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No I



a J


26 27 28



30 3l 32
aa JJ

7 8 9 10


L2 I3 T4 15 I6 17 18


t9 20
2l 22



24 25

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50








X = Interphase Y = M phase/mitoticphase I I I

lii .....ii


2 (a)


Pl : P is growth phase1 /Gl P2 : Protein/ new (cytoplamic)organelles are synthesized




To reproduceasexually Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase

All 4 mustbe correct sequences

(e)(i) Pl : Vesiclesformedat the centreof the cell

P2 : The vesiclesfuseto form a cell plate P3 : The cell plate fuseto form new cell wall andplasma membrane


Any 2

(e)(ii) StageT in plant cell formed a cell plate but the animal
cell formed a cleavagefurrow during stageT ll cleavage funow pinchesinward whereascell plate grow outward (f) I I

P1 Too much exposureto ultraviolet rays in the sunlight

ll Too much exposureto carcinogenicsubstances

P2 CauseslLead to uncontrolled mitosis P3 The personwill get cancer/tumour

I 1
a J


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3(a) (i)

P: Liver Q = Pancreas P 1 P/ Liverproduces bile P2 To emulsifufatllipid into tiny droplets



1 1 2

Classof food


Products of enzyme digestion Maltose Polypeptides Fatty acids and glyserol I I

Starch Protein

Amylase Pepsin Lipase



F1 : The small intestinehas numerousvilli / microvilli //Small intestineis long El : To increasesurfaceareafor absorptionof nutrients/ digestedfood F2 : The wall of the small intestineis coveredwith epithelialcells which are one cell thick E2 : The absorptionof nutrients / digestedfood will be faster/easier F3 : Large network of blood capillaryinsidethe vilus/lacteal E3 : To transportmore nutrients/digested food

F a n d E = lM 1 I

1 I I


P1. JogginglExercise/ Aerobic/ Any physicalactivities P2. Reducesfood rich in fat/Eg. P3. Reducesfood rich in sugar/carbohidrate P4. Eat more fruiVveeetables

I 1 t I
a J

Anv 3
:i: i.:

.iit;::.: 'it::a:

::::1i ..:i

i::li::::: ..:.1:::

(i) X: Menstruation a(a)

(a) (ii) The thicknessof endometriumtissueis decreasins

Reject: Menstrual cycle


o d !)

g r


First month

zg I

Second month

28 I

Third month


Pl: Corpusleteumdoesnot disintergrate progesterone P2:Corpusluteum continueto secrete P3: The thicknessof the endometriumtissueis maintain Parent Parent somaticcell

I I 1

Any 2


Mrs A/ Female (44 +XX)


Mr A/ Male (44 + XY)


G a m ete : (2 2 +X ) (2 2 +X )

Offspring (44 +XX) Genotype Offspring Phenotype Female

(44 +XY) (44 +XX) (44 +XY) I Male Female Male


For organismsto adaptto the sunoundingl/ For survival of the organisms// To camouflagefrom predators// One individual to be distinzuishedfrom others Discontinuous Continuous variation variation It exhibits a few P I It exhibits / distinct phenotypes phenotypes with no intermediate with intermediate characteristics characteristics is phenotypeis The phenotype not P2 The influencedby the influenced by the environment/ environment/ nutrition / exercise nutrition /exercise It is controlledby one P3 It is controlledby two or more genes gene/a pair of alleles. /many pairs of alleles The( frequency)graph P4 The( frequency) showsa discrete graph distribution showsa normal distribution at Pl : Individual P has3 chromosome chromosome at number21 but Individual Q has2 chromosomes number21 chromosome X P2 : Individual P hassex chromosome andY but Individual Q hastwo X chromosome.

Any I


Any 2




chromosome Pl : During meiosis,the homologous number21 failed to segregate P2 : Producegametewithz4 chromosome P3: The abnormal gametfuse with the normal gametto producea Down 's syndromeoffspring/extraone 21 chromosome


'','. .trz :.,.rr,,',,,.


