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Posted: January 11, 2012


Grocery store supermarket meat in the U.S.A. may carry the AIDS virus to humans. Herpes, SARS, HIV viruses reside in animal meat. For example, African Bush Meat like that eaten by tribes in Africa, patterned after hunter-gatherers, is shipped from Africa to the U.S. But you can come in contact with it from regular plain meat in the US because the infected meat is sold bought and then put alongside and touching normal regular meat. Also the infected meat is sometimes ground & mixed with regular meat in the US then sold to customers. It could be in sausage at a street vendor, or Aids virus infected meat mixed in with your ground beef in your hamburgers, it can be at the store, in hot dogs, pepperoni, sausages, at a restauraunt, or the steak on your grill. You won't be able to tell, because it's ground up and all mixed together into what looks to any human just like regular sausage or hamburger meat. Keep in mind grassfed beef can also be infected if it touched any of the infected meat simply by sitting along side it and touching it.

The virus is carried in the juices. The serum and blood. So that juice, in your "big juicy steak" may be filling your mouth with AIDS. Infection mostly is from blood contact, for instance animal meat blood juices entering a cut on the finger or hand, which is exactly what an American who cuts the steaks with a knife for a BBQ might have on his fingers. The 1st contact with aids was with hunters who had such cuts, perhaps from a machete or even a thorn in the wilds of the jungle. But the paleo dieter, or even any meat eater or "omnivore" in the U.S. would risk it now with plain steak, round his barbeque grill. And touching the meat to put it on the grill and coming in contact with the blood could infect anyone with AIDS. Bush meat gets packed with meat, meat gets sold in a market, man with cut touches meat, virus from the blood enters any open cut. And that's how it can be transmitted.

The exact epitome of a PALEO DIET is a "primitive traditional tribe" where men are hunter-gatherers and simply go around out in the wild in their native environment just like it would have been in the African savannah thousands of years ago. This is the exact definition of the paleolithic diet. Eating meats from any and all animals that man would have found in the vicinity. This is what it means to "eat primal" or "go primal". Eating pieces of rat, chimp meat, and cutting the head off a gorilla and eating it would be precisely the kind of thing advocated by the paleo diet and that current paleo dieters would yearn to eat. It should be a delicious part of any paleo dinner recipe. Pieces of civet, bats carrying lice, bits of juicy grub, bugs and insects, and carcasses that would be teeming with maggots. Delicious for anyone on a paleolithic diet. The squish of thick juice from the body of a locust and the beaten in head or sliced off legs of a chimp, which allowed the paleo diet to carry HIV and AIDS to all mankind. Bushmeat is on the Paleo menu. It's exactly what evolving hominids would have eaten every chance they could get. This is exactly the idea of a hunter-gatherer going out across nature and eating meat. Which is exactly the behaviour that lead to AIDS infecting humans. For infecting mankind with HIV AIDS, everyone today can thank a Paleo diet. The paleolithic diet much the same as advocated by its originator, Loren Cordain, and S. Boyd Eaton, and cheered by current followers such as Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Denise Minger, and some followers who believe in tribal diets such as those promoted by some followers of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Remember, plants can't carry a virus that is pernicious to man. No plant can infect you with a zoonotic virus. But meat can. even touching meat or coming in contact with its juices or leaked fluids can infect mankind with a zoonotic virus.

