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t radit io.


Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments

T he Divine Office
The most important prayer that the Church offers to Almighty God after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the Officium Divinum, or Divine Office, contained in a liturgical book called the Breviarium Romanum, or Roman Breviary. In fact, the Mass is part of the Divine Office, and they are so intertwined in the public liturgy of the Church that one is really incomplete without the other. This same Office is chanted by monks in traditional monasteries and nuns in traditional convents, and is recited by members of lay orders and devout Catholic faithful. To give praise and glory to God throughout the hours of the day in the name of the Church, the clergy are placed under the duty of praying it daily. From this fact, it is called the Office, the word in this sense coming from the Latin word officium, meaning duty. Recent popes, like Pope St. Pius X and Pope Pius XII, have encouraged the laity to participate in saying the Office as well and for this reason have bestowed rich indulgences upon those of the faithful who do so. The Divine Office itself is made up of the 150 psalms of the Old Testament, so divided throughout the seven days of the week that all the psalms are recited in one week. The psalms, the divinelyinspired poetical prayers, principally of King David, have always been the center of the Church's liturgical worship, just as they were at the temple during Old Testament times. Besides the psalms, there are readings from Sacred Scripture, commentaries on Sacred Scripture from the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and short accounts of the lives of the Saints. These readings follow the Church's calendar of liturgical seasons and feasts of the Saints. St. Vincent de Paul (1581?-1660) tells us that "the Divine Office is the school of all virtues. The master who teaches us in it is the Holy Ghost, the source of all truth; it is also the Prophets, Apostles, and Saints of God." The Divine Office is divided into eight Hours, according as God is to be praised continuously throughout the hours of the day. If one observes the ancient times, Matins and Lauds are prayed before sunrise. Prime, Terce, Sext, and None are prayed during the first, third, sixth, and ninth hours of daylight. (For example, Scripture tells us that Our Lord hung on the cross from the sixth to the ninth hour, that is, from 12:00 to 15:00.) Vespers is said as dusk falls, followed by Compline, which completes the day and the cycle of hours. However, the Hours may be said at any time at

one's convenience. In order that the faithful Mass partake in at least some part of this highly-indulgenced prayer of the Church, TRADITIO is making available in this section extracts that may easily be printed out and prayed. For simplicity the text and rubrics of this online edition are given for only one person reciting the Office, one Hour separately at a time. The text is given for the Sunday and ferial Psalter, and Propers, when required, are taken from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Divine Office given here is that taken from the 1942 version of the Breviarium Romanum, which is available for download in its entirety in PDF format from This is the latest version that has not been affected by the introduction of "modernizing" influences in the traditional Divine Office. The following graphic illustrates the devolution of the Divine Office, including the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:

T he Descent into the Black Hole of the Liturgical "New Order"

These are the main steps that gradually led to the full-blown implementation of the invalid "New Mass" of 1969: 1945 - "New" Latin ("Pius XII") Psalter introduced 1951 - Easter Vigil changed 1954 - Vulgar tongues introduced into Sacraments 1956 - Traditional rubrics of Mass, Divine Office, and Holy Week changed 1960 - Traditional rubrics of Mass and Divine Office changed again 1962 - Sacred Apostolic Roman Canon of Mass changed 1964 - Vulgar tongues introduced into Mass 1967 - Dogmatic form of Mass Consecration changed 1968 - New Order of Ordination for Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons introduced 1969 - New Order Service (formerly "Mass") introduced

T he Divine Office, Mass, Sacraments, and Other Rites In Latin and English
(Divine Office) (Mass) (Sacraments) (Blessings) (Historical Recordings) (Audio Files) File GLOSSARY.HTM PSALMS.TXT Descript ion Learning t he Breviary: A Brief Dict ionary of Terms f or Ref erence Arrangement of t he Psalms according t o t he Hours and Days of t he Week


Sunday Mat ins Sunday Lauds I (Non-penit ent ial Seasons) Sunday Lauds II (Penit ent ial Seasons) Sunday Prime Sunday Terce Sunday Sext Sunday None Sunday Vespers Sunday Compline Monday Mat ins Monday Lauds I (Non-penit ent ial Seasons) Monday Lauds II (Penit ent ial Seasons) Monday Prime Monday Terce Monday Sext Monday None Monday Vespers Monday Compline Tuesday Mat ins


Tuesday Lauds I (Non-penit ent ial Seasons) Tuesday Lauds II (Penit ent ial Seasons) Tuesday Prime Tuesday Terce Tuesday Sext Tuesday None Tuesday Vespers Tuesday Compline Wednesday Mat ins Wednesday Lauds I (Non-penit ent ial Seasons) Wednesday Lauds II (Penit ent ial Seasons) Wednesday Prime Wednesday Terce Wednesday Sext Wednesday None Wednesday Vespers Wednesday Compline Thursday Mat ins


