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766 Alignment Template

Name of Unit: PYLAX Parents Get SCHOOLED in the Game of Lacrosse - Shohet (use one table per terminal objective) Terminal Objective: Participants will be able to describe the rules, field of play, and penalties in the game of youth lacrosse Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity Parents identify and 1. Discussion centered Parents will be provided Parents will Parents will set up proper game on tabletop display of with examples, resources, & properly set up accurately set up field. field mock-up during explanations (on our mock field real game field for (as evidenced by pre-presentation website)prior to their players games - proper striping reception. presentation. - accurate cones/ 2. Mastery quiz. Parents will participate in boundary markers, presentation of proper field -placement of table, set up, game management. clock, supplies) Parents will manage Discussion surrounding Parents will be provided Parents will act Parents will scoring display of proper scorers with examples of scorebook as scorekeepers accurately keep table/manage game table with scorebook, entries & referee calls, & during scorebook record, clock timers, & supplies during list of needed supplies, (on demonstration manage penalty (as evidenced by pre-presentation our website) by coaches and timers and game accurate reception. Provide laminated game players. clock in real - entries in scorebook 2. Mastery quiz. card with illustrations of Parents will fill lacrosse games -penalty measurement, officials hand motions, calls, in scorebook, -clock management) and penalties utilize horn and penalty timers, and manage game clock in simulated game Terminal Objective: Parents will play lacrosse (throw, catch, & run) with their player Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity Parents and player Parents will pair with 1. Discussion with Coach and player will Parents players, will perform activity and coaches will their player, on field, parents about degree of demonstrate activity to until goal of with gear to run, difficulty of game skills parent. discuss difficulty successful throwthrow and catch 2. Game play and experiences catch connection lacrosse ball. made. Parents and player 1. Video Game play Provide demo of game set Parents and Parents, players,

will scrimmage against each other in lacrosse video game

up and play during presentation

players will scrimmage each other.

and coaches will discuss and debrief in post game wrap up

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