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---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 01-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The Two Dimensions Of Being A Detached Observer There are two dimensions of being a detached

observer - the inner dimension and the outer one. Let us look at the inner dimension of detached observation. It is the ability or the technique to stand back from or observe in a detached way our own thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes and behavior. We are creators and our thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes are our creation. In fact, this is the first step to becoming a ruler of the self and making the self powerful. If we fail to detach from our thoughts and emotions then they will be our masters, they will go out of control and will, as a result, leak away or waste our energy. Practice simply being the witness of whatever you are thinking and feeling. This is an important aspect of any good spiritual practice and after a while you will find it an experience that both, frees you and empowers you. The external dimension of detached observation is the technique of being a witness to or an observer of the scenes, of the world around us. As we stand back and watch the scenes of life being played, on the world stage around us, without being actively involved, we can see the 'big picture' more clearly. This makes it easier to judge clearly what is the most suitable contribution that we can make and the most suitable role we can play - through our thoughts, words and actions. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 01-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To live in the present is to be free from the influence of the past. Expression: Many times the past keeps coming back again and again in the mind, influencing the present too. The present is lost in thinking about the past. So there can be nothing done to enjoy the present. All words and actions then are totally coloured by the past. Instead the one who is able to free himself from the influence of the past is able to move positively towards the future. Experience: To be free from the influence of the past it is important to have a powerful consciousness of the present. To be able to be free from the influence of the past is to forget the past. Because there is the understanding that it is gone. Also there is no worry about the future. When I am able to learn to live in the present I am able to discover how full it is of peaceful moments. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 02-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Self Management It is only in our relationships that we can truly know ourselves. We are a mirror for each other. What we give to others at the level of our thoughts, feelings and attitudes is what we give to ourselves, and will finally come back from others. Our relationships are the real workshop, classroom, learning laboratory of our life. Relationship is not simply getting along with others, it is about understanding, building, nourishing and caring.

Every interaction carries a lesson. Take one relationship, look at it, explore it and ask yourself what does it tell you about yourself and your life so far. Let your relationships reveal you to yourself. As you do you will naturally learn what makes relationships work, or not work, as the case may be! And the more you get to know yourself in the mirror of your relationships the more easily you will be able to understand others. Think of two people who are close to you. Now think about each relationship and write down what each of these people seems to bring out in you when you are with them. What part of your self would you want to see more developed in each of these relationships e.g. humour, patience, humility (egolessness) etc.? What will you do today to develop these aspects of your personality? ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 02-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To be free is to be free even from the bondage of things. Expression: The one who is dependent on the presence of a particular thing to succeed in a task is also under the bondage of that thing. Such a person will not be able to put in effort to his full capability since he is always thinking of what is lacking. On the other hand the one who tries to find a way to do the task at hand even when there is nothing available is the one who finds new resources. He is then able to use these resources too for accomplishing the task. Experience: When I am thinking more about what is to be done rather than thinking about what is lacking, I am able to be content with what I have. I am able to appreciate every small thing that is present in my life that I could use for my own benefit and that of others. I am able to work for what I want to achieve without being caught up only with the desires. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 03-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Limiting Influences On Your Decision Making Ability It is extremely important to realize that, in any situation, you have the power to choose whether your response in that situation will be passive or pro-active, positive or negative, indifferent or attentive etc. You choose what action you take and how you feel. But do you exercise your power of choice all the time? You need to check which factors influence your decision making and push you either in one direction or the other? There are many factors that control and limit your power to make the right, and more importantly, free choices.These factors primarily include influences of people that dominate your ways of thinking, your beliefs, your attitudes, even your complete personalities, etc. You are also limited by the influence of your own fears, attachments, desires, biases or other negative and waste thoughts, which result in a lack of focus. There are a lot of people who are not used to thinking for themselves or even prefer being a .yes. man going along with what others think and say, without having an opinion of their own. Also as you pass through your childhood and teenage life and enter adulthood, you acquire many preconceived ideas or beliefs from your family and social

and cultural environment; that is why you assume inside that some things or people are always positive and others are always negative when, in fact, that.s not necessarily true. This directly affects the type of decisions you make, each time there is a requirement for one. In any particular situation, courage, wisdom, high self-esteem and focus is required to sit down calmly and make an assessment about the possible choices before you, and then finally make the right decision. The more you practice relaxation, positive thinking and meditation, the more you rise above all the negatively influencing factors mentioned above , the more you experience the positive qualities and powers mentioned above and exercise your power of choice accurately and with confidence... ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 03-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To be merciful means to transform the pain and sorrow of others. Expression: The one who is merciful always has the feeling of mercy and is able to help those who are in need or in distress. Such a person is able to bring about transformation in others too because of his own pure feelings. He is able to put in effort that becomes a contribution for the progress of others. Experience: When I have mercy for others, I am able to accept their feelings, emotions and behaviour and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then I am able to give them courage without being influenced negatively with their feelings of pain and sorrow. So my mercy influences myself positively too as I am able to keep myself positive under all circumstances. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 04-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Limiting Influences On Your Decision Making Ability (cont.) With whom does the choice to make your decisions lie? Are you going to be dominated by your fears and others. negatively powerful influences, which paralyze your judgment power and confuse you sometimes or are you going to exercise your choice? When someone dominates you, they control you and make you feel irritated, frustrated and weak; they satisfy their own ego like that by controlling you and bringing you under their influence. You need to decide if you are comfortable being a victim of the other by being the one who satisfies the egos of others. It is not a very healthy attitude, on their part, but it happens in many relationships and we fall prey to that, because of a lack of spiritual power. Get back your personal ruling and controlling power and do not be afraid to be free and responsible for your choices. From today on, promise yourself that you will not allow your husband or wife, or children, or your friend, or mother-in-law, or your office colleague, anybody for that matter, influence the power of choice, the power to decide, that you possess. In the end, that way they will be happier; perhaps not at first, because a power game is created. Your personal freedom will lead to a healthier relationship, in the long run. Its fine to take an opinion or a viewpoint or support from someone, but there is a fine line between that and being controlled by someone, which we, many a times cross, and become a victim. You are free when you take responsibility for what you are and how you feel. In meditation you can realize everything that has influenced you and know how to clear it,

