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Definition of Statistics Statistics is branch of mathematic focused about how to collect, organization, analysis, interpretation and make the conclusion of data. Data is the information that we get after we observed. A population is collection or set of data that describe some phenomenon which interest to us. A sample is subset of data which selected from a population. Parameter is the conclusion of the population and statistic is the conclusion of the sample.


The Arithmetic Mean The arithmetic mean often called the mean is the most widely used

average. The mean of group of ungrouped observations is the sum of all the observations divided by the total number of observations.

Instead of writing out in words the full directions for computing the mean (or any other measure), it is more convenient to use the shorthand notation of algebra. At times, we will be concerned with a sample, which is part of population, other times with the entire population. The mean of a sample and the mean of population are computed in the same way, but the shorthand notation used is different. The formula for a sample is : Note :

Example : The weights of five ball bearings selected at random from the production line are (in grams) : 85, 84, 83, 84, and 84. what is the arithmetic mean weight of the sample observations ? Answer :

So, the arithmetic mean weight is 84 grams. 3. Median Median is the value of the middle item when the number of data is odd and the mean of the two data middle items when the number of data is even. Characteristic of median: The median represents the middle of the ordered sample data When the sample size is odd, the median is the middle value

When the sample size is even, the median is the midpoint/mean of the two middle values If the number of data is odd then the formula of median is:

Note :

Example :
Date 7-Jan 8-Jan 6-Jan 10-Jan 5-Jan 4-Jan 9-Jan 11-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan High Temperature 32 32 35 41 42 <===Middle values 43 <===Middle values 46 52 59 60

If the number of data is even then the formula of median is: ( )

Example :
Date 7-Jan 8-Jan 6-Jan 10-Jan 5-Jan 4-Jan 9-Jan 11-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan

High Temperature 32 32 35 41 42 <===Middle values 43 <===Middle values 46 52 59 60


42 43 42.5 2

If the data is on group, then formula of median is:

( Note: Me = Median Tb= class boundary fk= frequency cumulative f= frequency of data p= length of class


Mode If the data are grouped into a frequency distribution, the mode can be approximated by the midpoint of the class containing the largest number of class frequencies. This mode is often referred to as the observed or crude mode. We can conclude that mode is value that occurs with the highest frequency. Characteristic of mode: The mode is the value that occurs most frequently It is the least useful (and least used) of the three measures of central tendency If the data is on group, then formula of mode is:

( Note: Mo = Mode Tb = class boundary

d1 = difference of frequency class before class mode and frequency of class mode d2 = difference of frequency class after class mode and frequency of class mode p = length of class

Date 2-Jan 3-Jan 4-Jan 5-Jan 6-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 11-Jan

High Temperature 59 60 43 42 35 32 <===Mode 32 <===Mode 46 41 52


Measures of dispersion Component of Measures of dispersion: a. Range Range is difference between maximum and minimum value of data.Formula of range:

Example: calculate range of this data:1,4,5,8,9 answer:

b. Variance Variance is the sum of the squared deviations from the mean divided by the number of cases minus 1. The formula of variance:

n 1

Note: s2 = variance yi = data-i = mean of data = number of data

c. Standard Deviation Standard Deviation is number which when added or taken away from each case adds up to zero. The value of standard deviation is the square root the variance. Formula of Standard Deviation is:

y y

n 1

Note: S= Standard Deviation yi = data-i = mean of data = number of data

Example of variance and standard deviation:

Date 2-Jan 3-Jan 4-Jan 5-Jan 6-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 11-Jan Sum n Mean High Difference Difference Temperature X - mean Squared 59 14.80 219.04 60 15.80 249.64 43 -1.20 1.44 42 -2.20 4.84 35 -9.20 84.64 32 -12.20 148.84 32 -12.20 148.84 46 1.80 3.24 41 -3.20 10.24 52 7.80 60.84 442 931.60 10 44.2

n 1

931 .60 103 .51 10 1

n 1

103.51 10.2

d. Quartile The quartiles divide a set of data into four parts. There are 3 quartiles in statistic: Q1 (First Quartile) Q1 is median of all the values less than the median of the whole set of data. The formula of Q1: ( )

Note: Q1 = First Quartile Tb = class boundary fk= frequency cumulative f = frequency of data p = length of class Q2 is equal to median Q3 ( Third quartile) Q3 is median of all value greater than the median of the whole set of data. ( Note: Q1 = Third Quartile Tb = Class boundary fk = frequency cumulative f = frequency of data p = length of class Example Find the First, Second and Third Quartiles of the data set below using the cumulative frequency curve. Age (years) Frequency 10 11 5 10 )

12 13 14 15 16 17

27 18 6 16 38 9

Solution: Age (years) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Cumulative Frequency 5 15 42 60 66 82 120 129


5 10 27 18 6 16 38 9

6. Percentiles Percentileare like quartiles, except that percentiles divide the set of data into 100 equal parts while quartiles divide the set of data into 4 equal parts. Percentiles measure position from the bottom.

