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126 Process Simulation using HYSYS


Follow the step-by-step instructions to solve the problem. 1- Open a new case.

Tutorial 2
Reactors and Heat Exchangers

2- Add a new component list.

Problem 1 Conversion Reactor Consider a stream of N2 and H2 at 300 F and 500 psia with mole fraction of 0.3 and 0.7, respectively, with a molar flow rate of 100 lbmol/hr. This stream enters a reactor. Conversion of N2 is 30 % and the reactor is isothermal. Calculate the properties of outlet streams using Peng-Robinson equation of state. The following reaction takes place in the reactor: N 2 3H 2 2 NH 3

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5- Select the Fluid Package (Make sure selecting Component List -1in the component list).

3- Select the components from the Components list and then close the active window by clicking on cross button (all process components should be entered in this step).

6- Add a new Fluid Package

4- The cross button is not seen on the figure and you could move the active window to see the cross button in order to close it.

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9- Go to the Add Rxn button to enter the reaction data.

7- Select the Peng Robinson or SRK equation of state from Property Package.

10- Select the Conversion Reaction and then click on the add Reaction button.

8- Close the Fluid Package by clicking on cross button. After this step, it is possible to import/export the Fluid Package. Go to the Reaction button.

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13- Close the active window and return to the following window: The reaction Rxn-1 is added. Add a reaction set by clicking on the Add Set button.

11- Select the components from the drop down menu and then enter the stoichiometry (negative for reactants and positive for products). The balance error should be zero.

14- In the Active List, select Rxn-1 from the drop down menu. Check mark the reaction set and close the active window.

12- Click on the Basis button, select Base Component from drop down menu and enter the conversion for the base component (30 %).

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17- The Basis-1 property model is now added to the Fluid Package. Simulation Environment. Then Enter to

15- Click on the Add FP button (This makes the reaction accessible for simulation).

18- Go to Tools/Preference to change the Unit Set to Field.

16- Click on Add Set to Fluid Package Button.

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21- Save the simulation work (e.g., problem-1).

19- Go to the Variables button, select Field and close the window (The new unit set may also be cloned by clicking on the Clone button).

22- Enter the mole fractions of the components in Worksheet Composition page. Click OK and close the active window to return to PFD.

20- Drag a material stream to the PFD, click on stream and enter two out of three properties (temperature, pressure and vapor fraction) and molar flowrate in the Worksheet/Conditions Page.

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25- Select a conversion reactor from object palette (F4) and drag it to the PFD.

23- The stream properties can now be calculated (seen in the Worksheet/Properties page). Items in blue and black indicate user-defined and calculated properties, respectively.

26- Double click on the reactor and enter Inlet, Vapor and Liquid Outlets and Energy stream in the Design/Connections page. 24- Close the active window and put the curser on the stream to view the Fly-By window.

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29- The duty of heat stream is entered in Design/Partameters section. (Make sure to delete the temperature entered in previous section).

27- Go to the Reactions page and select reaction set from the Reaction Set drop down menu.

28- In the Worksheet page, either enter temperature of one of outlet streams or define duty of heat stream. With these information reactor will be solved immediately.

30- The properties of all streams could be viewed in the Worksheet Properties Page.

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Solution: Problem 2 CSTR Production of ketene from acetone is performed in a CSTR. CH 3COCH 3 CH 2 CO CH 4 The reaction rate constant (in SI unit) for this reaction is:
k 8.2*1014 exp 2.85 105 where k is in kgmol/m3s. RT

Follow the step-by-step instructions to solve the problem. 1- Open a new case.

Feed stream (pure acetone) enters the reactor at 760 C and 160 kPa with molar flow rate of 140 kmole/hr. The reactor is adiabatic and its volume is 2 m3. Simulate the process using PRSV equation of state.

2- Add a new component list.

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5- Select the Fluid Package (Make sure selecting Component List -1in the component list).

3- Select the components from the Components list and then close the active window by clicking on cross button (all process components should be entered in this step).

6- Add a new Fluid Package.

4- The cross button is not seen on the figure and you could move the active window to see the cross button in order to close it.

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9- Go to the Add Rxn button to enter the reaction data.

7- Select the PSRV equation of state from Property Package.

10- Select the Kinetic Reaction and then click on the add Reaction button.

8- Close the Fluid Package by clicking on cross button. After this step, it is possible to import/export the Fluid Package. Go to the Reaction button.

