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Exposure Measurement Error in Time-Series Studies of Air Pollution:

Concepts and Consequences
Scoff L. Zeger,' Duncan Thomas,2 Francesca Dominici,1 Jonathan M. Samet,1 Joel Schwartz,3 Douglas Dockery,3
and Aaron Cohen4
1Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 2Department of Preventive Medicine, University of
Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA; 3Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 4Health Effects
Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

estimates for persons from each of the six

MiscLassification of exposure is a well-recognized inherent limitation of epideniiologic studies of cities were based on centrally sited monitors.
disease and the environment. For many agents of interest, exosures take place over time and in Exposures were further characterized for sam-
multiple locations; accurately es g the relevant exposures for an individual participant in epi- ples of participants using personal monitors
demiologic studies is often daunting, particularly within the limits set by feasibility, participant and monitors placed in their homes; the
burden, and cost. Researchers have taken steps to deal with the consequences of measurement error resulting data provide an understanding of
by limiting the degree oferror through a study's design, estimating the degee of error using a nest- the components of error associated with using
ed validation study, and by adjuting for measurement error in sutistical analyses. In thi paper, the central site data for all participants.
we address measurement error in obsemvtional studies of air pollution and health. Because mea- The problem of measurement errors in
surement error may have substantial implications for interpreting epidemiologic studies on air pol- predictor variables in regression analysis has
lution, particularly the time-series analyses, we developed a sytematic conceptual formulaton of been carefully studied in the statistics and epi-
the problem of measurement error in epidemiologic studies of air pollution and then considered demiologic literature for several decades.
the consequences witiin this formulation. When possible, we used available relevant data to make Fuller (6) summarized early research on linear
simple estimates of measurement error efec. This. paper provides an overview of measurement regression with so-called "errors-in-x" vari-
errors in linear regression, distinguishing two e es ofa continumn-Berkson from clasical type ables. Carroll et al. (2) extended this literature
errors, and the univariate from the multivariate predictor case. We then propose one conceptual to generalized linear models including
framework for the evaluation of measurement errors in the log-linear regression used for Poisson, logistic, and survival regression
time-series studies of particulate air pollution and mortality and identify three main components analyses. Thomas et al. (2) presented an
of error. We present new simple analyses of data on eposures of particulate matter < 10 pm in overview of the exposure error or misdassifi-
aerodynamic diameter from the Partide Total Exposure Assesment Methodology Study. Finally, cation problem from the general epidemio-
we su mmarze open questions reding measurement error and suggest the kind of do data logic perspective. Spiegelman et al. (8),
necessary to address them. Key words: air pollution, design methods, exposure, measurement error, Willett (95, and Pierce et al. (10) provided
time-series. Environ Healt Perspt 108:419426(2000). [Online 24 March 2000] recent illustrations of statistical approaches to
htp://ehtnetl. niehs.nih.o/docsI2000/108p419-426zerr/abstract.lbtml measurement error in epidemiologic research.
In one of the early papers on the topic of
exposure error in studies of air pollution, Shy
Misclassification of exposure has long been The pollution of outdoor air is a public health et al. (11) described the problem and
recognized as an inherent limitation of epi- concern throughout the world. For decades, addressed its consequences in an epidemio-
demiologic studies of the environment and epidemiologic studies have been a cornerstone logic framework. Goldstein and Landovitz
disease (1). For many agents of interest, expo- of our approach to investigating the health (12,13) recognized that a single monitoring
sures take place over time and in multiple effects of air pollution and have been a princi- station may not adequately represent a geo-
locations so that it is difficult to accurately pal basis for setting regulations to protect the graphic area and conducted an analysis of
estimate the relevant exposures for individual public against adverse health effects. Two correlations among concentration data from
study participants, particularly within the lim- broad types of observational study designs several monitors in New York City. In the
its set by feasibility, participant burden, and have been used in research on air pollution: ensuing decades, there has been deepening
cost. In general, exposure measurement error ecologic or aggregate-level studies, either cross- understanding of measurement error in gen-
tends to blunt the sensitivity of epidemiologic sectional or time-series in design, and individ- eral and of its potential implications for the
studies for detecting the effects of environ- ual-level studies, primarily of the cross-section- study of air pollution (14,15).
mental agents, although the specific impact of al or cohort designs. In ecologic studies, popu-
exposure error on effect estimates depends on lation-level indicators of exposure are typically Address correspondence to S.L. Zeger, Johns
several factors induding the study design, the drawn from centrally sited air pollution moni- Hopkins University, School of Public Health, 615
types of error, and the relationships between tors. In individual-level cross-sectional and North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205 USA.
the outcome and the independent variables cohort studies, exposure estimates for individ- Telephone: (410) 955-3067. Fax: (410) 955-0958.
(1,2). As the problem of exposure error has ual participants may be based on centrally E-mail:
located monitors, on the combination of cen- Research described in this article was conducted
become well recognized, researchers have under contract to the Health Effects Institute
taken steps to control its consequences by lim- tral monitors with personal records of envi- (HEI), an organization funded jointly by the U.S.
iting the degree of error through careful study ronments where participants spend time, or EPA (EPA R824835) and automotive manufactur-
design and data collection, by estimating the on personal exposure monitoring (3). ers. Funding was also provided by the Johns
degree of error using a nested validation study, Regardless of study design, any pollution Hopkins Center in Urban Environmental Health
and by making adjustments for measurement exposure assessment strategy introduces some (5P30 ESO 3819-12).
The contents of this article do not necessarily
error in statistical analyses. degree of exposure measurement error. For reflect the views and policies of HEI, the EPA, or
In this paper, we address the problem of example, in the Six Cities Study (4,5), a automotive manufacturers.
exposure error in observational ecologic prospective cohort study of air pollution and Received 1 July 1999; accepted 16 November
time-series studies of air pollution and health. respiratory health and mortality, exposure 1999.

