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Barack Obama


Mitt Romney

Which of these candidates deserves to be the next president of the USA? Most useful for majority Americans and the world. By Professor Luis Alberto Pita Santos. I have no right to vote in the USA by a simple exiled resident, but I have the right to explain this controversial issue. Will do well as a scientist who has discovered important truths and innovative prototype to better educate and help humanity progress. Verify the evidence argued in my book entitled Synopsis of my truths. Posted in Refute once again the vicious tendencies metaphorical (vulgar and / or literary) of the vast majority of people, including the authorities old and Ogano in USA; using my unique style suitable method of semantic-diagnosis which classify structured and until today, over 13,000 concepts in 1,140 subjects or treated. I will start by saying that the adequacy of work in USA or leader in any state in the world, is to know to understand, clarify and teach that the best strategy or national and international political program is to fulfil the rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the Charter of the UN force since December 10, 1948. Adapting the tactics or procedures for two activities: the Democrats (related to the legislature or the Congress) and the Republican (on executive powers or government). Proving that a good leader of any jurisdiction (international, national, state, provincial or county, etc.) Should be a good Democrat and a good Republican at once should be a good servant of the people in general. It should not be partisan, neither sectarian nor biased. It is easy to deduce that all political professionals (including the two mentioned candidates for president of USA) offers them perform two possible alternatives (in varying degrees) a Republican-Democrat 1

politics: good (proficient) that favours most of the community or bad (malevolent) that hurts most people. The good or bad quality of the plans, procedures and the conduct of the authorities in general and politicians in particular, is always the result of five pairs of concomitant causes and different (the first three types of personal and circumstantial, the two latest social determinants relevant)::
It is good, if their plans, methods and It's bad, if their plans, methods and behaviours are: behaviours are: Successful (demonstrable and / or Ambiguous (confused and/or examples) uncertain) Rational (logical and/or heuristic) Prejudices (turulents and/or transcendents) Orismologycs (categorematics and/or Tropological (exoteric and/or sui generis) emphatic) Improvements of the rights and Conservative of discrimination freedoms Respectful, honourable and Abusive, mafia and corrupt **

generous It would be good, in elective cases between Obama and Romney, who of them are ready to perform some or all probable legislative reforms urgently needed in the U.S. to adapt the legal system demanded by the UN. I have repeated suggestions and demands to make, at least twelverights reforms and fundamental freedoms, as enshrined in the UN and all international tribunals, to end or minimize the discriminatory violations, especially against the majority of people, the poor and homeless in and outside USA. Such reforms must respect: 1. The life of humans, some of them killed by judicial execution. 2. Euthanasia. 3. Immigration (especially Hispanic and extremely against Mexicans) 4. Homosexuality and Tran sexuality. 5. The prostitution of both sexes. 6. Betting and many games. 7. Public education subsidized. 8. The public health safety. 9. Labour rights agreed by the ILO. 10. Legal equality. Regarding the evidence and the arguments of the said ten discriminations, check its details in several of my articles. Among them: A) The series entitled Reformism v. Conservatism, Terrorism and Crisis. Published in: B) Criminal Crate Causes and Solutions the Great Crisis of USA. Published in 11. The narcotics economy in all its phases: production, distribution, trade and consumption; unjustly outlawed and prohibited. See all 31 advantages and benefits of the regulation and legalization of the economy, which argued in my statement entitled "My contribution to the Sixth Summit of the Americas." Publish in: 12. The offensive war in order to destroy and extinguish all economic activity or business of narcotics, extended to almost all American territories for more than four decades. Irrogando and causing many mega discrimination rights of the peoples of America. Initiated by President Nixon for over four decades, maintained and enhanced by the following seven presidents. Those who have ordered the progressive increase in mercenary forces formed in the DEA "Drug Enforcement Administration". Catalyzing the corresponding increase terrifying gangsters and drug cartels, the rivalry between them, against all enemy opposition DEA and their businesses. Increasing the respective attacks and counterattacks increasingly violent, cruel and genocide. Converting is these respective presidents and congresses of USA in the supreme guilty of growing giant advancement, widespread and worsening crisis of national and international social and discriminatory serious crimes against the American people. Defined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court crimes against humanity or crimes against humanity (meaning to offend, insult or injure humanity as a whole). Include the conducts of murder, extermination, deportation or forcible displacement, imprisonment, torture, pederasty, forced prostitution, forced sterilization, forced disappearance, kidnapping, persecutions on political, religious, ideological, racial, ethnic, seizures, arrests, exchanges money, and gift sale of weapons to cartels and other discriminatory crimes. Being also the highest authorities in USA, the main perpetrators of the massive injury to life, physical and mental health of many of America; extraordinarily suffered by the nations of Central America and Mexico. Verify the best testimony to the Mexican personalities hundred members of the third Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity, led by writer Javier Sicilia. Arriving in The Angeles on August 13, 2012, and continue its journey to Washington for the purpose of requesting changes in the fight against drug trafficking in the American nation. See details in the article published in: 3 The ruse fallacious U.S. authorities to continue expanding this outrageous and despicable war is perpetual and invasive giant propaganda that "drugs" are harmful. ! Lie! Drugs or medications (drugs and narcotics) are supplementary food substances, both essential for a better quality of life. Freely enjoyed by mankind since the stone age. Narcotics are the type of psychotropic medications especially useful as sedatives (analgesics and/or soporific) caused by ethyl ether, chloroform, cyclopropane, etc., and euphoric (autotelic and/or hedonic) the effect of opiates (Codeine, heroin, morphine, pethidine, methadone etc.), opioids (Cocaine, Hydrocodone, Ketamine, Marijuana, Oxycodone, Remifentanil, Tramadol, etc.) and those produced by the body (endorphins, enkephalins and dynorphins). What is harmful is the excess consumption of medicines and food in general overdose or addiction. By errors of some consumer ignorance or ignaridad (fools or idiots). These can, deserve and should be remedied, only, through specialty pharmacies, with the public counter (prescription or not) all drugs; properly called, packed, packaged and labelled in uniform, as provided by the health authorities. Believing regulatory instructions and tips from experts and institutions professional therapists, the quintessential World Health Organization (WHO). Not for the worst offenders of any nation, the illegal cartels, police and military: abusers, corrupt, repressive and warriors. Errands and abetted by top culprits: legislators, governors, judges and prosecutors outlaws; primarily the jurisdiction of USA. The strongest evidence is provided by the WHO published the annual death toll in the world by the excessive consumption of some substances, such are: 4 million by snuff, 2.5 million for alcohol, 3 million by obesity. In USA the obesity epidemic suffer most third of the population. 200,000 by drugs. 100, 000 is the average annual injured or killed by guns in USA. The great truth of the War motivating crackdown on drug dealers, almost all behaviours of politicians and judicial discrimination, tyrants, corrupt USA and its consequences for Latin misfortune is his constant complicity with the super rich criminals monopolists, U.S. moguls

