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Appendix D IRC Comparison Matrix

Use this matrix to identify variations in wall bracing criteria from one version of the IRC to another.
IRC Section 2006 IRC 2000 IRC 2003 IRC 2007 Supplement to the 2006 IRC R602.10.1.3 R602.10.1 adds variations to allowable bracing Story to story variation Wall line to wall line variation except in continuous sheathing SDC A and B may mix methods within a wall line when using higher bracing percentage (except continuous sheathing)

R602.10.1 Braced Wall Lines

Corner offset of 12-6 max Wall line offset of 4 max, 8 total

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

Maximum 35 o.c. R602.10.1.1 Braced Wall Line Spacing Exception: 50 o.c. OK when wall bracing is increased by a ratio of the length of the braced wall line divided by 35 and the length to width ratio of the floor or roof diaphragm are less than 3:1 8 methods as listed in Wall Bracing 401 training Gives material, required nailing and stud spacing Same as 2006 IRC R602.10.1.4

No Limit

R 602.10.3 Braced Wall Panel Construction

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

R602.10.4 Length of Braced Panel

4 for Methods 2,3,4,6,7,8 and Method 5 when double sided 8 for Method 5, single sided

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

R602.10.5 Continuous Sheathing

All exterior and interior walls must be fully sheathed with wood structural panels including areas above and below openings Panels with a 4:1 aspect ratio may be used around the garage A portal with a 6:1 aspect ratio may be used with 2 anchors on either side of portal

No portal option

No portal option

R602.10.2 Method 3: 3/8 thick wood structural panel for 16 and 24 o.c. studs R602.10.3 For method 5 single sided applications, percent bracing must be doubled R602.10.4 Continuously sheathed panel and portal options around garage now in text. Sections R602.10.4.5 and R602.10.4.6 R602.10.4.7 Requires continuous sheathing on entire story in SDC D0-D2 and areas with winds above 100 mph

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


IRC Section

2006 IRC 32 wood structural panel 2 anchor bolts 2 hold downs of 1800 lbs Requires foundation or floor above continuous footing Two story house must use sheathing on both sides of panel and 2 hold downs of 3000 lbs 16 portal using wood structural panels and 10 maximum height Sheathing extends over header 6-18 header span 1 anchor bolt 2 hold downs of 4200 lbs each For two story house need 24 portal All vertical panel joints over studs All horizontal joints over blocking Blocking required when a braced wall line is above perpendicular joists When joists are parallel to a braced wall line, rim joist or other parallel framing member must be provided One story buildings in SDC D2, interior braced wall lines supported on continuous foundation not exceeding 50. Two story buildings have all interior braced wall panels supported on continuous foundations. Exception: for two story structures, continuous foundations under interior braced wall lines at 50 if cripple wall height less than 4, first floor braced wall panels supported by doubled floor joists, continuous blocking, or floor beams, and distance between braced lines doesnt exceed twice the building width. If a portion of a building does not comply with bracing requirements, that portion is designed and constructed with accepted engineering practice. Structures in SDC D0 D2 have exterior and interior braced wall lines. Maximum 25 o.c.

2000 IRC

2003 IRC

2007 Supplement to the 2006 IRC R602. Two story house sheathed on one side only with nails at minimum 4 o.c. along edge

R602.10.6.1 Alternate Braced Wall Panel

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

R602.10.6.2 16 and 24 Portal Options

No portal option

No portal option


R602.10.7 Panel joints R602.10.8 Connections

Same as 2006 IRC No rim joist required for support

Same as 2006 IRC No rim joist required for support

Same as 2006 IRC R602.10.5 and R602.10.6

R602.10.9 Continuous Foundation Beneath Interior Braced Wall Lines for SDC D2

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC


R602.10.10 Design of Structural Elements R602.10.11 High Seismic Braced Wall Lines R602.10.11.1 Braced Wall Line Spacing

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

No guidance in wall bracing section

No D0 Category

No D0 Category


Exception: Spacing less than 35 o.c. for one room of maximum 900 ft2. Spacing between all other lines max 25 o.c. (1-2 story house)

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

R602. Length to width ratio of diaphragm less than 3:1

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


IRC Section

2006 IRC Exterior wall lines have panel at each end Exceptions: Braced panel may be offset 8 from wall end if a 24 wide panel is applied to each side of the corner and the panels are attached to the framing as shown in Figure 602.10.5. OR Side of the braced wall panel closest to the corner has tie down fastened to the stud and having an uplift capacity of 1800 lbs. Designed collector required for more than 8 from end No adhesive attachment in high seismic regions

2000 IRC

2003 IRC

2007 Supplement to the 2006 IRC

R602.10.11.2 Braced Wall Panel Location

Max 12 from corner

Same as 2006 IRC

R602. and R602.10.4.3 Tie down of 800 lbs

R602.10.11.3 Collectors R602.10.11.5

R602.10.1 1 R602.10.1 1

R602.10.1 1 R602.10.1 1.2

No guidance offered R602.10.2.2

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


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