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To make 9 bracelets:

an asso rtm ent o f si x Koig u Need l ep o i nt y arns . I used colors, 1155, 0000, 1113, 1131, 2425,

2423 a safety pin

small scissors

a blunt embroidery needle

If you've never made a macramd friendship bracelet before please check out our original F r i e n d s h i p B r a c e l e t p o s t to learn how to make a left knot and a right knot.

Heart Bracelet

Cutting and Prep

You will need:

2 yarn colors: color A (the background color) and color B (the heart color) small scissors a safety pin a blunt embroidery needle to take out any mistakes.

Cut two 72-inch lengths of color A. Color A will be the ecru yarn in the pictures above.

Cut two 72-inch lengths of color B. Color B will be the pink yarn in the pictures above.

Gather all of the cut pieces together and fold them in half. Tie a simple overhand knot at the fold, leaving a 3/4 -inch loop. You will now have 8 total strands, four of each color, originating from the top knot.

Using the safety pin, pin the knot to a flat surface or your jea ns.

Arrange the threads in the following order: A, B, A, B, B, A, B, A as shown above.

Step 1
Starting at the left side and using the left most strand of color A tie a left knot.

Moving from left to right and using the same strand of color A tie two more left knots, for a total of 3 left knots.

Using the right most strand of color A make 4 right knots.

Step 2

Using the left most left strand of color A make a right knot.

Using the right most strand of color A make a left knot.

These two strands of color A will now be at the outer edges as shown above.

Step 3

Using the left most strand of color B make two left knots.

Using the right most strand of color B make three right knots.

Step 4

With the left most strand of color B make a right knot.

With the right most strand of color B make a left knot.

Step 5

With the left most strand of color A make 2 left knots.

With the right most strand of color A make 3 right knots.


With the left most strand of color B make three left knots.

With the right most strand of color B make four right knots.

You will now have your first heart shape.

Repeat steps 1-6 until your bracelet reaches the desired length.


Cut the ends of the strands to be the same length. Braid the end into two equal braids or one braid (shown in the arrow bracelet example below.) Tie knots at the end of the braid(s)

Spray the bracelet with water and press it flat with a hot iron.

Arrow Bracelet

Cutting and Prep

You will need:

3 colors of yarn: color A (the background), color B (the arrowheads), and color C (the arrow body) small scissors a blunt embroidery needle a safety pin

Cutting and Prep

Cut three 72-inch lengths of color A. Color A will be the pink yarn in the pictures above.

Cut one 72-inch length of color B. Color B will be the ecru yarn in the pictures above.

Gather all of the cut pieces together and fold them in half. Tie a simple overhand knot at the fold, leaving a 3/4 -inch loop. You will now have 8 total strands, four of each color, originating from the top knot.

Using the safety pin, pin the knot to a flat surface or your jeans.

Arrange the threads in the following order: A, A, A, B, B, A, A, A as pictured above.

Step 1

Starting at the left side and using the left most strand of Color A tie a left knot.

Moving from left to right and using the same strand of color A tie two more left knots, for a total of 3 left knots.

Using the right most strand of color A make 4 right knots.

Repeat these two rows two more times, until color B is on the outside as shown above.

Step 2

Using the left most strand of color A make a right knot.

Using the right most strand of color B make a left knot. These strands will now be on the outside, as shown in the picture above.

Step 3

With the left most strand of color B m ake two left knots.

With the right most strand of color B make three right knots.

Repeat steps 1-3 until your bracelet it the desired length.

Embroidering the Arrow Bodies

Cut a 20-inch length of color C and thread it onto the embroidery needle. Pull it through the top knot and from the back of the bracelet to just above the first arrow head as shown above.

Leave a 4-inch tail of color C and tie this tail to the top knot with a double knot.

Using a large running stitch embroider the arrow bodies above e ach of the arrow heads as shown above.

Embroider them all the way down the length of the bracelet.

At the end cut all of the yarn ends to the same length.

Make sure the top double knot of the color C tail is secure. Thread the tail through the embroidery needle and push it through the top knot once again then cut off the tail at the exit point to hide it.

Braid the end strands, tie them in a simple overhand knot and then trim the ends.

You're all done!

January 26, 2012 | E m ai l P r i n t S h ar e | 15 C o mm en ts

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