Thursday Lauds I (Non-penit ent ial Seasons) Thursday Lauds II (Penit ent ial Seasons) Thursday Prime Thursday Terce Thursday Sext Thursday None Thursday Vespers Thursday Compline Friday Mat ins Friday Lauds I (Non-penit ent ial Seasons) Friday Lauds II (Penit ent ial Seasons) Friday Prime Friday Terce Friday Sext Friday None Friday Vespers Friday Compline Sat urday Mat ins Sat urday Lauds I (Non-penit ent ial Seasons)


Sat urday Lauds II (Penit ent ial Seasons) Sat urday Prime Sat urday Terce Sat urday Sext Sat urday None Sat urday Vespers Sat urday Compline


Descript ion De Aspersione Aquae Benedict ae Grat iarium Act io post Missam Orat iones Dicendae cum Sacerdos Induit ur Sacerdot alibus Parament is Post ures f or t he Congregat ion at t he Tradit ional Lat in Mass: Low, Missa Cant at a, High (The Fat hers) Ordinary of t he Tradit ional Lat in Mass in Lat in and English Praeparat io ad Missam pro Opport unit at e Sacerdot is Facienda Missa Def unct orum - Daily Mass f or t he Dead Mass Server's Card



SERVING.TXT Return to Top

Advice t o Alt ar Servers


Descript ion Rituale Romanum 1952 II.2: Ordo Bapt ismi Parvulorum / The Rit e f or t he Bapt ism of Children (Lat in/English) Rituale Romanum III.2: Rit us Servandus a Sacerdot e Sacrament um Conf irmat ionis Aegrot o in Periculo Mort is Const it ut o Administ rant e Vi Apost olici Indult i / The Rit e t o Be Observed by a Priest Administ ering t he Sacrament of Conf irmat ion t o a Sick Person in Danger of Deat h by Force of Apost olic Indult (Lat in/English) Rituale Romanum III.3: Rit us Servandus a Sacerdot e Sacrament um Conf irmat ionis Fidelibus ext ra Mort is Periculum Const it ut is Administ rant e ex Sedis Apost olic Delegat ione / The Rit e t o Be Observed by a Priest Administ ering t he Sacrament of Conf irmat ion t o Fait hf ul out side t he Danger of Deat h by Delegat ion of t he Apost olic See (Lat in/English) Rituale Romanum IV.2: De Sacrament o Paenit ent iae, Absolut ionis Forma Communis / The Sacrament of Penance, Common Form of Absolut ion (Lat in/English) Rituale Romanum V.2: Ordo Administ randi Sacram Communionem / The Rit e f or t he Administ rat ion of Holy Communion out side Mass (Lat in/English) Rituale Romanum VI.2: Ordo Administ randi Sacrament um Ext remae Unct ionis / The Rit e f or t he Administ rat ion of Ext reme Unct ion (Lat in/English) Rituale Romanum VIII.2: Rit us Celebrandi Mat rimonii Sacrament um / The Rit e f or t he Celebrat ion of t he Sacrament of Mat rimony (Lat in/English) Rituale Romanum Appendix: Benedict iones Propriae / Part icular Blessings (Lat in/English)









Pontificale Romanum 1891 I: De Conf irmandis Pontificale Romanum I: De Clerico Faciendo Pontificale Romanum I: De Ordinat ione Ost iariorum Pontificale Romanum I: De Ordinat ione Lect orum Pontificale Romanum I: De Ordinat ione Exorcist arum Pontificale Romanum I: De Ordinat ione Acolyt horum Pontificale Romanum I: De Ordinat ione Subdiaconorum Pontificale Romanum I: De Ordinat ione Diaconorum Pontificale Romanum I: De Ordinat ione Presbyt erorum

Descript ion Rituale Romanum 1952 VIII.2: Ordo ad Faciendam Aquam Benedict am Rituale Romanum IX.11: Benedict iones Propriae Pontificale Romanum 1891 III: De Barba Tondenda Pontificale Romanum III: De Of f icio Psalmist at us Ad Benedict ionem August issimi Alt aris Sacrament i Exorcismus in Sat anam et Angelicos Apost at icos


File 12PATER.MP3 (1:58, 2,772 KB) 12HOLYYR.MP3 (9:18, 13,105 KB)

Descript ion The Pat er Nost er, Recit ed by Pope Pius XII

Ceremonies of Opening t he Door f or t he Holy Year on January 2, 1950, wit h Prayers and Apost olic Benedict ion Chant ed in Lat in by Pope Pius XII Tradit ional Lat in East er Pont if ical Mass, Chant ed by Pope Pius XII, wit h Sermon in Lat in Tradit ional Lat in Canonizat ion of Blessed Fr. Vincent Pallot t i in 1963 by John XXIII Closing Ceremonies of t he Second Vat ican Council on December 8, 1962, wit h an Address in Lat in by John XXIII Sunday Noon Recit at ion of t he Angelus, t he Prayer t o t he Guardian Angel, t he Versicles f or t he Dead, and t he Apost olic Blessing, Given in Lat in f rom t he Papal Balcony by John XXIII Sunday Noon Recit at ion of t he Angelus, t he Prayer t o t he Guardian Angel, t he Versicles f or t he Dead, and t he Apost olic Blessing, Given in Lat in f rom t he Papal Balcony by John XXIII Christ mas at St . Cat herine's Basilica at Bet hlehem 1967 Tradit ional Lat in Mat ins Christ mas at St . Cat herine's Basilica at Bet hlehem 1967 Tradit ional Lat in High Mass, Part I Christ mas at St . Cat herine's Basilica at Bet hlehem 1967 Tradit ional Lat in High Mass, Part II