Environmental Health Perspectives * VOLUME 108 NUMBER 5 May 2000 419

Articles * Zeger et al.

During the 1 990s, substantial new evi- pollution and health can be shown by consid- group of participants whose individual expo-
dence, largely from ecologic time-series analy- ering the effects of exposure measurement sures x might vary because of time-activity pat-
ses of air pollution and mortality, showed that error in a standard linear Gaussian regression terns. For example, z might be the spatially
daily variation in ambient measures of particu- model. The effects in Gaussian models have averaged ambient level of a pollutant without
late air pollution within the current standards been discussed in full detail elsewhere major indoor sources and x might be the per-
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2,6,7,23,24). For simplicity, consider a sonal exposures that, when averaged across peo-
was associated with daily mortality levels (16). regression of the health response (e.g., log ple, match the ambient level.
There are strong concerns about interpreting mortality rate on day t) and predictors (e.g., Classical and Berkson models for exposure
these associations in view of potential errors in PM10, O31 and weather): measurement errors represent two extremes of
the exposure measurements. In a series of yt= a + xxt+£ [1]
a continuum. Most exposure errors combine
papers, Lipfert and Wyzga (17) and Lipfert elements of each, but because the conse-
(18,19) suggested that the central monitoring where a and x are regression coefficients to quences on risk assessment of classical and
data used in the time-series analyses have be estimated, and et represents residual error Berkson errors differ, it is useful to consider
uncertain relationships with the exposures of that is assumed to be independent of xt. Here each in turn. In the case of the Berkson error,
individuals in the study communities; they Ox is the expected change in mortality per unit if we regress yt on zp rather than on xp the
further argued that those errors vary among change in true exposure. Given observations estimate z is an unbiased estimate of the
pollutants, complicating interpretation of any (xp y), t = 1, ... T and appropriate assump- coefficient x that would be obtained by
multipollutant models. Lipfert and Wyzga tions about the distribution of the residuals, regressing yt on the actual exposure x,. Having
(17) referred specifically to an analysis by ordinary least-squares estimation provides zt rather than xt does not lead to bias in the
Schwartz et al. (20) that attributed effects on optimal (unbiased and minimum varianced) regression coefficients under the surrogacy
mortality to fine rather than coarse partides, estimates of the regression coefficients. assumption. The exposure measurement error
based in part on the results of multivariable Now we assume that instead of the true increases the variance of the regression coeffi-
models which included variables for both par- exposure levels x,, we have only an imperfect cient, however, because having zt rather than
ticulate measures. measure of exposure, denoted z. The overall xt is obviously not as informative about the
A number of exposure assessment studies difference between xt and zt comprises multi- coefficient P, Bias is not introduced, howev-
found sizable differences between actual per- ple components of error, induding differences er. The same is true if the average x at each
sonal exposures to particles and estimates between individual- and population-average value of z differs from z by a fixed amount a,
based on central monitor values (21). Some exposures; between population-average expo- i.e., E(xlz) = z - a.
investigators have questioned whether the sures and ambient levels at central sites; and In contrast, under the classical error
observed associations are plausible given these between actual ambient levels and the mea- model Z, obtained by regressing yt on the
findings. However, Schwartz et al. (20) surements of those levels. Suppose we regress imperfect measure exposure zp, is a biased esti-
responded that as the number of deaths per the health outcome yt on the imperfect zt mate of Rx. In the simple linear regression
day is calculated over the population, the
relevant exposure measure is the mean of
rather than xp which is unavailable: 0Z
with one explanatory variable, is expected
to be smaller than P,, or attenuated. The
personal exposures on that day, which is prob- yt= a*+ Zt + Et. [2] degree of attenuation increases as the variance
ably more tightly correlated with central sta- How will ,z differ from xv of the exposure error increases. Again, a con-
tion monitoring than individual exposures. To answer this question, we first assume stant difference in the expected values of the
Janssen et al. (22) reported that much of the that zt is a surrogate for xt, which means that, two measures does not change this result.
variation in particulate matter < 10 ,um in given xp there is no additional information in It is useful to establish these results on the
aerodynamic diameter (PMl) measurements zt about yt. We then can distinguish two fun- effects of exposure error on simple linear
is between people and that the longitudinal damentally distinct types of relationships regression coefficients and helpful to do so in
correlation between average and ambient between the true and measured exposures, advance of considering a multiple regression
PMIO measures is relatively high. The debate
over measurement error and its consequences
which represent poles of a measurement error
continuum. The first type is referred to as the
case. The model of interest is Equation 1, but
because xt is unobserved we instead might
has taken place, however, without the devel- classical error model (7), in which we assume regress yt on zt (Equation 2).
opment of a more comprehensive formulation that z is an imperfect measure of x, so that the The question is how will Z from Equa-
of the problem. average z within each x stratum equals x tion 2 estimate x in Equation 1. Under the
Because exposure measurement error may [E(zlx) = x]. Then it follows that the measure- Berkson model, xt is assumed to vary about zt,
have substantial implications for interpreting ment error z - x is uncorrelated with the true so that by Equation 1,
epidemiologic studies on air pollution, partic- value x. This classical model is a reasonable E(ytizt) = a + 0 E(xtIz) = a + xz1, [3]
ularly the time-series analyses, we developed one for the difference between measured
one systematic conceptual formulation of the ambient levels of pollution and the true values Comparing Equation 3 and Equation 2
problem of exposure error in epidemiologic for a measuring device that is unbiased. That shows that P = Px in the Berkson error case;
time-series studies of air pollution and con- is, when the true level of pollution is x, an that is, z is an unbiased estimate of fx.
sidered the possible consequences for relative unbiased instrument will measure x on aver- Adding a constant to one exposure variable
risk estimation. We used available and rele- age, even if individual measurements z differ only affects the intercept.
vant data to obtain rough estimates of the from x. Under the classical model, zt is assumed to
magnitudes of the effects of measurement The second type ofmodel for measurement vary about xt or E(ztlxt) = xt, which does not
error for one city. error is the Berkson error model (2). In this imply E(xtlz) = z., Ifwe further assume that xt
model, we assume that the average value of the and zt - Xt are jointly normally distributed, it
Overview of Measurement Error true exposure x within each stratum of mea- can be shown that
Effects in Regression Models sured level z equals z [E(Alz) = z]. This Berkson
The fundamental concepts of how exposure model is appropriate when z represents a mea- E(ytiz) = ao + cz,
error can affect an epidemiologic study of surable environmental factor that is shared by a where c is an attenuation factor between 0 and