Able to explain how during vigorous activity the body regulates contentof carbondioxide in the blood the

Pl- During vigorous activity, the concentration/ the partial pressureofcarbon dioxide increases a as result of active cellular respiration P2- the carbon dioxide reactwith water to form carbonic acid P3- which resultsin a drop in the pH level of the blood (and tissue fluid that bathing the brain) P4- The drop in pH is detected the (central) by chemoreceptors the medulla oblongata in P5- and detected peripheralchemoreceptors by // carotid bodiesand aortic bodies P6-Thecentral chemoreceptors pheripheral and receptorssendnerve impulsesto the respiratory centrein the medulla oblongata P7- The respiratory centresendsnerve impulsesto the diaphragmand the intercostalmuscles, P8 -causingthe respiratorymusclesto contractand relax faster P9- As a result, the breathingand ventilation rate increasethe oxygen concentration retum to the normal level P10-Thus excess carbondioxide is eliminated from the body, the oxygen concentration return to the normal level, /the carbon dioxide concentration / pH value of the blood return to normal level

Studentsare able to explain why the pulse rate takes severalminute to return normal Pl- During the activity the oxygen intake is not able to meetthe oxygen demandof the body. P2- Respiration to takeplace anaerobically has // anaercbicrespirationoccur P3- As a result,lactic acid accumulates the muscle. in P4- The pulse rate is high for severalminutesto supply oxygento oxidize lactic acid P5 - Onceall the lactic is oxidized,the pulseratereturnsto normal Studentsare able to explain the aerobicand anaerobic respiration process F1-Anaerobic respiration occurin paddyseedlings P 1 -involves the break down of glucosein the absence of Oxygen/ in a limited supply of oxygento release energy P2 -Oxidationof glucoseis incomplete / 2 moleculesof ATP are produced P3 -The by-productsare ethanol , energyand carbon dioxide

F2-TeresterialPlant carriesout aerobic respiration aerobicallyin diagram6.3a P4- Aerobic respirationprocessinvolves the (complete) oxidationof glucosein the presenceof oxygento release energy P5- In a waterlogged condition// lessamountof dissolveoxygenis available P6- The roots of terrestrialplantsrespireanaerobically





,:t:t:t::ta: i::i;:

P7-Terrestrialplants are unableto carry out anaerobic respiration a long term for P8 -causing the plantsto wilt/ die

I I Any 4




.):r....| .r" :.:,

i+tNffi:7(a) Blood circulatory Lymphatic system system Capillariesarenot Lymph capillariesare blind-ended. blind ended. Arteries do not have All lymph vessels have ( but veins valves valves. havevalves.) No (lymph) nodes Lymph nodespresent. present. Directionof flow is Directionof flow is both towardsthe heart alwaystowardsthe heart. and away from the heart. P:Sinoartrialnode Q: Atrioventricular node R: Bundle of His fibres S: Purkinje fibres

Do not accept answers that describes differencesin blood and lymph contents



o . o o

{ { ./

4.,1:2 marks 24^l:

l mark 1 { : 0 mar k s

F1 : P generates electricalimpulses which spread rapidly over the walls of both atrium causingboth atrium to contract F2: From P/ SA node,the impuls reaches / Q atrioventricularnode (AV node) F3: From Q, impuls is conducted throughR / bundleof His fibres and to the apex of the heart F4: Impulsesmove alongthe walls of the ventricles through the Purkinje fibre causingthe ventriclesto contract.

1 I


Explanation: Fl : R has (no Hepatitis A antigenand)no antibodies againstHepatitis A El : R is not infectedby the virus / hasnever got infected F2 : S has (no Hepatitis A antigenbut has) antibodies againstHepatitis A. E2 : S had beeninfected with undergonethe disease and recovered/ S has beenvaccinatedagainstHepatitis A E3 : Therefore,S's immune systemhasproduced antibodiesagainst disease the Explanation 5 marks

F 1 S's level of antibodyagainstHepatitisA in the blood

is abovethe immunit)' level

E1 S neednot be immunisedbecause has acquired he

natural active immunity / artificial active immunitli

Discussion 5 marks

E2 Thus, S has immunity againstfuture Hepatitis A


F2 R doesnot have any antibody, so needto be

immunisedagainstthe disease vaccination. by

Max 5

F3 The vaccine stimulatesthe immune systemof R to

produceantibodies against HepatitisA virus. the

E3 R acquiresartificial active immunity againstHepatitis

Pl - receptoris stimulatedby the stimulus/ the dog and generates impulse P2 -impulse is transmitted( along dendritesto cell body ) /P/Afferent neurone/ sensory neurone


P3 - (theimpulse ) transmitted the is to InterneuroneQ in thespinalcord / P4-The impulse thentransmitted R/ is to efferent neurone motorneurone / P5-R transmits impulse the effector the to / muscles P6 - impulse generated themuscle is in fibre, /effector causing to contract it P7- Allow the manto run I fightthedog

1 I

Any 6

Role of endocrinesystemand nervoussystemin regulation of body temperature: Role of endocrine system: P1-Whenthe body temperature increase/ higher than normal / 37C P2 -Thyroid gland /Adrenal gland secretes less thyroxine / adrenaline( hormone) P3 - Decreases metabolicrate ,( Less the generationof heat in the body / P4 - decrease body temperature the back to normal I

