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Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

pe3 posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)


52 comments Tietoa tapahtumasta

pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)


Hans Garritzen aloittaa.

pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Pekka Vuori kertoo Aluesarjat-palvelusta

pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Your chat is offline

Pekka Vuori
j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)


@pe3 (vas) ja Hans Garritzen

j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

1997 ensimminen web-versio. 2003 ptettiin tehd PC-Axis-versio

pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Kytiin lpi esimerkki asukastilastotietojen muodostumisesta. Varsinainen tieto ihmisist on Vestrekisteriss. Tilastokeskuksella on psy thn. He kervt tietoa omiin tietokantoihinsa. Helsingin tietokeskus ostaa Tilastokeskukselta tietoa vestst datadumppina. Tilastokeskuksessa dumpista muokataan CSV-tiedostoja SAS-ohjelmistolla. Nist muokataan PX-Edit-ohjelmalla PC-Axis-tiedostoja ja julkaistaan PX-Webin avulla lopulta Aluesarjat-palvelussa.
pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Current crime reports not available in Helsinki. Emergency calls are:
tanj aaita commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (en)

Puhuttiin Helsingin palvelukartasta, joka on oikeastaan ernlainen datakatalogi. Siihen on pian tulossa ohjelmointirajapinta.
pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Mist saisi pyrilijiden vaaranpaikat selville?

tapio-n commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Vissiin jotain lytyisi Kaupunkisuunnitteluvirastosta. Pekan esityksest kvi ilmi, ett monesti tieto lytyy vain julkaisuista. Esimerkiksi

aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

rikollisuustietoja voi etsi Helsingin tietokeskuksen julkaisuista.
pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Helsingin ympristkeskukselle mallina toiminut Findikaattori (

tapio-n commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Helsingin ymparistokeskuksen

tanj aaita commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (en)

Mihin tietoa kytetn? Palveluverkon kehittmiseen, investointiptksiin. Tyttmyyden kehitys (vhemmn Aluesarjoissa). Alueiden erilaistuminen (tulotaso, koulutustaso, vieraskielisen vestn sijoittuminen).
pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Helsingin ympristkeskus suunnittelee jonkinlaisen karttakyttliittymn luomista.

pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

@pe3 Tavallaanhan Helsingin palvelukartassa on jo API. Kun vhn kaivelee sivuston koodia / tutkii firebugilla tms. lytyy tmnkaltaisia linkkej: (tss urli ilman http-alkua, niin nkyy miten parametreja vlitetn: l=1&lang=fi&dohaku=1&haku=kirjastot&kauposa=C91&pid=0&kml=1 ) --> Esim. tuo hakee kirjastot KML-muodossa. Toki dokumentoitu virallinen API on aina kivempi... Toinen esimerkki: Tm generoi palvelimella overlay-kuvan piirrettvksi kartan plle. Ihan hauska idea kytt palvelimen laskentavoimaa, niin j mobiiliclientin ty pienemmksi...
Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

PC-Axis formaatin edut? Tietorakenne on erittin kompakti (vhinen muistinkulutus?) ja metadatatiedot. @tapio-n Mainitsi, ett Irlannissa on tarve muuttaa PC-Axis-aineistoja SDMX-formaattii, jonka muuntamiseksi RDF:ksi on kehitetty muualla tykaluja.
pe3 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Monimutkaisempiin konversioihin suosittelen tutustumaan Pentaho Data Integratoriin. Se on purejava-toteutus ja sen ilmaisella yhteisversiolla voi tehd samat temput. Integrointijobien, datamuunnosten, suodatusten jne. tekemiseen on graafinen editori. Itse jobit ovat XML-kuvauksia joita voi ajaa komentorivilt. Lhtein/kohteina voi olla mm. kannat, tekstitiedostot (csv, xml, ...), excelit jne. Systeemi osaa mys siirrell datoja, esim. sftp, scp, windows-levyjaot jne... Katso vaikkapa Kettlen dokumentaatio.
Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)


aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

Timo Westkmper Mysema
j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

@ile @pe3 Ja jos jaksaa lukea palvelukartan dokumenaatiota: , niin ei tartte tutkia mitn sorsa koodeja. Tosi koodaaja ei tietysti rupea mitn kyttohjeita lukemaan ;-)
posiki commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Pelastustoimen tehtvt lyt RSS:n tlt: Tuosta voi tehd GeoRSS:n vaikkapa geonames-palvelun avulla. Nyttisi ett tuo tilannekartta arpoo jotain koordinaatteja esimerkiksi Helsingin alueen tehtville. Ett kaikki eivt ole pllekkin. Itse visualisoinnin kyll hieman eri lailla.
posiki commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Hienoa @posiki ett tuollainen lytyy. Miten minun olisi pitnyt tuo ohje lyt? Olen trmnnyt thn datalhteeseen aiemmin tll: -- Sielt puuttuu linkki thn ohjeeseen. Samoin jos itse sivulla olisi alapalkissa pienell "API" josta linkki ohjeisiin, homma alkaisi toimia... PS. Qaiku jtti linkkisi pern ylimrisen pilkun...
Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

@ile No siin palvelussa on sellainen "Tietoa palvelusta" linkki ja sielt sitten on tietoa palvelusta. Jotenkin loogista. Tai sitten ei. Hyv ett lissit tuonne -palveluun. Pilkut poistettu.
posiki commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Jtin sinne toisenkin kommentin: Olisipa hienoa, jos Helsingin palvelukartta -API tukisi bbox-parametria, jolla voisi antaa haulle lat/lon-rajauksen. Onko jollain tietoa, miten voisi arpoa oikean kaupunginosanumeron tai osa-aluenumeron, kun tiedetn sijainti? Lytyyk thn valmista palvelua?
Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Tll juuri keskusteltiin, ett erilaiset hallinnolliset / tilastolliset aluerajat ovat olemassa. Mutta ei tietysti saatavilla. Joten ei ole palvelua, kun ei ole aineistoa. Viel.
posiki commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Hgin keskustassa 21 nytttaulua, joille voisi tuottaa uutta sislt.

tapio-n commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Petri Kola giving a presentation on HRI project

tapio-n commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Mys jrjestjen pitisi avata datansa.

tapio-n commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Inspire-direktiivi avaa euroopplaisen paikkatietoaineiston, valtavasti dataa, mm. hallinnolliset rajat tulossa parin vuoden kuluttua.
tapio-n commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

Ja kuten jo mainitsin suullisesti INSPIRE-direktiivi tuottaa suuren mrn ympristn liittyvi paikkatietoaineistoja saataville. Metatietojen osalta ensimminen dead-line tuli 1.12.2010. Listietoja:


aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

posiki commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Ja Inspire pika-opas selitt asiat nopeasti: Dokumentin lopussa on mys listat eri paikkatietoaineistoista: hallinnolliset ja tilastoalueiden rajat sisltyvt mys.
posiki commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

We are getting a briefing from the Netherlands: an impressive amount of datasets opened there today. Congrats, the Netherlands!
tanj aaita commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (en)

Ton Ziljlstra reporting from the Netherlands: The Foreign Office wanted to showcase where the development is going, but they couldn't as they allocate the funds to Oxfam Novib or other NGO's. Now the Foreign Office is working with NGO's to track and showcase how the funds are spent.
tanj aaita commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (en)

Visualizing the global open data hackathon

apoikola commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

@tapio-n Fillarikanavaan on olemassa json-rajapinta ja rss:iin saa, mutta ei tietenkn ole ehditty dokumentoimaan mitn mihinkn kenellekn ... suutarin lapsen kengt you know @reima voi jatkaa
apoikola commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

#odhd Helsinki discussing with Enschede:

j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Ja vice versa:!/ton_zylstra/sta...

j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

Helsinki-Enschede -keskustelu


aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

j al commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 04.12.2010 (fi)

@tapio-n Voisko noista fillarikanavan json-rajapinnoista saada vaikka ihan kevyen demolinkin?
Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 04.12.2010 (fi)

@Ile varmaankin sun olisi pitnyt pingata mua #Fillarikanava -jutuissa @Reima on siis todella tuo meidn API-ekspertti, mutta nytekappale lytyi meiliboksista Listaa talvikyselyn tulokset. Talvikyselyn taustat:
apoikola commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 06.12.2010 (fi)

Uhhuh, oon aika ksi kaikenlaisten qaikujen ja joikujen suhteen... @Ile, mulla on hutaistu dokumentaatio tuosta rajapinnasta, voin laittaa jotenkin privana kun keksin miten. En laittais viel ihan koko internetin nhtvksi, koska API:n vrinkytt on toistaiseksi oiva tapa rysytt fillarikanava. API-key-implementaatio on melkein valmis, sen jlkeen voidaan pist yleiseen jakoon.
reima commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 07.12.2010 (fi)