420 VOLUME 108 1 NUMBER 51 May 2000 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Articles * Measurement error in time-series studies

1 given by c= var(x)/I[var(x) + var(6)] where coefficients can be biased toward or away 1 shows more complex patterns with differing
6, = Zi - Xs
iS the exposure error. Again, a con- from the null; that is, positive associations patterns of correlation and variation of the
stant difference between the two exposure can be produced when the component is cor- two errors. Some of the scenarios introduce
measures only changes the intercept. related with at least one component having a substantially different effects of the two
Thus, the estimated regression coefficient nonzero effect, even though the true coeffi- variables, but none yield effect estimates
is biased toward zero. In one pertinent case, cient for a particular component is zero. above the true value of one, even with more
x = 0, the naive estimate Z is unbiased with Table 1 illustrates the magnitude of bias extreme differences in error variances or the
E(Iz)= X = 0; that is, under the classical that can result from regressing yt on two pre- two correlations.
error model, measurement error does not dictors zlt and z2t instead of on xlt and x2, Table 2 also addresses the consequences of
lead to spurious associations if there is truly This example might refer to estimating the measurement error in a two-variable model,
no association. Random variation, of course, effects of PM 0 and 03 on mortality when but in this example only one variable (x2) has
can produce such associations by chance, as it ambient values (z values) instead of personal a true effect; the other exposure (xl) has no
can when there is no measurement error. exposure (x values) are available. We assume effect on the health outcome (y). Either corre-
How-ever, the probability of such false posi-
tive associations (the type 1 error rate)
zlt = xlt + and z2t = Z2t + V1 = 62?
= V22 = var(x2) = 1. Table 1 presents the
var(xl) lation between xltand x2, or their errors can
introduce an apparent effect of xl on y. Some
remains the same. expected values for the estimated regression scenarios of variance and correlation even
Realistic models for estimating the coefficients when the true values are both one bring the apparent effects of the two variables
effects of air pollution on mortality have ele- (3x1 = Px2= 1) for varying values of the corre-
lation between xlt and x2, the variances of 6 t
quite close (e.g., the tenth and eleventh rows),
but in every case, including more extreme sit-
ments of both classical and Berkson error
models. In general, the effect of such expo- and 62? and the correlation between the mea- uations than shown, the estimate for the true
sure errors is intermediate between the two surement errors 61t and 62? At present, there predictor ([2) is always larger than for the null
extreme models. The effect of measurement is litde empirical evidence about the nature or predictor (PI).
error, therefore, likely depends on the direc- size of the correlations between pairs of pollu- Some general conclusions can be offered
tion and magnitude of the correlation of tant measurements and Table 1 is intended to concerning multipollutant models under this
measurement errors with the measured illustrate the consequences of measurement simple classical error model.
exposures and not just on the variance of the error in the two-predictor model. Conclusion 1. There is a general tendency
measurement errors. The first line of Table 1 refers to an for the coefficient from the regression on zt to
More complex multipollutant models are example in which there is no correlation be smaller than the corresponding coefficient
often applied in an attempt to estimate the
independent effect of a pollutant present in a
between xlt and x2t and there is equal vari-
ability of the two exposure errors 6 t and 62
from the regression on xp i.e.,
kjz> I^j if all
mixture with other pollutants. For example, and these errors are not correlated; that is, Conclusion 2. The degree of attenuation
in an analysis of air pollution and mortality the error in one predictor does not predict of each coefficient depends, in large part, on
in Philadelphia, Kelsall et al. (25) regress the error in the other. Here, there is an equal its measurement error variance relative to the
mortality on as many as five pollutants. degree of attenuation in the coefficients for variance of the true exposure-i.e., TJy V...
Because little empirical evidence about the the two variables. With unequal variances Thus, the coefficients for variables that are
simultaneous errors in multiple pollutants is but no correlation, i.e., the sixth row, the measured with considerable error will be
currently available, we only lay a foundation degree of attenuation is greater for the vari- attenuated more than those of variables with
that can inform the design of future studies, able with greater variance. If the exposures less error.
as discussed in "Summary and Research are correlated but the errors are uncorrelated Conclusion 3. Depending on the correla-
Recommendations." Confining our attention (the second and third rows), the two effect tion structure of the attenuation matrix C,
to the classical and the Berkson error cases, estimates are similarly altered with the direc- some of the effect of one variable, _
may be
we again assume a linear regression model of tion of the effect depending on the sign of transferred to the estimate of another vari-
the form given by Equation 1, where x, now the correlation. Introducing correlation able's effect, f.,k Such transfers of effect are
represents a vector of exposure variables, with between the errors, i.e., the fourth and fifth generally from a more poorly measured vari-
a corresponding vector of regression coeffi- rows, has an effect that depends on the pat- able to a better measured variable. However,
cients Px and zt denotes a vector of measure- tern of correlation. The bottom half of Table for such transfers to be large, the true exposure
ments of each exposure variable. In the
Berkson error case, the assumption that xt is Table 1. Predicted bias in bivariate regression coefficients under different correlations (corr) between the
an imprecise version of zt or E(xtIz) = z, still true exposures and measurement errors with indicated variances (var) when both variables have a true
assures that the estimates of the regression effect: = X = 1.0.
coefficients are unbiased, as in the univariate Corr(xl,x2) Var(61) Var(62) Corr(61, 62) E(lzl) E(P2)
instance. Under the classical error model, 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.50 0.50
however, the multiple regression extension is 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.60 0.60
not so straightforward. We again assume that -0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.33 0.33
Zt is an imprecise measure of xp i.e., E(ztlx) = 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.40 0.40
compute E(xtlz), the average x, at each 0.0 1.0 1.0 -0.5 0.67 0.67
x,.zp To
let V denote the covariance matrix of xt 0.0 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.67 0.33
0.5 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.71 0.53
and let Tdenote the covariance matrix of the 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.3 0.66 0.27
difference 8t = Zt - Xt, and, as before, we 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.64 0.21
assume that 6 and x are independent. The 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.7 0.64 0.14
matrix generalization of the earlier result is 0.5 0.5 2.0 -0.5 0.83 0.50
0,I 0ixC,
that = where C = T (T + W1). Now 0.5 0.5 2.0
it is no longer true that Ozj < , j for each
component (j) and estimates of regression
0.5 0.5
We assume var(x1) = var(x2) = 1.

