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I, the undersigned, am over the age of eighteen and an employee of Omni Management Group, I
do hereby certify:
That I, in performance of my duties served a copy of the Notice of Transferred Claim by
depositing it in the United States mail at Encino, California, on the date shown below, in a sealed
envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed as set forth below.
5-ID-11 By:
Nam_e_: ___ ___ _
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Executive Security Services
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY I 0023
Omni Management Group, LLC
Claims Agent For Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC
16161 Ventura Blvd., Suite C, PMB #606- Encino, CA 91436
Telephone (818) 906-8300 - Facsimile (818) 783-2737
Notice of Transferred Claim
May 10,2011
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Executive Security Services
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
To Whom It May Concern,
Please be advised that a Notice was received that your claim in the above mentioned case has been
transferred; please see attached. The document states that the above named transferor has
transferred this claim to the above named transferee.
Case: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC (Case No: 10-13825)
Claim No.:
Amount of Claim:
Amount of Transfer:
Re: Docket#
Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3001(e) (2) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures you are
advised that if you wish to object to the above, you must do so within 21 days of the date of this
notice or within any additional time allowed by the court. Unless an objection and request for
hearing is filed in writing with the U.S. Bankrutpcy Court- Southern District of New York
Manhattan Division One Bowling Green New York, NY 10004, the aforementioned claim will
be deemed transferred. ~
L:V\.. \; I
- --
Omni Management Group, LL
Form 210A (10/06)
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111{a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3DD1(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Name of Transferee
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
/l13 assignee of Executive Security Services
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: __ _
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above):
Phone: n/a
Last Four Digits of Acct#: ---'n'"'/a,.__ __
Name of Transferor:
Executive Security Services
Court Claim# (if known): 375
Amount of Claim: $7,540.00
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Executive Security Services
700 Lake Mist Cove
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Last Four Digits of Acct. #: _ _.n""'la,__
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By: Is/Fredric Glass Date: May 10. 2011
Transferee/Transferee's Agent
Penalty for ma!l;ng a false statement' Fine of up to $500,000 or Imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152 & 3571.
f/ tO/ l/
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No, 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 1 ON13BOO)
Claim No. 375 (if known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a) In this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerk's office of
this court on May 10, 2011.
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Executive Security Services
Filii" Harbo1 Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New Yo.-k, NY 10023
Name of Alleged Transferor:
Executive Security Services
Name and Address of Alleged
Executive Security Services
700 Lake Mist Cove
Alpharetta, GA 30004
The lransferor of claim named above is advised the \his N01ice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has been
filed in the clerk's Office of this court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be filed with the court within twenty
(20) days of the mailing of this notice. If no objection is timely received by the court, the \ransferee will be 5ubstituted
as the original claimant without further order of the court.
Date:. ______ _
Clerk of the Court
21 2011 9: lOAM Executive Servic 6786242581
{)niled state. B"Pknopfcy Color!
