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Image Resizer Command Line Switches =================================== Single file or folder --------------------resize.exe <File/Folder> [Options] e.g.: resize.

exe c:\photos /profile=original /format=bmp /run Several files ------------resize.exe <Filename1> <Filename2> ... [options] e.g.: resize.exe c:\photos\image1.jpg c:\photos\image2.jpg /profile=desktop /run Many files, using filelist -------------------------resize.exe /fl=<Filename> [Options] e.g.: resize.exe /fl=c:\filelist.txt /w=800 /h=600 /run Content of filelist.txt: c:\photos\image1.jpg c:\photos\image2.jpg c:\photos\image3.jpg

Options ------/Profile=[original|desktop|<name>] Profile to be used: original = original resolution (default) desktop = desktop resolution or one of the available profile names. /W=<width> Output width /H=<height> Output height /Unit=[pixel|percent] Resolution unit, default is pixel. /Mode=[fit|stretch|center|crop|retarget] Mode to use /Filter=[fastlinear|linear|lanczos|cubic] Filtering mode /Format=[original|bmp|jpg|gif|png|tif] Output file format, default is original.

/Quality=[1-100] Compression quality from 1 to 100, only valid for JPG (default 80). /AdjustPortrait=[0|1] Adjust resolution for portrait images: 0 = off 1 = on (default) /Exif=[0|1] Copy EXIF metadata (for JPG): 0 = off 1 = on (default) /Xmp=[0|1] Copy XMP metadata (for JPG): 0 = off 1 = on (default) /Iptc=[0|1] Copy IPTC metadata (for JPG): 0 = off 1 = on (default) /Icc=[0|1] Copy embedded ICC profiles (for JPG): 0 = off 1 = on (default) /WmFile=<filename> Embed watermark from image <filename> /WmAlpha=[0-255] Transparency for watermark from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque), default i s 255. /WmPosition=[0-6] Watermark position in output image: 0 = Top Left 1 = Top Center 2 = Top Right 3 = Bottom Left 4 = Bottom Center 5 = Bottom Right 6 = Center (default) /WmSpaceX=<value> Horizontal spacing (pixels) for watermark if not centered, default is 0. /WmSpaceY=<value> Vertical spacing (pixels) for watermark if not centered, default is 0. /Mask=<filename mask> Output filename mask to be used, see interface for more information. Default is "%F [%P]". /FileDate=[0|1] If enabled (1), keeps file date of original file. Default is disabled (0). /Dpi=<value>

Change DPI to set value for formats that support it (JPEG, TIFF). Value can be 1 to 1000. /Invert=[0|1] If enabled (1), colors will be inverted. Default is disabled (0). /Grayscale=[0|1] If enabled (1), converts images to grayscale. Default is disabled (0). /Sepia=[0|1] If enabled (1), adds sepia effect to images. Default is disabled (0). /Policy=[always|enlarge|reduce] Policy to use (always resize, only enlarge, only reduce) /Action=[copy|original|move] Action to be performed /Dest=[same|desktop|<path>] Destination for output: same = same folder as original (default), desktop = Desk top, or a custom path. /Details Show details (log) during operation /Minimized Minimize progress window during operation /AutoClose Close after images have been processed /Subfolders=[0|1] If a folder is specified as the first parameter, this determines if subfolders w ill be scanned as well: 0 = off (default) 1 = on /Conflict=[ask|overwrite|skip|rename] Defines what to do in case of a filename conflict: ask = display prompt to user overwrite = overwrite without warning skip = don't touch and skip file rename = rename new file (e.g. "file (2)") /Run Start processing immediately

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