Environmental Health Perspectives * VOLUME 108 1 NUMBER 5 May 2000 421

Articles * Zeger et al.

variables or their measurement errors need to the health effects of air pollution would be the target for inference, how closely do esti-
be substantially correlated. conducted at the individual level with mates of 0,t from model Equation 6 approxi-
Conclusion 4. As a consequence of measurements of personal exposure to pollu- mate P?
conclusion 3, the estimate of a parameter can tants. However, exposure and mortality data Figure 1 poses a model of the relationship
be biased away from the true value. How- are generally only available after aggregation to between the personal exposure to a pollutant
ever, this type of bias generally arises only a municipal level; little or no data from indoor x,t for person i on day t and the available
with a very strong negative correlation air monitoring are available. Finally, air pollu- ambient values zt measured with error by
between the measurement errors (e.g., rows tant measurements are imprecise and this monitors. Assuming, for simplicity, a high
9-11 of Table 2). imprecision has consequences for estimates of degree of spatial homogeneity in ambient lev-
Conclusion 5. Also as a consequence of pollutant effects on mortality. els, personal exposure is contributed to by Zt'
conclusion 3, there will generally be spurious To investigate the effects of exposure error the true outdoor level, and wi, the indoor
associations for a variable x; that, in fact, has in the log-linear regressions widely used to level, which is also influenced by Zt from
no effect only if xj is substantially correlated assess the pollutant-mortality association, con- penetration of the pollutant in outdoor air
with one or more variables which actually sider the following model for an individual's into indoor spaces. For example, personal
have an effect. Generally, the correlation risk ofmortality: exposure to PMIO is determined by the time
among the errors has a larger influence on the spent outdoors, the concentration during that
bias than the correlation among the true pol- lit= Xoeitexp(x2tp) [4] time, and by the concentrations in indoor
lutant levels. where Xt is the risk of death for person i on environments that are determined by indoor
These condusions are obtained from and day i Xoit
is that individual's baseline risk in sources such as cigarette smoking and the
therefore pertain to the dassical linear regres- the absence of exposure, i.e., xit = 0, and penetration of particles indoors because air is
sion model with two predictors, assuming exp(xit P) is the relative risk of death associat- exchanged between the outdoors and the
that zt is a surrogate for xt (nondifferential ed with the explanatory variables xit. Let yit = 1 indoor environments. Figure 1 further shows
errors). The actual exposure measurement if person i dies on day t and 0 if that person that the personal risk of dying is influenced
situation in the air pollution-mortality con- does not. We typically observe the total num- by an individual's baseline risk in addition to
text is obviously more complex. First, log-lin- ber ofdeaths for a population the unobserved personal exposure to pollu-
ear, not linear, models are used, although the nt tant x1.. Only the measured ambient pollution
degree of nonlinearity is usually small in yt = y=;yi.' data are observed and are therefore shown in
mortality studies. Second, the measurement where nt n is the population size on day t. a rectangular box.
errors are not purely of the classical nondif- By Equation 4, the expected total number of In considering the consequences for z
ferential type. For example, the degree of deaths It in a community is as an estimate of x with an imprecise mea-
error for gaseous pollutants may depend on
temperature or other covariates. Finally, Xt = Eyt= Xit l l
oit exp(xij). [5] sure of ambient pollution zt, rather than
actual personal exposure xip it is useful to
errors may be multiplicative rather than addi- In analyzing population-level data on mortali- begin by decomposing the pollution mea-
tive. Nonetheless, the linear regression with ty and air pollution, log-linear regressions of surement difference between xit and zt into
dassical measurement error is a leading case the following form have been fit three components:
that provides insight into the major possible Zt+ (Xit-x) +(X
consequences of exposure errors. it= exp[(t) + zpJ + ufj [6] X= t

where s(t) is an arbitrary but smooth function + (ZtZt)' [7]

