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Defi(SS2)U05v3.qxd 11/13/2004 19:24 Page 44 Defi(SS2)U05v3.

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Title: Be Going To Future, Vacation Plans Worksheet

Unit Unit Vacation Plans 5 5 Vacation Plans Vacation Plans Language Objective
Making Plans and Plans and Making Solving Problems Problems Solving

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Talk about future plans using the be going to form.

Language Objective Language Talk about future plansObjective Talk about future plans using using the be going to form. the be going to form.

When we make plans for the future,the use a form use a form of the verb going plus going to, When we make plans for we future, we of the verb to be, plus to be, to, followed by the verb. See the examples in the box below. followed by the verb. See the examples in the

we make plans for the future, we use a form of the verb to be, plus going to, ed by the verb. See the examplesPLANNING below. WHAT? in the box TO DO WHEN? WHEN? PLANNING TO DO WHAT? I am going toam going to go to Hawaii.are going toare going to have fun. Next week Next week go to Hawaii. We have fun. I We PLANNINGgoing toWHAT? WHEN? He is TO DO swim. to swim. You are going toare going to relax. Tomorrow Tomorrow He is going You relax. going to go to Hawaii. is goingSheplay tennis. are going Next week hotel. at a hotel. days three days We are going to have fun. She to is going to They toare going to stay stay at a In three They In going to swim. You going to to relax. Tomorrow It is going to beare goingbe sunny. Next winterNext winter It is sunny. s going to play tennis. They are going to stay at a hotel. In three days oing to be sunny. Next winter A Amy, Hugo, Pam, and Lynn are making plans for their vacations. vacations. Useads travel ads A Amy, Hugo, Pam, and Lynn are making plans for their Use the travel the above to answer these questions about their plans. above to answer these questions about their plans. 1. Where is Amy plans to go? vacations. Use the travel ads Hugo, Pam, and Lynn are making going Amy going to go? 1. Where is for their to answer these questions about their plans.

ere is Amy going to go? 2. How is she going to travel? to travel? 2. How is she going

w is she going to travel? 3. Where is she going to stay? 3. Where is she going to stay?

ere is she going to stay? 4. How long isHow going to begoing to be there? 4. she long is she there?

w long is she going to be there? 5. What is sheWhat isto dogoing to do there? 5. going she there?

at is she going to do there? 6. How much How much is her vacation going to cost? 6. is her vacation going to cost?

w much is her vacation going to cost? (Go on to the next to the next page.) (Go on page.)
SKILL OBJECTIVES: Future form: be going to; reading travel ads; asking/answering questions. Have students look at the vacation

SKILL OBJECTIVES: Future form: be going asking/answering questions. students look at the vacation n to the next page.) and the box reviewing the bereviewing the be going toA: to; reading travel ads; plan to to Amys planandgo totheHavequestions.the six questions. ads going to structures. Part Call attention to Amys go to Hawaii, ask six ads and the box structures. Part A: Call attention to Hawaii, and ask

Have students answer orally in complete sentences, then write their sentences. Have students answer orally in complete sentences, then write their sentences. BJECTIVES: Future form: be going to; reading travel ads; asking/answering questions. Have students look at the vacation the box reviewing the be going to structures. Part A: Call attention to Amys plan to go to Hawaii, and ask the six questions. dents answer orally in complete sentences, then write their sentences.



Source: Judy DeFilippo and Charles Skidmore, Skill Sharpeners 2 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE

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Title: Be Going To Future, Vacation Plans Worksheet

1. Where are Pam and Lynn going to go?

2. How are they going to get there?

3. Where are they going to stay?

4. How long are they going to be there?

5. What are they going to do there?

6. How much is their vacation going to cost?


In your notebook, write questions and answers about Hugos vacation. Use the questions in Parts A and B as guides. What about you? Imagine that you have just won $2,000. Now you can take your dream vacation! In your notebook, write answers to these questions about your dream vacation. 1. Where are you going to go? 2. How are you going to get there? 3. When are you going to go? 4. What are you going to do or see? 5. How long are you going to stay? 6. Are you going to go with your family? 7. Are you going to stay at a hotel? 8. How much is your vacation going to cost?

Now write about your dream vacation in paragraph form. Think of a good beginning sentence and a good ending sentence.

SKILL OBJECTIVES: Asking/answering questions; writing a paragraph. Part B: Follow the same procedure as for Part A on the facing page, but this time do only sentence 1 orally. Part C: Have students write both the questions and the answers for Hugo in their notebooks. Use the same six questions but with the pronoun he. Part D: Discuss these questions, then have students write their answer in their notebooks. Part E: Have them use their answers from Part D as a source for their paragraph-form description. Discuss the idea of having their first sentence be a topic sentence and their last sentence be a summary.

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Source: Judy DeFilippo and Charles Skidmore, Skill Sharpeners 2 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE

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