1 I I


P1-Whenthe body temperature decrease below / Normal/37C P2 - Thyroid gland /Adrenal gland secretes more thyroxine / adrenaline( hormone) P3 - increases metabolic rate , (thus increases the the generationof heat in the body)


P4 -thus increases body temperature the back to normal3TC Role of nervoussystem: Pl -When the surroundingtemperature increase, changeof the surroundingtemperature is detectedby (thermal) receptors(in the skin) P2 - The receptorproducesimpulse P3 - the impulse is then sentto hypothalamus which initiatesthe negativefeedback mechanism P4 - that will bring about : sweating, P5 - vasodilation P6 - lowering of skin hairs OR

I 1 I

Pl -When the temperature surroundingdecrease , changeof the surroundingtemperature is detectedby (thermal) receptors(in the skin) P2 - The receptorproducesimpulse P3 - the impulse is then sentto hypothalamus which initiates the negativefeedback mechanism P4 - that will bring about : shivering P5 - vasoconstriction P6 - erectingthe skin hairs

I I 1 I

Max 6

Pl - Broken familiesI family problems No supportfrom families memberwhen thev haveproblems P2 - Influence of friend s / peerpressure Persuasion from friends to take drugsto be acceptedby

P3 - Out of curiosity to try Wanting to try and feel how it tasteand its effect P4 -Lack of knowledgeto the dangers the of drugs Lack of information from families/ friends/ adults




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,,i,, , ,,...,,.


Fl -Airpollution Pl - exhaust fumesfrom vehiclescontainsoot/ lead lcarbon monoxide/ oxides of nitrogen/hydrocarbons P2 - Burning of fossil fuels in the combustion enginethe factoriesreleaselarge amountof carbondioxide into the atmosphere F2 - Noisepollution P3 - Caused machinefor logging activities/noisefrom by moving vehicles F3 - Thermalpollution P4 - Glassbuildings trap heat forming heat islands/ increasein surroundingtemperature P5- Hot water dischargefrom the factoriesinto the river nearby F4 -Water pollution P6- Causedby factory waste such as heavy metal lleadl mercury P7 - Logging activitiescause soil to loosenand flow the into the river P8- Soil /sediments deposited the river are in

Any 10




Choose 3 any pairsof F+ E


I I F4: Preservation conservation and protect forests/ swamps//reduce E4 : deforestation. (Thereis more freshair because existence trees) of of F5: Plant more trees E5: to absorbmore carbondioxide F6 : Altemative wastedisposal E6 : Avoid open buming/ Use incinerators bury I biodegradeable waste I I 1 1 I I

max 6




Question I

1 (a) K80603 - Measurin and usin number

All data is correct. Concentrationof salt solution P/o\ Volume ofurine produced(ml)

0 .1 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5

36.4 25.6 20.0 16.6

No respons I wrong response el

Able to state any two observationscorrectly // Fulfill all criteria : When the studentdrinks 0.1% salt solution,the volume of urine producedis 36.4ml. When the studentdrinks 0.5% salt solution,the volume of urine producedis 25.6ml. Whenthe studentdrinks 1.0%salt solution,the volume of urine producedis 20m1. When the studentdrinks 1.5%of salt solution, the volume of urine producedis 16.6ml. Whenthe studentdrinks 0.1% salt solution,the volume of urine producedis the most. Whenthe studentdrinks 1.5%of salt solution, the volume of urine producedis the least.

Accept: Any suitableanswer o Concentration of salt solution (mv) o Volume of urine produced(rv) r Value of mv and rV

Able to state any one observation correctly // state any fwo obseruationsbut inaccurate, 1. When the student drinks O.lYosaltsolution,the volume of urineproducedis more. 2. When the student drinks l.5o/oof saltsolution. the volume of urine producedis less Able to state ideas of observation 1. The volume of urine produceddepends / is on influencedby the concentrationof salt solution 2. Different concentrationof salt solutionproduce different volume of urine No response wrong response /

Any two criteriaonly

Only one criteia I ideaonlv

ii) K80604 - Making inference

: : r ' : : l _r j ._. r ', . .

a J

Able to state any two inferencescorrectly. For observation I,2, 5. Lesssalt in the blood/ blood osmoticpressure decreases, thus water reabsorbed the kidney (tubule) is less. at For observation3,4,6. More salt in the blood/ blood osmoticpressure increases, thus water is reabsorbed the kidney (tubule) is more at

Able to state any one inferencecorrectly // stateany two inferencesbut inaccurate. 1. At low concentration salt solution,the studentproduces of the most urine because lesswater is reabsorbed(into the blood capillaryin the kidney) 2. At high concentrationof salt solution, student producesthe leasturine because (into blood more water is reabsorbed capillaryin the kidney) Able to state idea of inference.

