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Title:Hydrologtc, thermal, chemical and processes related fracture to controlled hydrothermal water-rock interaction
Author: Michael Edward Shea Advisor: Robert N. Clayton

ABSTRACT The hydrothermal uraniumvein deposits nearMarysvale, Utah were studied in orderto elucidate hydrologic, the thermal,andchemical processes affected that the distributionof elements oxygenisotopes profiles)associated two distinct and (as with hydrologicfeatures the surroundingq\artz in monzonite, well as selected as background samples.These two hydrologicfeatures joint; and2)a comprised: an open,chloritized l) quartz-calcite sealed, veinlet. The resultsof this studyarediscussed appliedto and radwaste isolationconcerns, includingKds, retardation factors,andimplications farfor field retardation frachrred in graniticrock. Analyticaleffortsincluded:l) mineralchemistry feldspars, of biotite,chlorite,and magnetite; profilesof the selected 2) elements Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca,Ti, Fe,Rb, Co,Ni, Na, Se,Zr,M, Mo, Cs,Ba, La,Ce,Nd, Sm,Eu, Tb, Tm, yb, Lu, Th, U; and3) profilesof oxygenisotopevaluesfor quartz,orthoclase, magnetite, calcite,andwhole-rock. Modelingeffortsincluded:l) large-scale finite difference modelingof ttre Marysvale naturalhydrothermal system; small-scale 2) analytical modelingof selected element andoxygenisotopeprofiles;and3) interpretation 6-6 plots of quarz, of orthoclase, magnetite. and Resultsinclude:l) the temperature the hydrothermal of (interaction 200 to 225 of transport the hydrothermal of fluid into the "C);2) evidence diffusion-dominated quartzmonzonite; the determination apparent 3) of diffusivities(D") of the modeled elements, includinguraniumwith a range Dovaluesof - 10-15 l0'r7m2/sec; 4) the in to and characterization the U diffusionascoupled of grainboundary-volume diffirsion,with an anticipated activationenergyof - 15to 95 kJ/mole.


LIST OF TABLES... LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.......... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................ Chapter I. INTRODUCTION...... l.l Overview ............. 1.2 Related Studies....... 1.3 Main Components This Study......... of 1.3.1 Sampling Analysis.... and 1.3.2 Lar ge-Scale HydrothermalModeling 1.3.3 Small-Scale AnalyticalModeling...


viii xiv

1 I 2 5 5 6 6

2. GEOLOGICSETTING. 2.1 Regional Geology. 2.2 LocalGeology..... 2.2.1BullionCanyon Volcanics.. 2.2.2MowtBelknapVolcanics.. 2.3 Study Area Geo1ogy.............. Monzonite. 2.3.1 Central Intrusive Quartz 2.3.2Hydrothermal Alteration.......... Rock 2.3.3VeinMneralory
3. ANALYTICAL RESI.]LTS................

7 7 7 8 8 9 9 ll 14 20 20 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 2l

To 3.1 Results Previous of Related MassTransport... Studies 3.2 Petrography......... 3.2.1 Unaltered Monzonite. Quartz Orthoclase, Andesine... Quartz....... Augite........ Biotite....... Magnetite..


28 Chlorite..... Features.............. 28 FromTwo Hydrologic 3.2.2 Changes Distance With 29 MVl70 B Subsample Series..... 30 MVlTl B Subsample Series..... 32 3.2.3 Secondary Mineralory 33 Quartz....... 34 Orttroclase. 34 Magnetite.. 35 Biotite/Ch1orite........... 36 3.3 Neutron ActivationChemical Analyses.... 38 3.3.1Si Determination theMethod Difference............... of by 39 3.3.2 Oxides Corrected CaCO3 for 39 3.4 OrygenIsotopic Analyses....
4. MODELING AND DISCUSSION............. 4.1 Introduction.......... 4.2 Large-Scale Finite-DifferenceHydrothermalModel.... 4.2.1 PhysicalModel. 4.2.2 Computational Model Code.......... 4.2.3 Initial and BoundaryConditions. Permeability F1ow.......... Modeling........... 4.3 Results Large-Scale Hydrothermal of 4.3.1 Temperature....... 4.3.2 HydrologicFlow 4.3.3 Integrated Fluid MassFlux.. 4.3.4 IsotopicAlteration.............. 4.4 Small-Scale Models...... AnalyticalMassTransport Modeling... MassTransport 4.4.1 AnalyticalElemental Relatedto Mass Transport.... SomeUnderlyingProcesses Retardation ., 56 56 56 58 6l 62 62 64 67 68 69 69 7l 72 73 77 78 8l 8l 82

(IQ) andIsotherms........... 83 Coeffrcient 84 Profiles. IQs from Concentration lu Selected AnalyticalEquations.. Diffusion... One-Dimensional NonreactiveDiffusion-Advection Model Calculations................. Initial andBoundaryConditions. ElementalConcentrations(fi G)... .. and .. Time(t)..... . ...

