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/* add this code in any js file which load at time of page load */ /* validation.js */ function openwindow(id) { if(id.

value > 0){"/express/AssignSearch.htm?id="+id.value,"_blank","height=300,width= 500,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no") } } /* and call on image link for popup window */

/* DwrAjax.js */ function getProblemList(id,pid) { var vend=document.getElementById("problemType").value; if(vend != 0) { var val=id.value; MyAjax.getProblemList(val, function(data){ dwr.util.setValue(pid,data ); }); } } function getAssignToList(id,pid) { var vend=document.getElementById("problemType").value; if(vend != 0) { var val=id.value; MyAjax.getAssignToList(val, function(data){ dwr.util.removeAllOptions(pid); dwr.util.addOptions(pid,data,"assignToId","assignToName" ); }); } else { document.getElementById("problemType").focus(); } } function getAssignList(id,pid) { var vend=document.getElementById("problemType").value; if(vend != 0) {

var val=id.value; MyAjax.getAssignList(val, function(data){ alert(data); document.getElementById("grid").innerHTML=data; }); } else { document.getElementById("problemType").focus(); } }

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