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The economic future of Europe: the US role.

JVC This is the fourth and last article about the European economy. Question: this paper starts from the question of Jack Ewing [IHT 25-26-08-2012 p.1], who caused this crisis anyway? Who: Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel When: with their decision-making for the reunification of Germany How: Norbert Walter, former chief economist at Deutsche Bank, says that the Bundesbank set a neat convergence of the two economies (GDR and FDR,) and the Bundesbank was opposed to the speed and parity, but Kohl and Merkel wanted immediate political gains. Result: 10 years of red numbers in the current account, and high labour costs. Here begins the tumour. The German solution: cut the salaries, strict monetary policy, and adoption of the euro to avoid through change. Consequences: Krugman explains it perfectly; for the German society has represented the destruction of the socio-economic model of the post-war period; it was devoted the logic of profit and inequality bluntly. He argues that Europe reduces the welfare state because the European establishment hates deeply the welfare state. Max Otte, German economist against euro, always says that the uro has led profits only to the financial oligarchy, and that is against meritocracy. Metastasis: it began with the excess of money in German banks. The economic mismanagement of the German reunification (the tumour), problem never solved, has risen the disease to scatter it across the fresh economies of the South of Europe (metastasis). Correct diagnosis: Poe in his interview to BBC said that German, Austrian, Finnish, Dutch and French banks (creditors) are responsible for this economic crisis, and that Germany is going in its own way. The Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, says that this metastasis is a classical crisis of BOP, the amount of 180bn is the deficit of Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal together. Wrong diagnosis: Many people believe that Lehman Brothers is the cause of this crisis. Europe was seriously sick before Lehman Brothers. Caution!, Lehman Brothers was a flu, which has been added to an already ailing Europe, but no one in Europe wanted to say it because this distraction favours the establishment. Unfortunately, nowadays everyone sees the flu and no one sees that the origin of the tumour is Germany, and the tumour still growing. As well the economist Iannis Varufakis explains, it is an old trick -the German elites have made a legend, which they have translated to the Mediterranean peoples-. Application of Parallel Phenomena (PP) to this situation: The flu of 1919 came from Asia, it was coded "the Spanish flu" (someone had decided that Spain was near to Japan, perhaps using the Apples maps); likewise, the financial oligarchy of Central Europe uses the name of PIIGS to the tired medical analogies of an infection of the North by the contagious South. The Fugger did with the Emperor Charles V the same that Merkel and the German financial oligarchy are doing to the Mediterranean countries. The external force, the Pope, stopped the Fugger, and only the U.S., as the external force, can stop Merkel and her financial oligarchy. After WWI, under Nazis thought, Germany defined the upper and lower races. Now the good leaders, Germany, Austria, Dutch, and Finnish, are doing the same with the Mediterranean countries of the euro. The chief economist of UNCTAD, Heiner Flassback says that for these good leaders, the good guys of this movie are the countries with surplus. Nicholas Sambani, professor at Yale (IHT 27-08-2012 p.8), says that now happens what happened between the two WW, as Europe declines, richer nations will be more likely to identify nationally-as Germans or French- rather than as Europeans.

The governor of the Bank of Austria and member of the executive council of the ECB, Ewakl Nowotny, says that current leaders repeated erroneous theories before the WWI such as the obsession with austerity policies that led to mass unemployment, the collapse of democracy, and helped Hitler came to power with the catastrophe of Nazism. You must remember that Hitler had always on his side Goebbels, Goering, Speer, and the financial oligarchy. Merkel has on her side Schuble, Weidmann, Sarrazin, Henkel, and the financial oligarchy. Guindos in his latest intervention in the London School of Economics repeats exactly the same that Antonio Ramos wrote in his book in 1935, ( You must read it, if you want to understand the Spanish economic crisis, and you will see that Spaniards have no choice in front of the Spanish financial oligarchy (see NYT) and the enarques. You probably never believe that the Liborgate and the 2006 Italian Football Scandal have a parallelism (including the date). UK and US banks manipulated the rates, and several Italian Soccer Clubs manipulated the results of several match. Not equal, but similar, and the common factors in both cases are three words: fraud, money, and the dark triad. The Achilles tendon of the establishment, the euro: everyone has heard the economic music "back to the future", which means back to the peseta, lira, mark, franc, etc.. This music comes from the European establishment. When countries were isolated European citizens had no economic reference to compare among them. The euro has brought transparency, and has shown to us the incompetent and useless financial oligarchy and enarques from each country. Now we can point out the futility of European establishment. This is the reason that we hear voices from Germany, Italy and so on that want to leave the euro zone, because they want to keep their privileges, which have the establishment as entrenched parasite in each country. Summary: #The huge problem of Europe is the treaty of Westphalia, which has created states according to the power of the armies following the guidelines of the fourth dictator, Prussia. #German banking is opposed to be supervised by the ECB. The "Fugger" wants to be out of control in order to keep intact their privileges and "contacts" with the enarques. In fact, both are fighting to keep intact their statu quo, and they prefer to destroy the euro zone before to lose it. For them, Europe is its own oligopoly, which they manage as they want to their own profits. The recent speech by Helmut Schmidt in Munster about Germany is clear about the role of Germany in this crisis. #In my previous paper I have mentioned how the manipulations of the Libor index have ruined countries; on Thursday 7, the IHT published a short report about the extra cost of this manipulation to the North Caroline State with a preliminary estimation over $26bn. In consequence it must be necessary: -to US, that each State must calculate the cost of Liborgate, must persecute the millionaires that have used this information, and of course, Romney must be made clear if also achieved his fortune by Liborgate (tax from 2005 to 2010). -to Europe, any European countries have no idea of how much money have paid for this manipulation due to the enarques are extremely cooperative with the financial oligarchy. European governments must say to European citizens the cost of both manipulations, Libor and Euribor. #Where is the problem between creditors and debtors? It is a question of egos among European establishments, and, the European taxpayers are just here to pay the consequences of these egos. You must observe that there is not responsibility from bankers in the whole euro zone; all the contrary to what happens in the U.S. German bankers like Spanish bankers are untouchables despite having squandered the citizens's money, thanks to the full protection of the whole European enarques. Also, the Spanish enarques have squandered the Spaniards opportunities