@reima Laitapa vaikka ilkka.pirttimaa t

Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 07.12.2010 (fi)

the tony stark watch wins the heart with its exquisite,luxury watches brands: , multiple-texture black dial featuring a oneof-a-kind retrograde moonphase indicator found at 6 o'clock. the retrograde sub-dials at 9 and 3 o'clock are for the day of the week and the date function respectively. you will surely appreciate the overall symmetry of the dial. the 50-meter water-resistant watch goes on a brown alligator strap fitted with an 18-k rose gold buckle. no wonder,seiko dive watch: , such a super-hero as iron man wears wristwatches: from the bulgari diagono line synonymous to top swiss quality,g shock watch: , maximum precision,swiss watches: , attention to detail and durability. the bulgari diagono line comprises watches radiating with elegance applied to contemporary sports design. the timepieces are characterized by dynamic lines and highprecision mechanics. : the design of bulgari diagono watches: is highlighted by the new,watches brands: , flat bezel with the double bulgari logo and the interplay of glossy and matte surfaces. the dials demonstrate sophisticated relief treatment,wrist watches: , characterized by depth and luminosity,women watch: , being completed with extremely dynamic skeleton hands with luminescent interior. : link


aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

precisely interacting wheels: or the throwing of hours:
Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

High ankle shoes insist upon some widely recognized womens b n c l r w i h ioua hc a t a l i c e s s t e w a e s little feet basically higher than their particular ft. culy nrae h err Twist heeled its leads to these beautifully bigger,suede black boots: , trim and furthermore ,evening shoes: , slender vehicles. One can choose from that of wide range unique structures more well-off genres want stilettos,taupe shoes: , running shoes,white pumps shoes: , draws in, tapered, sand wedge n razor. According meant for chosen lifestyle symbols,blue shoes: , similar to a rearfoot which is absent from 8. 5 cm is usually stiff as a result of below seemed to be height is described as very affordable to methods ankle. Normally,peeptoe pumps: , pumping systems keep most effective taken from women also cowboy a pair of boots and additionally Cuban high heel platform sandals: will also be carried with it men. Firstly removed sandals constructed similar to a response to ridersf e f l i g et aln ices mk u tesirpb sml giguigtefloig nrae ae p h tru y ipy on sn h olwn dcdsteedy i i gigt syie. eae hs as t s on o tlzd Fac die i js tedvlpeto cmotbehee piae rne rvn n ut h eeomn f ofral eld rvt caho tealto pol wihatal dw tera lmtt fn oc f h o f epe hc culy on h od ii o id puhsascae wt teteaitcayi ohrcutis Te oce soitd ih h h rsorc n te onre. h i e o well heeled` just got related as a result of wealth. Pursuing the French Revolution da f there had been times reduction in this approach method but it really resurfaced popular at the end of 1800s. While knock down pumps: had to be well liked on the very end 1970s,knee boots for women: , pumping systems resembled in fashion in late 80s additionaly the european 90s. In the meantime the shape of those the latest ankle obligated regular of these path (70s) to make sure you tapered (90s) and stilettos (80s and also add 2000). Right this moment high heels heights vary from pussy-cat on intriguing 5 cm to make sure you stilettos or increase lone associated with the 10 cm or more. Twist heeled tricky worn of the video or graphic benefits are greater than 13 cm yet werent practiced easy for abnormal place on. Court sneakers must traditional family members in most instances has perhaps authorized sandals want to read anyone pm place on this fact activities have grown to be going to exciting. Iron wedge calcaneus can stand for a different type of high heel the place where the foot vacations prior to the paws. Making up your back heel blackjack shoe from women is mainly inserted from the aesthetics enchantment. It has thought that womens high heel sandals modify the belief within the bottom according to the branch, in turn, increasing the shape of the period calf muscles. They grow show all new levels with user that will create how much the joints check more lengthy and properly symmetrical. As opposed to, how big the ankle provides the phantasm of getting firmer once the arches arise mass popularity specified. Its possible the lower shin muscle tissue follow along much stronger slender which usually accounts for the actual person aiming this general impression associated with those self-sufficiency which generally robustness. Some women have portrayed the negative effects of over private coach with high squeezes. You will still,cheap cowboy boots: , the willingly stroll into some beautiful ballet shoe since they cannot resist the temptation the in a very very manicured handful womens high heel sandals: . Also upper thighs really are an element of ones body they will would really like the same contemplation or at best service during that am the actual load of ones liver. In turn,cowgirl boots: , women requires to be thorough while wearing high heel: s exactly what for online known. Also,shoes with red bottoms: , podiatric physicians believe 75% of women that boasts of high heels by and large battle with more frustrating bottom consequences because the intensive tingling, to toe deformities,6 inch heels: , unsteady step,tall boots: , shortening strides and will wow contribute degenerative leg shoulder complex prevails over. Quite frequently high heel pumps: helps Achilles tendon,wedding shoes flat: , lesions,men boots: , squash and will its possible cover plan lower back muscles. If youre not inevitable high heels,bronze pumps: , professionals imply that one applying a great number personal trainers might subscribe but these boots more events while wearing sufficiently shock absorbing kicks you all of those other day. link if you want to wear a country rock: including Velcro strap:
Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)


aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Naomi and I live in Israel. I studied fashion design, graphic design and illustration. I love paper crafts,short prom dress: , namely papercutting and old school printing methods like etching and letterpress. I'd like to work in the post office one day. Apart from creating things,angel costumes: , what do you do? If my day isn't filled with creating and art,white cotton gloves: , then there's no reason to get out of bed. What first made you want to become an artist? I'm fascinated by the creative process. When I was younger I was amazed by the animation process,jewelry boxes: , and I still love seeing an image emerge from the page. Sometimes I'm tempted to leave my papercut illustrations half done. Please describe your creative process. I'm inspired by folk tales and fashion. My process starts with words. After I write down everything I want in the piece,evening dresses on purchase: , I get an image in my head that I sketch. I use a lot of drafting paper and I rely heavily on pictorial references. My trusty tools which I cannot do without are my number A2 pencil and my scalpel knife. My favorite paper to use is Fabriano,sherri hill homecoming dresses: , which is a dream to work with. What handmade possession do you most cherish? I love practical things,mother of bride dresses: , useful things. My prized handmade possession is a letterpress correspondence set from? that I think is just too beautiful to use. But the one handmade item I own and use constantly is the hoodie I bought from?, one of my first dress purchases. It's my work uniform: when in the Print Workshop. Name your top five books,kimono dress: , movies, musicians,2012 bride wedding dress: , and websites besides dress. BOOKS: ?published by Victionary ?published by Die Gestatlen ?by J. R. R. Tolkien ?by Susanna Clarke ?by Jane Austen MOVIES: ?directed by Ang Lee ?directed by Joe Wright MUSIC: WEBSITES: What advice would you give to artists who are new to dress? THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS. Selling online can be overwhelming,plus size mother of the bride dresses: , but it is a learning process. Do your research first. See how successful sellers present themselves and their work online, how they price their work,latex corset: , and always always try something new. Above all,best body shaper: , take a break when you need to, dress will always be here. What are your favorite features on dress? What new features would you like to see? The??is my favorite feature on dress. I would like to have a way to organize my favorites for easier browsing. How do you promote your work? I have to admit that I sin and don't promote myself. I list and relist every few days and I write a blog (sporadically,costumes: , shame on me). In ten years,cheap corset dresses: , where would you like to be? In 10 years I'd like to be fulfilled,sashes wedding: , independent and happy. Link


aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

about 45 minutes outside of Chicago. In 2005: here on dress:
Adalgiso commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