Nearly all viruses infecting mankind came from eating animal meat or coming in contact. A virus that resides in an animal can jump to man. You can't get any deadly virus from a plant. Not one. Much to the benefit of anyone who is vegan or vegetarian. A vegan would not have this problem that a paleo dieter would have. Note that a real Caveman would not even "know" they are following the paleo diet. According to Sisson, Cordain, Art De Vany, etc, it's just what a paleo native tribe did. They weren't "following" anything, or doing what they read in any book, or emulating their ancestors too. The caveman or tribal member just did what they would normally do in their tribe. That's even more Paleo. That's the epitome of the definition of the paleo diet. A person, like some overweight person joining crossfit "trying" on purpose to follow the paleolithic diet and then going and shopping for what they believe is "paleo" in a modern store, or ordering "grassfed beef" from a locavore farm or whatnot means that person is not paleo. They can't say or advertise that they are paleo. Buying modern food at a modern supermarket and then saying you're paleo is absolutely against the paleo diet. This is why Sisson and Wolf water-down their works by saying primal "blue print" and whatnot. This is because all the while they are promoting the paleo diet and telling you to eat like your ancestors because only that is what you're evolved for, they know that No one is actually paleo, no one can say "I've been Paleo for 1 year!" That is false. No one can claim they are paleo because things like a Mastodon, which are actually paleo, are now extinct and that person has not been eating them. Even if a person buys an apple, let's say mark's daily apple, well, is that a Granny Smith apple, or a Fuji Apple, or a Red Delicious apple? If you've been eating apples, virtually all of what you've been eating is not paleo. You're not paleo. All those apple varieties didn't exist for the caveman. They have been crossbred and created by modern agriculture. So unless you've been out eating crabapples in a wood, you cannot say you're paleo. You'll know you're lying. Unlike say, the Atkins diet, NO person can even say they are paleo, or have been paleo for so many years. It's lying. Most of what they've been eating is infact Not paleo. For example, have you ever heard someone who's paleo say they've been eating grassfed beef? And then tell You to eat grassfed beef? Well, grassfed beef cows didn't exist in cavemen times. Angus cows for example were genetically bred, by livestock farmers, by cattle ranchers and breeders in 1843. Yes, that's right grassfed beef is artificial, it is a creation of modern agriculture sooner than 10,000 years ago. In fact, 1843 is only a couple hundred years ago, exactly the kind of thing Paleos say Not to eat. Grassfed beef is not paleo. You can't eat another piece of Grass-Fed Beef and call yourself paleo. If you've been eating grass fed beef, or any beef, that's not paleo. Cavemen didn't have it. Cavemen and Neanderthals didn't ride around in chaps and bluejeans riding on horses wearing cowboy hats in Africa going Yippee-Kai-Yay! twirling their hand in the air with a rope. Apemen didn't go around goading herds of cattle, so there was no 'beef' eaten. Cavemen didn't eat grassfed beef, or any beef. If you've been eating beef you cannot say you are paleo. It will be a lie. The men in the tribe who went hunting in Africa however, ARE true paleo. They didn't join Crossfit because they were fat and then purchase a diet book and begin buying grassfed meat that they learned off a blog of a diet quack. These hunters were not following "The Paleo Diet Book" they ARE the exact example of what the paleo diet represents. They weren't some homemaker guys who got the idea to go 'real' paleo and go out and kill and eat a bunch of ape meat. These are true traditional diet native people who don't even know about some book, they are just doing it unwittingly. And that is the absolute example of the paleo diet. They were hunter-gatherers, that went out in nature, in their natural surroundings, thinking it would be good to hunt down and kill whatever was around, just like an omnivore would do, and they killed the animals, the animals were infested, they came in contact with the blood and fluids, and that's what opened up the opportunity for HIV AIDS to infect all humankind. By the way, it's not a question of IF or WHETHER someone contracted AIDS from handling meat for the purposes of eating it, it's already happened. It's already been done, it's an item of history, a scientific fact. It's been traced using DNA analysis to the first infection site, in Africa, in the congo, by a group of men who were hunting. They hunted and killed chimps with the intent to procure meat, the meat was infected with SIV, the simian version of the virus, the virus then mutated and jumped to man. This has been confirmed, and even written up in NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. And it happened decades ago, not in some 70's or 80's laboratory. Hint: People who believe in the Paleo Diet are usually not so scientific. It's often people who *think* they are, but are not. Instead, paleos are often people who got a 'little bit' of science education but are laymen --much like a gradeschool child who glued together a model rocket and jumps off their roof wearing a cape made out of a blanket now believes

