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Chemical test for Cellular Molecules

Aim: To introduce you to some of the standard tests used to identify the presence of specific chemical substances in cells. Risk Assessment:

Identify: Ingestion of chemicals or food in laboratory, contact with chemicals may harm
individual, burns may occur.

Assess: Health issues may occur if chemicals or food tainted by chemicals are ingested, contact
with chemicals may cause discolouration of skin or irritation of eyes, hair, scarfs, or skin may catch fire or burn when using Bunsen burner or water may be spilt.

Control: Take caution when handling chemicals to always wash hands before eating, and not to
eat anything provided in the experiment, use caution when handling chemicals and wear goggles, and tie hair back, remove any dangling scarfs, do not sit next to water as it is boiling and take caution around the Bunsen burner or boiling water. Results: Substance tested Protein Starch Glucose Lipid Discussion: 1. Why were controls used when testing for specific organic molecules? Controls were used when testing for specific organic molecules so as there was something to compare the effects or reactions of the reagent used on the controls with the effects or reactions with the substance. They are also used so as to reduce the risk of a variable, and to prove that it was in fact the substance reacting. 2. What test provided the easiest identification of:a. c. Reagent used NaOH, CuSO4 Iodine solution a) Benedict b) Urine stick Brown paper Control colour Clear with blue tint Clear orange Light blue Negative Opaque slightly Sample colour Light lavender Blue-black Deep orange 1000 mg/dl Transparent

Protein? Biurets test Starch? Lugols test

b. Glucose? Benedicts test d. Lipid? Brown Paper test 3. All organic molecules leave a black residue when burnt. This can be used for a

general test for the presence of organic molecules. What is this black residue?
This black residue is carbon as all organic matter contains or is a product of carbon. 4. Suppose you were to find a green jelly-like blob one day and you biology teacher

assigned you the task of determining whether it was living or a product of a living thing. How would you go about determining this?
To determine whether the green jelly-like blob is a product of a living thing it can be burnt to see whether it leaves a black residue, if it does then it was either a living

organism or a product of a living organism. To test whether the green jelly-like blob is still living, it must be checked that it exhibits the following characteristics; is made of cells, obtains and uses energy, grows and develops, reproduces, responds to its environment and adapts to its environment. Conclusion: Standard tests used to identify the presence of specific substances in cells were introduced to students and used to determine certain chemical substances in particular materials.

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