and their future. The cost of the economic disaster in Spain to pay interest on debt is 4% of GDP (what the Spanish economy produce in a whole year working hard). #Spain always has been controlled by enarques formed by different branches of civil servants, which is the Spanish huge problem. Here you have different examples: -a civil servant was the head of the CEOE (represents the Spanish business community) for almost 23 years, so, anyone can understand the rate of unemployed in Spain, and the portrait of this kind of CEOs was perfectly explained at an article in the NYT; -politicians (diputados) of the Community of Madrid have to pay 3.55 for a special price lunch, but the students of Primary and Secondary public schools that carry their lunch in a tupperware have to pay 3.80; - Catalonia is the founder of Spain. It was the first attempt to do a European Union. Catalonia struggles as nation and pays with blood, sweat, tears and effort, to be one of the four motors of Europe, despite the continuing destruction by the establishment in Madrid, which obey the sentence of Franco: "the way to destroy Catalonia is the economy". You can see how the enarques obey just reading the Government's proposal of the next year Spanish budget, or "the secret of the fiscal imbalances" (Spanish economists are working with 2005 data). Photographs from NYT are the tip of the iceberg. -many members of Spanish Government beginning by the PM are enarques (civil servants), as they are many MP; -finally, do you imagine Cameron as MP requiring signatures against Scotland, and later become PM?, it is what was happened in Spain, Rajoy (a civil servant) was running around Spain to obtain 1 million signatures against Catalonia, and nowadays is the PM. Conclusion: We must be sure that the crisis of Lehman Brothers was a catalyst that made to get out the tumour of the Europe, and opportunity of the European establishment to give their citizens a false diagnosis of a crisis to cover the establishments mismanagement; European citizens are afraid from this "Prussians financial oligarchy" that wants to control Europe again, and the European citizens needs again the US help, as Pope did in the middle age, to defeat the German diktat and to avoid other Great Depression; in this way: -The US must be sure that the establishment of the EU is only interested to keep their statu quo, and they have enough power to generate other European disaster. Enarques allied with the financial oligarchy (establishment) are enough diabolic to generate a world economic crisis (extrapolation of the PPs model). -The US is the unique external force to kill the tumour and wipe out the metastasis generated by Germany. -It is thanks to the US that we know the Liborgate and not by FSA (UK regulator) or by European regulators (IHT 28-09-2012 Floyd Norris [Conflicts are build into Libor system]), so, demonstrated the useless of European regulators, the US must impose to EU that general attorneys put in front of the Justice the European white terrorists"; also to restructure the European regulators to be effective as their counterparts from US. -The best example to US that EU is a chaos, controlled by the establishment, was shown by the European establishment on the day 12-S, when the first message from EU against to one of the four motors for Europe was: "in case of secession, Catalonia neither will be member of the EU nor euro zone".
The US knows that the establishment of each European country has designed the EU at whim, converting its management in a chaos. The US must believe that this chaos has lit up the people of Catalonia to understand their future, and the Catalonias people want to turn over a whole new leaf. The US must be sure that the main reason is that Spain cant go ahead, because the enarques (civil servants) have stolen the place of the politicians, have kidnapped the country and have murdered the democracy with the absolute support from the financial oligarchy.

-The US must launch a Plan Marshall-2, which must reform the euro zone economically and politically. For this goal, this plan must create real and effective tools to run a federal Europe starting from the four motors for Europe, must defeat the diktat from the Prussians Fugger, and get rid of the useless European chaos of states created from Westphalian sovereignity.

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