now they know what it's like to be an actual astronaut. So followers of the Paleo diet often easily believe what is called "Pseudo-science" which is cockamamie ideas doctored up with all kinds of 'scientific-looking' theories, charts, and graphs, and references to supposed 'studies' purporting to 'prove' things. Here's and example of pseudoscience: "paranormal ghost hunting". --Hello, if ghosts go through walls, then how come they can cause footsteps, and how come they don't sink into the floor?-- Anyway, if some person went around saying they just 'believe' in them, that would be one thing, but pseudo-science is when supposed ghost hunters now start 'documenting' 'phenomena' and then say Oh, but we've captured an "EVP" or Electronic Voice Phenomenon, on digital tape (You know, like the recording of random white noise and traffic sounds which they now hear as the 'ghost' saying "Woooo! Get Out!" and then using FLIR infra red cameras and calling it "Paranormal Science". This is pseudoscience. It's just some idea doctored up with all kinds of scientific-looking rubbish so that people with unprofessional knowledge levels in science believe 'it's been proven by science' when nothing of the sort has happened. But they believe it. People who believe the paleo diet continuing to disavow eating things like grains despite the fact *real* archeologists have found actual pieces of grains right in the mouth, and inbetween the teeth in fossilized skulls of paleolithic cavemen and published in articles by the National Academy of Science, are typical believers of pseudoscience. This is the basis of paleo: A gramme of actual fact in order to lure people in, to get people to start believing in it, and then the majority of it just false material that consists of speculation dressed up with concocted charts and studies and faked graphs which purport to stand as citations of references for it being scientific. Then when the paleo diet is objected to, in the face of actual science by real paleontologists, the paleo purporters will simply drop back to the small portion that they started off with and is fact and point to it and say, See! check that, you'll find it's true, and then the follower does, and finds that tiny sentence true, and then says Aha! See, I knew the WHOLE theory was right! Such is your typical Paleo diet believer. The Paleo Diet as put forth in the bloggers and diet book authors books actually become rather a laughing stock, because even to this modern day, you will STILL hear paleos vowing over and over that you're not supposed to eat grains, because paleolithic man supposedly didn't eat it, and insist that they are paleo because they have been eating 'grassfed beef', not knowing that everyone else in the world already knows more and more that actual pieces of grain were found right in the mouth of fossilized cavemen, and grassfed beef is essentially a GMO piece of meat artificially and genetically originated by modern agriculture, exactly what the paleo diet BANS you from eating! It's hard to keep a straight face when a paleo diet follower says they've been eating grass-fed beef and says not to eat grains, it's so silly that it's hard not to just shake your head or burst out laughing, while they are retaining a serious face. So, since Paleos are often very easily susceptible to believing in things, including conspiracy theories, and duped by things that are pseudoscience, here's a note to any wacky conspiracy theory kooks out there: The conspiracy theories are false. You can't any longer go around claiming that something is created in some government lab as part of some secretive plot by 'the powers that be' and claim a virus was created using genetic engineering in the 1970's or 1980's when it's been found in tissue samples from the 1940's and 1930's, and finding "it existed before it existed". It existed in the 30's and 40's. It can't have existed in the 30's and 40's and then be created only after that in the 70's or 80's. Plus, remember that they didn't even fully discover DNA until Watson & Crick, so you can't go round gene splicing in the 30's and 40's either. Sadly for Weston A. Price believers, the Weston A. Price board member William Campbell Douglass II goes around saying this conspiracy kook stuff, and infact he wrote an entire book claiming how AIDS was contrived by the Americans and the U.S. "in order to kill jews and black people"(false!) (Yes, indeed, a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation implicated that.) This conspiracy myth garbage is all false. Oh, and if you are a Weston A. Price follower, and you thought they used science and were so good, just go look up "Dr William Campbell Douglass II, MD" and "AIDS", you'll see WAPF kookery in full force. If you believed that the Weston A. Price Foundation used science and studies and facts, you'll be horribly wrong. You'll see the truth about the WAPF when you look up even that simple thing above. You'll find that the Weston A. Price Foundation contains members of their Board of Directors who have fake false BS degrees that they bought over the internet, hoaxed up degrees from "universities" that don't exist, one has a degree he purchased from an Arab islamic country that will give you a degree in 'homeopathy' without doing anything, merely for your 'life experience' and a credit card number you can put a PhD on your name. One of the Founders of the Weston A. Price Foundation, in fact, named Geoffrey Morell, who is actually the husband of Sally Fallon Morell, believes in crystals and magic. He believes he can 'cure people with magnets'. He's an actual founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation and actually goes around the world giving seminars on something called "Clendenning" (look it up! Google Weston Price and "clendenning") where he believes in "dowsing". That's the thing where some guy takes 2 pieces of sticks and holds them and thinks they can point or 'lead' them to finding water, or dead bodies, or gold and riches buried in dirt or something. Seriously, look up Geoffrey Morell of the Weston Price Foundation, he believes he can cure people

