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Name of the Game Simpsons Stage 2 Explanation Played like Bull Rush. Two students in. All other students along boundary line. The students on the boundary line mentally pick a Simpsons character of the Simpsons family e.g. Marge, Homer, Maggie, Lisa, Bart When their character is called the student runs across to the opposite boundary line If Simpsons is called all students run. If a student s is tagged they become stationary in members Why is this game important for this stage? Effects of Physical Activity Effects on the body, body temperature, breathing rates, feelings about being active, challenge, satisfaction, enjoyment, achievement, preferences. Ways to be Active Minor games with high level of participation Non-Locomotor Movements Stretch, bend, twist, dodging, balancing Locomotor Movements Running, sprinting, dodging , side stepping Games Spatial awareness, creating space, positional awareness What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? Moving MOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying skills to a variety of familiar and new situations Students use a variety of Locomotor and Non-locomotor movements to play the game. They dodge, weave, sprint, run and stretch. Decision Making DMS2.2 Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member Students decide upon their character. Students choose the most effective way to get across to the opposite boundary line without being tagged Problem Solving PSS2.5 Uses a range of problem solving strategies Students identifies what needs to be done to win the game Equipment and Teaching cues Equipment None Teaching Cues Make sure all students are on boundary line before giving instructions
Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game Castles and Dragons

Stage 1

Explanation Played with whole class group. Boundary is shaped in a square. Each boundary line representing a compass point (North, South, East or West) Teacher calls instructions to which the students respond to accordingly see instruction outline in Appendix 1. The slowest student to respond is out. This game can be elimination. But to extend game play and allow for maximum movement time a tally system can be introduced. Why is this game important for this stage? Games spatial awareness, changing levels, minor games, imaginative games, running Locomotor Skills running, jogging Non-Locomotor Skills Stretching, Bending, twisting, whole body, balancing Ways to be active developing skills for participation in games and activities Effects of Physical Activity benefits of participation, enjoyment, friendship, feelings about being active, before, after, during What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? Moving MOS1.4 Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations Students respond to predictable instructions using basic body movements in the game As game progresses the students will become quicker in response time Communication COS1.1 Communicates appropriately in a variety of ways Students use their body movements to communicate their response to the teachers instructions Equipment and Teaching cues Equipment None Teaching Cues Game best done indoors to reduce teacher voice levels

Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game Copy Me!

Stage Early Stage 1

Explanation Played as a whole class group. One student is the leader. The leader does different actions which the other children follow. All actions are communicated silently. This could be running, hopping, skipping, jumping, crawling, waving arms etc. The role of leader is fluid throughout the game. To change leader the leader taps another student on the shoulder to move command. They put their hand up to signal they are now the leader. The game can continue as long as needed. Why is this game important for this stage? Non-Locomotor Skills stretching, bending, twisting, swinging body parts, balancing Locomotor Skills walking, running, jumping, landing, hopping, skipping Games Spatial awareness, levels, minor games, imitation, miming What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? Decision Making DMES1.2 Identifies some options available when making simple decisions Students make simple decisions in terms of what movement they will choose Moving MOES1.4 Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences Students copy the movements produced by the leader including stretching, bending, running, hopping and walking Students as leaders choose movements appropriate to the game play Equipment and Teaching cues Equipment None Teaching Cues Teacher can start as the leader to give students an idea of what to expect. Music can be included.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game Evolution

Stage 3

Explanation The game is played as a whole class. The aim of the game is to evolve up the scale from bacteria up to superman. To evolve the students must play scissors/paper/rock against one another. However, the students can only play against others in the same evolutionary cycle as them. To show each other what cycle they are in the students use particular movements and behaviours. See Appendix 2 for more detail. Why is this game important for this stage? Non-Locomotor Skills Stretching, bending, twisting Locomotor Running variations, accelerate, decelerate Games Spatial awareness, tactics, strategies Playing the Games rules, tactics, strategies, participation, competition What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? Interacting INS3.3 Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of co-operative situations Students must find partners to scissors/paper/rock with The students need to give of visual cues to show what level they are at so that they can progress through the game Moving MOS3.4 Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations Students move like the animals on the evolutionary scale Equipment and Teaching cues Equipment None Teaching Cues This game can get quite loud make sure a whistle is handy

Part B - INVASION GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part B proforma for each of the 2 invasion game, one page/game, 1 game S 2 + 1 game S 3