so that only the highest, the most positive influence you. This depends on each one of us. In our present society, there are many influencing factors, from the most negative, violent, corrupt and mediocre, to the purest, highest and most spiritual. It depends on each one what you want to consume and allow to be influenced by. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 04-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To consider problems to be a game is to move forward with lightness. Expression: Even when the most difficult problem comes my way, I am able to give my best when I understand the significance of whatever is happening. Because I never experience being subservient to the problem, I am always a master. Experience: When I understand that problems are just a game, I am able to play whatever part I have to, externally. But internally I will experience lightness ato play. It would be easy to understand the significance of the part that I am playing and remain happy. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 05-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Mind Empowerment Meditation is an inner mental exercise, an exercise not physically visible to oneself and others. Through this exercise we link ourselves to the Source of unlimited and complete purity (the Supreme Being), which not only purifies our mind but also liberates the mind from the limits or various different forms of impurity or body consciousness, like "I", "my", burdens of the past and negative feelings for myself and others.During meditation the mind let.s go of the threads of the limits of the physical body and physical world. Like a bird, the mind, which is impure, experiences a magnetic pull for this pure Source and flies upwards and connects with this Source. This connection is not difficult when the mind is truly in love. Love for the Source emerges inside when we have complete knowledge of God as the Ocean of truth and purity and have an inner spiritual thirst for experiencing a connection with Him, and not just trying to demand, flatter, or beg God for something for selfish reasons. The desire for connection enables the soul to fly beyond all mental barriers such as "I can't", "How do I?" and "No time!". Connection fills the mind with a spiritual strength which we use in our everyday life and keeps it constantly positive, uninfluenced by any external negativity. To maintain such strength, we require a daily connection and recharge every morning; otherwise the using up of the energy of the mind in actions throughout the day causes its spiritual strength to get depleted very soon. In silence, we will find a personal and very loveful friendship with God, who not only listens and helps but, most of all, is just there. At the present moment, a lot of us have completely lost the simple enjoyment of His presence; we feel we have to ask for something, say something, or chant something. It is enough just to be still in the silence of that spiritual meeting and experience its bliss and enjoy the stage of spiritual fulfillment.

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 05-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Words filled with good wishes bring change in others. Expression: When there are good wishes combined with the words that I speak, there is love. Whatever is spoken with love has its effect on others. Such words are free from all kind of negativity, so they naturally have a lot of power. Only such powerful words can bring about a change in others. Experience: When I speak with love and good wishes, I find that I am light, knowing that I have no selfishness in whatever I have said. The others too are able to immediately correct themselves. This also enables me to gain good wishes for having taken them a step forward. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 06-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Effect Of Food On The Mind In harmony with our great spiritual, religious and wisdom traditions, the Brahma Kumaris places great importance on food. Whilst modern science tends to take a technician.s approach and sees the molecules, chemical compounds and nutrients that feed the body; we look at a more spiritual, holistic perspective which places a sacred significance on what we eat, seeing how the food.s energy can touch, heal and nourish the soul as well. The body needs sustenance but so does the soul: we must absorb, assimilate and integrate spiritual energy as well as physical energy from our food. Practitioners of the Raja Yoga meditation, which the Brahma Kumaris teaches, are typically lacto-vegetarians (diet is a vegetarian diet which includes dairy products). They believe that non-violence is an essential characteristic of the spiritually awakened individual and that the essence of the human soul is peace, tranquility and love. If the internal workings of the soul are disturbed, by eating the wrong type of food then the individual is not able to enjoy meditative serenity (peacefulness). The meditator sees that whatever food is eaten has an effect on the mind, in a subtle form, in a similar way in which alcohol or intoxicating drugs can dramatically change our mood and power of judgment. We shall be explaining the different types of foods tomorrow . ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 06-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To have attention to accumulate is to experience constant progress Expression: The one who has the attention to accumulate each and every moment makes sure that he uses well his treasures like thoughts, time etc. Then, there would never be anything waste or even ordinary. Instead each treasure would be used for the benefit of all. Experience: Having attention to accumulate makes me realise the importance of whatever I have. This makes me pay attention on even little things and I find myself benefitting from each moment and with each thing that happens. Thus I experience constant progress.

---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 07-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Effect Of Food On The Mind (cont.) Food may be placed in one of three categories. Pure (or .sattwic') food constitutes the staple diet of a yogi (meditator). It includes fruits, grains, seeds, sprouts, most vegetables, dairy products and a moderate amount of spices and herbs. Then there is stimulating (or .rajsik.) food which may be consumed in moderation, and includes coffee, tea, colas, vinegar, radishes, spices and watermelon. Finally there are impure (or .tamsic.) items, such as tobacco, alcohol, nonprescription drugs, all meat, fish, fowl, eggs, stale food and also garlic, onions and chives. These should all be completely avoided. Ordinarily onions and garlics are recommended to non-vegetarians as blood purifiers and to help counteract the buildup of harmful animal fat and cholesterol. However, the healthy vegetarian is not in need of such protection and a spiritually sensitive meditator will be aware that they (onions and garlics) tend to arouse anxiety and irritation . passions which reduce serenity and peace of mind. The purer ones diet, the more the emotions remain in a state of equilibrium, bringing tranquility to the consciousness and greater clarity to the mind and intellect.

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 07-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Lightness comes when words are accurate. Expression: Accurate words means there is nothing extra spoken. Whatever has to be said is said to the point. Such words being short are sweet to hear too and are those that never hurt others. They bring about the result needed accurately. Experience: When my words are to the point, there is a lot of lightness experienced within me and my physical energy is saved too. Others too experience benefit through my words and so I naturally get blessings from them, which helps me move forward with lightness.

