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Adhokrasi / Adhocracy

Kratr / Curator Joseph Grima Yardmc Kratr ve Genel Koordinatr / Associate Curator and General Coordinator Elian Stefa Yardmc Kratrler / Associate Curators Ethel Baraona Pohl, Pelin Tan Konuk Kratr (Hali Merkezi) / Guest Curator (Hali Center) Maurizio Bortolotti Prodksiyon Koordinasyonu / Production Coordinator Alessandro Mason Sergi Tasarm / Exhibition Design ifau + Jesko Fezer Tasarm / Graphic design Folder (Marco Ferrari, Elisa Pasqual) Katalog Editrler / Catalogue Co-Editors Vera Sacchetti, Avinash Rajagopal, Tamar Shafrir eviri / Translation Mirora Yayn Asistan / Publication Assistants Merve Ycel, Benan Kapucu Film, Bask ve Cilt / Prepress, Printing and Binding Ofset Yapmevi, air Soka 4 Kathane34410 stanbul Kat / Paper UPM Fine 80 gr/m2 Kapak Kad / Cover Paper Lanagraphic 300 gr/m2 Fontlar / Typefaces Foundry Gridnik, Calluna ISBN 978-605-5275-04-4

Her hakk sakldr. Bu yaynn herhangi bir blm stanbul Kltr Sanat Vakfnn izni olmadan kayt, fotokopi ve bilgi depolama dahil olmak zere hibir elektronik veya mekanik yntemle yeniden baslamaz ve oaltlamaz. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photo-copying, recording or other information retrieval systems, without the written permission of Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts. Bandrol Uygulamasna likin Usul ve Esaslar Hakknda Ynetmelikin beinci maddesinin ikinci fkras erevesinde bandrol tamas zorunlu deildir.

stanbul Tasarm Bienali / Istanbul Design Biennial stanbul Kltr ve Sanat Vakf / Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts Nejat Eczacba Binas Sadi Kouralp Caddesi 5 ihane 34433 stanbul T F E W +90 212 334 07 64 +90 212 334 07 05

1. stanbul Tasarm Bienali 13 Ekim12 Aralk, 2012


1st Istanbul Design Biennial October 13 thDecember 12 th, 2012

Politik Seimden Resmi nerilere Ethel Baraona Pohl

Ethel Baraona Pohl

Joseph Grima, Adhokrasi adl makalesinde, tasarmn artk nasl kanlmaz olarak, geni kapsaml toplumsal karmlara sahip bir politik etkinlik olduunu da tartr. Bu karmlar, politik ve etik krizlerle sarlm ekonomide grlen yaygn gerilemeyle birlikte gnmzde daha belirgindir. Bu balamda, kendiliinden ortaya kan mdahalelere, iletiim aralarnn radikal kullanmna ve bunun da tesinde, ehir kavramnn yeniden kefedilmesine ve vatandalarn haklarnn geri kazanlmasna ynelik ihtiyaca tank olduk. Avrupa lkelerindeki sz konusu lke borlarna ilikin krizin en ykc karmlar, Belika, Macaristan, zlanda, rlanda, Letonya, Rusya, Ukrayna, Yunanistan, Portekiz ve spanyaya ynelik olmutur; ancak neredeyse Avrupa Birliinin 27 ye lkesinin tamamn etkilemitir. Alman gazetesi Der Spiegelde,1 lke borcu, yalnzca birka Avro blgesi lkesinde nemli lde artarken, bu, btn blge iin ngrlen bir sorun haline gelmitir. eklinde belirtilmitir. Bankaclk sistemi kurtarma paketleri, balondan sonra ekonomilerinin yavalamasna ynelik hkmet yantlar ve demokratik alandaki gven kayb, eylem iin elverili bir zemin yaratmtr. spanyada, adhokrasi terimine ynelik en aktivist, politik anlay, #15M veya #SpanishRevolution hareketinde bulunabilir. Real Democracy NOW (Gerek Demokrasi MD) veya twitter hash tag #15M gibi sosyal alardan doan, bu devam eden toplumsal devrimin kkeni, 2011e dayandrlabilir. Politik analist Francis Fukuyamaya 2 gre, Giderek daha fazla ulusun, ortak ekonomik ve politik organizasyon formlarn paylamaya balamasna ramen, ulus, balca kimlik gstergesi olmaya devam edecektir. Aidiyet duygusu nedeniyle insann kimlik ihtiyac duymas, gemi yllarda grlen kapitalist yaklamla ortadan kaldrlmtr ve spanya politikasnda temel bir deiiklik talep eden protestolarla sonulanmtr. de/international/ europe/time-forplan-b-how-theeuro-becameeurope-s-greatestthreat-a-769329. html'dan 22/8/2012 tarihli alnt Politik Seimden Resmi nerilere

Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Free Press, 1989

Herbert Tonka, Critique of Urban Ideology. Utopie: Texts and Projects 19671978, Semiotext(e), 2011

Jean Baudrillard, System of Objects. Utopie: Texts and Projects 19671978, Semiotext(e), 2011

Adhokrasi Adhocracy /

Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology, University of Chicago Press, 2000

Peki bu sosyo-politik durumun adhokrasi ile ilikisi nedir? Belki de ehrin organik yapsna ynelik yeni bir anlayta baz yantlar bulunabilir. nsanlk tarihinin balca itici gc, son on ylda kayda deer lde deimitir ve artk insanlar, byme yllarndan nce ehrin zn oluturan ilikisel davrana yeniden deer vermeye balamtr. Temel farkllk, birka yl nce hayal edilemez olan aralara artk sahip olmamz ve bunun hzl iletiim ve organizasyon salamas ve kendi kendini organize etmeye ynelik yeni alanlar yaratmasdr. Gnlk yaamda aktivizmin geni kapsaml olarak ortaya kmas, kendiliinden mdahalelerin nemi, diy (Kendin Yap) ehircilii ve insanlarn katalizr olarak gc hakknda sorular da beraberinde getirir. Bu konuda, Herbert Tonka,3 ehirciliin, kendi tezatlar ve btn olarak toplumun tezatlaryla uraan bir alan olduunu yazmtr. ehir kavramn bir grup ehir uygulamas olarak tanmlayarak daha da ileri gitmitir. Arap Baharnn bir ekilde ikincil etkisi olan, 2011de Madrid veya Atina gibi ehirlerde yaanan olaylar, Jean Baudrillardn da belirttii gibi, ehrin hem btnleme hem de patlama yeri olduunu 4 gsteren en makul rnektir. Yaadmz tartmal zamanlardan, topik bir devlet aray domutur. En nemli husus, topik drtnn insan doasndan kaynaklandn ve son yirmi yldaki en byk deiiklikle glendiini kabul edebilmektir; bu deiiklik, iletiim arac olarak kullandmz aralardr. Bu gerek, u soruyu dourur: Toplum ve politikaclar arasnda kprler ina etmek zere topyay kullanmak mmkn mdr? Yeni bir topya dneminden mi bahsediyoruz? Gregory Bateson,5 ekolojinin bilgi bakmndan yeniden yazlmasn nerdiyse, belki de imdi, krk yl sonra, ehir ortamnn bilgi bakmndan yeniden yazlmasn dnebiliriz. Son iki ylda spanyada grdmz balca gsterilerden bazlar, sermaye sektrne dayal karklktan domutur. Tepki olarak, aktivistler, eylemlerini tartmal bir bilgi deiimiyle organize etmi ve
Sz konusu alanlardaki abamz insanlarn renmesini salamak iin yeni teknikler kullanmalyz. Barlardaki televizyonlar, kart bilgilerin bir arac olarak kullanlabilir.


dncesini savunan Strum Groupun 1972 The Mediatory City, a fotoromanzo saysn anmsatmslardr. 60lar ve 70lerin fikirlerinin geri dnmn saladmz anlamna m gelir?