drugs, tobacco, alcohol, food "garbage", firearms and others more oligarchic elite thief USA and the world. CONCLUDING: 1st. Estimating social misfortunes of USA during the last four decades, committed by their former sovereign crate political-legal, anti conservative justices laws and freedoms. Considering also the warnings uttered by the candidates for president and vice-presidential party "Republican" during his campaign and his acolytes pro oligarchs, to abolish the few rights and freedoms made by the Obama administration, is perfectly deductible if these mercenaries arrogant triumph in the next election, will hold a political radical flattering new and old scams to proceed further enriching the super scammers oligarchs; reinforcing the hardships of the working class poor and helpless and worsening general crisis of the U.S. It would mean a return to full submission the destitute, especially African Americans and Hispanics, as predicted last week Vice President Joe Biden: "Romney in his first hundred days, the big banks will again write their own rules and trigger to Wall Street. Them will put you all leg irons again " Recommend other means to verify the aforementioned discriminatory violations immense reading the Human Rights Record of United States in 2010. Published in: o-de-los-Derechos-Humanos-en-Estados-Unidos-en-2010.htm 2nd. I believe that the policy of President Barack Obama has been characterized, almost always, to be truthful, honest and decent, promoting and sponsoring some legal reforms, to fulfil the precepts of fundamental human rights and freedoms. Except for three cases: A) have been the main culprit in most deportation of immigrants throughout U.S. history, with consequent separation and suffering of their families. B) have protected the super offender Eric Holder (Minister of Justice, Attorney General and Solicitor General of USA) accused and sued by the U.S. Congress in contempt for refusing to provide any documentation that explains the evidence for the operation "Fast and furious "that occurred between 2009 and 2010. Consisting of the transfer of 2,000 weapons to Mexico by criminal tactics of the Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and delivered to the assassins of narcotics cartels mistakenly or maliciously, without the knowledge of the Government Felipe Calderon. Obama failing to grant it to Holder, repeatedly, for a defence of guilty, the veto to Congress, obstruction of the judicial process and the public truthful clarification. On the recommendation of Holder, who wrote a letter explaining that if authorizing the disclosure of those documents, "would occur certain problems in the 5

separation of state powers and could create an imbalance in relationship" between Congress and the White House.