---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 08-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Meditation For Experiencing Soul Consciousness Read over the following words slowly and silently. Using the power of visualization, aim to experience them in your mind: I withdraw my attention away from the physical limbs and sense organs........ I focus on myself........ I am listening through these ears........ I am looking through these eyes........ This instrument of mine, the physical body, is a precious vehicle........ a valuable instrument, a medium........ But, that which is more valuable and more precious is the being (soul) making this instrument function........ Within this assembly of bones and muscles and amazing organs is a being of light........ In the centre of the forehead is a point of light .. I am this being of light........ I the being of light express myself through this body........ But the body is not I........ I am light........ I spread rays of peace in all directions........ I become aware of the power within this point of light........ Within I the being of light is everything that I am and everything that I have........ Within my own being are my qualities, my powers, my talents........ In the awareness of who I am I radiate this light within........ and in the awareness of this inner light........ I hold my head held high in self-respect........ ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 08-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Success is achieved through accurate efforts. Expression: The one who puts in accurate efforts for the success of every task, naturally tries to do the best. Because of his own contribution, others too help him and contribute whatever they can to achieve what he sets out to do. So there is success in everything. Experience: When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant selfprogress. I will then never have the slightest feeling of failing, but will always experience success as a right, even if the result is not what I have expected. I experience positive feelings because of having put in the right effort. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 09-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Being Impressed By Others . Is It Beneficial? To keep our self esteem intact, we need to make sure that we do not have an impressionable intellect. Being impressed by people, in itself, is not bad, but we can fall into the tendency of staying trapped in the superfluous (excessive and unnecessary) and in appearances. What impresses us influences us and even moulds our awareness at that

moment. We lose the ability to create our thoughts and feelings and these are influenced by the impression that we have allowed the other person to leave on us. Sometimes the impression is such that we completely give ourselves to it. We give up our power to the other, and we allow them to dominate our emotional world. The results of allowing oneself to be impressed are varied and on different levels. For example, when we are impressed by the other's position; it is fine to respect the authority and the position of the other, but when we allow their position to impress us, our ability to relate to the person in a smooth way is blocked. This can make it difficult for us to be the authority in our own life. Another example is when we are impressed by the achievements of the other and put them on a pedestal. We compare ourselves with him or her and have weak thoughts of ourselves, such as that we are not as good or effective as them, or we might feel jealousy or guilt. All of this acts as an obstacle on the path towards our own achievement. It is good to recognise and appreciate the achievements and skills of others, but when we allow them to impress us, in some way, we submit ourselves to their influence and we weaken our self-esteem and our respect towards ourselves. Without realizing, we use the other to fill a gap that we feel in ourselves. This will not always work. It will not strengthen us; rather it will create a dependency and dependencies weaken us. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 09-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To give regard to others' ideas is to be a learner. Expression: Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress. Experience: When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant selfprogress. I will then never have the slightest feeling of failing, but will always experience success as a right, even if the result is not what I have expected. I experience positive feelings because of having put in the right effort. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 10-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Worry Confused With Concern One of the most incorrect beliefs that we have acquired since childhood is that to worry is to care, worrying is caring. Our parents are the people whom we grow up with and are closest to in our childhood. As soon as we are born, in fact even before we are born, even when we are in our mother.s womb, they start transmitting the energy of this belief through their thoughts and later on when we are physically present in front of them, through thoughts, words and actions; to us, which we catch, because we being a spiritual energy, not only transmit or radiate but also absorb energy. As we grow up, this false belief keeps reaching us from everyone on a subtle as level as physical level from whom we meet and are close to including our friends, siblings (brothers and sisters), spouse etc. and slowly we start accepting this belief as being completely true and lead our lives according to it and even transmit the same to others. That is

why it is extremely difficult to find a single person today who does not live according to this belief or does not bring it into their daily lives to some extent or the other. A very common example of the above belief which we all have gone through sometime or the other is when we are late by just a few minutes in coming back home from office. On reaching home, we are asked a thousand questions and by our family members, perhaps our parents or spouse or children about where we have been and why hadn.t we bothered to call and also informed about another thousand negative assumptions they had made in that much time. Why? Because they had been worried for us. We are normally surprised with the fact they are worrying, because 9 out of 10 times we are late because of a not so serious reason, but our family members explain that we were worrying for you because we care for you. But worrying is not caring. Worry is fear or anxiety and care is love or concern, they are two opposite emotions which can never exist together at the same time. In tomorrow's message, we shall demonstrate how on a subtle energy level, true love and concern is more beneficial than worry in coming out of negative situations, in which we find ourselves every now and then. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 10-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To know the fruit of efforts will surely come is to remain happy and healthy. Expression: To know that the fruit of my effort will eventually come one day is to understand the importance of making effort. Once there is this understanding, it becomes easy to continue making effort, which is like nourishment that keeps one happy. So effort is never stopped till what has to be achieved is achieved. Experience: Knowing that my effort will surely be fruitful makes me enjoy everything I do. It makes me remain happy, keeps me enthusiastic and free from tiredness, even when things are not going right for me. My mental happiness and well being thus keeps me healthy. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 11-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Worry Confused With Concern (cont.) We are all linked together at a subtle, invisible level, and communicate with others invisibly. We not only send but also pick up the energy that others radiate, especially the ones that we are close to. We demonstrate with an example how this can work positively as well as negatively when we find ourselves in negative situations in our practical lives. Suppose the class teacher of your child (we take the example of your son) calls up and says that while playing in the school playground, your son has injured himself. She doesn.t explain much but says there is nothing to worry. She requests you to come and pick him up from the school. At this point of time your son is radiating his own spiritual energy which is most probably the negative energy of fear, stress, anxiety and sorrow (although the teacher has informed you that he is fine). At the same time he is also picking up your subtle spiritual or mental energy. You are driving to his school to pick him up. At this point of time, you only have a rough idea of what situation he is in exactly at that moment because you are physically far away

from him. Guessing about the exact situation is making assumptions and is a waste of your mental energy. If you make negative assumptions i.e. you worry and are scared, then you are sending him the same vibrations of fear, a negative energy, which he is going to pick up and it is not going to empower or help him in anyway but is more likely to weaken and disturb him and even disturb you in your driving. You have been told that there is nothing to worry but still you know he is in a slightly difficult emotional situation and only he knows how he will come out of it. What will help him? He needs your support, but what will support him the most - we are talking about subtle support, because you are going to take some time to reach the school and provide him physical support? Your negative vibration of fear which you may mistakenly call concern or care as you imagine something bad has happened? Or the positive vibrations of your unconditional love and your good wishes, which is true concern or care? What will you send him to support him from far away? Worry vibrations or the vibrations of love in the form of your good wishes for them? Vibrations of love will keep you also in a positive state as you drive through the city. Besides, what is care or concern? It is you sending your positive inner spiritual light to help another and worry is definitely not that. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 11-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The beauty of things lie in the ability to appreciate them. Expression: Nothing is positive or negative in itself, but the one who has the eye for positive things sees only positively even when there is negativity around. Such a person is like a swan, which separates and picks up only pearls from stones. Experience: When I am looking only at the positive aspects, I am able to remain happy. If I am able to appreciate everything that comes my way, even if it is visibly negative, I find nothing to be a problem, but everything becomes enjoyable for me. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 12-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Principles for the Body To Make Early Morning Meditation Successful . Rest well each night. Avoid going off to sleep later than 10 p.m. especially when there is no time for an afternoon rest. . Make sure the evening meal is taken early or only have a light meal before bed, and a heavy breakfast. Light eating with plenty of fresh fruits and salads makes the mind light. . If I am very, very tired at night, it is better to do some light housework until the stage of tiredness passes, rather than surrendering to sleep at this moment. If I go to bed with a heavy head I rise with a heavy head. . Do not talk unnecessarily before going to sleep. . Be warm, yet avoid over-heated rooms. (To be continued tomorrow .)