Southtrn ])lstrlot Of New Ynrk
11 re:
Grnn6 Prtx FiJ.U l.<,.<e LLC

Clulpler U
(Joinily Admonlslerd Undor O.el'!o.. 10-l.lSOO)
A,..unf $7
Bllllkruptcy RulcJOOO(<>)
1'LEASETAKENOTICE tbal lioo ,<JoeLIII)cd clnimofli'JOi:CUTIVE SECURfl'\:' I!IERV1CES ("Transfemr') tbo Dob!lli(B) in theamOU11l oU7,54(1.00,>too withinScMdnlo F ohhe Soheoulo of Asc lllld l.lobJiiti,. filod by tl., Dob""(s), ami all eli"'" (lnclndlng wifhnulli.Ulalkm tlto ProatQf C', if
any, identified below end Transtel'<r's rights tHeoeivo all intorest, core pll]llnC:lll' ihatil be t<1 r=ive on ntOOIUll oflho n.<stunp!ion of
tmy executiX)' oonirnot O'J"' }ease related (0 the- Clilim and fee.sJ ifarr,t, which rnny pnJI'I wit11 res peel 1.0 the Clrum Nld aU fflhcr claims, of oction
the DebtOI, il afliliaee, l' guornntor <ir olh"r third patty, witl1 vollng l!l1d olhct rights and nrlillll' from, outdor or IV oftloe
for"!Joing, lll!d ull CIISh, socurirics. ioH!I\11110<1\' and other property which moy bepoid Dl' by T.lebiJJr In 58tisfaotioo o''" "''n) <)('lfaoofcror have il<ell
uansll:ued msigncd 01\ler thM for to Fair II<trbor Cll!lital, LLC (
'Tronfllroo") in aonl<lenilion of the""" of !. Tile of !he
o!l this TRANSFER 01' CLAL'I1 OHffiR THAN FOR SECURIT'f AND WA1VI!R or- NOT!CB i9 ev;denoe ofd>e Trnnor.r of the clailll!l all
and ofTrMsfuror n>lmlog to Claim. The Claim Is bued en amoon!s owed lo Tran.feror bf Debtor l!lld lhi ttansfor shAll be deemed an
oboo.lute fUo ;or pupo of 011d sb.Q!I nol hq <to:e;ned. !fl f,!ir Harbor
Capttal, LLC,. no! lo ll)c ""Y awhta!.l<m, motion, PmorofChum or o!ltor doc:umenl w111t the Bankruptcy Court Wlih rsard tn )OQI' ol!ilm.
I, tho uodeni{!Md Traruferor the oloim, hen:by llSSign ond tranofcr my claims BJ)d all rl@>1olhere um!et to the Trnn.forec UpD!l loon 1!5 ''"
forU! In cffi'cr letl..- n:cc!vcd. l ""P'"""'" ;wi varrnn! that the claim i nolle" than $7,540.00 and ha no! been previo .. ly obj<:mod to, sold, or r;ati$fie.:l. Upon
n<>tlfication by Tr/lJUi!i:roe, I ogree m rei"'""'" Tronsfera: n prnJ:Rt poniQl1 of thJIWI'liA'lC price if the clim I reduced. ohject<:d to, or disttllowed in whole ol'
p<lrt by the Debtor, lhe Coon, nr 1-n.l' oth'r tlOfi;Y ""d TTII!lSferor and wamtttts ore no offsets 1Yt' defenses orpreli>!'<'lttial paymen!s that biiVe
00, or may bo or on oohalt'of Deh10t or 3nyofborpQt\y to rWuoe !he amountoflhc Cllrimor In nluo.
A Proof of Claim llu I the IIJIIOu]lt of$ /Htlll mot (strike one) ilee[ duly IIIHllitncly filed In lioo:<ldin!llJ (and a true OQPyohuab PtcKif of
Clai!lli& o1Jach<:.d. to.lhi hil!llm:ut\. ll' t\l P"Qaf or Claim diftl!<>; ftom \lie Cl!lim am"""tt f<>rth lm'<', ihllll be tlr<rnell U '"
owner of11tat ProofofClitn subject to I he t<rns oft!Jfj Agreemelll1!11d entitle(! to idonlil'y of such records of !he
ln a,. eventlhe Cloim is ultimaldy allowod in rut runowtdn """""' ofihemnount pllfcbnoed h.ereln, Tr.,.,kror Is h<.rebyd=nod Ill "'lito Transfcnx; llf)d, ot
(top lion S+.l-'C:C't lo purch.w; balan(lo of stUd Clafm t.t e1:Je p.Or' o.rdBlm pniA herem fl.Ut10 the I'IJJlQWlt :lpeoiftcd I remit uu.oh pe:rment

sntls.llicticm thut lhM hils beet\ in hlghQ

Wll!JUn[ not subjed. lo any by lhe Debi(X'.
