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Asri Sunda Basin Asri Basin is one of the Sunda ideogeosynclines Tertiary Sundaland stable borders.

Twenty-one prospects have been drilled since offshore exploration began in late 1968 with the oil and / or gas is found in 52% of the business. A north-south Horst and graben framework on rough surfaces set the Late Cretaceous erosion, deposition, and growth throughout the Tertiary tectonic in all but the northeastern extremity basin. Volcanic and sedimentary rocks are fluvial deposits early. The amount of sediment influx is mainly responsible for the sinking graben block differential during the early development of the basin and produce thick sediment delta during the early Miocene. Downwarp backdeep followed by the invasion of the sea through the parts of the island in the next selatant geanticline. High tectonic blocks prevented the attack segments of the basin during the early development of the basin. With continued deforestation and downwarp, violation of the expanded Miocene basin Sunda .. Local high areas persist, but violations continue to dominate. As the basin filled segment, flat surface precipitation developed nearby. Slight. Slight decrease in sea level produces regional regression, followed by a large breach in the post-mid-Miocene .. The end of this period the second transgressive, most disconnected ideogeosynclines be one geosyncline area around Sundaland. Final regional regression occurred in late Miocene, culminating in the emergence of a complete during the Pleistocene. Worldwide Pleistocene ice melted hollows caused resubmergence to present sea conditions. Production has been established at intervals of goods manufactured in Sumatra. Major new pay has been established in the Oligocene volcanic tuffs and Oligocene-Miocene sandstones of the Gutters Root. Possible commercial shows have been found in Miocene limestone Batu Radja transgressive and weathered bedrock. Major oil production indicated Air Benakat sandstone body. Gas production has been established in Limestone Parigi.

By:Gumirlang Sucahyo

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Sunda Basin is an extension of Java northern basin or subbasin called beautiful. Sunda Basin is relatively small basins formed during the Cenozoic. Sunda Basin is derived from the back-arc deposentrum or referred to the back of the bow deposentrum Java. From the perspective of exploration results, sunda mature basin is a particularly hollow. From the results of exploration in areas thistle and other similar field in the northern sub-basin beautiful (1980's to 1990's) shows that in the reservoir in the northern part of the sub Asri (reservoir Gutters Roots) will be able to refound the potential presence of petroleum . The eastern part of the sub basin Asri rare to do exploration pengebaoran widely. Because since the beginning of the syn-rift in the area. And to know the potential that exists in that region will require further evaluation in the field of exploration.

Asri Basin which is located approximately 180 km to the north off the northern coast of Java and about 140 km to the east off the southeastern coast of Sumatra, with water depths of about 20 to 25 meters. Asri Basin is shaped half graben structures trending north-south that is part of a series of structures with the main orientation direction northwest-southeast composed of Asri Basin area to the southeast into the area until the
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direction of Arjuna Basin in Central Java. Boundary faults of the basin half-graben is visible as an arc until hurul L which can be explained as a result of the movement of a motion transtensional shear fracture (wrenching). This sliding movement is probably the main movement in the early Tertiary before the compression due to movement of the time after Oligocene subduction. As a result of the sliding motion that they form a north-south trending faults that control the deposition of synrift rocks in the basin half-graben. Sectional shape of simple Asri Basin often makes people think that the formation of these basins has a rift forming process is simple, but detailed analysis of the structures that form Asri Basin produces a thought that the development of structures that form the Asri Basin is not as simple shape. Asri Basin is not a result of a motion to open a modest but is the result of a transtensional motion. Asri Basin formation is divided into two main phases, namely phase of Paleogene Rift which is divided into the pre-rift (infra-rift) and phase and phase Neogene synrift Post Rift. Pre-rift phase began with penelusupan (subduction) of the Indian Ocean plate under the Sunda plate on the Continent until the Late Cretaceous Paleocene. Furthermore, the Early Eocene when continental plates are interested because the sliding motion stretching and bending (sagging) occurs puddles. Bending forming sedimentary basin filled by the river (fluvial) keeps going up then the surrounding area was covered by water and lake basins and settling into fine sediments such as shale-lempungan (Banuwati Formation). Synrift stage begins with terpatahkannya lithosphere and form the northwesttrending fracture southeast which then forms the arch or form sharp angles like the letter L. Cracks are forming limit for the formation of half-graben basins and alluvial fan sediments can be found along the fracture. This phase begins with the removal and erosion resulting in some lack of harmony a local angle, further sedimentation is more influenced by movements in the major rift faults and produces thick sedimentation and not symmetrical. Once the fault movement stopped, then began the sedimentation of rocks in an environment influenced by tidal sea water because sea level continues to rise from the Oligocene to Early Miocene. The next stage of Neogene-Post Rift started with diendapkannya rocks in the marine environment (marine) from the melampar Gantar Formation to the basin in the northwest Java, so it stratigraphy of these areas will have the same stratigraphic arrangement. Performed structural analysis produces an understanding of the interior structure of the Asri Basin showing the development of a pattern of segmented shear fault structures that affect the formation Banuwati which is pre-rift sediments Palaeogene age. The development of the structure is then covered by a transtensional motion seen in seismic section shows a sliding motion at an early age (Plio-Pleistocene), which forms the southern boundary of the Basin Asri.