from a distance..."psychically". With his mind. Weston Price member William Campbell Douglass II believes that cigarette smoking doesn't cause cancer, and tobacco is actually good for you. This Weston A. Price board member wrote a whole book on the Health Benefits of Smoking. And true to form, he smokes tobacco. This same guy recommends that Americans inject hydrogen peroxide solution into the veins of your child with a hypodermic needle. He lives in South america now. Know why?? Because the things this Weston Price board member was advocating was found to be health fraud, he was pursued by U.S. federal authorities, and this officer on the Weston Price board had to flee the United States to Panama to avoid prosecution and prison. Guess what, Weston A. Price member William Campbell Douglass II still spreads his quack doctor articles sitting from his computer in his apartment in Panama where the laws are looser, and publishes his articles back into the United States over the web. Didn't know this? Look up Panama William Campbell Douglass II. He is not a patriot, nor is the Weston Price Foundation, they advocate health fraud that they get people to vow is correct and believe in, and he himself fled the U.S. after advocating harm to American children and citizens. The Weston A. Price Foundation will publish and spread articles and take exactly the items that will damage your health and say they are the best, and the things that are actually good they'll say to stay away from, and all the while making you believe that it's your "god given right!" to have "freedom!" to "choose!" to ingest all of these things, laughing all the way as they get their followers and believers to actually fight for the position of hurting other Americans, increasing the spread of cancer, and hurting their own children. Weston A. Price believers often are unaware that they are using pseudo-science, and believe their articles on everything from Soy to Meat to Raw Milk ingestion are actually some kind of science, unaware that Weston Price Foundation members sport faked PhD degrees, some have fled the country, and Weston Price founders and board of directors believe in crystals, magnets, psychic healing, and give talks on spirit healing, and dowsing using little sticks and stuff. Weston Price followers also don't know that yet another member of the board of directors of the Weston A. Price Foundation, who raged against vegetarians, and wrote scathing articles saying how unhealthy vegans are, and wrote that eating meat was nutrient dense and nutritious, and that eating meat and fat was good for your heart...died from his own Weston Price meat diet. His name was Dr (fake degree) Stephen Byrnes. He wrote articles for Weston A. Price on how meat was healthier and that plant diets were lies and unfit and would cause death, and instead that the pork and beef and unprocessed meat he ate didn't cause heart disease or strokes and was very healthy, and then he died, of a stroke, and heart disease. At the ripe old age of 41 years old. He was actually the Official Spokesperson of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He ended up dead from his own "Wise Traditions" meat diet. - Robb Wolf, Dennis Minger, Chris Masterjohn, Chris Kresser, Dr. Kurt Harris, Art De Vany, Mark Sisson, and more paleo diet believers also praise the Weston A. Price Foundation, the quack lobbyist front group whose own spokesperson died. Robb Wolf even has banner adverts on his website pushing for Weston A. Price's Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, part of a Weston Price sponsored group that sues people and tries to get food safety laws repealed so that some illicit farmers can sell potentially contaminated raw milk, and meat. Denise Minger advocated the articles written by the Weston Price Foundation in her talk about How to argue with a Vegetarian, expressing that the Weston Price Foundation had lots of good material that these things were good, as if the Weston A. Price Foundation was very 'scientific'. Denise Minger failed to let her audience know that Weston Price member Dr. Thomas Cowan advocated "cancer peels", a technique of putting elixirs and salves on people's face, telling them that it would "cure cancer". This same technique burnt the flesh off a woman's face when used in Florida. A patient named Gail nearly had her nose dissolved. And a woman named Ruth Conrad in Idaho used this same technique advocated by Weston Price doctor and it burnt the skin off her face. Denise Minger proudly praises the work of the Weston A. Price Foundation and its parts that align with paleo, neglecting to mention any of this to her audience, much less the fact that yet another Weston Price honorary board member Joseph Mercola has been cited by Federal Authorities for health fraud three times now, and Mary G. Enig and Kaayla T. Daniel of Weston A. Price Foundation were found spreading false information that soy contained estrogen, which it does not, and Kaayla T. Daniel turns out to have yet another fake PhD "nutritionist" degree that was obtained online from a "school" is unaccredited, in a subject that doesn't exist. Many paleo dieters however, and lowcarb dieters cheer and extoll the Weston Price Foundation which is in fact listed on "QUACKWATCH" and is a health-fraud organization, whose advocate of traditional, native, meat diets actually lead to his own death. Many paleo diet believers also don't know that Charles Darwin, father of EVOLUTION, stated that the diet of man is vegetation, not meat. It's in The Origin of Species. Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species: "The grading of forms, organic functions, customs and diets showed in an evident way that the normal food of man is