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 12-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Speciality lies in experiencing one's fortune. Expression: When there is the awareness of one's fortune, there is speciality seen in every word and action, because of wanting to make the best of everything. There is also the pure desire of sharing with others, which also makes one special. Experience: When I have the recognition of my own fortune, and am aware of what I have, I find myself content. I have no expectations but continue to make the best use of what I already have, for my benefit and that of others. So I find myself being special and making my own fortune. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 13-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Principles for the Body To Make Early Morning Meditation Successful (cont.) . Freshen the self before morning meditation, with a shower or a hot drink. Avoid speaking before the meditation. . Sit with an upright posture, away from the walls or comfortable chairs. If the body is ill, awaken but sit comfortably, and do not force the self. . Have a good circulation of fresh air. . Subtle lighting creates an atmosphere of meditation. If it is too dark it will lead to sleepiness; if it is too light there will be eye-strain. . Burn incense sticks ("agarbattis"), only if it doesn't irritate your and others' eyes and throats. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 13-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To be free from wants is to be free from waste. Expression: The one who is free from wants is the one who is free from expectations. When there are no expectations, there is not too much thought about what is not there or what should be there. Since the mind is free from all these kind of waste thoughts, whatever is done is the best. Experience: When I am free from wants or desires, I am able to always remain content. I can then appreciate and enjoy everything that comes my way, and do not expect anything both from situations and people. So the mind is free from waste thoughts and questions. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 14-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Understanding And Overcoming Ego Identification with the ego and the external self creates a false identity and extremes of feeling inferior, or superior, depending on the circumstances and people. It brings with it the thought of 'I am', which is based on gender, religion, nationality, achievement or talent, creating an attachment to the self, which always compares and competes with others. This insecurity leads a person into forcing others to act and think in the same way as them. An egoistic person, rather than recognizing that everyone is unique with a

unique personality and has a right to express his/her respective personality, sees difference in personalities as a threat to himself/herself. Where there is such ego, only 'yes' people (who have the same opinion as yours) are allowed to come close: anyone with a difference of opinion is rejected. With ego, the original uniqueness of the self is denied, unrecognized and buried deep in the layers of wrong identity. This is why, these days, there is such an identity crisis - humanity has lost its soul, or rather, sold its soul to external traditions and attractions. With ego, then: is the idea of .I know best' and consequently the misunderstood duty and right to control and manipulate others, in their best interests (supposedly)! This results in the spoiling of the creativity and uniqueness of others. (To be continued tomorrow.) ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 14-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To stamp every thought with the stamp of determination is to be victorious . Expression: When there is determination in thoughts, there is naturally the ability to give the best in spite of all the obstacles. Situations will not deter such a person from achieving what he set out to. And so there is naturally constant victory for the one who is always determined. Experience: When there is determination in my thoughts, I am never afraid, whatever happens. In fact obstacles only serve to strengthen determination. I never give up what I have started. It is determination that enables me to add power to my thoughts and make them practical. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 15-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Understanding And Overcoming Ego (cont.) To conquer ego, humility and honesty are required. We need the courage to look into the self honestly and acknowledge that the characteristics of 'I know' and 'I control' exist and have to be removed, if there is to be truth and happiness inside. We need to remember the original 'I am' e.g. .I am a child of the Supreme Soul, similar to him in qualities and powers., .I am the soul which is seated on the Supreme Being.s (God.s) heart throne., .I am a knowledgeful soul., .I am a blissful soul who gifts everyone with the treasure of happiness. etc. Through meditation and remembering the true .I am. (shared above), the pollution of the selfish ego is gradually replaced by the remembrance and the experience of the pure self: the 'I' that is not attached to anything, or anyone, but is completely whole within itself. The expression of this pure entity is not selfish but selfless and the person begins to share with others, everything that he/she possesses . knowledge, specialties, talents, virtues etc. where necessary, facilitating the awakening of the true potential of others, just like sunlight. Light is a great facilitator. It steps in, awakens and then moves on. An ego less person acts, interacts and expresses themselves in this way.

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 15-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The one who checks himself constantly is the one who experiences progress. Expression: The one who keeps checking himself is also able to bring about a change in himself. Such a person takes each situation as a chance to learn something new and bring about some change for the better. So there is constant improvement in his life. Experience: When something goes wrong, if I learn to check myself and bring about a change immediately, I will be able to experience constant progress. No situation will make me have negative feelings or make me stop, but I will be able to enjoy everything that comes my way. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 16-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The Spiritual Sculptor And The Piece Of Art A sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork created by an artisan, a sculptor, by shaping materials which may be hard like wood or stone or soft like clay. God or the Supreme Being also has been remembered as the spiritual sculptor. With that consciousness, I being like a rough living block of wood or stone or a plain piece of clay, place myself in his safe hands. There are three types of faith in this consciousness:1. the faith in the Sculptor, 2. the faith in myself and 3. the faith in time. It's my first faith, my faith in the Sculptor, in his vision of his finished work i.e. a perfect and complete me, which he foresees, waiting to emerge from my present imperfect self, that allows me place myself in his hands. His vision of perfection is so clear that knowing it, I feel I must regain my original condition. Also when I come in front of God, who is a perfect spiritual being, his love and the knowledge he gives me makes me aware of myself as a spiritual being similar to him. This awareness then reminds me of my original qualities and the spiritual beauty and perfection hidden inside me, which helps me in having the second faith, the faith in myself. I am able to trust the Sculptor, knowing that the knocks I receive will chip away at my weaknesses, and restore my truth and beauty. Initially, I may not know myself completely or have full faith in myself, the second faith, but God, the Sculptor, knows me and has full faith in me, all the Sculptor wants me to do is to be still and patient. Being still means having complete faith in myself and him and being patient means having the third faith - the faith in time. His knowledge and power gives me the strength and courage to be still and patient i.e. strong in all three faiths while he continues his work on me. I should not move or be impatient i.e. not let any of my faiths waiver, otherwise I will not become perfect. There is a vast difference between how God sees me, and how I am at the present moment. Holding the vision that God has of me, I have to just surrender my mind to the Spiritual Sculptor and keep myself in his hands. When I do that, the thoughts inside my mind get focused spiritually on him and as a result I receive his spiritual energy, which reshapes and transforms me. That which is highest and most beautiful in me begins to emerge gradually.