No response wrong response// / only one idea


K80610 - Controllin variables

Manipulated variable: Concentration salt of solution Responding variable: Volume of urine produced Constantvariable Volume of salt solutiondrunk

Method of changingthe maniputat"a variable: Use different concentration salt of solution 0.I% ,0.5oh, of I.0o/o, andI.5 % Determinewhat to observein ttre responding variable: Measure and recordthe volume of urine produced using a measuring by cylinder Method to fix the constantvariabl,e: Fix/Maintain the volume of salt solution drunk at 250m1

- verb -mv - verb -ry - appuatu


- verb(fix) - cv - value

//wrong response only one cor..,ct ll KB0611- Statin the h

Able to statethe hypothesis.o.."ffi l. Thehighertheconcentration saltsolution, lowerthe of the

volume of urine produced. 2. When the concentration salt solutionincreases. of the volume of urine produceddecreases

Criteria o rv . mv r relationship betweenmv and rv rv hasno value

Able to statethe hypothesis inaccffi concentration saltsolution, of increases/decreases of urine volume

Able to state the idea of trypotn 1. If the concentration salt solutionis different,the volume of of urine producedis different 2. The concentrationof salt solution affect/depend volume the of urine produced / wron


l fe) fi) Table


Able to construct a table and record the result of the experiment with the following criteria: Kl - stateall titles with units correctly K2 - transfer all data correctlY K3 - correct calculation

a J

Concentration of salt solution(%")

Volume of urine nroduced (ml)

0 .1 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5 2

36.4 25.6 20.0 16.6

Percentageof urine oroduced (%o) 14.6

10.2 8.0 6.6

Able to constructa table and record any two criteria Able to constructa table and record any one criteria / No response wrong response

KB0606 Communications
Bar chart : refer to page 18 Able to draw a graph according to all3 criteria. Criteria: o P - axis with the correct units o T-correctdata o G - smoothgraph / free hand drawing Able to draw a graph basedon two criteria' Able to draw a graph basedon one criteria. / No response wrong response The graph is drawn according to students' resultsin e(i), even if the answer in e( i )is wrong


KB0608 In a J

n of data Criteria o Relatethe concentration of salt solution drank with the volumeof urine produced o Explanation using -blood osmotic pressure - water reabsorbed into collecting tubuleof kidney/ blood capillary

Able to explain the relationship betweenthe concentrationof salt solution drunk and the percentage urine produced of o The higher the concentrationof salt solution drunk. the lower the percentage urine produced of o The blood osmoticpressure increase . causingmore water to be reabsorbedat the kidney (tubule) (Accept any other correct relationships)

I 0

Able to interpret data accurately but with no explanation Able to state the idea No response wrong response /

K80609 -


Able to state the operational definition correctly.


Osmoregulation a process is the process maintainingthe of water content of the blood / the blood osmoticpressureof the studentshown in this experimentasthe volume of urine producedwhen salt solution of different concentrations drunk. is

o Measurable rv . mv

Able to state operational definition inaccurately. No mv Osmoregulationis a processthat producesdifferent volume of urine Able to state the idea.

Osmoregulation a process is that producesurine

No response wrongresponse l/


K80609- Prediction
Able to predict correctly with explanation.

o o .

volume of urine producedis more than 36.4 ml blood osmoticpressuredecreases causingless water to be reabsorbed the kidney at

Predictionwith value (1 mark) Explanation(2 marks) \-o value in wediction Predictiononly


Able to state any two criteria correctly. Able to state the idea No response wrong response /

Remarks i .

Able to classify all materials and apparatus correctly. Materials Bahan Beaker Measuringcylinder Stopwatch Drinkins cup Apparatus Radas Distilled water Salt solution

6 { :3m :2m 4-5.,1 1- 3{ = 1m

No response wrongresponse ll

0) C)

a -





The percentage urine producedagainstthe of concentrationof salt solution drunk bv the student

o bo


k C)


Concentration salt solution of drunk by the student (%)


2: Question ProblemStatement Able to state the problem statement correctly with ail criteria:

. Manipulated variable pH (of themedium) . Respondingvariable -populationgrowth number Lemnasp. / of Relationship question in form with question symbol[?] ' Sample answers: 1. DoespH affectthepopulation growth/ number Lemna of sp.? 2. Whatis the effectof pH onthepopulation growth/ number of LemnaspJ
Able to state the problem statementwith two criteria. Able to state the problem statementwith one criteria or idea No