Definition 1: A percentile is a measure that tells us what percent of the total frequency scored at or below

Definition 2: A percentile is a measure that tells us what percent of the total frequency scored below that measure. A percentile rank is the

that measure. A percentile rank is the percentage of scores that fall below a given score. percentage of scores that fall at or below a given score. Formula: To find the percentile rank of a score, x, out of a set of n scores, where x is included: Formula: To find the percentile rank of a score, x, out of a set of n scores, where x is not included:

Where B = number of scores below x E = number of scores equal to x n = number of scores

About Percentile Ranks: percentile rank is a number between 0 and 100 indicating the percent of cases falling at or below that score. percentile ranks are usually written to the nearest whole percent: 74.5% = 75% = 75th percentile scores are divided into 100 equally sized groups scores are arranged in rank order from lowest to highest there is no 0 percentile rank - the lowest score is at the first percentile there is no 100th percentile - the highest score is at the 99th percentile. you cannot perform the same mathematical operations on percentiles that you can on raw scores. You cannot, for example, compute the mean of percentile scores, as the results may be misleading.

Examples: Finding Percentiles 1. The math test scores were: 50, 65, 70, 72, 72, 78, 80, 82, 84, 84, 85, 86, 88, 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 98, 99. Find the percentile rank for a score of 84 on this test. Be sure the scores are ordered from smallest to largest. Locate the 84. Solution Using Formula:

Solution Using Visualization: Since there are 2 values equal to 84, assign one to the group "above 84" and the other to the group "below 84". 50, 65, 70, 72, 72, 78, 80, 82, 84, | 84, 85, 86, 88, 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 98, 99

The score of 84 is at the 45th percentile for this test.

2. The math test scores were: 50, 65, 70, 72, 72, 78, 80, 82, 84, 84, 85, 86, 88, 88, 90, 94,96, 98, 98, 99. Find the percentile rank for a score of 86 on this test. Be sure the scores are ordered from smallest to largest. Locate the 86. Solution Using Formula:

Solution Using Visualization: Since there is only one value equal to 86, it will be counted as "half" of a data value for the group "above 86" as well as the group "below 86". 50, 65, 70, 72, 72, 78, 80, 82, 84, 84, 85, 8|6, 88, 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 98, 99

The score of 86 is at the 58th percentile for this test.

7. Desile rank The deciles are the nine values of the variable that divide an ordered data set into ten equal parts.The deciles determine the values for 10%, 20%... and 90% of the data.D5 coincides with the median. Calculating Deciles Order the data from smallest to largest. Look for the place that occupies every decile by means of the expression

Note : Li is the lower limit of the decileclass. N is the sum of the absolute frequency. Fi-1 is the absolute frequency immediately below the decile class. ai is the width of the class containing the decile class. The deciles are independent of the widths of the classes. Example Calculate the deciles of the distribution for the following table: fi [50, 60) [60, 70) [70, 80) [80, 90) [90, 100) [100, 110) [110, 120) 8 10 16 14 10 5 2 65 Fi 8 18 34 48 58 63 65

Calculation of the First Decile

Calculation of the Second Decile

Calculation of the Third Decile

Calculation of the Fourth Decile

Calculation of the Fifth Decile

Calculation of the Sixth Decile

Calculation of the Seventh Decile

Calculation of the Eighth Decile

Calculation of the Ninth Decile


Interpretation of Data If we have a small set of data we can present the data by: a. Line diagram

40 30 20 10 0


b. Bar chart

c. Pie diagram

Median adalah nilai dari item tengah ketika jumlah data adalah ganjil dan mean dari dua item data tengah ketika jumlah data genap. Karakteristik median: Median merupakan tengah data sampel memerintahkan Bila ukuran sampel adalah ganjil, median adalah nilai tengah Bila ukuran sampel genap, median adalah titik tengah / mean dari dua nilai tengah Jika data dikelompokkan ke dalam distribusi frekuensi, modus ini dapat didekati dengan titik tengah kelas yang berisi jumlah terbesar frekuensi kelas. Mode ini sering disebut sebagai modus diamati atau mentah. Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa modus adalah nilai yang terjadi dengan frekuensi tertinggi. Karakteristik program: modus adalah nilai yang terjadi paling sering Ini adalah yang paling bermanfaat (dan paling sedikit digunakan) dari tiga ukuran tendensi sentral hanya menjadi kuat, berani, dan pastikan, ya saya bisa! tidak mencoba untuk menjadi pembohong .. tetapi saya hanya mengatakan hal yang salah untuk u .... hal buruk terjadi tetapi selalu ada alasan ...

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