Framework for Assessing of time introduced to control for the Here, (xit --) is the error due to having aggre-
Measurement Error Effects in confounding of longer-term trends and gated rather than individual exposure data; (xt
Pollution-Mortality Studies seasonality, zt is the average of multiple - Z) is the difference between the average per-
We now build on the fundamental concepts monitor measurements of ambient pollution sonal exposure and the true ambient pollutant
underlying statistical models of exposure measurement for day t, and ut are other level; and (Zt - z) represents the difference
measurement error and focus on the specific possible confounders such as temperature between the true and the measured ambient
log-linear regressions used for assessing the and dew point temperature on the same and concentration.
pollutant-mortality association, controlling previous days. The first term (x,t - x) is an example of
for weather variables. Our discussion is based If the regression coefficient jx for a pollu- Berksonian error so that, in a simple linear
on the premise that the ideal investigation of tant in the personal risk model Equation 4 is model, having aggregate rather than individual
exposure does not itself lead to bias into the
Table 2. Predicted bias in bivariate regression coefficients under different correlations (corr) between the regression coefficient. The second term (X -
true exposures and measurement errors with indicated variance (var) when only one variable has a true Z*) is not Berksonian and is likely to be a
effect: Pxl =0, PX2 = 1.
source of bias. The final term (zt - z) is largely
Corr(xl,x2) Var(61) Var(62) Corr (81, 62) E(lZ1) E(l3Z2) of the Berkson type if the average of the avail-
0.0 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.00 0.33 able monitors zt is an unbiased estimate of the
0.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 -0.12 0.35 true spatially averaged ambient level Zt*
0.0 0.5 2.0 -0.5 0.12 0.35 We can now further study the effects of
0.5 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.06 0.29 these three terms on risk estimation by substi-
-0.05 0.5 2.0 0.0 -0.06 0.29
0.5 0.5 2.0 0.3 -0.01 0.28 tuting the decomposition in Equation 7 into
0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 -0.07 0.29 Equation 5. After some straightforward calcu-
0.5 0.5 2.0 0.7 -0.15 0.29 lations detailed in the "Appendix," the expect-
0.5 0.5 2.0 -0.5 0.17 0.33 ed number of deaths on day tcan be written
0.5 0.5 2.0 -0.7 0.21 0.36
0.5 0.5 2.0 -0.9 0.26 0.39 Eyt = exp[log(nt 0) + zJ3x+ {(5(w) -
+ (Xt- z) + (zt Zf}j.
We assume var(x1) = var(x2) = 1.

422 VOLUME 108 1 NUMBER 5 1 May 2000 * Environmental Health Perspectives

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Articles * Measurement error in time-series studies

Here P, is the personal log-relative risk of uncorrelated so that r will be a roughly unbi- measurement error in the ambient levels; like
interest from Equation 5. Note the approxi- ased estimate of 0,,, it will reduce efficiency xit- xt, it is dose to the Berkson type. This
mation Equation 8 retains only linear terms in relative to a study in which x, is available term would tend to be cancelled out by spatial
the expansion of an exponential function. The because z, and - zt share the same coefficient averaging across multiple unbiased ambient
second-order terms are an order of magnitude in Equation 8. monitors in a region. For example, Kelsall et
smaller and are ignored to simplify the exposi- The difference Xt- Z between average per- al. (25) averaged daily total suspended particu-
tion. For studies of particulate pollution sonal exposures and the true ambient value late data from up to nine monitors in their
effects on mortality, the effect sizes are on the can be analyzed further by considering an analysis of the effects of partides on mortality
order of 1 or 2% so that ignoring second- individual personal exposure xi, Because indi- in Philadelphia. However, in many cities there
order terms should not qualitatively affect the vidual i's exposure on day tderives either from is only one monitor or a few monitors operat-
results. In studies of morbidity, higher order indoor or ambient sources, we can write xit= ing concurrently. Even with a small number
terms may be more important. Ct z* + (1 - ao.)la where Ii is the concentration of monitors, longer term drift in instruments
The total baseline risk (n,X0) almost of pollutant generated by indoor sources such will not substantially affect estimates of Px
certainly varies smoothly over time because it as tobacco smoke and pets and ait is his or her because the time-series models control for
is an average risk over a large population. fraction of exposure from ambient sources that such trends by indusion of s(4 in Equation 6.
Hence, it will be appropriately controlled for take place either outdoors or result from the For this final error term to cause substantial
in log-linear regressions by inclusion of the
smooth s(4 in Equation 6. We now consider
penetration of ambient pollution indoors. It
follows that x- =a* + It where It = (1-
bias in the error it - Zt must be strongly
correlated with zt at shorter time scales.
Z1I3x and the three components of error in al)IJn1. That is, the average personal expo- Further investigations of this correlation in