vegetable like the anthropoids and apes and that our canine teeth are less developed than theirs and that we are not destined to compete with wild beasts or carnivorous animals." In his book The Descent of Man, Charles Darwin tells the world: "with much probability of being right we could say that he must have lived in a warm country where conditions were favourable to the frugivorous way of life which, to judge from analogies, must have been the way man lived." So, it means that if you're "paleo", meaning you believe in the paleo diet and think you're using science and you're on the side of evolution but you have been believing the diet and books by Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain, etc, and thinking that ancient man ate meat from the beginning of time, or somesuch thing, you're actually AGAINST Darwin. If you're paleo you aren't on the side of Darwin and the theory of evolution, you're actually against Darwin. Darwin said the normal food of man is vegetable (He means vegetation or vegetarian. It's in the context of "animal, mineral, or vegetable", it's a phrase they used in his time.) And essentially Charles Darwin affirmed that in his theory of evolution, man evolved more or less as a frugivore--eating a healthy amount of plants and fruit. So Paleos are actually against science, against Darwin, and The Origin of Species, the basis of the theory of evolution. It's funny because paleos often erroneously think they are the ones who ARE on the side of evolution, when everyone else already knows it's just the opposite. It's also funny because you will see paleos posting on blogs that man has always been eating meat as an omnivore since the beginning of time... and yet they unwittingly don't know that Australopithecus was vegetarian. Oops. Quite funny. In fact, the discoverer of Lucy, even affirms that mankind's original diet was vegetarian, not eating large volumes of meat. Now who do you think is more of a science expert on the subject of paleontology and ancient hominids? Denise Minger, who has an English major and hasn't even finished school yet? Mark Sisson who dropped out of pre-med biology and fails to this day to have any type of certification in archeology or medicine? Or Robb Wolf, who is also not an archeologist. Or Loren Cordain who turns out to merely have a PhD in Phys Ed. Essentially "Dr." Loren Cordain is not a real medical doctor at all, what he did is he got a PhD essentially in "gym class". And he uses that PhD to make people think he may possibly be a doctor. And he has absolutely No degree in anthropology, archeology, or paleontology at all, yet he goes around as the father of the Paleolithic Diet. The guy is a gym teacher. With no scientific degree in paleo wahtsoever....Or, would you tend to believe an ACTUAL paleontologist? A real paleo-anthropologist with a degree in it. And someone who not only that but has multiple years of experience in it? Now, that person who's a genuine paleontologist who has actually studied paleontology would be able to better tell you what paleolithic and ancient man ate in their diet. Not a gym teacher and a personal trainer, or an english major who 'has a blog' on the internet. Ok, so what does a real paleontologist have to say about mankind's original diet?... "Lucy represented a species called Australopithecus afarensis, she was a Vegetarian." -Dr. Don Johanson, PhD, DISCOVERER of the bones of Australopithecus. Well, it seems that now Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain, Art DeVany, and any paleos who believe that mankind's original hominid diet was picking at meat, are merely bloggers and personal athlete trainers who have not been on one sanctioned archeological dig in their lives, and they are now diametrically against actual science. Actual science where an actual paleontologist, with a degree in it, and who HAS been on an actual sanctioned dig, says that our early ancient human ancestors which evolved into modern man were vegetarian! Oh, but look again, this is coming not just from any old paleontologist either, something much better, higher, and even more fact, that is coming straight from the man who spent not only his lifetime studying ancient hominids and the forefathers of all mankind, but that's coming direct from the man who DISCOVERED the actual fossilized bones of our human ancestors. Now you have a problem, because now paleos and Minger, and Cordain, and various bloggers, are now against science, against evolution, against the actual dug up fossilized evidence, paleo dieters are against against authentic genuine paleontologists, and against the very discoverer of our ancient ancestors himself. This is why The Paleo Diet has rapidly become the laughing stock of the world. The more a paleo dieter insists on it, and fights that it's right, the sillier they look, because nearly all the information they've been going on has come from blogs, the internet, individuals with faked degrees, fallacious front groups, and they turn out to be against the side they think they are on. They vow and claim and cheer that they are the ones that are scientific and using evolution and science, and they turn out to be the ones against the facts, against evolution, against darwain, paleos contradicting actual paleontologists, avoid grains