12EASTER.MP3 (17:41, 24,873 KB) 23CANON.MP3 (8:52, 12,472 KB) 23CLOSE.MP3 (10:59, 15,459 KB) 23ANGEL.MP3 (4:05, 5,758 KB)

BETHLEHEM1.MP3 (12:41, 11,899 KB)

BETHLEHEM1.MP3 (12:41, 11,899 KB) BETHLEHEM2.MP3 (21:40 20,316 KB) BETHLEHEM3.MP3 (22:47 21,364 KB) Return to Top File CELCHAN1.MP3 (21:06, 7292 KB)

Descript ion Celebrant 's Chant at a Sung Mass: An explanat ion of all t he part s of a Missa Cant at a t o be sung by t he celebrant ; t he descript ion of each part is accompanied by chant ed examples, including bot h t he

Ordinary and Proper of t he Mass - Part I CELCHAN2.MP3 (15:21, 3600 KB) CELCHHS1.MP3 (31:01, 7290 KB) Celebrant 's Chant at a Sung Mass - Part II

Celebrant 's Chant on Holy Sat urday: A chant ing of t he celebrant 's part on Holy Sat urday, t oget her wit h a comment ary on some of t he basic principles of t he chant involved - Part I. Celebrant 's Chant on Holy Sat urday - Part II.

CELCHHS2.MP3 (25:40, 5338 KB) 1960RUB1.MP3 (30:29, 7160 KB)

General Rubrics of t he Roman Breviary and Missal: An int roduct ion t o t he General Rubrics of t he Roman Breviary and Missal promulgat ed by Pope John XXIII in 1960, f ollowed by a chapt er-bychapt er summary of t he rubrics pert aining joint ly t o t he Roman Breviary and Missal - Part I General Rubrics of t he Roman Breviary and Missal - Part II

1960RUB2.MP3 (19:05, 4479 KB) 1960RUB3.MP3 (31:04, 7286 KB) 1960RUB4.MP3 (00:51, 205 KB) PRACMIS1.MP3 (30:56, 7272 KB)

General Rubrics of t he Roman Breviary and Missal - Part III

General Rubrics of t he Roman Breviary and Missal - Part IV

Pract icum on Using t he Missal, Pract icum on t he Ferial Of f ice: (1) A st ep-by-st ep example on set t ing up t he Missal f or t he correct Propers and ot her part s of t he Mass; (2) a st ep-by-st ep example on recit ing t he Divine Of f ice f or t he Major Hours of a f erial day Part I Pract icum on Using t he Missal, Pract icum on t he Ferial Of f ice Part II Pract icum on Lat in in t he Mass, Common of t he Saint s: A reading in Ecclesiast ical Lat in of t he Propers of six Common Masses: of a Mart yr Pont if f , Mart yr Not Pont if f , Conf essor Pont if f , Doct or, Conf essor Not Pont if f , and Abbot t - Part I Pract icum on Lat in in t he Mass, Common of t he Saint s - Part II

PRACMIS2.MP3 (30:43, 7201 KB) PRACCOM1.MP3 (28:20, 6646 KB)

PRACCOM2.MP3 (23:01, 5402 KB)

PRONLAT1.MP3 (29:55, 7,032 KB)

Pronunciat ion of Ecclesiast ical Lat in: An int roduct ion t o t he principles of pronouncing ecclesiast ical Lat in, f ollowed by a soundby-sound descript ion wit h examples and concluded by a complet e reading of t he Nicene Creed, Gloria, and Sanct us - Part I Pronunciat ion of Ecclesiast ical Lat in - Part II

PRONLAT2.MP3 (30:57, 7,273 KB) SERVLOW1.MP3 (31:32, 7408 KB)

Serving Low Mass, Responses and Ceremonial: A pract ice involving all of t he server's Lat in responses at Low Mass, t oget her wit h a summary of t he ceremonial of serving Low Mass and select ed Lat in prayers f or bef ore and af t er Mass (1962 Missal) Part I. Serving Low Mass, Responses and Ceremonial: A pract ice involving all of t he server's Lat in responses at Low Mass, t oget her wit h a summary of t he ceremonial of serving Low Mass and select ed Lat in prayers f or bef ore and af t er Mass - Part II. Usef ul Lat in Prayers: The prayers of t he Marian Rosary, t he Roman cat echism, and t he lit anies of t he Church - Part I. Usef ul Lat in Prayers - Part II.

SERVLOW2.MP3 (24:43, 5808 KB)

USELAT1.MP3 (29:43, 6855 KB) USELAT2.MP3 (28:54, 6792 KB) Return to Top

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