Bu noktada, bu olaylarn aksi yorumlamalarndan kanlmas ve kamu yararn salamak zere, ierik, fikir ile bunun, kendine yabanclama duygusunu arayan bir ehir hareketi eklinde ortaya konmas arasndaki ilikiye ynelik derin bir anlay oluturulmas nemlidir. Artk toplumu, ehirdeki yapsal tezatlardan doan, zgrlk ifadesine dndrmeye ynelik tm olas yaklamlar hayal edebiliriz. ehrin neye dntn tahmin etmeye yardmc olabilen bir kesinlik sz konusu deildir; elimizde sadece sonsuz bir yapbozun kk paralar bulunmaktadr; ancak en azndan doru yolda olduumuzu bize gsteren baz ipularna sahip olmak mmkndr. Gven ve a desteine dayanan, kitle fonlamas ve mikro demeler gibi ekonomi ve ticaretin yeni formlar kalcdr. Sarslan yakn gemiten karabileceimiz pek ok ders vardr. sizlik, kemer skma ve Hkmet politikalarn protesto eden, spanyadaki maden iileri,6 baz eylerin farkl bir yoldan yaplabileceini gsteren bir rnektir. Protesto eden baz maden iileri, polisle iddetli arpmalara girerken, dierleri, huzursuzluklarn gstermenin bir yolu olarak uzun bir yrye katlmaya karar vermitir. Bu, insanlarn yaadklar durumu fark etmelerini salamann baarl bir yoludur; ancak ayn zamanda aadan yukarya giriimlerden doduunda, bir organizasyonun nasl ilediini gstermitir. Maden iilerinin yol boyunca pek ok noktada yemek ve su molas verdii duraklar olmutur. 284 milden oluan bu uzun yry srasnda, iiler, Madride ulaana kadar kamuya ak spor merkezlerinde uyumak zere her akam dokuzda mola vermitir. Belki de bu tr eylemler mevcut ekonomik sorunlar zmemektedir; ancak insanlarn birbirlerini nasl desteklediklerini ve madencilerin Madridte cokulu bir kalabalk tarafndan nasl karlanp arlandn grmek esiz bir deneyim olmutur. ehirdeki Puerta del Solde bulunan destekleyicilerin says, yzden bine ykselmitir. Karmak ideolojilerimizi aydnla karmann ve ilikisel fikirler ve sosyal davranlar yeniden ehrin inasna aktarmaya balamann tam zamandr. Mimar Giancarlo de Carlonun tm dzeylerde, politik seimden resmi nerilere eklindeki ifadesinde, ehrin, karmak bir sistem olarak, tamamen yeniden dzenlenebilirken, halen doal dzenini koruduunu anlamak iin adhokratik bir dnme yolu yararl olabilir.

Ethel Baraona Pohl

Retrieved from jun/23/spaindesperate-minersprotest-march on September 3, 2012

Ethel Baraona Pohl

bir mimar, yazar, blogcu ve bamsz yaynevi dprbarcelona'nn kurucu ortadr. Pohl'un a ok sayda yayn ve mimarlk ve teoride nde gelen kiileri birbirine balayan gerek bir buluma noktasdr. Farkl bloglar ve dergilerde katkda bulunan editr olarak alan Pohl, dier yaynlarn yan sra Domus, Quaderns, The New City Reader (stanbul yayn) ve MAS Context iin yazlar yazmtr. Postpolis! DF ve uluslararas mimarlk festivali Eme3 gibi organizasyonlarda almalarn sunmak zere davet edilmitir. Pohl, Adhocracy'nin yardmc kratrdr.

Politik Seimden Resmi nerilere

From Political Choice to Formal Proposals Ethel Baraona Pohl


Retrieved from de/international/ europe/time-forplan-b-how-theeuro-becameeurope-s-greatestthreat-a-769329.html on August 22, 2012

Adhokrasi Adhocracy /

In his essay Adhocracy, Joseph Grima argues how design now is also inevitably a political activity with far-reaching social implications. These implications are even more evident in our time, with the pervasive downturn in the economy surrounded by political and ethical crises. In this context, we have witnessed the emergence of spontaneous interventions, the radical use of communication tools and, beyond that, the need to reinvent the concept of city and recover the rights of citizens. The most disruptive implications of so-called European sovereign debt crisis were for Belgium, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Portugal and Spain; but it has affected more or less all of the 27 member countries of the European Union. German newspaper Der Spiegel 1 has stated that while sovereign debt has risen substantially in only a few eurozone countries, it has become a perceived problem for the area as a whole. The banking system bailouts, government responses to the slowing of their economies after the bubble, and the loss of confidence in the democratic sphere have created a fertile ground for action. In Spain, the most activist, political understanding of the term adhocracy can be found in the #15M or #SpanishRevolution movement. This ongoing social revolution can be traced back to 2011, emerging from social networks such as Real Democracy NOW or the twitter hash tag #15M. According to the political analyst Francis Fukuyama,
the nation will continue to be a central pole of identification, even if more and more nations come to share common economic and political forms of organization. 2

Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Free Press, 1989

This human need for identification, for a sense of belonging, has been dismissed by a capitalistic approach in the past years

and has ended in the protests demanding a fundamental change in Spanish politics. But what is the relationship of this socio-political situation with adhocracy? Maybe some answers can be found in a new understanding of the organic nature of the city. The primary motor of human history has radically changed in the past ten years, and now people are once again valuing relational behavior, which used to be the essence of the city before the growing years. The main difference is that we now have access to tools that were unimaginable a few years ago, allowing rapid communication and organization, and creating new arenas for self-organization. The momentous eruption of activism in everyday life brings with it questions about the value of spontaneous interventions, diy urbanism and the power of people as catalysts of change. On this subject, Herbert Tonka wrote 3 that urbanism is a field struggling with is own contradictions and those of society as a whole. He went further, describing the concept of city as an ensemble of urban practices. The events lived in cities like Madrid or Athens in 2011somehow a spin-off of the Arab Springare the most plausible example that the city is both the place of consolidation and of explosion 4, as Jean Baudrillard pointed out. From the conflicted times we live in, the search for an utopian state has emerged. The most important issue might be to recognize that the utopian impulse is rooted in human nature and has been reinforced by the biggest change in the last twenty years: the tools we use as means of communication. This fact poses the question: Is it possible to use Utopia to build bridges between society and politicians? Are we talking about a new era of Utopia? If Gregory Bateson 5 proposed a rewriting of ecology in terms of information, maybe nowforty years laterwe can think about rewriting the urban environment in terms of information. Some of the major demonstrations we have seen in Spain in the past two years were born out the confusion driven by the sector of capital. As a reaction, activists organized their actions with an explosive exchange of information, recalling Strum Groups 1972 The Mediatory City, a fotoromanzo, which defended
we must use the new techniques to let people know about our struggles in the areas. The television sets in the bars can be used as an instrument of counter-information.

Ethel Baraona Pohl

Herbert Tonka, Critique of Urban Ideology. Utopie: Texts and Projects 19671978, Semiotext(e), 2011

Jean Baudrillard, System of Objects. Utopie: Texts and Projects 19671978, Semiotext(e), 2011

From Political Choice To Formal Proposals

Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology, University of Chicago Press, 2000

Retrieved from jun/23/spaindesperate-minersprotest-march on September 3, 2012

Ethel Baraona Pohl

is an architect, writer, blogger, and the co-founder of the independent publishing house dpr-barcelona. Her [net]work is a real hub linking several publications and actors on architecture and theory. Working as contributing editor for different blogs and magazines, she has written for Domus, Quaderns, The New City Reader [Istanbul edition] and MAS Context, among others. She has been invited to present her work in events like Postpolis! DF, and the international architecture festival Eme3. Pohl is an associate curator of Adhocracy.

Does this mean that we are recycling ideas from the 1960s and 1970s? At this point, it is important to avoid perverse interpretations of these events and to form a deep understanding of the relationship between the content, the idea and its manifestation as an urban action looking for a sense of depersonalization in search of the common good. Now we can imagine all the possible approaches to return society into its expression of freedom, born from the structural contradictions in the city. There are no certainties that can help predict the city to comewe just have small pieces of an infinite puzzlebut at least its possible to have some clues which tell us that were on the right way. New forms of economics and trade, such as crowdfunding and micropayments, based on the confidence and support of the network, are here to stay. There are so many lessons that we can learn from the convulsed, immediate past. The miners in Spain 6, protesting against unemployment, austerity, and the Government policies are an example of how things can be done in a different way. While some of the protesting miners have been involved in violent clashes with police, others have decided to participate in a long march as means of demonstrating their discontent. It was a successful way to make people aware of the situation they were living in, but it also showed how an organization works when it is born from bottom-up initiatives. The miners had food and water stations at several points along the way. During the long 284-mile walk, they halted at nine every evening, sleeping in public sports centres, until they arrived in Madrid. Maybe these kind of actions dont solve current economic problems, but it has been a unique experience to see how people support each other, and how the miners were received and welcomed in Madrid by jubilant crowds. The presence of supporters swelled from a hundred to a thousand in the citys Puerta del Sol. It is time to demystify our complex ideologies and start transferring relational ideas and social behaviors to the construction of the city again. An adhocratic way of thinking may be useful to understand that the city, as a complex system, is capable of being completely rearranged while still maintaining its inherent order, in the words of the architect Giancarlo de Carlo, at all the levels, from political choice to formal proposals.

Adhokrasi Adhocracy /


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