when proof right in the teeth show cavemen ate grains, eat grassfed beef saying grains are a modern creation when grassfed beef is a modern genetic creation, and even go against the discoverer of Australopithecus itself. It becomes so silly that you just have to laugh. And the more they insist it's right and scientific, the funnier it becomes because the Paleo Diet is mostly all bunk-based pseudoscience contrary to sicence and facts. However, the hunters who went and killed animals for the purpose of meat, are the real paleo dieters, and their acts of hunting is what unleashed HIV and AIDS on all the world. It has now hurt or killed upwards of 50 million people.

Illegal shipments of African bushmeat have been analyzed and found to contain Herpes and HIV. Meat you buy may also be infected with the Precursor Simian Foamy Virus a new study revealed. The study examined confiscated bushmeat at five major US airports. - This is not just something going on in africa, this virus-infected red meat is inside the United States of America. The meat was scientifically analyzed using a new technique called DNA Barcoding which is a quick analysis tool to tell you what species a virus or bacteria falls into. In this particular study the test found zoonotic retrovirus, simian foamy viruses, and several nonhuman primate herpes viruses. The illegal trade in exotic meat is big business in the Unites states. Legally, more than 1.5 billion live animals, like chimps, tigers, reptiles, gorillas, were brought into the US from 200-2006, 90% of them for pets. This only gives a slight picture of how many may be smuggled in illegally... The scary part is that most of the worlds worst viruses, at some point, jumped form animals to humans. In science this is called a Zoonotic virus--one that came from man touching, coming in contact with, or eating the meats of an animal. The most recent case was SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which jumped from Civets (a type of wild cat) to Chinese butchers in 2003. SARS which lead to human death and a raging epidemic started when a man decided it was a good idea to kill and eat an animal, one called a civet, which is something that someone on a paleo hunter-gatherer diet would do. W. Ian Lipkin of Columbia Universitys Mailman School of Public Health told Environment News Service, Exotic wildlife pets and meat are Trojan horses that threaten humankind at sites where they are collected in the developing world as well as the U.S. Our study underscores the importance of surveillance at ports, but we must also encourage efforts to reduce demand for products that drive the wildlife trade.

The study was the first of its kind, but in the future much more research is going to be needed. The danger posed to the public is too great to worry about potential costs. Dr. Kristine Smith, lead author of the study said, Although the findings to date are from a pilot study, they remind us of the potential public health risk posed by illegal importation of animal products a risk we hope to better characterize through expanded surveillance at ports of entry around the country.

AIDS is now confirmed to have come from hunters, emulating a hunter-gatherer primal paleo diet, who decided to kill animals and then eat them. The hunters came across chimps, killed them, and then got exposed to the meat and the blood when they butchered the animals. Chimps carry SIV, the simian form of HIV. So when the hunter-gatherers touched the meat and came in contact with the blood, that is what allowed the opportunity for the SIV virus to jump from chimps to Man.

Hunters who killed and ate meat are responsible for unleashing the AIDS virus on all Mankind. Paleo based on mainly meat instead of mainly plants, could quite possibly be labeled the world's worst diet. If not for modern detection and avoidance, if the virus had spread in early hominid times, the paleo diet based on meat may nearly have killed off the entire human race and kept the entire human race from surviving. To this day, HIV AIDS, caused by hunter-gatherer men following a true Paleo Diet has sickened or killed over 50 million human beings, including infecting and hurting children.

Original By H. Scott English

- Annotated More Posts By H. Scott English

Category: Science Tags : african bushmeat, herpes virus, hiv virus, monkey, smuggled into us, viral diseases, viruses

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