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 16-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------True love brings success in relationships. Expression: The one who is loving, likes to be with the others. Such a person will never try to be away even from people who are not loving towards him, but will be able to change the one who is not so loving with his own love. So the one who is loving is always successful in relationships. Experience: Since I am a loving person, I am able to maintain this love for every person I come into contact with. Whether the other person is able to be loving or not, I find that I never lose my love because of being aware of my true nature.

---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 17-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Creating Positive Habits Some habits do not upset us, but others can cause irritation, frustration and desperation. We want to rid ourselves of them: but how? When we look at the creation and fulfillment of thoughts, it looks like a closed system: the thoughts lead to actions, the actions create a series of impressions (sanskars), and these impressions are responsible for similar thoughts, which lead us to similar actions, this is a vicious cycle. If we want to change a habit, then where do we start? In other words, where do we change the system or how do we get out of the cycle? First of all, we can try changing our negative actions: for example, stop a negative habit like smoking. In many cases, although we change our behaviour, but because we have not understood deeply why we wanted to do it, is quite possible that one day we will go back to this old habit. We can try changing this system in our subconscious. By analysing what is recorded in our subconscious, through different therapies, the results are not altogether satisfactory. There is always some traumatic event, or painful experience behind a fear which causes us to cling on to a negative habit. And although we can see and recognise our fears and anxieties, if we do not replace them with something better, with a more beneficial and healthier alternative, very often we will feel tempted to cling on to these old systems, even though they do not work and they make us unhappy. To eliminate certain things we

have recorded in our subconscious, meditation and silence are the most effect non-violent methods. Another method is to try and change our beliefs with positive affirmations (thoughts) that strengthen our willpower, and thus introduce a new habit to replace the old one. It is vital not to repeat this affirmation mechanically, but to introduce it into the system of beliefs we hold, and act as if we already were what we express in this affirmation. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 17-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Creating quality thoughts brings happiness and lightness. Expression: When there is quality thinking, thoughts are not many, but each thought is special. Quality thoughts are reflected in quality words and quality actions. They reduce tiredness and carelessness as thoughts are fewer in quantity. Experience: When I have good quality thoughts, I experience sweetness, happiness and self-respect. I am able to recognise my own greatness and move forward with lightness under all circumstances. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 18-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------What is .Will Power.? The expression "will-power" is often used to refer to our ability to put into practice the ideas we know to be for our well-being and to resist actions (.karmas.) which are harmful. This is directly related to the soul's intellectual strength. When we speak of weakness or strength in the soul we are referring to the intellect. In the case of a weak soul (one with lower .will-power.) it is almost as if the intellect plays no part in determining which thoughts arise in the mind, but they come as if pushed by the .sanskaras. (mainly in the form of habits) or are triggered by the atmosphere around or the moods of others. On the contrary, a powerful soul (one with higher .will-power.) enjoys the experience of its own choice regardless of external stimuli (influence). Rajyoga meditation develops the intellect to such an extent that this degree of control is possible. A practitioner of Rajyoga meditation can be in the midst of a situation of intense disturbance, yet remain so unshakeably calm that the inner strength becomes a shelter and inspiration to others lacking in that strength.

The weak soul is like a leaf at the mercy of the storm, the strong one, a rock in the face of a rough sea. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 18-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To be free from the influence of the past is to have the ability to fly forward. Expression: There are so many things of the past that keep coming up in the mind again and again. Insead of being like birds holding on to the branches of the past; the one who looks at the clear sky gets the inspiration to move forward. To look at the clear sky means to look at the present moment and make the best use of it. Experience: The ability to free myself from the negative influences of the past, enables me to have a vision of equality. I will then not be judging others on what my past experiences with them are. I also find myself experiencing the benefit of each and every moment. So I experience constant progress. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 19-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The After Effects Of Anger If realized deeply, it.s alright to conclude that anger destroys. If it doesn't destroy our physical body (that too it manages to do in the long term), it definitely destroys our capacity to be creative. And after all the very purpose of our life . is to be creative. So in short, anger deviates us from reaching our very purpose of life. Anger is never every good for health . mental or physical; never ever positive or empowering and never ever allowable or justified. Many authors of self development books, philosophers, psychologists and experts on the human nature have argued that anger is a natural, biological and psychological response which is an integral part of human sanskara and life. While this can be respected as a point of view, it is not at all true. From a spiritual perspective, which means a view based on the absolute truth because the word .spiritual. means that which is the truth, anger is never ever natural or beneficial. While we are all used to getting angry, each one of us to different extents; on a little introspection, we will realize that it drains us out and is counter-productive. Anger is an absolutely unwanted emotion if we want to live a peaceful, contented and blissful life. It totally destroys the ability to create meaningful and deep relationships based on trust

and respect and brings the efficiency of our actions, performed at the workplace, at home or anywhere else, down. If we believe in the necessity of anger, we need to stop for a while and reflect deeply and see if we can see how it is a huge obstacle to our own contentment and fulfillment, and how it negatively influences the contentment and fulfillment of those around us. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 19-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The one who has faith is always victorious. Expression: The one who has faith, has total faith in the self and in the progress of the self. The one who has faith is always successful because he gives his best in everything he does. He is never deterred by obstacles but progresses constantly. Experience: When I have complete faith, I am able to experience lightness even when I am faced with my weaknesses, because I have the faith that I am progressing. I am able to learn and improve from everything that happens. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 20-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Consciousness In The Kitchen . Cooking With Love In today.s information age, we are continuously bombarded with details about the physical aspects of what we eat and the effects that different ingredients may or may not have on us, and naturally this is important. But in this heap of information, we tend to overlook one crucial factor: the consciousness (state of mind) of the person cooking and the effect that this will have upon the food, and thus also on those who eat it. A cook prepares food in a physical place, but also in a spiritual or inner space. And just as the physical surroundings are best kept clean and in order, so should be the state of mind of those in the kitchen. A simple and familiar example of this concept at work can be seen in the way that home cooking, especially that of one.s mother, holds a special place in our hearts. The love and care with which it is prepared sometimes gives us more joy than perhaps food eaten in a restaurant setting where food may be prepared with greater technical skills but where stress, arrogance and greed (in the restaurant environment) may flavour the dish of the day. (To be continued tomorrow .)

