or destructive That anger is an all-or-nothing phenomenon If you dont let your anger out, it builds and explodes out That angry people yell and scream a lot That anger management means keeping your mouth shut.

Not all anger is unhealthy or Destructive . Sometimes Anger is Justified . Anger is not an All-or-Nothing Phenomenon . Anger typically occurs in degrees, ranging from mild annoyance to rage . It is not always necessary to let your anger out . Anger does not work like steam in a kettle. It is not necessary to release it in order to avoid explosion

Not all angry people yell or scream. Many people keep their anger to themselves or show in their behaviour.

Anger and its effects on the body

It can speed up the heart rate Blood pressure rises as blood vessels constrict Frequent anger may speed up the process of atherosclerosis Doctors now consider a hear disease risk

Definition of Anger
Anger Noun A strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire. Verb- To arouse anger or wrath in

Personal Relations
I think Anger Management has helped me since 6th grade where I was mostly angry and a lot of people perceived as an angry kid

I think the main reason I was angry because I felt lonely and even though I I had a lot of friends I was still lonely so that brought my anger and sometimes I would do something that would damage me

5 - Good Ways of Anger

Anger Protects Anger SignalsAnger rules Anger Talks Anger Teaches

Brain and Anger

A group of brain structure controls and our anger such as the limbic system. The frontal lobe of the brain are what people use to control heir anger

How Anger Shows up in Families

Criticize you about your grades. Hound you about getting work or chores done. Question you about things in your life you prefer to keep private. Refuse to allow you to go places or see friends. Limit your use of computers, video games, cell phones, TV, or other things .

Passive Aggressive Anger

Meaning : People showing their anger indirectly so they dont have to admit their mad.

Displaced Anger
Meanings : People often doing things unconsciously

Anger in relationships/ Triggers

Your partner doesnt call when he says he will. Your partner ignore your phone calls or text messages. You see your partner talking to another girl or boy. You catch your partner in about where they have been .

Anger in relationships/ Triggers

Your partner dumps you and doesnt have the guts to tell you face to face, but breaks up with you by email or through someone else . You feel you partner is spending too much time with he friends .


The biggest source of anger in relationships . Its a mixture of insecurity, fear, and anger.

Is the feeling of extreme dislike and anger toward someone. Hate is the angriest thing you can say to someone . HATE is when you are unwilling to let go of that anger. That built up hate and anger can cause you to stress and and physically harm yourself .

Signs of anger turning into Hate

You often think about the person youre angry at. You burn inside when someone even mentions the persons name . You feel a need to tell other how you were hiurt, wanting them to feel your anger too. You start seeing yourself as completely innocent and the other person as totally at fault, instead of admitting your role in the problem .

Signs of anger turning into Hate


You often think of ways to get revenge . You feel intense anger weeks and even months later.

What leads to anger in friendships

Gossip. Keeping secrets . Competitiveness . Teasing and name calling . Balancing Time between Friends .

Being Able to handle anger in friends

Be clear on what you expect from friends . Dont let your anger build up.

Disorders and Anger

ADHD - you get angry quickly without thinking about how you express :Your anger doesnt last very long, and you may regret your action later .

School is likely frustrating for you and contribute stress and anger poblems.

Disorders and Anger

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Responding no whenever parents or others in authority ask them to do something. Losing their temper easily Being easily annoyed . Annoying others on purpose . Blaming other people for their own mistakes. Wanting to get revenge on people who they think have done them wrong

Disorders and Anger

Conduct Disorder- Usually violate the rights of the others , over and over again. Bullying others. Starting fights. Using a weapon to threaten or hurt others. Being physically cruel to others or creature. Destroying property

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