85 85 88 89 90 9l 92 92 93 94 96 .. .. 96 97 99 100 100 l0l 103 Fluid Velocity(V) ..... Analytical Model Calculations................. of Transport Diffusion................ by MVl70 Elemental hofiles...... Profiles...... MVlTl Elemental Profiles...... MVl70 Elemental Profiles...... MVlTl Elemental 4.5 Orygen IsotopicExchange... 4.5.1 6-6 P1ots.......... &-6 Plotsof PlutonicRocksFrom OtherLocalities

99 Coupled Diffusion-Advection............ by &-6 Plots of MarysvaleQuartzMonzonite 105 Mineral-Pair Temperatures................ 107 Equilibrium 4.5.2 Interpretation Marysvale6-6 P1ots.......... of 108 Bulk 6180Vdue M\m-66 and-63)............. 109 Open-System Rock-Buffered Alteration (MVF-66, -68, m-scale, IW-170)............... and (MV-l7l)........ Open-System Fluid Dominated Alteration Summary &-6 PlotsInterpretations..... of 4.5.3 Applicabilityof Finite Difference Modeling... 4.5.4 AnalyticalIsotopicExchange Modeling... Initial andBoundaryConditions. (T) .. 4.5 .4. t . 2 1 8 00 f F 1 u id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Resuls of IsotopicExchange AnalyticalModeling... III I 13 ll4 ll5 120 l2l l2l 122 123


190 ISOLATION...................... 5. APPLICATION RESI]LTS RADWASTE TO OF 190 5.I Introduction.......... (R) 190 5.2 Calculation Retardation Factors . .. . of Ratios.......... l9l 5.2.1Retardation Factors Based Fluid/Solute Velocity on IQs.................192 5.2.2Retardation Factors Based Diffusivity-Derived on 194 Isolation. 5.3 Application Marysvale of Results Radwaste to 194 5.3.1 Comparison Literature Values D" of Retardation Factors 199 5.3.2 Comparison Literature andCalculated IQs of Rock............. 201 in 5.4 Implications Far-Field for Retardation Fractured Granitic 208 APPENDIX A. Neutron Activation Analysis.
Preparation. A. I Sample .............

A.2 Irradiation............. A.3 Courtin9.............. A.4 DataReduction.. A.5 Elements Interest.............. of

226 226 229 229 230 233

Equilibrium Fractionation Curve...... 238 B. Development Albite-H2O Isotopic of 238 B.l Introduction.......... 240 B.2 Wide-Temperature Fractionation................ Ab-H2O Function 242 Partition Curves....... B.2.1 Calculation JtlzOReduced of B.2.2 Production offl2O(f,g,l)'s with H2OO-HzO(g) 247 Fractionation Po1ynomia1................ WithTCO2 B.2.3 Production COz-HzO(lg,l) Curves of 247 Reduced Partition Function.... 249 B.2.4 Production AAb-H2O Fractionation Curve..... of AAb-H2O Fractionation Curve.......249 B.2.5 FinalWide-Temperature
C. Additional


LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 quartz by re_sults XRF for surface analysis Majorelement Utah Marysvale, from samples mo"nzonite quafiz by rgsylts XRF for subsurface analysis Major element Utah Marysvale, samplesirom mo"nzonite MYF-66, for results MVF meter-scale, analysis Neutronactivation Uta6 fromMarysvale, samples qatt" moirzonite andMVF-68 for results MV170andMVl7l analysis activation Neutron at Marysvale series subsamples an{ for Si concentrations MVl70 subsamples MVFp6biotite usingINAA of bulk powden method by thedifference bulk an! forMVlTl subsample.s MVF.68 Si concentrations INAA of butk powders using method by thedifference Page 4T 42 43 M 46 47 49 50 51

S.Toxygenisotopecompositionsformineralsep-aratesfrom at quartz monzorute Marysvarc MVF m- andkm-scale 3.8 3.g and of whole-rocks mineral comPo_sition isotopic Oxygen subsamples frolir UVtZ0n series sepaiates and of coppositions whole-rocks isoto_pic oxygenandcarbon subsamples from separates MVl7lB series mirieral profiles for parameters MV170elemental transport Diffusional profiles for parameters MV 17| elemental transport Diffusional for parameters MV 170 transport diffusion-advection Coupled profiles elemental for paritmeters MV 17| transport diffusion-advection Coupled profiles elemental vi

