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9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

Heroes King Arthur-conspiracy, evil, treachery, jealousy, gossip, and tyranny Joan of Arc-prejudice, conspiracy, and corruption Gilgamesh-selfishness, mortality, and death Socrates-ignorance, prejudice, and inferior Beowulf Hero from misty reaches of the English past. He faces violence, horror, and death to save a people.

The Monster Grendel

9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

Creation of the earth by the almighty; Grendel-lurking in darkness; Hrothgar-king of Danes; Grendel was conceived of the crime by Cain-evil; Grendel angry at the rejoicing of Hrothgar and his men; Herot-mead hall; Grendel snatched 30 men the first night; warriors leave Herot; mead hall meant to represent kingdom; 12 winters Hrothgars hall sits empty; pagan element coming out; Beowulf wants to save Hrothgar; Gaet-Sweden; Beowulf brings 14 men from Gaet

The Arrival of the Hero

9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

Beowulf will not use weapons because Grendel is not going to use weapons, this is called fair play; if fate does not choose me to die take my weaponry beck to my king which was Anglo-Saxon custom; Danes ask Gaets to have a banquet and then Danes leave Beowulf

Unferths Challenge

9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

Unferth-Hrothgars most able warrior; jealous of Beowulf and also humiliated because he could not get the job done Brecca very good childhood friend of Beowulf who had a swimming match with his friend Brecca and lost; Beowulf killed sea monsters so he now says the sea is safe because of me and Brecca also left him without trying to help with the sea monsters; he says to Unferth you have killed your own brothers (fellow soldiers); Welthow-gold ringed queen which means she is Hrothgars wife, she is allowed in the mead hall because of nobility; Hrothgar turned over his kingdom to Beowulf to keep safe which shows great trust

The Battle with Grendel

9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

Why did one Gaet have to be killed? -To lay the trap for Grendel, evil that we have to get rid of sometimes we have to let innocent people die; proof of Grendel being defeated was his arm (this is Anglo-Saxon tradition); Grendel has fought the almighty god (Beowulf) and god has won; if evil fights goodness, goodness will win; Beowulf has proven himself to his people and Hrothgars people; deer wont cross lake or river in which Grendel and his mother have lived

The Monsters Mother

9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

Grendel put a spell on the weapons and that is why the Hrunting would not kill his mother; the sword that Beowulf used to kill Grendels mother was made by giants and contained magic; loyalty was what Beowulfs followers had when they decided to stay even though the Danes told the Gaets Beowulf was dead; Beowulf succeeds the throne

The Final Battle

9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

Beowulf is going to keep fighting even with his age (70+ years old); he keeps fighting because it has to be done; 3 Ds-dedicated, determined, and defender of good; Gaets were disloyal for running and not helping; Beowulf is supposed to represent Jesus Christ and the 12 brave Gaets are his disciples

9/15/2012 1:52:00 PM

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