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Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Pillars represent Pillars of power, ie, the strength of the government with the help of the god statue seen in the Basilica/building.

Doorway facing usually facing East (Sun fire resurrection)- West (water-underworld death unto Life)

Four God statues between the two Pillars each. Powers of Fire-Water on one side, Earth and Wind on other side.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

World Government with State flags

Gold-Sun god ball on top of building (Helios/Ra)

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Statues of the gods in authority

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

These megalithic Temples, Basilicas, government buildings have a door entry between Pillars to the Pearly Gates of gods abode. Through Pillars of Power and Candle Flames are the Spirit of the Sun god (son of god).Sacrificial Altar & Cross is the Holy of Holies at the end of Hall of Judgment.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Their major civilizations around the world show their Pillars of strength in their government buildings, their statues of their lineage of Elah`im gods, and their icons of authority. 2Kings 17:17 - - they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments (17:19)

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Ancient structure for the son of gods

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Over the gates/doors to the Holy Place showing its Pillars of Power is topped with Sun window, as the Light of god

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Many Pillars >many powers of the Burgs/castle :Bourgeois

Lions/cherubs guarding son of god holding his staff of authority. Sons of Gods are inscribed on front over the Pillars of authority. Over them is the pictures of gods they represent.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Ancient building/temple shows Pillars of authority

four Powers seen on 4 corners with son god over door with 6 + 6 Pillars of Power (12 Olympians or tribes of Israel?)

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Four Pillars guard the two door entry to the Virgin Mother inside the Temple. Then two Pillars with Shell window represents Birth with Sun god over it. Over top would be the Holy of Holies>Spirit of God of the highest.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Four Horses of the Apocalypse carrying the Son of god holding the Sun Cross Spirit with the Eagle -Six Pillars (star

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

points)designate their strength. The Eagle and Cross is seen in all their Burgher controlled civilizations.

12 Pillars-Powers of Son god giving Living Waters to the world. Sun gives life. Sun is always seen as gold -purity.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths


Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Ancient Temple/Basilica displaying Pillars of authority

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Aquila/Eagle designates a particular ethnic group that is in power that also is seen on ancient Sumerian seals

Sun (Spirit of Sun god) Light shines into the glass window onto Virgin Mother inaugurated goddess. Twelve Pillars are for 12 tribes of Ishmael and 12 of Jacob stars Pyramid has 4 sides 3 corners each=12 3Pyramids foundation has 4 points=12

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

From America to China Pillars are seen with gods and goddesses statue.

Entryway to the Fertility goddess

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

People of power

Forbes magazine and Anhauser Bush Eagle

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

The Firmist Pillars of Good Governing Administration of Justice See lineage of the Burghers that operate the system

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

See Judge of mankind sittingon throne over Fertility gate/doors between two Pillars of Authority The type government for civilizations are called the Burgher System. The bourgeoisies people are the Administrators of its Judicial system.

Virgin Mother goddess crowned with glory over the Sacrificial Cross of sin {unto death}. Virgin goddess had no sin -no death!

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Twelve Pillars are 12 Olympian gods or twelve-disciples of Jesus-twelve tribes of Jacobs Israel-12 Olympian gods

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

with Sun in middle of Cross Jesus thrown

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Tri angle roof (Trinity) 3 Sun Windows with 4 angels having 4 powers of Earth over the Pillars of authority 6 candle sticks Sun god HeliosRa over Jesus on cross

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

4 Pillars of Power 2 cherubs holding candle up to the flame coming from Sun god.

Sun Window giving power to son gods standing over 4 Pillars/many chimes symbolic of Pillars located on each side of Fertility Gate that is situated under the Sun Window. AS: Through the Gates (see doorway)of Fertility, sound/music emits up toward the son gods and Sun Window. The music from the heavenly illuminated ones of the spiritual enlightenment give sounds of praise toward the Sun Window.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

It is not the Sun but the LIGHT that gives Coalescence of life. This Light, in Egyptian, is Hathor goddess that gives birth to all living. Queen Mother goddesss with many names are given gratitude be it Mary virgin goddess from Jerusalem, Mari goddess of Living Waters (Lake)of Basque, (virgin) goddess Venus

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Below is the Queen Mother of god protected by cherubs on top of Basilica/ castle-Burg. Overhead is the Sun god Rays

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths


Cross 8 Pillars

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Phallic Pillar with Cross on top Phallic >Fertility to rebirth> Cross

4 Pillars of Life(fire, water, air, dirt) with a Fertility Gate of Flowing Waters . Sons of god statues on tri-angle>Trinity

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Pillars of Power under statues of the gods Authority to rule

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Pyramid of authority- trinity gods chosen 1) President, 2) governors, 3) senators

Dbl Hdd Eagle 8 /2X 11 Fold it Even Mexicos Basilica shows the gateway (Vulva) in between the powers and authority of the 4 Pillars. Sun Window (that gives Life) is over these doors (that gives birth) with tri-angle roof as the covering for The House of the

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

The House of Virgin Mary

Virgin Mother {Virgin Venus}, without sin, inaugurated as Mother of god {planet gods}- born The bright and Morning Star {one of the many Morning Stars in Bibles Revelations} >son of god {Original Greek word is son of Zues Jupiter}, the King of Kings .

George Washington, Abraham Lincoln were the American Pillars of Power -the saviors of our Union.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Statue of their gods

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Congressional Trade building of the Americas {from South America to Canada} 1835 first came together in Washington DC and is still being used as Americas Trade Cartels.


Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

Castle on high place (Burg) with town around it; controlled by their Laws is called Burgher System.

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

God depicted as red is sending his spirit as a white dove. As St. John *sprinkles water on top of Jesus, the river seen

Nordic Tales and Worlds Megaliths

over Jesus head symbolizes Jesus as the river of lifes flowing waters.[castle: a burg is sovereign over a province, town, or people.][consecrated castles/Basilica/Cathedral on right of picture]
Pillars of authority on each side of Gateway of Fertility with flowing waters of life with Sun god on top sending his Dove {gods spirit}. Birds are seen as messengers of god. Bards/Birds were the messengers that symbolized Winged creatures known as Angels. So was the Bibles Elahim.

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