turn. sure is proportional to the ambient level offset cities with many monitors are warranted.
The first error term 3t(w) - xt is the differ- by the effects of the population average of the We have discussed three components of
ence between the baseline risk-weighted aver- non-ambient indoor sources. measurement error: a) an individual's devia-
age personal exposure and the unweighted Wllson and Suh (26) argued that the daily tion from the risk-weighted average personal
average personal exposure. It derives from the population average concentrations of fine par- exposure; b) the difference between the aver-
Berkson error (xi - x,) and produces no bias in ticles derived from indoor sources It are age personal exposure and the true ambient
the linear unaggregated model. This difference approximately independent of ambient levels level; and c) the difference between the mea-
due to risk weighting in our log-linear model zt across time. When this is true, failure to sured and the true ambient levels, which
with person-specific baseline risks is likely to measure indoor sources will not introduce fur- includes spatial variation and instrument
be small and to vary slowly over time. Hence, ther bias in the estimation of [x because the error. We argue that the first and third com-
it can be adequately controlled by inclusion of deviations due to indoor air exposure are a sec- ponents are of the Berkson type and there-
the smooth function s(t) in the log-linear ond example of Berkson error, and the errors fore are likely to have smaller effects on the
regression of yt on z, One scenario in which will tend to cancel one another out when aver- relative risk estimates. However, the second
this difference would vary from day to day aged over the population. Never-theless, Z is component can be a source of substantial
and therefore not be adequately controlled only proportional to xtso that even if a varied bias if, for example, there are short-term asso-
would occur if the more frail individuals little over time (at a), the coefficient tZ ciations of the contributions of indoor
were to follow pollution reports (or a corre- from a regression of yt on z would estimate sources with ambient concentrations. We
late such as weather) and reduce their expo- a,, not fx. Hence, if 20% of daily exposure present one simple analysis of the Particle
sures to ambient air on high pollution days results from indoor sources independent of Total Assessment Methodology (PTEAM)
by, for example, staying indoors. Current the ambient levels, the regression on ambient data (27) that illustrates how we can further
warning systems for air pollution alerts are levels will yield coefficients that are roughly study the effects of the most important sec-
intended to reduce exposures of susceptible 20% smaller than would have occurred with ond component.
persons in this fashion. actual personal exposures. However, this may
The second error term Xt- Zt is non- be the appropriate coefficient for policymakers Evaluating Potential
Berksonian and has the greatest potential to seeking an estimate of the effect of an inar- Measurement Error Bias in
introduce bias in the estimate z when Z is guable measure of ambient levels. This, how- Pollutant-Mortality Relative
correlated with X - Zt Even if the terms are ever, assumes that particles from indoor Risk Estimates
.. ..... t
sources and outdoor sources are identical; that
:..:. is, they are similar in composition and toxici- The "Framework for Assessing Measure-
' :. ., ,
::: .: :::
F..' . . 7, ....
:.:.i..v: ...A:::.: ::.
.: :.
.:.: :::.:i :.. :::
ty. If this is not the case, then the two types of ment Error Effects in Pollution-Mortality
T partides are more appropriately treated as sep- Studies" can be used, in combination with
arate pollutants, and the personal exposure data on the components of error, to quantify
measure desired would be aotz, the personal the consequences of exposure measurement
exposure to particles from outdoor sources. error. One of the few available data sets with
Studies that use sulfates as a tracer for parti- ambient and personal measurements will be
cles from outdoor sources indicate that used to illustrate one approach. We used
indoor/outdoor ratios are < 1. Because people daily measurements of personal exposure for
spend most of their time indoors, this suggests persons followed in the PTEAM Study (27)
that axt will be < 1 and that the second term to quantify the difference between concentra-
in Equation 8 will be negatively correlated tion measured by an ambient monitor and
with z,, and will bias the estimated coefficient the average of personal exposures. We stud-
Figure 1. Schematic relating ambient measured downward. This also illustrates that the model ied one approach for estimating the size of
pollution level (z1) to true ambient level (4z), indoor is not restricted to cases where E(x) = E(z). bias in estimated PM10-mortality regression
exposure (wa), personal exposure (xi,), and risk of
death (li) assuming spatial homogeneity in ambi- The final of the three error terms in coefficients Z as an estimate of the true rela-
ent levels. Equation 8, zt - z1 represents the instrument tive risk for personal exposure P., with data

