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Worked Example A 440-V, 50-Hz, six pole, Y-connected induction motor is rated at 75 kW, The equivalent stator-referred circuit

parameters are Rs = 0.082 Xs = 0.19 Rr = 0.070 Xr = 0.18 Xm = 7.2 PF+W = 1.3 kW Pmisc = 150 W Pcore = 1.4 kW For a slip of 4%, calculate: i. Rotor speed of rotation, ii. stator current, iii. input power factor, iv. air-gap power, v. developed torque, vi. output power, and vii. efficiency when the motor is operated at rated voltage and frequency. Solution
i. The synchronous speed of the motor is

Ns = =

120 f P 120 50 6

= 1000 rpm
Rotor speed is

N r = N s (1 s ) = 1000 (1 0.04 ) = 960 rpm

Rotor frequency is

fr =

P 6 ( Ns Nr ) = (1000 960 ) = 2 Hz 120 120


The per-phase equivalent circuit of the three-phase induction motor is as shown in the figure below.







Rm =


Rr s

The circuit can be redrawn as follows:

Is Zs Ir




where Z s = Rs + jX s = 0.082 + j 0.19 Z m = jX m = j 7.2 ; Rr' Zr = + jX r' s


For s = 0.04, Z r' = 0.07 + j 0.18 = 1.75 + j 0.18 0.04

The phase input voltage is V1 = V LL 3 = 440 3 = 254.034 V

The stator current is then Is = where V1 ZT

Z T = Z s + Z m // Z r ' = 1.659 + j 0.74

Thus, Is = 4400 o = 139.857 24.027 o 1.659 + j 0.74

iii. iv.

The input power factor, PF = cos (-24.027o) = 0.913 (lagging). The stator-referred rotor current Ir is given by the current divider rule as Zm I s = =132.765 10.687 o Z + Zm
' r

I r' =

The air-gap power is Pag = 3 I r'

( )

Rr' s

= 3 (132.765) = 92.54 kW

0.070 0.04

The rotor copper loss is

Prcl = 3 I r'

( )

Rr' = 3 132.765 2 0.0.070 = 3.702 kW

The total power (Pd) that can then be delivered to the rotor at full speed is the power delivered across the air gap (Pag) less the rotor copper losses (Prcl); that is

Pd = Pag Prcl = ( 92.54 3.702 ) 10 3 = 88.4 kW

The torque developed is

d =

Pd Pd 88400 = = = 7035 N.m r 2 f r 2 2


The motor efficiency can be calculated from the losses: Total stator copper losses, Pscl = 3 x Is2 x Rs = 3 x 139.8572 x 0.082 = 4.812 kW Total rotor copper losses, PRCL = 3.703 kW Friction and windage losses, Pfw= 1.3 kW Miscellaneous losses, Pmisc = 150 W Therefore, Total motor losses, Plosses = Pscl + PRCL + Pfwl +Pmisc = 4812 + 3703 + 1300 + 150 = 9965 W Motor output power, Pd = 88.4 kW Motor input power, Pin = Pd + Plosses = 88.4 kW + 9.965 kW = 98.365 kW Motor efficiency,

Output 88400 = = 0.899 = 89.9% Input 98365

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