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Chapter 1 Introduction

A. Burning Issues
Language as a tool for communicate appear in some kinds, one of kinds of language is Sundanese language. The Sunda language divided into some variety, geographically Sundanese language divided into two types; there are abusive language and smooth language. For example; Cianjur always claimed as a city which has the smoothest Sundanese language than the other Sundanese city, and Karawang claimed as it opposite. This variety of language also distinguished based on speaker and it function. Based on speaker its mean that who used that language, where he/she lived, how his/her social position in the society, and what kind of sex. And based on language function means that the language used for what, in what areas, in what paths and used what tool, and how it formality situation (Abdul Chaer, 2010:62). As mentioned above, variety of language distinguished by what kind of sex of the speaker. Psychologically, male and female has differences in speaking, because mens different hormonal balance means they are more aggressive than women it caused male often used the impolite word than female and female talk more than men; perhaps you have heard people say things like: women never stop talking. Womens talk is often described in terms seldom used about mens talk: gossip, chatter, nag, rabbit, yak and natter a real terms used to refer predominantly to womens conversations. But women very early for behaving politely and putting the needs of others before their own such as

when women talking they are mostly think about their interlocutors feeling, although they claimed never stop talking. Those cases of language style differences that used by male and female also happened when they are speaking using Sundanese language. The differences between womens and mens use of language are remarkably many and varied. For example, there is evidence at the level of phonology. This problem is clearly visible when they are speaking used Sundanese Language. For example: The word anjing famous not only as name of animal but the word anjing used by Sundanese people as daily language which change it phoneme into anying, anjir or anjrit. And these word above mostly used by male than female as an expression of their anger or other expression such as when they are jock.

B. Focus of Inquiry
The focus of inquiry of this research is: how are the differences of language style that used by male and female in speaking Sundanese language?

C. Opening Question
The problem that discuss in this thesis is it right that gender influenced male and female in speaking Sundanese language psychologically. This thesis will answer peoples question about why male more impolite and used the abusive words in speaking Sundanese language than female. 1. Is gender psychologically affected language style that used by male and female in speaking Sundanese language?

2. What kind of Sundanese language style that used by male and female differently?

D. Objective of The Research

The objective of this research is to know the differences of language style (vocabulary choice, politeness, impoliteness, back channel and topics selected for talk, etc.) that used by male and female in speaking Sundanese language, and to know how the way that used by male and female when they are speaking Sundanese language, and to clarify why male often used the abusive word (impoliteness) when they are speaking, and why female always used the smoothest (politeness) way when they are talking.

Chapter II Review of Literature

The Level of Gender Differences of Language use
A. Back Channel Research suggests women are often more active than men in supportive roles in conversation. It appears that women give more back channel support than men do. Back channel support is the verbal and nonverbal feedback listeners give to speakers. Listeners can give feedback by saying things like mmm, uhuh, yeah, by nodding, smiling, frowning and by other body language including gestures and body posture. (Linda Thomas & Friends, 2004) B. Topics Selected for Talk Another way womens and mens conversations appear to vary is in the topics they choose to discuss. Women, it is said, select more personal topics: their family, their emotions and their friendships. Men, on the other hand, are said to prefer more impersonal topics, often based on factual or technical knowledge, such as football, cars or home improvements. These require fewer intimate revelations, and also emphasize the exchange of information as the reason for the conversation. Womens conversations, it is claimed, focus more on the development and maintenance of the relationship between speakers. C. Politeness and Impoliteness As told before, this politeness and impoliteness influenced by male and female psychology, mens different hormonal balance means they are more

aggressive than women it caused male often used the impolite even the abusive word than female and female talk more than male, but female follows the rules of politeness. D. Vocabulary Choice The politeness and impoliteness absolutely influencing male and females vocabulary choice. If male claimed as impoliteness one of course they used the impoliteness vocabulary, for example the word anjing as explained above, mostly used by male than female, or the other example such as word that means Saya in Indonesian language, then in Sundanese language male often used the word Aing or Urang and female used the smoothest word like Abdi or Abi.