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Stratigraphy Stratigraphy Bandung area is the result of volcanic activity from early Tertiary to Quaternary, other than that revealed non-volcanic sedimentary rocks. Formation Rajamandala In geology, the only non-volcanic sedimentary rocks exposed in the west of Bandung Basin is Rajamandala Formation (Sudjatmiko, 1972), which is composed of limestone, mudstone, marl, sandstone and quartz-old Oligocene. Formation and Formation Jampang Citarum In geokronologi, volcanic rock identified since the age of about 59 million years ago (58.999 1.94 Mya., Middle Paleocene) and 36.9 Mya. (36.881 3.96 Mya., Upper Eocene), which is found in the Cupunagara, east of Mount Tangkubanparahu (Bronto DRR., 2004a, b). Volcanic rocks Middle Miocene (12.0 0.10 Mya.) Were found from the data geothermal drilling, seen as the bedrock of Mount Wayang (Pertamina, 1988). This volcanic rocks from Early Neogene (Sudjatmiko, 1972). Formation Beser Further volcanic rocks of Pliocene age (4.36 0.04 Mya. - 2.62 0.03 Mya.) Complexes found in Mount Malabar - Papandayan (Katili & Sudradjat, 1984), and Paseban Selacau south Cimahi, Cipicung and kromong in Banjaran - Ciparay, South London (Sunardi & Koesoemadinata, 1999). According Alzwar DRR. (1992) volcanic rocks at Mount Kromong and Soreang include Beser Formation.

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Dam (1994) found that deposition in the Bandung Basin itself that began around 126,000 years ago, a rock klastika volcano and lake sediments. Analysis of absolute age paleosol beneath the bedrock is estimated as the Bandung Basin gives an average age of 135 000 years ago. In between paleosol and Bandung Basin sedimentary rock bottom there are many layers of volcanic ash tefra or. It indicated that the activities of volcanism that began forming Bandung lake. Furthermore, researchers said that the lake was formed by four stages Bandung. Lake Bandung four phases formed about 20,000 years ago, but the remnants of the basin there are up to 16,000 years ago. At this time the area was the lowest part of Bandung Basin and is often flooded in the rainy season. In the area of North London, aged Quaternary volcanic rocks are divided into the Old Quaternary volcanic rocks, volcaniclastic rocks irreducibly young and young volcanic rocks Tangkubanparahu (Silitonga, 1973). Deposition pyroclastic flows expected as a result of Sunda caldera eruptions and known generically as mineral tras Lembang have age 38,300 years (Hadisantono, 1988). In South London, Quaternary volcanic rocks are divided into many units, such as volcanic rock Guntur, base and Kendang, Mandalawangi volcanic rock and volcanic rock Malabar (DRR Alzwar., 1992). Eastern Bandung, ranging from the Sumedang, Nagreg to Garut, entirely composed of Quaternary volcanic rocks (Silitonga, 1973; Alzwar DRR., 1992). Cone shape volcano that is still quite unclear include Mount Tampomas, Jarian Hill, Mount Kareumbi
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(Karenceng Mountains), and Mount Mandalawangi, while the volcano is tereosi information including altitude volcanic rocks to the east of Mount Kareumbi to Nagreg put into Volcano rock units irreducibly. Volcanic Stratigraphy From the analysis of Landsat imagery, research trips and Radiometric dating can be identifi ed volcanic cones that reflect the oldest to the youngest volcano stratigraphy. Refers to the distribution of rock units within the volcanic stratigraphy Stratigraphy Password Indonesia (Martodjojo and Djuheni, 1996) explores the source of the eruption of the volcano. Lithological composition parameters are not strong enough to be dividing lithologies, because in the activity of a source volcanism volcanic eruptions can produce different compositions. Instead, the eruption and age of different sources can produce similar rock composition. According to sources eruption, volcanic rock in the South London area can be divided into nine lithologies plus pyroclastic lithologies Pangalengan (PP) and Alluvium deposits.

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