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 20-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To be a self-sovereign is to be in control. Expression: The one who is a self-sovereign never finds difficulty in being in control. He doesn't have to go out of control and then bring himself back in control. The moment the order is given to the self, every thought, word and action is immediately in order. Experience: To be a self-sovereign means to be aware of my own specialities and work with them. When I am a self-sovereign I experience myself to be free. This is because nothing binds me but I am able to win over my weaknesses too. Thus I find myself to be in total happiness in all situations.

---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 21-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Consciousness In The Kitchen . Cooking With Love (cont.) When the subtle, spiritual aspect of cooking is taken into consideration, the role of the cook extends from simply creating tasty, nourishing meals with fresh ingredients, to including a spiritual connection with those who will be eating that food. The aim will be to touch and fill the heart as well as the palate and stomach. The love of the cook, and his or her motivation to offer sustenance, will nourish as much as the chemical components of each dish. Food cooked by a person who is angry, depressed or full of arrogance or hatred will have a different effect from food cooked with feelings of love, peace and the pure desire to serve. In other words, we are what we eat but also the thoughts and attitudes that go into what we are eating. Even in today's demanding society, when there sometimes seems to be hardly enough time to cook, let alone do so peacefully and caringly, it is therefore definitely beneficial to develop a positive attitude towards cooking. Before undertaking any food preparation, remind yourself that the project at hand can and should be an enjoyable, creative activity, rather than an unpleasant, time-consuming activity. A good practice, then, is to meditate before cooking and then to let preparing the meal itself be a creative, meditative experience which yields a balanced, health-promoting diet for the body as a temple for the soul. Food always tastes better when it has been flavoured with love and happiness. (To be continued tomorrow .)

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 21-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Greatness lies in humility. Expression: The one who is humble is always willing to learn - from others and situations. So whatever happens a humble person never reacts to the situations, but acts positively whilst being in a stage of self- respect. So there is greatness visible in the one who is humble. Experience: Humility brings an experience of being full and complete. So naturally I am available for service, and have always the thought of bringing benefit to as many as possible. Humility also gives an experience of being a master, because no situation or person binds me, but I am able to experience freedom.

---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 22-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Consciousness In The Kitchen . Cooking With Love (cont.) Having prepared food with attention (which we have explained over the last two days), the Brahma Kumaris' practice is then to offer the freshly-prepared meal to the Supreme Soul (we call it offering .bhog. to the Supreme Father). Expressing gratitude in this way serves to increase the spiritual quality of the food and deepen the individual's personal relationship with the Divine, while also creating a powerful, shared spiritual experience. On a very practical level, it will also help the body to prepare itself to receive and digest food. Of course, the last step is to eat, and this, too, is best done in a peaceful, unhurried and harmonious state of mind and environment: we are what we eat and also how we eat. The information which we have shared in this and the last two days messages does not pretend to be a complete guide to cooking with a spiritual touch, which would be beyond our scope. However, whether you are a new, aspiring or trained cook, we hope that the information, with its emphasis on the soul as well as the body, will bring an added dimension to your kitchen and dining table. Cooking, and eating, should be a joyful and significant experience. So cook and enjoy!

---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 22-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To be ever ready means to guarantee success. Expression: The ones who are ever ready are active and so when a task comes up, they quickly understand it and attain success. They do not waste time and energy thinking too much about it. They recognize the importance of the task and involve fully in it and attain success Experience: When I am ever ready I am able to be easy. Because I am easy, all tasks seem easy for me and effort put in for the success of the task also becomes easy. So I don't have to do a lot of effort but give my best. Thus I experience success every moment in all situations.

---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 23-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Seeing With Spiritual Eyes My eyes are the most powerful medium through which I, the soul, not only absorb information from the outside to the inside but also express myself to others from the inside to outside. All that the soul possesses inside it or is made up of in the form of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, positive virtues, even weaknesses, in fact all personality traits, are expressed through my eyes to others and shared with others. As I look towards others, my eyes can be used to shower others with pure love, peace, joy, power etc. and the same eyes, if not used appropriately, can shower others with anger, jealousy, criticism, hatred etc. My eyes also express whatever wisdom or knowledge I possess inside. When I stay in the awareness that I am a soul, a spiritual being of subtle light, situated at the center of my forehead, my eyes are used to see others in the same way with a spiritual vision. This leads to my spiritual upliftment. When I stay in the awareness that I am a body, my eyes are used to see others in the same way with a non-spiritual or a body-conscious vision. This brings me down on a spiritual level. A spiritual vision helps me see others with a sense of equality, instead of with feelings of comparison or competitiveness. Usually, on a physical level, I create all sorts of impressions of another person from just one glance through my eyes, about their age, gender, looks, position in society, job, how rich they are, their dressing sense, caste, nationality etc. and many a times, very commonly, I make various

assumptions about their personality or behaviour. In the state of soulconsciousness, that changes. Looking out I see souls, and I see them as my brothers, on exactly the same level as me, neither higher, nor lower. A spiritual vision reminds me of the original, positive qualities of each soul, instead of their present personality. It also reminds me that each soul has incarnated from the soul world to play its various roles through different physical costumes in this unlimited drama on the world stage. Age, gender, appearances, status etc. which are visible to me today are just temporary ones. The same soul has been in the past and will be in the future in different physical costumes or roles, where all these have been and will be different and the same applies to me too. This makes me rise above comparisons and I am no longer judgmental about the other. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 23-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To recognise the uniqueness of my own personality is to be free from negative influence. Expression: The one who is aware of one's own uniqueness is able to create a strong influence on others of his own personality. So, such a person is not negatively influenced by anyone's personality traits. Even when there is a person with a very strong personality, he is still able to be free from negative influence. Experience: When I am able to recognise and use the specialities that are within me, I am able to remain powerful within. In all circumstances and with all people I experience this innate power. Because I am constantly in touch with my own specialities, I am able to be light and happy. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 24-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Pack Up On the path of meditation, I am a traveler, on a magnificent journey. I have to make some firm choices about I what will take with me on this journey. To pack up means to learn the lessons of the present, then to move on, letting the past be past. It means not carrying the baggage of the past into my present and future, but traveling lightly from one day to the next, keeping only what is most useful to me. That way, I'll enjoy the journey more, and move faster in the direction of my choice.