Criteria -Mv - Rv - Relationship in question form with question marks

a J

Able to state the hypothesiscorrectly according to the criteria ' Manipulated variable r Respondingvariable r Relationshipbetweenmv and rv Sampleanswers: 1. pH 7/ neutral medium is the most suitable for the population growth/ number of Lemnq sp. comparedto pH Slacidjcmedium and pH 9lalkaline medium. 2.The populationgrowth / numberof Lemna sp. is the highestin pH7lneutral medium comparedto pH Slacidicmedium and pH 9 /alkaline medium. 3. pH7 / neutral medium most suitablefor the population growth/ number of Lemna sp.

Criteria - Mv - Rv - Relationship of mv andrv

Able to state the hypothesiswith two criteria Sampleanswers: L pH is suitable for the increasein population / growth / number of Lemna sp. 2. Neutral medium / pH 7 is most suitable for the population / numberof Lemna sp.

1. No value for mv 2. No valueof rv


Able to state the idea of the hypothesis. Sampleanswers: 1. pH affectsthe population of Lemna sp. 2. Populationof Lemnasp. depend pH on No response wrong response /

No value for mv or rv

Variables: Able to state the three variables correctlv Sampleanswers: Manipulatedvariable:pH (of medium) llpH 5, pH 7 andpHg //acidic medium, neutral medium and alkaline medium Respondingvariable : The population growth / number of Lemna sp. Constantvariable : Plant species volume of medium used/ // concentrationof nutrients/ temperature / light intensity / time for counting the population / numberof Lemnasn. Able to stateanv two variablesco Choose

one for cv

Matenals and
a )

Able to stateall functional materials/ 5*materials* 3*apparatus for the experiment. Materials: *Lemna sp.,*distilled water. dilute hvdrochloric acid, sodium hvdroxidesolution,Knop's solution . *Beaker // petri dish // container, nqeasuring Apparatus: cvlinder, pH piper / meter. Able to stateall functional materials/ 5*materialsf 2*apparatus for the experiment. Materials: *Lemna sD.,*neutral medium , acidic medium, alkaline medium,Knop's solution. *Beaker // petri dish // container, pH paper / meter. Apparatus: Able to state all functional materials lS*materials + l*apparatus for the experiment. No response wrong response /

Functional materials are underlined


Procedure: Able to statefive procedures PI,P2,P3,P4 andP5 correctly.

P1:How to setup theapparatus the P2: How to operate constant variable

P3: How to operate manipulated the variable P4: How to operatethe respondingvariable P5: Precaution Accuracv / (1P3)

Ableto state three fourof anyprocedures:Pl /P3 lP4 lP5 or /P2 correctlv Ableto state of anyprocedures P2/P3/P4lP5correctly two :Pll
Able to stateone of any procedures PI,PZ, P3, P4 and P5 correctly No response wrong response /

Sample answer: I Choose Lemna sp.of the samesize.

Pl P2 P2 2 . Choose// take three petri dishesof the samesize. P1 P2

a J.

Label the petri dishesas A, B and C. P1

P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 PI P2 P3 P5 P1 P3 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P1 P2 P1

4. Pour 5 ml of distilledwaterinto petri dishA, 5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid into Pl P2 P3 P2 P5 P3 petri dishB and5 ml of dilutesodium solutioninto petridishC. hydroxide P2 P5 P3
5. Test the pH value of each solution using pH paper (and record in a table). P3 PI 6 . Pour 5 ml of Knop's solutioninto eachpetri dish. Pl P2 P2

petri dish. 7 . Put5 Lemnasp. into each Pl P 2 8 . Recordin a table.

P1 9. Placethe petri disheson the tablelnear the window in the laboratory. Pl P2 10. Count the number of Lemna sp. after 5 days. P4 P2


11. Calculatethe population growth rate of Lemna sp. by using the formula P1 P4 Populationgrowth rate: Final numberof Lemna sp. - Initial number of Lemna sp. 5 davs 12.Repeatthe experiment/ steps1 until 11 to get the average result P5 13.Observe and recordthe result.

P1,P2, P4 P5



Able to constructthe correcttable with titles and units basedon three criteria.

Numberof Lemna sp.

The population growth rate of Lemna sp. (number

Able to constructthe correcttable with anv two qiteria. No response wrong response /

Note: 1. Accept any other functional experiments. 2. Pleasetake note that variable and datawill vary accordingto that functional experiment.


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