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I read several reports about Mitt Romney's different behavior and his changing v iews on issues.

At first I believed that he was a typical politician who would say anything to get into power. Then some analysts suggested that Romney may hav e dementia or Alzheimer's disease, and a case more severe than when Reagan was p resident. After experience with a person with a memory problem, that was similar to the gi rl in "50 first dates", the reports I have been hearing tell me that Romney may have a similar problem. All three had a serious brain injury from an accident. T his problem is caused by a brain damaged link between short and long term memory . Anyone with this problem seems normal for a time period, but forgets everythin g that just happened. The remembered time may be a day or a few minutes. The per son remembers the past from long ago, but not yesterday, or sometimes, not even minutes ago. The way to find this problem is a long conversation with someone, like on a date . When the person repeats topics without realizing it, while just talking, they may have a problem. A person may get lost or not realize that they just did some thing and then repeats it several times. This is what Romney was seen doing. Als o several sources on the web noticed Romney s walk and mannerisms that are also seen on other mental patients with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. To overcome this, a team of friends and loved ones will have to keep him up to d ate. Look for cheat sheets, teleprompters, earphones, or hand signals from suppo rters nearby. They tell where a person is, what to do, what to say, and how to a nswer a question. When this does not keep him on message, he will say anything a nd get himself into trouble. The thing is they really do not remember what they said, so conflicting messages are not deliberate lies. The reports about Romney s mental health are not being picked up by regular news. Th ey are coming from Canadian reporters watching the Romney campaign. These foreig n reporters have not been influenced or bought by power politics. But Rachael M adow mentioned this issue on cable news. If the media sees that the race is alre ady won, they will not get more of the millions in dollars from each side for mo re attack adds. Watch the debates for notes, an earphone, hand signals, or unusual and repeated conversations. If this is only a theory there will be no evidence, but look clos ely so we can avoid a possibly crazy president causing America more damage than George W Bush did. More verification has been found on the web and YouTube. First, the accident tha t Romney had in France in 1968 was much worse than later reported. He was so bad that they thought he was dead. He was in an extended coma, not just a concussio n. And to make it worse the entire incident was covered with lies. Check out Romney brain damage on Google. Also check this link 8/mitt-romney-lied-to-husband-of-woman-he.html This blog shows that almost every detail of Romney s accident was a lie. Compare this with Ted Kennedy s accident. This o ne was covered up by the Mormon church. There are studies that show that once a person has this brain injury, it never g oes away. The patient recovers most of their abilities, but later in life the da mage returns as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. This is being studied by both t he NFL and the DOD, because of recent incidents with athletes and soldiers. Romn ey should have gone to Vietnam instead of draft dodging in France. He might have been better off. I hope that this issue is not kept secret until after the election.

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