4.2 4.3
4 .4

126 127



Numericalisoconanalysis results MVF68 andMV l7O for


A. I A-2 A.3 4.4

Mass [mg] of samples usedin this study Elementspecificneutronactivationanalysis dua Linear correlations between peakareas me:Nured STRIp3 by andMURR programs Elements their apploximate and concentrations ppm) (in detected neutronaCtivation in analysisblanks

234 235 236 237

B. 1 B '2

H216O vibrational constants HzO IR frequency parameters usedto calculate reduced panition functions Reducedpartition functionsfor Hzr6O <+ Hzr8O at selected temperatures Calculatedi9oJopicfractionation valuesfor /FIzO(g), ftrzo(l), andfirzo(O at selected temperatures Calculate{-isotopic fractionation valuesfor CO2-HzO(g) and COz-HzO(l)at selected temperatures Calculatedvaluesfor Ab-/FIzO(f,g,l)at selected temperatures

2M 245

8.3 8.4

251 253


255 256



LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 2.1 Simplified distribution 34to 17Maigneous rocksand of knowncalderas theMarysvale, Juan, of San and Mogollon volcanicfieldsin theGreat provinces BasinandColorado Plateau geologic Schematic historyaround Marysvale, Utah geologic of Marysvale Simplified map Area quartz Modalcomposition Marysvale of monzonite quartzmonzonite Range occurrence Marysvale in of minerals relative alteration to stages
geologicmap of the CentralMining areaat Simplified surface Marysvale Diagrammatic sketchshowingthe locationof m-scale, MVl70 and -l7l samples the VCA cross-cut at terminus whereit intersects Freedom veins #2 the Cut surface MVlTl showing5 mm thick subsamples of of B andB' subsample series SEMIEDX andelectron-microprobe chemistryfor Marysvale quartzmonzonitealkati andplagioclase feldspars


15 16 17 18 19

2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

3.1 3.2


53 54 55 129 133 135 136 138

3.3 3.4

geologic 4.1A-N ReconstructionlocalMarysvale history of 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Thermal modelsystem evolution within thefinite difference plutonfrom 0.004 50ka of theconvectively cooling to Superimposedstrearnfunction andtemperaflrrecontours withinthemodelsystemfrom0.0O4to 100ka Fluidflow velocities withinthemodel system from 0.004to 50 ka Maximumabsolute values within themodel strearnfunction system duringthefirst 150ka of convective cooling

4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.ll 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.164 4.168

Integrated fluid mass within themodelsystem flux from0.004 50ka to Maximumintegrated fluid mass within themodel flux system duringthefirst l50l<aof convective cooling isotope Oxygen evolution thefluid withinthemodel of system theconvectively of coolingplutonfrom 0.0(Mto 50 ka isotope Oxygen shiftof therockwithinthemodelsystem of theconvectively coolingplutonfrom 0.004to 50 ka Range the6l8Onuio of withinthemodelsystem duringthefirst 150ka ofconvective cooling Range theAl8Orocrc of withinthemodel system lsOkaofconvectivecooling duringthefirst

139 l4l 142 144 146 147

representation thephysical analytical Schematic of and conditions used in theonedimensional transport models 148 diffusion-only Graphical representations of analytical solutions selected to conditions for thediffusionmass equation 149 tranport Schematic representationthephysical analytical used of and conditions in one-dimensional transport models 150 coupled advectiondiffusion Graphical representationsanalytical to of solutions selected conditions for coupled advection-diffusion tranport mass l5l results diffirsion-only Graphical transport Na curve-fitted of to of measured values fromtheMV170series subsamples results diffusion-only Graphical transport K curve-fitted to of of measured values fromtheMVl70 series subsamples 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

4.16C Graphical results diffusion-only transport Ba curve-fitted of of to measured values fromtheMVl70 series subsamples 4.16D Graphical results diffusion-only transport Nd curve-fitted of of to measured values fromtheMV170series subsamples 4.16E 4.16F Graphical results diffusion-only transport Lu curve-fitted to of of measurcd values fromtheMV170series subsamples Graphical results diffusion-only to of transport U curve-fitted of measured values fromtheMV170series subsamples

4.16G Graphical results diffusion-only transport U curve-fitted of to of measured values samples fromtheYVF3A2 thin-section u(

to 4.16H Graphical results diffusion-only transport U curve-fitted of of measured samples values fromtheMVF9A9Bthin-section 4.161 4.16J results diffrrsion-only Graphical transport Mg curve-fitted of to of measurcd values from theMVl70 series subsamples results diffusion-only transport Cacurve-fitted of Graphical of to measurcd values fromtheMVl70 series subsamples