Name of the Invasion Game Spider Soccer

Stage 2

Explanation The aim of the game is to get the ball into the goal at the opposite end of the playing field. 7 students per team Playing field set up 10 x7 meters with a goal at opposite ends of the playing field. Students are placed into two teams, with an allocated goal keeper that stays with the goal. The game is played as spiders with students hands and feet on the floor, with bellies up. Why is this game important for this stage? Manipulative Skills kicking, stationary/rolling ball, trapping, passing Games spatial awareness, creating space, positional awareness, minor games, ball games, modified games Playing the Game fair play, team work, benefits of and influences of participation, roles and responsibilities, competition, rules, tactics, strategies What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? Communicating COS2.1 Uses a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups Students talk to each other to determine positions of themselves and the ball Decision Making DMS2.2 Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member Students make individual decisions about when to go for the ball, when to pass and kick the ball. Students make decisions as a group to determine placement of individuals on the playing field Moving MOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations Equipment and Teaching cues Equipment Two goals, boundary markers (cones or rope or walls or lines), Large Soft ball or Soccer Ball Teaching Cues Keep in mind safety concerns remind students to be aware of other students body parts (hands, feet, head etc.)

Part B - INVASION GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part B proforma for each of the 2 invasion game, one page/game, 1 game S 2 + 1 game S 3

Name of the Invasion Game Balloon Grab

Stage 3

Explanation Two teams of six players. The aim of the game is to get the balloon to your team mate in the hoop. Hoops are positioned at opposite ends of the field. The balloon has to touch all team members hands before getting passed to the goal area. See Appendix 5 for field layout. Why is this game important for this stage? Non-Locomotor Skills Stretching, bending, twisting, pivoting Locomotor Skills Running variations, accelerate, decelerate, stop, start, dodging Manipulating Skills- Trapping, passing, using body parts, throwing for distance and accuracy, overarm and underarm throw Games Spatial Awareness, tactics, strategies, trajectory, modified games Playing the Games teamwork, safety considerations, competition, fair play What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? Moving MOES3.4 Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations Students manipulate the balloon using movement skills including hitting, tapping, twisting. Students run fast and slow to keep up with game play Decision Making COS3.3 Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for actions Students make decisions to benefit the team and score points. If decision is not ideal student take responsibility and move on. Equipment and Teaching cues Equipment Balloon, Boundary markers Teaching Cues Game can be differentiated in a number of ways Change balloon to a different ball large, small, soft or hard Add extra ball into game play

K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Personal Identity Lesson 1 My body? STAGE: Stage 1 Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs): Growth and Development GDS1.9 Describes the characteristics that make them both similar to others and unique. Attributes of self and others, experiences, external body parts Communicating COS1.1 Communicates appropriately in a variety of ways Students discuss opinions in a group, paired and class setting Interacting INS1.2 Develops positive relationships with peers and other people. Students have the opportunity to interact with their peers and teacher in different settings. Creative Arts Music, Performing MUS1.1 Sings, Plays and Moves to a range of music Students sing and move to The Hokey Pokey Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Students sing the song Hokey Pokey Introduction: What are we learning about today? Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Grouping: Students stand in circle Students identify their body parts through song and action Teacher sees if children can guess from the song what we are learning. It they dont teacher explains we are learning about our bodies and how they are different and the same. Grouping: students sit in circle Whilst students name body parts (hands, feet, arms, head etc.) , teacher will write them on cards and lay them in front of them After they have named as many as they can think of teacher asks for a volunteer to lie in the middle of the circle. Teacher holds one card up at a time and asks students to place a card of the student in the middle of the circle. Butchers paper, coloured pencils Resources Interactive White Board YouTube link om /watch? v=UDmCSvqhhoI See Appendix 3 for song lyrics Blank cards, Permanent Marker

Introductio n 5 mins

Body 5mins

Discussion: What body parts did we just sing about? Are there any more you can name? Activity: Can we find them on a body?


5mins Question: Does everyone have the same body parts? Do all

body parts look the same? Think/Pair/Share: Look to the person next to you what is the same and different? Group Work: What do our body parts do? Grouping: Students are in groups of 4 or 5 Student in their groups are given a body part (head, hands, feet, knees). They will trace their given body part on the butchers paper. Students will then brainstorm what we do with that body part. The students can either draw or write what they think on the butchers paper around the traced body part. Grouping: Whole Class Groups come back and show the class what they have brainstormed. Teacher asks can anyone think of other ways we use our body parts. Teacher sums up the lesson Discussion: What have we learnt? Lesson Evaluation Did the lesson cover all outcomes and indicators? Was the choice of materials appropriate for the content of the lesson? Was the activity too simple? Were the instructions clear? Did the students understand the task? Did the students enjoy the lesson? How would I change this lesson for future use? Where do I take the students now?


