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"What do you want"? the Gang Stalkers implored at 6:30 A.M., Nov.

27, 2012 Funny question because those apes always tell me what they think I don't deserve because I was born and am perfect. As if the slandering, thieves have anything to offer, all of a sudden. As if I'd believe the idiots who kept me artificially demoted by routinely stealing from me while boasting to me about their artificial promotions they received by helping to have me isolated, raped, forced bred, and held captive as a sex slave for "their" old, sadistic, pedophile, homosexual rapists. I don't "want" anything. All I desired was to work in my professions and socialize without their forcing onto me "their" Satanist living vicariously through me world domination nonsense that will never be achieved anyway. My Children and I will have justice and what we deserve and so will they. I will be avenged and the apes will say all of the things/truths they should have said here, in this world. ALL of the truth about me their lies and orchestrations against me. They'll have an eternity to retell their stories of how their jealousy of me "drove them" all to Hell. They'll have eachother to blame and will know at all times, for an eternity why they are suffering in Hell. Because of "their" jealousy of me. They'll have an eternity to tell the truth to eachother and they will brutalize "eachother" for an eternity, since they all helped eachother earn their way into Hell. I will see and hear my desires on my enemies and those who hate me. The Holy Bible Patience is a virtue. They are afraid and I am not because I have no guilt. They'll have an eternity to scream and it's good they're practicing. Parkhill - 1983 Cheryl Nelson visits Val and says to her that "her" cousin was visiting with "her" cousin. Cheryl's cousin Mercury from the Force MD's, and Micheal Jackson. Both are dead. (* more to those stories and Mercury) She says to me, as a threat, Mr. T was promoted to the FBI. This is days after I had suggested, in my apt., with no one there except my two young sons and I (*nosy next door neighbor may have eavesdropped*more to the story of Edith from PS 44) that instead of being a police officer (he thought he wanted to be, but I tried to discoursge because they are corrupt) to aim a little higher maybe to FBI agent or something like that. Not a coincidence. All this because the guy (Mr. T) told me, only because I was on TV, to marry a man like him (1969). They were afraid I'd marry a White man like my biological Father.

They only marry men like their Fathers (Black) after chasing men like "my" Father proves fruitless and they settle for men like "their" Black Fathers. At the time I thought it was absurd to marry a White man like him. One who has sex with Black underage whores that look and behave like men (Christine Fisher, etc.). I thought he was telling me to marry a White male who is a homosexual, sadistic, pedophile rapist. I was supposed to want to be malcontented like the White women I encountered who had married men like him. A man who knew I had Thalassemia Minor and couldn't participate in gym because of the symptoms and was best buddies with the girls who were brutalizing me. A heartless man like my Mother who didn't care about my well being, at all. He was most likely a boyfriend of Daddy Dearests like Louie and the others. Leftover, run through, cohorts/sex partners/friends of my parents, half sisters and the rest of the losers in that circle they forced me into. Those males giggled all of the time while their wives were irate because they (unwittingly?) were they malcontented wives/beards . I suspected they were out of sorts because their men were with those ugly, beastly, Black whores. Perhaps they were being mistreated because of all the "adoration" their husbands /boyfriends received from the Black whores that made them unfit for normal women . (*more to this story - I was accused of wanting "adoration" by one of Daddy Dearest's hand picked losers, W.C./another homosexua l, pedophile, sadistic rapist who declared after he saw I was not going to fit the mold of those cheap, unaccomplished, self hating, desperate, slanderous, loser Black whores and actually have a healthy self esteem which "I earned". He actually sai d as an excuse and out of frustration "you're not capable of loving me" a common theme that I am to love these men. They are not supposed to love me, the woman, and I respect them, the man, but the opposite -*more on he and Daddy Dearest's l ess than animal, retarded orchestrations). I guess Daddy Dearest's heroin supply dried up after I escaped Louie (I actually had to threaten him with telling his wife about him, she would believe me becsuse I knew a particular det ail about his penis which I could only know if he had had it out for me to see. It was noticable that after I had sons that these White males were suddenly talk ing to me. It was clear that with all of the addicts they didn't need me for sex. They never gave me the time of day or tried to establish meaningful relationship s with me prior to my being forced to have children, which just happened to be male. I knew how the White male staff at the schools I attended preferred boys over girls and masculine girls over feminine girls, so it looked like pedophelia to me. That's when all of the pretending to like me desolved because they would have li ttle chance of raping my sons while they were still underage if I wasn't going t o tolerate Louie's mistreating me. Those males liked females like my Mother and half

sisters and would never appreciate me bacause I am not a brute like them. I figured they were into prostitutes, orgies and incest like my Mother and half sisters, etc. They proved me right, as usual. They had nothing bad to say about them and were attacking me because of their sl ander about me. "Are you Vikki's sister"? is what Mr. Di Renzi (1974 taught science at IS 51 and pretended not to recognize me when he worked at PS 57) and other teachers at schools I attended would ask. I suppose it's so they can let me know at who's behest they were to abuse me. I suppose Vikki was saying all manner of evil against me falsely and they were all too willing to act upon it. God only knows the lies Dot told them about me. They acted out on lies and were doing it because they served those whores like my Mother and half sisters and most of all Daddy Dearest (heroin addict, lawyer with access to criminals to do his bidding for favors). Like all of the favors they all did for Dot by murdering Morris and the rest of the Black Fathers or the ones who died or were driven to psych wards because they dare like me or were kind to me (Ronald, Stephon T., JoAnn W). I think it was pure jealousy why my Mother targeted Vanessa Taylor's Father. She was so angry at his attentiveness to his children and often stated how his daughter, Bernadette love d her Father (*more on how they had two of their children marry eachother all while the idiots were helping them target me). Vikki was suddenly Vanessa's friend and her Father was dead shortly thereafter (gathering of things to lie on them about to their Itali an Mafi Masters. The Muslim Arab's death (car accident) husband of Lillian Alim (Yasmine, Karim, a genius and Facil) was supposed to be an Italian Mafia hit because he was suppo sedly causing problems for the criminals at his job (some good job or profession my Mother most likely instigated and orchestrated that). I knew males like Mr. T were owned by them and could never be mine. Afterall, we don't have established meaningful relationships. Those two murdered men (Mr. Alum and Mr. Taylor) just happened to live in that s ame building in Marners Harbor Projects on Lockman Ave. It's no coincidence. I would have mentioned this to her, but we didn't have a meaningful established relationship. She was just another hand picked loser prostitute whp told mt she always wanted to wear a blond wig. She was overly enthusiastic to hav mixed children and it wasn't beneath her to m arry (I think she was paid for her first marriage to an illegal alien). I know she was having sex with one of my rapists and the second man, an illegal alien, I ws forced bred with as well as the others like Louie. Where Theresa just happened to tell me she was moving to because her son, Brndon was acting up (probably being harrassed) and if he didn't straighten up she'd m ove tpo Atlanta (to make certain he would become a gay sex slave because he's mi xed - I guess Butch can't or won't protect his son because he's too busy havong orgies like he did with Theresa). The hand picked losers are/were all the same and have The Mark of the Beast beca use they are condoning, promoting and living off of the beastly system of prosti tution which devolves people into mere animals, like cattle.

They aid and abet the Sadistic, pedophile, homosexual rapists in their Satanic g rab for power and World Domination they'll never get! I saw that these Jezebels were using Ahabs. I saw the evil of this world and the Willie Lynch Slaves to sin. I rebuke them ALL in the name of Jesus Christ.

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