f, tho undmtgned 'f'l'IDI.Oror hen>by mldmlie to filo a ncticeof lronsfWpllrnUOII' JfjOl (c)oftbe Pedot:l>l R11l<> ufBonltrllptcy Proeedurc
("Flffil"'), Woll't to \be Clu\rn, wllil< !r \111 due dlllsonce an lbo> Claim. Tronreti:e, al its :<Ole option, may !!llbRequcntly trrufor the
Cloim llllekb> Trnosl<::rar If duo diligence is ttcl In Ttamflml<l's sole ab.<Olulc cll$ctetloopurSQI!Illl<l RulelOOl (e) of lite FRBP. In the event
Transfer"' trandbrs Claim bvl< IO Tmml'etor or withdtawslfle trllnSfbr, Jt SIIJlb.IIM<I bolh 11M TCll!I\IIC c::t<b ollte< ofoll ""<I '"'Y
oblil!lllian or liabilit.y ill< A.i!lltme:<t of r,.fororllereby aelmowJcdgeS lll!d coosents J.o all of the lamS set lbrtllln this T,.,.rer of Claim
and b""'by w:>ives (i) it rigbt lo rolso ohjt etten he\1lfo, and (ill its right to "'colve llOlico to Rule (e) ofthe fRBP. Ji.oreb1
aol<nt>wlcdgco Tl'BI>Oforee 01 anr time '"""ign tlie Claim, right, Iitle iolcl";81 ofTrn .. foree In lllld 1<1 tlu 'fntoolt.r.ofClaim. All
reprosentat[oo ondwommties ma<lc h<.wiH ;h,\ l >'orvivo the ""ecution ll!ld deU-''!J' of lido r ... nsfor of Claim 1111d ""l' su:h 11>-<lll.,lgnment.
OUter Ibm !ltal.ed above, Trans!;,,.. n. i 'isks 091Jocloted with debtor' obilfly to dltrlbutn 1\md. Tranofu'or B81"""8 to deliver ID foir Haroor Cspill!l,
LLC auy or to 'rho dattll sie;ru; lbjR ogrc:cole!'U. The cledc: cnurt hi MIOnW..ed to .cbt'tflse llte
address rogorcllng the clw'nt of 1'11e Trnnslbrml >tOOt Tr.msfNOO Holed below.
gh11JI be Bt:\cmxi by widllhe orteiatiiiftto Lltli- .---- ---
A"i!!llmtll ofClalln m:cy be brought iu ''"" or Fedc:nlleonrt it! llle Sla!o> ofNew Y<KI<, liJld Tmnof= CUDSI!n!O lo lll!d can
jumdictiao ovor Transferor hy scl '.'QI'rl vr an agrees !.haL 91i'l'Vi"" ofpro19 may be upoo Tri!llsfror by ,naillog a OllJlY llfnld Trll.llSfcror
lhe ad.:lre!IS ,.t fbrth in till, Aii!lii!IHUent of Claim llltd in Ill')' nctloo boround11r Tmnsfllror waives the right m dom.fl1lrl a bl' jury. Trnnsftrur Qci>:nowledges
!hal, in U>al Debtoc' hanl;n,p!cy .,.,c is disw.i!Ol<d or COO'IIlt!ed to a oase .,.,-,der Chliptil!' 7 of tho Baol:kmploy CO<le 'fnml'fm:oo b.., pQid fQfthe
Claim, TrllJlsfcmr hll ilrllll<walely re111!l '" T riU15 l'er<e all J1l<lllief paid by TI'I!IISillre ill :regard t.a liH: C!alrn o.nd mmcrnblp of the Clni1n Mall b<>l< to
'I<e.wlf .. .,..
700 L-AKE MlS'l' COVE,
ALPHAREITr\, GA U8A.30001 4 n_
l'rintN11rn0: ..l_!rirlo: __
S!gnatur<>: D!ile: __ 3 ,.. :;;y - tl
Updated Addrr:ss llfCltanoen,
Pboac: .. 1
Pagel ofl

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