159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 l7l 172 173 174

4.16K Graphical results diffusion-only tnmsport Cscurve-fitted of of to measurcd values fromtheMV170series subsamples 4.16L results diffusion-only Graphical transport Tb curve-fitted of to of measured values fromtheMV170series subsamples

4.16M Graphical results diffusion-only of of transport Yb curve-fitted to measured values fromtheMVl70 series subsamples 4.17A Graphical results diffusion-only of transport K curve-fiUed of to measured values fromtheMVlTl series subsamples 4.178 results diffusion-only transport Cacurve-fitted of to Graphical of measured values fromtheMV171series subsamples

4.17C Graphical results diffusion-only transport Rb curve-fitted of to of measured values fromtheMVl7l series subsamples 4.17D Graphical results diffusion-only transport Ba curve-fitted of to of measurcd values fromtheMVlTl series subsamples 4.17E. Graphical results diffusion-only transport U curve-fitted of of to measured values fromtheMV171series subsamples 4.17F results diffusion-only Graphical transport U curve-fitted of to of measured values fromtheMVlTl series subsamples

4.17G Graphical results diffirsion-only transport Na curve-fitted of of to measured values fromtheMVl7l series subsamples 4.17H Graphical results diffusion-only transport Cscurve-fitted of to of measured values fromtheMVl7l series subsamples 4.171 Graphical results diffusion-only transport La curve-fitted of to of measured values fromtheMVl7l series subsamples 4.17J results diffusion-only of to Graphical transport Tb curve-fitted of measured values fromtheMVl7l series subsamples

of 4.18A Graphical results coupled diffusion-advection transport K of values fromtheMVlTl series subsamples 175 curve-fitted measured to

4.188 Graphicalresultsofcoupleddiffusion-advectiontransportolP-1,_^ 176 subsamples a4. fromtheMVl7l series values to curve-fined measured
4.!9A quartz for 8lSOorttroctaseMarysvale versus 8lSOouartz andplutonic rocks from otherlocalities monffnite for ve6us 6lSOma'nerire Marysvalequartz DlSoquartz andplutonic rocks from otherlocalities monztnite for DlSOortrroclaseMarysvalequartz 618Oq uartzversus monzonite for 6180magnerite Marysvalequartz 6180quwtzversus monzorute closed-system summaryfor both fluid-absent Schematic gxygenisotoqigexchange open-system andfluid-present within the orthochse,ffid magngtite betweenq-uartz, CentralIntrusivequartzmonzoniteat Marysvale,Utatt fluid flux within the hydrothermal Rangeof intergrated F2 ata depthof -250 m i.t model fracture-ptanes and fluid velocitieswithin the Rangeof verticalhydrothermal fractureplariesFl andF2 at a depthof -250 m modet within the fluid temperatures Rangeof hydrothermal modit fractureplanesFl andF2-ata depthof -250 m valueswithin the modelfractureplanes Rangeof 618Onuio Fl andF2 at a dePthof -250 m Rangeof shift in 618Qocrvalueswithin the modelfractureplanes Fl andF2 at adepthol?SO * 177


r78 r79


4.208 4.21


4.ZZ 4.23 4.24

r82 183 184 185





modeled6180 of the fluid exchanging Correlationwith time betrveen with rock and the resultantisotopic shift (Al8orocd within the model 187 fractureplanesFl andF2 atad6pth of -250 m Graphicalresultsof modeledMVl70 6180 mineralvaluesdetermined equilibrium exchangebetweenfeldpar, quartz, and by ciosed-system 188 water 6180 value at that distance the independentlyestablished




results modeled MV1716180mineral values determined Graphical of between feldpar,quartz,and by closed-system equilibriumexchange 189 theindependently water6180valueatthatdistance established
Anhenius diagramshowingrepresentative diffusivities for water, porewater,grain boundary, volume-grain boundaty, coupled volume,and reactionlayerdiffusion rclativeto MVlTl U partitionfunctionsfor oxygenisotopeexchange Reduced of H2O usingIR vibrationalspectra Isotopic fractionation curvesfor both COz-HzO(g) and COz-HzO(l) Ab-/FI2O(lg,l) Third-orderpolynomialfits to low-temperature experinrental data calculationsand high-temperaturc Third-orderpolynomialfits to high-temperaturc experimental dataandlinear equation