I'll also be lighter in my relationships. The power to pack up enables me to fill each exchange I have with others with freshness and newness, instead of allowing influences from past encounters with them to affect my present attitude and behaviour. When I carry emotional or intellectual baggage from the past into my present dealings with an individual, I don't give that person the opportunity to express himself freely: my attitude colours him with the paint of my previous experience. It is important to process the past, and learn from experience, but then finish it, so it does not block my view of how things are today. Meditation helps me to acquire that discipline of finishing negative and wasteful thoughts i.e. inculcate the power to pack up. As the habit of self-observation develops, it doesn't take long to understand how negative thoughts and feelings literally negate my central aim, of re-emerging my true nature. Negativity drains the battery of the soul faster than anything else does. (To be continued tomorrow ...) ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 24-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Introversion brings out the positivity within. Expression: Every human being has an innate positive nature because of the inherent qualities of love, peace, happiness etc. that are within. Introversion, the practice of looking within, enables one to be in constant touch with oneself and one's true nature. It helps express these qualities in everything that is done. Because of having practiced for a long time with them, these qualities emerge very naturally at the time of need. Experience: The practice of being introverted helps me in experiencing those qualities within me, which otherwise remain hidden during difficult situations. Thus it makes me have true self-respect and enables me to finish my ego. It also gives me the power to recognise and accept my mistakes, thus giving me the courage to work on them successfully. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 25-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Pack Up (cont.) As I progress on my spiritual journey, even thoughts that waste the precious

resources of the mind come to be seen as a barrier. Turning a scene over in my mind repeatedly is an example of waste, that will rob me of the mental concentration and emotional stability I need to keep moving forward. Sometimes we do get stuck, like a broken record, in such mental grooves, without realizing what we are doing. The power of pack up means I recognize the damage caused by such waste, and put an end to it. As I renew the awareness of myself as a soul, in relationship with the Supreme Soul, the needle of my attention is lifted above the groove, letting me come fully into the present. I also learn to be selective in what I choose to remember or forget from the past. This is not dishonest; in fact, it is being honest to my task. Human beings in any case have highly selective memories. We not only see and understand differently, according to our individual interests and agendas, but our attitudes and perception also determine the memories we choose to store. Meditation enables me to exercise this option quite deliberately, picking up those scenes from the past that nourish me and help me move forward, and rejecting memories that pollute my mind and slow me down. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 25-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The one who works to remove the sorrow of others is the one who is loved by all. Expression: When there is the one aim of helping to remove the sorrow of others, there will be nothing negative while dealing with others. There will also be no expectations from others. Working with the natural desire to bring benefit to as many as possible, enables one to continue to contribute to whatever extent possible. Experience: When I am able to have this one desire of helping others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution for others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress.

Soul Sustenance 26-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Experiencing Spiritual Growth Through Group Interactions

Anyone who is inclined towards growing spiritually will sooner or later feel the need to taking up a particular spiritual path, which provides him/her with an assigned code of leading a spiritual life and helps him/her to incorporate it in his/her life. This also means becoming a part of a spiritual group or gathering or community and participating in spiritual study, practice like meditation or prayer and perform service along with the group. But, on the other hand, there are also many spiritually motivated people who are not very interested in groups and communities and keep a distance from them. They are of the opinion that it is easier to work it out alone by collecting information from other alternate sources by books, the internet, the television, videos, etc. and progress spiritually. But the relationship between spiritual growth and being a part of or participating in a group is clear. For the isolated and solitary person, growth is limited, since the personality is not activated to the same extent as when it interacts with others. In relationships and in living together, the various forms of hidden ego and the different shades of the personality, positive as well as negative, are stimulated, creating the possibility of being more aware and conscious about them, bringing about greater growth and spiritual development. After all, one of the main objectives of spiritual development is achieving victory over the ego and becoming soul conscious, getting rid of the negative shades of the personality and further enhancing the positive traits and skills, so that they can be used for benefiting the self and others. Tomorrow we shall explain the various powers that are required to experience success in groups, which as a result, get enhanced in group activities and interactions. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 26-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Honesty brings success in relationships. Expression: Honesty means being the same inside out. Honesty with oneself helps one to bring about constant improvement in the self. Honesty with others enables one to relate positively under all circumstances. There is no rudeness but there is an openness that brings about love towards the other person. Experience: When I am honest, I am able to experience progress in my own life and others are benefitted too with my own self-progress. I am able to maintain harmony in my relationship with others because I am open with them and I find myself successful in my relationships. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 27-03-2012 ----------------------------------------------------------

Experiencing Spiritual Growth Through Group Interactions (cont.) As explained in yesterday's message, if you are living in isolation you don't become aware of the dimensions of your ego and, therefore, you cannot overcome it. Also, the beauty of group interactions or being a part of a spiritual community or any other group, is that in groups, various powers likethe power to: * adapt and mould oneself with people of different personality traits and as different situations in the group demand; * tolerate; * face negative situations in interactions; * forgive and forget; * become a detached observer of situations and people's actions, not to get over involved, in order to maintain one's stability and calmness; * co-operate; * communicate; * see and absorb only specialties of each one (inspite of obvious weaknesses being visible) and spreading the specialties (not weaknesses) to the others in the group, by way of praising and not criticizing them; * listen, understand and empathize; * discriminate and judge different situations and people; * go into inner silence, whenever required, amidst the actions and interactions of group activity; * show respect to each one and remain in self-respect; * remain content or satisfied and make the others content; etc. are absolutely necessary to experience success in the groups, either within the relationships with others or even with the self. There is a difference between experiencing success with the self while staying alone and within a group. By bringing the above powers into practice in a group, they increase further inside us. This does not happen in isolation, or if it does, then the extent is quite limited. So basically, being a part of a group, brings about greater spiritual growth and empowerment. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 27-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To be a creator means to use all treasures for a positive contribution. Expression: Even in the most negative situations, the one who has the thought of creation, works towards bettering the situation. Every thought, word and action is towards creation and not towards worsening the situation. Such a person is not concerned about who spoilt the situation or how it got spoilt. To