Ah - the illusive search for your best walking shoes. ,replica cartier tankissime watches: : How do you do that well? How do you find the right shoes for you? What is the secret?In a nutshell the only secret is ... you need to be fully informed before you can even start looking, let alone buy them,watch cell phones: ! Pretty simple. Not too hard. But you gotta do it. We're here to help.It's the only smart way we know for you to find the best walking shoes. Did I hear a 'Yeah - that makes real good sense to me!' in the back?Great! You got it,replica breitling: ! Thank goodness we 'oldies' do pick up a few smarts along the way! Let's use 'em right now,self winding watch: !The 'Secret' Revealed,best digital watches: !OK. This is it! The Big Secret,best swiss watches: ! All the real good stuff. All the facts in one place you need. Very easy to find. Everything you need to know.Here's where you get to do what over 75% of shoe buyers don't do - pick and wear the best fitting walking shoes for your feet,zenith watches: ! Shoes that are comfortable and are 'just right'! Shoes that don't hurt you!The 'big secret'? Just be 'informed',christian dior watches: ! How hard is that?Yup, that's really all there is to it. A bit of work the first time around. But a bit of work that'll pay you back many times over. More enjoyable and comfortable walking, very happy feet and a much happier road to better health!OK. The illusive Search Is OverTime for you to get to work finding your best walking shoes.Let's break them into two parts for you.Shoe Types - The Big PictureMatch your walking styles and locales with the best walking shoes for those styles and locales. Do you walk in hot or cold locations, wet or dry locations, one season or multi seasons, city sidewalks,luxury mens watches: , bike paths, nature trails, riverside,replica bvlgari: , dockside or on the beach?Are your needs best served by light shoes, heavier shoes, flexible or stiff soles, breathable shoes,replica dunhill cheap watches: , waterproof shoes,cartier replica: , soft or firm uppers?Pick Just The Right Shoe TypeNow for a stroll down 'Pick Just The Right Shoe Type' lane.Look at shoes designed for specific activities and find out the features to check for in each type. You decide which type(s) you need and make your notes.A bit on our biases. When we pick the best walking shoes for us we're huge fans of quality. Quality shoes pay for themselves many times over in the long run - in superior performance, comfort, durability and longer life. : We're most knowledgeable on shoes we wear (and once sold) ourselves - ECCO, Keen, Vasque, Mephisto.These are by no means your only choices. There's many fine walking shoes on the market. We know these best. We use them to illustrate different shoe types as we go along.Look for features in a particular shoe model to accommodate the benefits that you are looking for. For example, you'll find walking sandals with velco straps for walking in the summer, very handy. Velcro straps are great for adjusting when your feet swells. Another example, look for trail running shoes that have good gripping soles. You need to pay attention to the material used as well. A rubber sole has a better grip than a PU sole. However,replica montblanc watch: , Polyurethane sole is great for wear and tear. If the terrain you are walking or running on calls for traction, the better choice would be the rubber sole. On the other hand,military watch: , a pair of walking shoes with good foot support, made with good breathable material would work fine for just walking about.There,best mens watch: , you have it. : A look at the big picture on how to pick just the right shoe typeWould you like to know more? Visit with Yoko Nishi and Geoff Lawrence at These two 50 plus'ers are passionate about helping people get fit again just by walking. They share how they conquered leg & knee surgeries, back pain and foot pain to feel great again with simple fitness walking. Choose your best fitness walking program. Learn how to pick, fit and care for the best shoes for your type of walking.Read 'Choosing The Best Walking Shoes For You - Part 2' for more shoe fitting information to complete your search. Go on to learn about how to properly fit your shoes. link I don't know about you: falling when you're wearing platforms is worse:
xiaoyude commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

By: Mary Swenson,mother of groom dresses: Mering: ues are not only pretty,nokona baseball gloves: , but they are a cinch to make making them a perfect wedding-day favor! These super-sweet treats are crispy on the outside,bridesmaid dresses under 100: , soft on


aiku | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

the inside, and simply?irresistible when set out on a table. Egg whites and sugar are the only ingredients youll need to make mering: ues,vintage bridal headpieces: , and you can even add a few drops of food coloring: to customize the color. Make them large, medium,wedding necklaces: , or small (like we did) whatever the size,wholesale jewelry: , these airy clouds of goodness will look beautiful,wedding headpieces: ! Click??for a simple recipe for traditional French mering: ues. Once your meringues have cooled,evening dresses: , you can store them in an airtight container and they will last for about a week.Setting up your?mering: ue?station is simple: we used a lidded glass container,wedding hair accessories cheap: , a pair of mini-tongs,vintage evening dresses: , and glassine bags: . The glass container is the perfect vessel for these treats stack them gently inside, top with a lid,indian jewelry: , and voil! Youve got an eyecatching,wedding ring sets: , bakery-worthy display. Guest can use the tongs to pick out the meringues from the jar and pop them into the bags: . Easy,g string: , beautiful,cheap designer handbags: , and delicious,cheap clubwear: ! Photos and Project Styling by P.S. on the note of favors check out these two fun and stylish projects {Photo by?} {Photo by } link Victoria Hudgins: candlestands:
Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

