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Fitting Ellipse to a set of points using RANSAC

Fitting Ellipse to a set of points using RANSAC

We had looked at RANSAC algorithm for line tting earlier. Let us look at using RANSAC algorithm for tting a set of points to a circle and ellipse. The main aim if to look if RANSAC algorithm can help reduce the eects of outliers in the data. The changes from line tting are the model used for tting ellipse and the function used to calculate error. We use Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses method proposed by A. W. Fitzgibbon, M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher This given the coecient of ellipse equation.These are then converted to geometric paramaters of ellipse. To calculate the error we calculate the distance of the data points from the modelled ellipse. The points whose distances are below specied threshold are set as inliers while points that are far away are set as outliers. One problem with RANSAC is that it gives dierent results in dierent runs on the same data. Hence is not reliable if there large number of ouliers due to noise or ellipse tting is required to be used in applications like obtaining shape descriptors etc.

Fitting Ellipse to a set of points using RANSAC

Ellipse Fitting to a Set of points 1

Ellipse Fitting to a Set of points 2

1.1 References


References Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses method proposed by A. W.

Fitzgibbon, M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher



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