5 .1


B .l 8.2
El.3 B.4

259 260


C.lA C.1B C.lC C.lD C.lE C.I F C.1G C.lH C.lI

of results coupled transport Na Graphical diffrrsion-advection of from theMV170 series subsamples 263 values curve-fined measured to transport K of results coupled diffusion-advection Graphical of values ftom theMVl70 series subsamples 264 curve-fitted measured to transport Ba of results coupled diffusion-advection Graphical of from theMVl70 series subsamples 265 values curve-fitted measured to transpoft Nd of results coupled diffusion-advection Graphical of from theMV170 series subsamples 266 to values curve-fiued measured transport Lu of results coupled diffusion-advection Graphical of subsamples 267 from theMVl70 series values curve-fitted measured to transport U of results coupled diffusion-advection Graphical of subsamples 268 values from theMV170 series to curve-fitted measurcd of transport U results coupled diffusion-advection Graphical of from theMVF3A2 thin-sections values curve-fitted measured to of transport U results coupled diffusion-advection Graphical of fromtheMVF9A9Bthin-sections values curve-fitted measured to 269 270

of transport Mg results coupled diffusion-advection of Graphical from theMVl70 series subsamples 271 values to curve-fitted measured



C.lJ C.lK C.lL C.lM C.2A C.2B C.zC C.zD C.zE C.2F C.2G C.2H

Graphical results coupled diffusion-advection transport Ca of of curve-fined measurcd to values from theMVl70 series subsamples 272 Graphical results coupled of of diffusion-advection transport Cs from theMVl70 series curve-fitted measured to values subsamples 273 results coupled of Graphical of diffusion-advection transport Tb from theMVl70 series curve-fitted measurcd to values subsamples 274 Graphical results coupled diffusion-advection transport Yb of of from theMVl70 series curve-fitted measured to values subsamples 215 results coupled Graphical of diffusion-advection transport Ca of from theMV171 series curve-fitted measurcd to values subsamples 276 results coupled transport Rb of Graphical of diffrrsion-advection to values fromtheMVlTl series subsamples 277 curve-fitted measured results coupled of Graphical of diffusion-advection transport U values fromtheMVl7l series subsamples 278 curve-fitted measured to results coupled of Graphical of diffusion-advection uansport U fromtheMVlTl series subsamples 279 curve-fitted measured to values results coupled difftrsion-advection transport Na of Graphical of values fromtheMVITl series curve-fined measurcd to subsamples 280 results coupled transport Cs of Graphical of diffusion-advection to values from theMVITl series subsamples 281 curve-fitted measured results coupled transpon La of Graphical of diffusion-advection values from theMVITl series subsamples 282 curve-fitted measured to results coupled of Graphical of diffusion-advection transport Tb to values from theMVlTl series subsamples 283 curve-fitted measured



including Sciences, of in I thankmy fellow students theDeparunent Geophysical a and Jeff Sweeney, in particularNadjaAquino who became Eriks Puris,Mark Peters, Bob in students Professor closefriend andconfidante. Also, I thankmy fellow graduate and Lin RobertoSantos, Huang,Hal Karlsson, in Clayton'sgroupMunir Humayun, Mark Sundwho left our grouptoo soon. particular werea valuable staff members professional research and Many of the Deparbnent word. Andy asset.Marilyn Bowie wasexfemely helpfulandalwayshadanencouraging and to me Davis assisted greatlyby grantingme access his superiorMac computersystems me teaching how to usethemicroprobe.Roy Lewis lentme his color printer. of ObviouslyI am very thanHul to themembers my committeeFrankRichter,Fred and I-affy Grossman, my advisorBob Clayton. Wordscannotadequately Anderson, thorough support, I the express gratitude feel nor the debtI oweto Bob for his unflagging and andthoughffulreview of my dissertation, high scientific standards.I am alsovery gratefulto Tosh Mayeda,who caredso deeplyandhelpedso much on a very humanand heart-feltlevel. me helpedandencouraged and colleagues mentors and Otheracademic professional career, a greatlyduringthe time thatI bothworkedon thePh.D.andpursued professional McKinley, JohnSmellie,Walt Neil Chapman,Ian includingKen Foland,Larry Cathles, DanMelchior,andBob trvich. DaveCurtis,GerryStirewalt" Bob Laughon, Newcomb, and My warmestthanksgo to my family members manyfriendswho werealways to kind enoughto askhow thingswere going,andkinder still to at leastappear care, FonestManhewFrameDaveBrown,Lo Gentile,andespecially includingLarry Gaber, to Butthe singleperson whomI am by far the mostgratefulis my wife Canie. of love, andremindfulsense reality,I could unquestioned support, Without her boundless this not havecompleted dissertation.

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