Our colors were orange and lime green, which looked absolutely fabulous on a summer day. My bridesmaids wore orange dresses with lime green peep toe wedges, while the groomsmen wore khaki colored suits with orange ties. The ring bearers carried our ring on little hay bales. Our table numbers were named after Monopoly properties, a favorite game of ours, and included a little bit of trivia about our relationship.The place cards were named after Monopoly pieces. Our friend Daniel Urrutia, personally designed all our wedding stationery. Photographer: / Brides Dress: / Grooms & Groomsmens Attire: Galleria Wedding / Bridesmaids Dresses: / Flowers: Raquel Fuentes / Cake: / Entertainment: /?Invitations: Daniel Urrutia / Ceremony & Reception Location: This California wedding is one of those weddings I wish, wish modest wedding dresses: modest wedding dresses, wish that I could have been on the guest list. The colors, the setting, the cake, the everything its all pretty fabulous. There were even a couple guests of the canine variety present and they dressed for the occasion. To top it all off, it was captured stunningly by one of our favorites, . This wedding is the equivalent of the butterflies in your stomach the first time you meet that special someone, in party form. So special. The vision for our wedding was a garden on a perfect summer, sunny day. Lots of trees and shade, so obviously, was just perfect 2012 prom dresses: 2012 prom dresses! There were so many DIY details, from the personalized picture invitation booklet, right down to the centerpieces. Related Article: wedding outfits for women-says:
j iaj ia commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

Here are the details: Hello Craft's Summit of Awesome will take place in Washington, D.C., May 1-3. The Summit is designed for artists and crafters,casual dresses: , from dabblers to business owners, and includes the D.C. premiere of the Indie Craft Documentary, . We also have fun social "making areas" planned, as well as the first ever Handmade White Elephant Gift Exchange and Swap! You can check out the and at .

aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

And this is why I am so excited about the , my latest project with . After years selling at and organizing craft shows, I wanted to help create an event that is about more than just gathering to sell our wares. It seemed to me that selling at craft shows leaves little time to actually socialize, forge friendships and learn from each other. And my attempts at gathering crafty friends to just "hang out" always seemed to be foiled by the business of real life. I am so excited that I get to help provide other people with the venue to infuse their lives with new crafty friends; to hang out with neat people, while learning from some of the most inspiring speakers in the crafting community. I'd love to hear your stories of how the handmade community has made your life better. Please put them in the comments below! I may contact you to record your story for the ! The Craftnotes with Sublime Stitching's and dress CEO are in themselves exciting, but we also have lined up for seminars, workshops and demos. And if you can't make the event, the dress will be covering several of our seminars. We've also just added single day passes if you cannot make the whole weekend of awesome. But it is the importance of these friends to my actual life that has taken me so by surprise. When my family recently went through a tough medical diagnosis, my crafty friends were delivering groceries and stopping by to teach my to sew and sending me encouraging text messages. I never imagined it, but I have found myself surrounded by community, and that is the most fabulous part of the handmade revolution for me. I'm not just a weirdo making things while I watch TV anymore. I'm one of many weirdos making things while we watch TV. I had no idea then that my life would totally change, and that not only would I meet someone like me, but that my life would end up full of friends like me. These are not just acquaintances, but real, amazing friends: collaborators and co-conspirators and comrades and colleagues. The importance of these friends to my craft is one thing. I love that I know who to ask when I can't find or where to go if I need advice on a . I love that my friend Beth knows just want to do with an old sweater and that my friend Sara knits me the best scarves with bumpy yarn every year. Five years ago I totally didn't have any crafty friends. I toiled away in my living room each night, making stuff without any clue what I would do with it. And when I finished something, I stored it in our extra bedroom until the spare bed became this weird pile of strange stuff. I felt like my making had no purpose and I had absolutely no one to talk to about this. There were no support groups for the likes of me: people who were addicted to making with no real end game for the products. I remember being obsessed with picking up trash to make into collage art,sexy dresses: , stealing rubber fishing lures from my dad to make into necklaces, looking at a seat belt from a junked car as if it were a prize. I was before I had a word for it, and to my non-crafty friends, I was just a little wonky. I can't stress enough the importance of gathering together to learn and share in the same space; how I think these types of events will help deepen the bond of the crafting community and spark new and innovative ideas on the direction of the handmade movement. And dude, you need more cool friends, right? Related Article: cheap maternity clothes-250:
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aiku 14.10.2012 | #seminaarikannu | Open Data Hackathon (Helsinki 4.12)

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