Research Finding I:
Gender Differences of language style in Speaking Sundanese

language on Babakan Dangdeur Village Societies, Cibiru, is as follow:

Kind of Gender Male Children Female Male Teenager Female Male Adult Female no no no no no yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes no yes no yes Anjing yes Anjrit no Anjir no Anying no

Based on the analysis above, it can be percentage that male mostly used the impolite vocabulary than female. But there is an exception here: a. Children either male or female in Babakan Dangdeur village also used the impoliteness vocabulary when speaking Sundanese language (Anjing) just because children are best imitator. They imitated what was said by adult, they cannot distinguish which one the polite word and the impolite one. Perhaps the word anjing in their mind was a name of animal or they just following what was said by adult without knowing the goal of the word. b. And teenager either male or female in Babakan Dangdeur village also used the impolite vocabulary when speaking Sundanese language

because of the influencing of association and because the famous word among teenager today is anjir then they used that word.

Research Finding II:

Kind of Gender Male Children Female Male Teenager Female Male Adult Female no no no yes no no no yes yes yes yes no no yes no yes no no yes no Aing no Urang yes Abdi no Abi no

From research finding above, the researcher analyze that the children often used name for mention themselves. For example: Koni mah hoyong uih. Then they called themselves by urang or abi one more because imitated what was said by adult among them.

Chapter III Methodology

1. Pilot Study To apply the provocative research question, the writers conduct a main study to define the focus of inquiry. She began with observing the first main study respondent. After that the researcher held her point of view and tried to capturing problems of differences of language style or language use among Babakan Dangdeur societies. She began observing with keep attention to the language style that used in speaking Sundanese language by society of Babakan Dangdeur while writing the differences of it. The theory that used in this research was supported the study. 2. Instruments The instrument used in this study is observation to main participant directly. The researcher observed, analyzed and compared their language style in speaking Sundanese language when they are conversation. The reason using this instrument is to get the differences directly and easily. 3. Respondent The respondent in this study is society in Babakan Dangdeur village, Cibiru, Bandung. The societies in this village have differences language style when they are conversation used Sundanese language, for teenager and adult male or female the researcher keep attention to the language style that they used when they are chatting using Sundanese language, gossip etc, and for

children the researcher keep attention when they are playing, then the researcher compare the result of observation. 4. Data Obtained The data obtained in this study used field survey and apply it to the theories which get from library study. Field survey is effective to get the differences directly from language style that used by male and female as a society in Babakan Dangdeur village when they are speaking Sundanese language. 5. Data Analysis The result of observation was directly identified into two categories which each category have a relation. Those categories are: 1. Observation on gender differences of language style that used by male and female in speaking Sundanese language on Babakan Dangder village when they are chatting and conversation 2. For Children the observation did when they are playing

Chapter IV Conclusion
In the last chapter, the researcher concludes that male and female have language style differences that used by them in speaking Sundanese language. Male and female also have different way in speaking Sundanese language. One of factors that influenced the differences is psychological factor, either male or female they absolutely have different psychological. To create a good communication in speaking Sundanese language, speakers should know their interlocutors kind of sex or gender.


Chaer Abdul, Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, 2010 Wray Alison, Trott, Bloomer, Project in Linguistic A Practical Guide to Researching Language, America, Oxford University Press, 1998 Linda Thomas, Shn Wareing, Ishtla Singh, Jean Stilwell Peccei, Joanna Thornborrow and Jason Jones, Language, Society and Power An

introduction Second edition London, Routledge, 2004


Name Place/date of birth Address in Bandung : Yeni Elmi : Karawang, 27th March 1991 : Jalan Manisi VI, Rt 04/02, Babakan Dangdeur, Cibiru, Kec. Pasir Biru, Bandung Address in Karawang : Kp. Karajan Rt 07/02, Desa Medangasem, Kec. Jayakerta, Kab. Karawang Work : Student of Islamic State University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Faculty of Adab,


Appendix I Observation Schedule


General age



Observed skill


Jl. Manisi The society in IV, Children Babakan Babakan Teenager Dangdeur village, Dangdeur, Adult Cibiru, Bandung Cibiru, Bandung





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