Conclusion 5mins

Presentation: What did we brainstorm?


K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Road Safety Lesson 1 Bikes STAGE: Stage 3 Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs): Communicating COS3.1 Communicates confidently in a variety of situations Students work as a whole class and in groups. Students express their ideas confidently in these groups. Interacting INS3.3 Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations. Students work together to achieve a group result and understanding Safe Living SLS3.13 Describes safe practices that are appropriate to a range of situations and environments Students look at bike safety in terms of gear and riding environment English Writing WS3.9 Produces a wide range of well-structured literary and factual texts for a wide variety of purposes and audiences using increasingly challenging topics, ideas, issues and written language features Students write a recount about their own biking experiences Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Discussion: What is a bike? Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Grouping: Whole class Teacher gets students to think about what a bike is. Can they draw one collaboratively? Get students to draw one element at a time on the whiteboard to create the bike. Once the students are done, get them to look at the drawing and see if they have missed anything (brakes, lights, handle bars?) Why does the bike need all of these things? Resources Whiteboard, Whiteboard markers

Introductio n 5 mins

Body 5mins
Discussion: Who rides a bike? Where do you ride it? Do you ride alone or with others? Grouping: Whole Class Teacher leads discussion. Butchers paper, texters,


Group Activity: Riding Rules?

Grouping: Groups of 4-5 students Brainstorming activity what safety rules would we need if we were riding in the park or on the road. What are the similarities and differences? Grouping: whole class Students come back and talk about what was discussed in their groups

5 mins

Video: Amirs Story

Grouping: Whole class Students watch video on Amirs experiences with bike riding on the road.

Interactive Whiteboard connected to the internet hink /education/early-yearsandprimary/pupils/over7s/watch/amirs-story/

5 mins

Discussion: Amirs story

Grouping: Whole Class Teacher lead discussion. What happened in the story? What did Amir do wrong? What safety equipment did he wear? What did he not wear? What safety equipment do you wear whilst riding? Grouping: Individual Students write a recount describing their experiences with bike riding. Teacher Prompt Questions: Was it a safe experience? What were you wearing? Was your bike appropriately equipped? Was there an adult with you? How did it make you feel?


Student Recount: What are their experiences?

Paper or writing books,

Conclusion 5mins

Wrap Up: Students read written recounts

Grouping: Whole class Students read out their recounts to the class.

Lesson Evaluation Did the lesson cover all outcomes and indicators? Was the choice of materials appropriate for the content of the lesson? Was the activity too simple? Were the instructions clear? Did the students understand the task? Did the students enjoy the lesson? How would I change this lesson for future use? Where do I take the students now?

K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Peer Relationships Making friends Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs):

STAGE: Early Stage 1

Decision Making DMES1.2 Identifies some options available when making simple decisions Students make decisions on their behaviour in the free play element of the lesson Student develop their understanding of positive behaviours Communicating COES1.1 Expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways Students express their understanding of friendship Students show their understanding of appropriate behaviour in friendship Interpersonal Relationships IRES1.11 Identifies how individuals care for each another Students identify how friends look after each other in both everyday life and the book Bear and Chook Creative Arts Music MUES1.1 Participates in simple singing, playing and moving activities Students sing along to The Friendship Song English Reading RES1.8 Identifies some basic language structures and features of texts Students reflect upon how the characters Bear and Chook interact in terms of behaviour and language Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Singing: The Friendship Song Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Grouping: Whole Class Teacher sings through song once. Students copy and sing through a few times until they can sing together. Resources The Friendship Song (see appendix 4)

Introductio n 5 mins

Body 10 mins

Question: What is friendship? What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it act like?