Environmental Health Perspectives * VOLUME 1081 NUMBER 51 May 2000 423

Articles * Zeger et al.

from one or a few ambient monitors rather If available, we would have used the aver- tion for the coefficient . from the log-linear
than personal exposure data for PM10. age personal exposure series, X- for at-risk resi- regression of mortality directly on z, (dotted
Data from the PTEAM Study. The dents of each city in the standard log-linear curve). Solid and dotted lines are at the cen-
PTEAM Study (27,28) generated a daily mea- regression model rather than zp as was used in ters of these distributions. We find that the
surement of personal exposure to PM1O for a
sample of 178 nonsmoking residents of
the original analyses. We would then have
compared the regression coefficients obtained
0,lshave a mean 1.42% increase in mortality
(CI, -0.11-2.95) per 10-unit change in
Riverside, California, 10 years of age or older when xt is the predictor with those using zt to PMl In comparison, the estimate of f_ from
for the period 22 September through 9 assess the bias. the usual log-linear model (dashed vertical
November 1990. In addition, a daily average Obviously, xt is not available except in line) is Iz-= 0.84% (CI, -0.06-1.76). Hence,
PM10 value from an ambient monitor posi- special circumstances. However, from the measurement error has biased the result
tioned near the homes was also collected; PTEAM Study data (shown in Figure 2) or toward the null. Second, the distribution of
Pellizzari and Spengler (29) provided details similar data, we can estimate the relationship the jxs is more dispersed than the distribution
on the methods used to collect these data. of xtand zp for example, by assuming: of fiZ. This is because we have taken into
We used the PTEAM Study data to esti- account the variability due to having zp, not
mate the correlation between the daily PM1O xt=0o + 0zt+et [9] x, i.e., arising from var(s,) in Equation 9. The
concentration for the ambient monitor zt and where 00 and 01 are the intercept and slope to results are very similar to what we obtain
the difference between the average personal be estimated from the available data. We can from calibration.
exposure and concentration measured by the then use the fitted Equation 9 to predict the This calculation assumes that the estimat-
ambient monitor xt - z( These estimates cor- unobserved xt from the available zt and then ed relationship between xt and zt for the
rectly account for the varying number of use the predicted value xt as the desired PTEAM Study is the true one, and hence, we
observations on a given day; however, the exposure values when estimating the pollu- ignored a second component of uncertainty
average personal exposure value is based on tion-mortality relative risk ., In fact the esti- due to estimation of the relationship between
relatively few measurements and is therefore mate of Px has the simple form = 11
This well-known approach to adjust for expo-
k and it from the finite sample size of the
PTEAM Study data taken at one site and at a
more variable across time than the actual
mean exposure. Equation 8 indudes a weight- sure measurement error is called regression particular time period. That is, even if we
ed average of personal exposures, with weights calibration (7). As an illustration, we applied assume that the relationship between and z,
determined by the baseline personal risk for this strategy to a regression of daily mortality is known, estimating the association of mor-
each individual. Those weights were unavail- on ambient concentrations of PM1O for River- tality with is less precise than with zp given
able in the PTEAM Study and hence, we used side, California for the period 1987-1994. only zt in that particular city. Of course, the
an unweighted average. Figure 2 displays a We estimated 00 = 59.95 (SE = 7.21), 01 = relationship of and zt is not precisely known
time-series plot of the daily ambient values 0.60 (SE = 0.080), and var(e) = 22.4. and needs to be quantified further. Dominici
and the average personal exposures. The corre- Calibration is easy to implement and et al. (30) provided a more complete analysis
lation across time of these two series is esti- apply. Its limitations are that confidence inter- of the bias in . as an estimate of x using the
mated to be 0.58 [95% confidence interval vals for x depend on large sample theory and PTEAM Study and four other data sets and a
(CI), 0.35-0.74]. This correlation is much that it does not extend easily to situations more complete statistical model. Their find-
greater than the more widely cited cross-sec- where multiple sources of information about ings were qualitatively similar to those present-
tional correlation from the same study. It the xp, zt relationship are available. ed here. Finally, our assessment of bias
would likely be even greater if the mean It is simple to overcome the possible lim- assumed that the health effects of personal
personal exposure was calculated on a larger itations of calibration by using a simulated
* ~~~~~~~~~~~A
exposure to partides originating outdoors and
number of persons each day. The corre- value `* rather than the predicted value xt indoors are the same. To assume otherwise
sponding correlation across time between the from Equation 9. That is, we use Equation 9 would require substantially more detailed data
ambient monitor concentrations and the daily to simulate the average personal exposure, ', and modeling.
differences between the personal and ambient from the ambient exposure, zp for a city or
values is -0.63 (CI, -0.77 to -0.42). Hence, the period of interest when xt is not available, Summary and Research
hypothesis that the measurement error - zt is under the assumption that the estimated Os Recommendations
uncorrelated with zt is not consistent with the and var(e) are applicable. This simulated The differences between true personal expo-
PTEAM Study data. Some bias in the regres- series -* is then used instead of zt in the log- sure for every individual (xi) and measured
sion coefficient is therefore expected. Because linear regression. The result is one estimate ambient concentrations, averaged over a few
the correlation of xt - z, and zt is negative, the
coefficient i in the regression on zt wiul tend
of _i3all it If we then repeatedly simu-
late xts and fit the log-linear regression for
fixed imprecise monitors (z), are inherently
complex, as is the effect of this exposure mea-
to underestimate the co-efficient in the regres- each to obtain X, we obtain a distribution of surement error on estimates of pollution-mor-
sion on xt in a single-pollutant analysis. We 0s. The difference between the mean of the tality relative risks. Nonetheless, it is useful
now assess the size of the bias that will result
from this measurement error.
simulated xs and the derived from the
log-linear regression of mortality on Zt is a
and imperative to analyze these effects in light
of our current understanding of the measure-
measure of the bias resulting from having zt ment process. This paper presented one
Addressing the Bias in rather than the average personal exposure for framework for doing so. We distinguished two
PM1-Mortality Regression that city. By simulating xts rather than using extremes of a continuum of types of measure-
Coefficients a fixed predicted value xt, we properly ment errors: Berkson and dassical errors. The
The PTEAM Study results or other, perhaps account for nonlinearities and sources of former is likely to create little bias in mortali-
more appropriate, data sets on the difference
between average risk-weighted personal expo-
variation in and can extend the analysis to
more complicated situations.
ty-relative risk estimates; the latter has more
serious consequences.
sure and ambient monitor concentrations, can Figure 3 shows the distribution of the s We posited a relative risk model in which
be used to estimate bias in the results of log- for Riverside (solid curve). Also shown is the an individual's hazard of death on a given day
linear regression models. normal approximation of the likelihood func- is expressed as a function of his or her personal

424 VOLUME 1081 NUMBER 51 May 2000 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Articles * Measurement error in time-series studies



1 3 5 7 9 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 31 33 35 9 41 45 47 49
Personal PM1,

-Z -1 0 1' 2 3 4
Relative rate (%1O0 ig/rm3)
150 Figure 3. The solid line is the distribution of the