the extent possible, he works towards bettering the situation. Experience: When I am working towards creation, I am able to make the best use of my resources and treasures. I then experience constant progress. I also experience contentment of having made a contribution, however little it may be. I have no questions, but only answers under all circumstances. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 28-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------A Parallel Between Physical And Spiritual Energy Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but transformed into other energy forms. Energy follows a direction in its constant movement. In a spontaneous way, it tends to go from a concentrated state into a state of expansion. For example, after a while a full glass of hot water goes cold. This is a law of physics according to which all things tend to go from a high-energy state to a lowenergy state. Applying these principles to the area of our conscience, our thoughts and feelings, we can discover similarities to these laws. When our thoughts (which are metaphysical (non physical) energy are focused on the outermost layers of our conscience, towards the external world (objects, possessions, people and so on), our creative capacity decreases, weakening us on entering into this expansion and not having sufficient power (concentrated energy) to take on negative situations and circumstances that we are faced with. On the other hand, if we focus on our intrinsic, original and genuine qualities (peace, love, power) we accumulate more energy and our inner strength can grow. This means that we are capable of creating, of having more willpower and, therefore, strengthening our self-esteem. Positive thoughts are a high-frequency vibration that transports a great deal of concentrated energy, capable of influencing the atmosphere and the consciences of other people in a subtle way, transforming any negative vibrations. Negative thoughts are a low-frequency vibration that causes the energy to become dissipated. They weaken and block communication. They destroy harmony (peace). ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 28-03-2012 ----------------------------------------------------------

To be a giver means to give according to need. Expression: The one who is a giver would be sensitive to the needs of others and will be able to give what the other person needs at the right time, instead of giving what he wants to give. Also such a person is able to give without expecting anything in return. Experience: When there is even a little thought to share with others whatever I have, I would naturally be able to perceive my own inner treasures and experience being full. Sharing with others, whatever I can, enables me to get their good wishes also. I thus find myself experiencing the richness of life. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 29-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Understanding The Inner Mechanism Of Anger If we think, speak and act in an angry way, we leave an impression or memory of anger within our own consciousness which results in sanskara of anger to be born. Within the sanskara is the recorded emotion and experience of our expression towards the object of our anger. The object is a particular person or situation. If we encounter the object of our anger the next day, it will trigger the emergence the recorded anger from within the sanskara. We then deepen the sanskara as we express more anger, even if we only 'think' anger. The emergence of this emotional energy from within our consciousness then stops us from interacting in a positive way. It clouds our mind and confuses our intellect, weakening and distorting our thoughts, decisions and behaviour. This often explains why we find it harder to connect and communicate with certain people in our life. Essentially we are carrying a negative image of the other person within our sanskara from a previous interaction with them. And when we see them again it emerges the energy within the sanskara, which then influences our ability to respond to them. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 29-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The biggest treasure of all is the treasure of experience. Expression: The one who has the treasure of experience is able to bring benefit to others. He is clear in thinking and accurate in judgement. So he is naturally able to give directions or corrections based on his own experiences and is also successful in it. Also there is equality in what he talks and does.

Experience: To be an embodiment of experience means to learn from everything that happens. So when I am able to become an embodiment of experience, I am able to feel mastery over every situation that comes my way. The power of my experience enables me to move lightly through all situations. --------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 30-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The Interplay Between Souls, Matter And The Supreme Soul (God) The forces, which interact to produce the phenomena of world history and geography: souls, matter and the Supreme Soul (God), are threaded by the law of karma. When there is mental communion (connection) with the Supreme, the soul's relationship with matter changes. This means that the internal love-link that the soul has with the Supreme is reflected in the performance of the soul in the material world and in the degree to which the soul has mastery over matter; firstly over the sense organs of the body and through that, over the colors, shapes and sounds of the material world. We have continually sought to understand which way to act, but have lost our sense of direction for various reasons: . We forgot that we were soul-actors. . We became lost on the world stage. . We became over-identified with our costumes the physical body. . We lost sight of the story of the drama. . We forgot that we were residents of the soul world. . Due to body-consciousness the soul severed (broke) its subtle connection with the Supreme Soul. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 30-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------To transform the self means to receive blessings. Expression: The one who brings about transformation in the self learning from all situations, attains victory constantly. He will naturally be able to take the learning from all situations and move on inspite of negative situations. He is also successful in his relationship with others, as he knows to mould himself. Experience: When I am able to bring about transformation in myself according to time, without just expecting others to change, I am able to get the love and

good wishes of all. Because of the ability to mould myself, my thoughts too would be easy and light. ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 31-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------Increasing The Power Of Discrimination To Improve .Karmas. Many people feel internally and complain that their intellect is not as clear as they would like. One of the aims of meditation and spiritual knowledge is to make the intellect strong, clear and clean, as a result of which there is an increase in the power of discrimination. An increase in this power helps us maintain a sense of what is right and wrong while performing actions and implement that awareness. Meditation brings about self-realizations whereby you realize what is happening inside you. Sometimes, while observing someone, we use the phrase: "He/she doesn't know what he/she is doing", referring to someone who is acting in an incorrect way. If we are to act in an appropriate way, we need to be aware and be awake to the consequences (results) of our actions. The voice of the conscience brings with it that state of .awareness., .awakening., .realizing. and .discrimination.. This is because, in meditation you feel quiet and you focus your thoughts inwards. In that state, the sound of the voice of the conscience is perceived and heard. It is a voice that is not affected by material worries or a preoccupation about one's image and public appearance. During meditation, you are completely focused on the present moment of spiritual empowerment and not distracted by: .karmas. which are necessary but unnecessary to be thought of that time, noise, unrelated ideas of the past and the future, mental chatter, etc., basically everything that separates you from your true spiritual self. In this way you can listen to yourself within and as a result ensure to the maximum extent that your .karmas. are appropriate and accurate. ---------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 31-03-2012 ---------------------------------------------------------The power of stability enables to cross over all obstacles. Expression: The one who is stable is not influenced by one's own old habits and tendencies to react, but is able to think and act properly under all circumstances. The power of stability brings forth the best decisions in the most difficult times, brings solutions and helps in lessening the impact of the obstacle itself.

Experience: When I am stable on the seat of a master, I am able to be free from the influence of my own old habits, those that are of weakness. Instead I am able to transform old habits into new ones, making them into those of power. Learning to be stable in the most difficult situations, enables me to cross over all obstacles very easily.

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