Grouping: Whole Class Teacher draws four columns on white board each with a heading feel, act, sound or look. Teacher encourages students to speak their answers and put them in a column. Look could include Smiling, happy, pretty Acts could include shares, kind, fun Sounds could include happy, cheerful, laughing

Whiteboard, Whiteboard markers

15 mins

Story: Bear and Chook by Emma Quay

Grouping: Whole class Book: Bear and Teacher reads story to children. Chook by Emma Questions: Do you think Bear and Chook are friends? Quay How can you tell that they are friends (Look, Act, and Sound?)? Grouping: Individual Students draw themselves with their friends. Paper, Coloured pencils

10 mins
Drawing: My friends

Conclusion 5mins

Free Play: Playing with our friends

Teacher allows students free play, emphasising what friendship looks, sounds and acts like encouraging the students to use these whilst playing with their peers.

Lesson Evaluation Did the lesson cover all outcomes and indicators? Was the choice of materials appropriate for the content of the lesson? Was the activity too simple? Were the instructions clear? Did the students understand the task? Did the students enjoy the lesson? How would I change this lesson for future use? Where do I take the students now?

K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Nutrition Lesson 4 - Cultural STAGE: Stage 2 Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs): Communicating COS2.1 Uses a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups Students talk, discuss, write and arrange information around the topic of cultural nutrition Decision Making DMS2.2 Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member Students make active decisions about what to research Student make decisions on how to approach and develop their power point presentations Interaction INS2.2 Makes positive contributions in group activities Students work together and individually to find information for their project Personal Health Choices PHS2.12 Discusses the factors influencing personal health choices Students research a culture and their diets. They look into how this traditional diet effects their life style and health Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Question How do other cultures keep healthy? Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Grouping: Whole Class Teacher lead discussion. What do we know of other cultures diets? Are they healthy? What do they eat? Resources

Introductio n 5mins

Body 15 mins
Student Research: Students are given a country to research their dietary habits. Grouping: Pairs This activity can be done with books or on the internet. The student pairs aim is to find a country and look into their dietary habits. The students should look into the similarities and differences between their own habits. Have their cultural diets changed over time? How do they compare to the healthy food plate? Student should also find some pictures of the various foods. Some country suggestions include America, Italy, France, India, Japan, China, Tonga, Mexico Computers/ Library/ Research Books


PowerPoint Presentation: Students create a presentation about their research

As above Grouping: Pairs Students create a power point presentation using their researched information and relevant pictures. They should also use various stylistic features and backgrounds. Students tell the class one interesting fact they have learnt. Unfinished presentations will be continued in the next lesson

Conclusion 5 mins

Reflection: Students reflect on what they have learnt

Lesson Evaluation Did the lesson cover all outcomes and indicators? Was the choice of materials appropriate for the content of the lesson? Was the activity too simple? Were the instructions clear? Did the students understand the task? Did the students enjoy the lesson? How would I change this lesson for future use? Where do I take the students now?

APPENDIX Appendix 1 Castles and Dragons

Teacher stands at front of group in the centre of the boundary lines. The boundary lines represent different compass points (North, South, East or West) When these directions are called the students must run to that particular boundary line. The last one there is out. Extra Instructions Include. Compass Point All students run to the centre of the boundary Long live the King All students stand at attention, hands by their sides. The queen is coming All students curtsey Damsel in Distress Students hold hand to forehead and yell Save Me! Cavalry Students pretend to ride a horse Knight in Shining armour Students unsheathe a pretend sword whilst yelling shwiiing Duel Students pair up and pretend to sword fight with each other Dragon Students drop to floor covering their heads

Appendix 2 Evolution
Students play scissors/paper/rock to move up the evolutionary scale. The evolution scale includes: Bacteria Students wiggle their arms about by their sides whilst walking Eel Students place both hands are together, like an eels head and is moved like an eel swimming Chicken Students make wings with their arms and make chicken noises. Monkey Students jump around like a monkey, making monkey noises like Ooh, Ooh

Businessman Students walk around straight and tall with imaginary brief case Superman Students place both hands straight ahead, running around in an imitation of flying

Appendix 3 Hokey Pokey Lyrics

You put your right foot in You put your right foot out You put your right foot in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around Thats what its all about. Repeat song with the following: Left foot . . . Right/left leg . . . Right/left arm . . . Nose . . . ears . . . or tongue . . . Head . . . Whole body . . .

Appendix 4 The Friendship Song

Sung to the tune of "You Are My Sunshine" You are my best friend, My very best friend, You make me happy,

Every day, You share your great snacks, You share your best toys, So please dont take My best friend away. (, 2012)

Appendix 5 Balloon Grab

Team 1 Team 2

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