relative rate , obtained when the simulated
series it of the total personal exposure is the pre-
oh dictor in the log-linear regression. The dotted line
is a normal approximation of the distribution of
the relative rate , obtained when the ambient
concentration zt in Riverside, California, is the
predictor in the log-linear regression.

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 9 41 43 45 47 49
degrees of spatial heterogeneity in ambient
Outdoor PM1, levels, population composition, and indoor
pollution sources. Given such data, models
Figure 2. Daily time-series data of (A) personal and (B) outdoor central site PM10 concentrations in like those summarized by Dominici et al. (32)
Riverside, California, from 22 September to 9 November 1990. Modified from Ozkaynak et al. (27). can be used to quantify more precisely the
biases due to pollutant measurement errors.
exposure, which is decomposed to highlight ignored possible second- and higher order This paper focuses on the effects on rela-
three types of exposure errors. We then aggre- effects in which daily fluctuations in the vari- tive risk estimates of using zt (measured
gated the model to produce the model for the ance of personal exposures across a popula- ambient particle levels) rather than xit (actual
expected total deaths in a population used in tion or in the covariations among the mea- personal exposures in log-linear regressions).
most time-series analyses. This model showed surement errors could introduce additional Such effects are important from a scientific
that a risk-weighted average personal exposure biases. Second-order terms will be insignifi- perspective to quantify the health risks of
measure is the desired exposure measure. The cant in studies of particulate effects on mor- exposure to particulate pollution. From a
likely consequence of using ambient concen- tality where the first-order terms are on the regulatory perspective, the effect of having
trations instead is to underestimate the pollu- order of percent. Such higher order analyses the imprecise zt rather than the true ambient
tion effects. In contrast, differences between for other studies of, for example, morbidity, value zt may be of greater interest because it
individual exposures on a given day and the are beyond the scope of this paper and will is ambient levels that may or may not be reg-
risk-weighted average of personal exposures require substantially more detailed models ulated further. A more detailed error analysis
are examples of Berkson error and are not like- and data. It is, however, possible that higher of the zt-zt difference would investigate the
ly to cause substantial bias in coefficients from order effects are important; further investiga- spatial variation in particulate levels and how
time-series morbidity studies. Our analysis tion is necessary. the number of monitors used to calculate zt
suggested that the largest biases in inferences Epidemiologic research is necessarily lim- reduced this source of measurement error.
about the mortality-personal exposure relative ited by the quality of the health outcome and In measurement errors in a single pollu-
risk will occur because of the more complex risk factor measurements (31). Time-series tant measure, PM1O, simultaneous errors in
errors between ambient and average personal studies of the acute effects of air quality on several pollutants can complicate the analysis.
exposure measures. If indoor sources produce mortality are subject to the limitations posed However, qualitative biases-that is, changes
partides of similar composition and toxicity as by the available measurements of pollution in the sign of a coefficient-can occur only
outdoor source particles, indoor sources may levels. The generic criticism-that measure- when the measurement errors for different
be a major component of this error. Finally, we ment errors render the results of such pollutants are highly correlated with one
used the best available data (from the PTEAM time-series models uninterpretable-is inac- another. This level of correlation might arise
Study in Riverside) with both personal expo- curate. The consequences of measurement if two or more pollutants are measured by
sure and ambient time-series data to quantify error can be quantified, although only a few the same instrument (e.g., different fractions
the size of this error. Our analysis indicated informative data sets are presently available. of particulate matter) or if multiple instru-
that the coefficient obtained from regressing Differences between the average personal ments are housed in the same location, which
mortality on measured ambient levels (z) is exposure and ambient measurements are the is subject to atypical exposure patterns. The
smaller than what we expect if we regress mor- most likely source of substantial bias. Data possibility nevertheless requires detailed
tality on average personal exposure (-x). should be collected for the comparison of investigation, because in this case the find-
For tractability and clarity, we conducted risk-weighted average personal exposure with ings of epidemiologic studies could be mis-
a first-order analysis of exposure errors and ambient levels in several cities with varying leading. Personal exposure studies that collect

Environmental Health Perspectives * VOLUME 108 1 NUMBER 5 1 May 2000 425

Articles * Zeger et al.

multiple exposures can provide the necessary within each subgroup and the number of days Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards,
data to investigate the effects of co-occurring ofmonitoring for each person should be made Committee on the Epidemiology of Air Pollutants.
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the illustrative calculations discussed here Wiley & Sons, 1987. 26. Wilson WE, Suh HH. Fine particles and coarse particles:
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make apparent several open questions and Nonlinear Models. London:Chapman and Hall, 1995. ies. J Air Waste Manag Assoc 47:1238-1249 (1997).
opportunities for additional data collection. 8. Spiegelman D, McDermott A, Rossner B. Regression cali- 27. Ozkaynak H, Xue J, Spengler J, Wallace L, Pellizzari E,
These opportunities would enable more bration method for correcting measurement-error bias in Jenkins P. Personal exposure to airborne particles and met-
accurate quantification of the effects of mea- nutritional epidemiology. Am J Clin Nutr 65:1179S-1 186S als: results from the Particle TEAM Study in Riverside,
(1997). California. J Expos Anal Environ Epidemiol 6:57-78 (1996).
surement error in assessing the air pollu- 9. Willett W. Correction for the effects of measurement error. 28. Mendelsohn R, Orcutt G. An empirical analysis of air pollu-
tion-mortality relationship. In relation to In: Nutritional Epidemiology (Willett W, ed). New York:Oxford tion dose-response curves. J Environ Econ Manag 6:85-106
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10. Pierce DA, Stram DO, Vaeth M. Allowing for random errors in 29. Pellizzari E, Spengler J. Particle Total Exposure Assessment
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15. National Research Council, Commission on Life Sciences, York:Wiley & Sons, 1996.
ences depend on the true values of other pol-
lutants or covariates?
Wldson and Suh (26) conducted a meta-
analysis of data from multiple sites and con-
duded, in answer to the first question above, .:
.' ' .;.: ::
~~.E~~~ t.; 5).da5)he an.......
:; .;:
W.e uarr with a personal risk ...model (.Equation
d .a:.deompoaon .
.e e .posl.
that concentrations of fine partides originat-
ing from indoor sources are independent of
ambient levels over time. To confirm this - exp{*+ R, X) + (*;'-l~ £}:~ : P(- : )P. [
finding and to address the remaining key
questions, additional research is warranted. A
stratified sample of the population in several
"~ expffx~ ..*x i , .
cities with diverse pollution sources and pat- .' .....
t.i...'........ .-

terns should be drawn, with one stratum

representing the entire population and the
second representing the frail subgroup. Daily
measurements of personal exposure and indi-
cators of indoor sources should be collected
for multiple pollutants for each person.

hb hierikcosb
... .... o W

Ambient levels should also be monitored.

Decisions about the number of persons

426 VOLUME 1081 NUMBER 5 1 May 2000 * Environmental Health Perspectives

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