C) Have protected the super offender Eric Holder, accusing him and sued for more than four years, as the most guilty of 166 offences discriminatory, and have covered nearly 250 other discriminations. Oligarchs started by three groups: Evergreen Alliance Golf Limited, LP, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Providence Place Apartments. Continued and expanded by about forty rulers and oppressors court, gangsters and mercenaries Harris County, the State of Texas, U.S. Court, District of Texas, Houston Division, the Federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the Supreme Court of USA, the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General of USA. Blocking all judicial and boycotting for more than six years of my jousts refunds and compensation rights that I claim. Using the archaic and ridiculous vicious prejudice have all these powerful criminals "immunity" (physical therapy concept consisting of antibiotic prophylaxis or sterilizing of living creatures through (debridation or vaccination) and other sophisticated metaphorical euphemism Holder to continue to receive permission to violating human rights in the U.S. and other countries. Check the evidence outlined in my statement entitled "Updated 29 complaints and / or lawsuits against Sovereign Oligarchs and Criminal Rabbles USA Mercenaries" Published in: Also, in my last statement on "Reiterated Accusations and Lawsuits Against Eric Holder, the largest criminal super current U.S. administration" Published in: 3rd. The Obama administration should not be complicit in Eric Holder, will end now rests with the outrageous excesses of his Minister of Justice (in addition to court: Attorney and Procurator General) or immediately after November 6 next, should it elect again. Definition of terms **Discrimination, Abuse, Corruption and Mafia: Discrimination. Action discrimination, violation of equal rights and freedoms of individuals hate homophobic and xenophobic, sexual, ethnic, racial, political, judicial, economic and other psychiatricmystical dogmas. Synonyms denotative of Criminology, Delinquent, Flagiciar, Transgressions, Facineria, Convicted, Crime, Perpetrate, Crime, inviolability and gangsterism.

Abuse. Unlawful use of the advantages of power (higher strength, skill, culture, technology, social position, weapons, wealth and / or confidence you have) to impose the will of the authority, misusing, excessive, unfair and unduly something someone to violate their rights, causing them pain and suffering, or allowing abuse to any of his subordinates. Denotative definition of Autocracy, splint, oppression, tyranny, dictatorship, Despot, subjugation, arrogance, arbitrariness, Monarchy and Hegemony. Corruption. Action corrupt, crime of an authority in accepting or requesting a remuneration for performing or omitting a legal act. Among the most serious cases of corruption are those committed by judges, prosecutors and lawyers to prevaricate (felony to conceal crimes) or for offenders and offenders against the victim raped. Includes felony crimes, treason or breach of trust in more or less cynical and / or evil and thieving pirate type (typical of poor thieves) scam (typical of the rich and very rich thieves or oligarchs). Synonym denotative Sobornology, Comic, Componendar, Alfadias, Barratry, Cohechura, Entruchamiento, Corrumpencia, Corruptibility, Venalization and Mercenaries. Mafia. Agreement between two individuals or organized band about to perform one or more crimes undercover (silence and mystery) by deception (hypocrisies and falsehoods) benefiting criminals and hurting innocent victims, including deserving litigants. It is a way of carrying many forms of crime, though the most frequent and the most pernicious (throughout the world) the contraband traffic (especially business-related illicit psychotropic drugs), the distribution of abusive and fraudulent goods and wealth) among other crimes crato. Ate.

Signed by Luis Alberto Pita Santos In Houston, August 20, 2012.

University Professor of History and Political Economy Scientific, heuristic and director entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS, History President of the ADEPOs (Association for the Defense of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance)

Kidnapped and tortured in Cuba and the USA for my activism rights reforms and freedoms underwritten by the UN. Cuban exile, a Spanish citizen and permanent resident of the United States. 5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 704 3105 My email:, My Site on the Internet My albums of photos and documents

The truths of all reality are exclusive to science, useful reasoning to infer their Causes and effects and create newer and better facts, the concepts are explained. But metaphors (vulgar or literary) mystify the truth and the concept with mysticism and psychiatrists. Other times violate with the esoterisms and phariseeisms.

One of the world is good without dogmatism fetishists, without believing in ghosts divine and/or evil, without faithful saints and temples. It is best also for their efficient intellect, to know the cause inferred from its effects and created to modernize and improve human goods.

It is a right of free mystic dogmatic thinking, metempsicosic and fetichismic. But such harm to the public to instill and enforce them by the conservative authorities is a major cause criminal of such discriminatory, abusive and corrupt.

Micro-Communism, a family or a sect, it is feasible. Suppose communism to the world or a nation, is utopia. Resulting the attempt to impose a regime other major criminal case discriminatory, abusive and corrupt.

Published on Scribd, Facebook, Twitter and Linkeding. In addition, referred to over 3.000 emails: more than 700 U.S. public, international and global, and over 2.300 with hidden addresses.

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