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13- Go to Parameters page and enter the reaction rate data. 11- Select the components from the drop down menu and then enter stoichiometry of reaction (negative for reactants and positive for products). The balance error should be zero.

14- Go to Close the active window and return to the following window: The reaction Rxn-1 is added. Add a reaction set by clicking on the Add Set button.

12- Click on the Basis button, select Base Component from drop down menu and enter the reaction phase (Overall) and check the units.

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17- Click on Add Set to Fluid Package Button.

15- In the Active List, select Rxn-1 from the drop down menu. Check mark the set and close the active window.

18- The Basis-1 property model is now added to the Fluid Package. Simulation Environment. Then Enter to

16- Click on the Add FP button (This makes the reaction accessible for simulation).

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21- Enter 1 for acetone mole fraction and zero for the rest in Worksheet/Composition page. Click OK and close the active window to return to PFD. 19- Drag a material stream to the PFD, click on stream and enter temperature, pressure and molar flowrate in the Worksheet/Conditions Page.

22- The stream properties can now be calculated (seen in the Worksheet Conditions page). Items in blue and black indicate user-defined and calculated properties, respectively.

20- Save the simulation work (e.g., problem-2).

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25- Double click on the reactor and enter Inlet and outlet streams in Design/Connections.

23- Close the active window and put the curser on the stream to view the Fly-By window.

26- Go to the Reactions page and select set of reaction from Reaction Set drop down menu.

24- Select a CSTR from the object palette (F4) and drag it to the PFD.

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29- The properties of all streams could be viewed in the Worksheet/Properties Page.

27- Go to the Rating page and enter the volume (2 m3) for the reactor.

28- In the Reaction/Results page Worksheet page, the actual conversion (%) on the basis of acetone could be seen.

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Follow the step-by-step instructions to solve the problem. 1- Open a new case.

Problem 3: Equilibrium Reactor Consider a stream of N2 with mole fraction of 0.7 and H2 with a mole fraction of 0.3, which is fed to an equilibrium reactor at 25C and 20 atm with a molar flow rate of 100 kmole/hr to produce ammonia. The operating temperature of reactor is 50 C. Simulate the process, using the library information of HYSYS for equilibrium reactions.

2- Add a new component list.

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5- Select the Fluid Package (Make sure selecting Component List -1in the component list).

3- Select the components from the Components list and then close the active window by clicking on cross button (all process components should be entered in this step).

6- Add a new Fluid Package

4- The cross button is not seen on the figure and you could move the active window to see the cross button in order to close it.

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9- Go to the Add Rxn button to enter the reaction data.

7- Select the Peng Robinson or SRK equation of state from Property Package.

10- Select the Equilibrium Reaction and then click on the add Reaction.button.

8- Close the Fluid Package by clicking on cross button. After this step, it is possible to import/export the Fluid Package. Go to the Reaction button.

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13- In Keq page equilibrium data for the ammonia reaction could be seen.

11- Go to Library page and select ammonia reaction from library and click on Add Library Rxn button.

14- Close the active window. The reaction Rxn-1 is added. Add a reaction set by clicking on the Add Set button.

12- The reaction information will be automatically added to the Stoichiometry page.

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17- Click on Add Set to Fluid Package Button.

15- In the Active List, select Rxn-1 from the drop down menu. Check mark the set and close the active window.

18- The Basis-1 property model is now added to the Fluid Package. Simulation Environment. Then Enter to

16- Click on the Add FP button (This makes the reaction accessible for simulation).

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21- Enter the mole fractions of the components in Worksheet/Composition page. Click OK and close the active window to return to PFD. 19- Drag a material stream to the PFD, click on stream and enter the temperature, pressure and molar flowrate in the Worksheet/Conditions Page.

22- The stream properties can now be calculated (seen in the Worksheet Properties page). Items in blue and black indicate user-defined and calculated properties, respectively.

20- Save the simulation work (e.g., problem-3).

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25- Go to the Reactions page and select a reaction set from the Reaction Set drop down menu.

23- Select an equilibrium reactor from the Object Palette and drag it to the PFD.

26- In the Worksheet page, either enter temperature of one of outlet streams or define duty of heat stream. Enter temperature for the vapor outlet stream.

24- Double click on the reactor and enter inlet, outlet and energy stream in the Design/Connections page.

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Problem 4 Heat Exchanger A saturated vapor stream of alkenes (36% n-butane, 34% n-hexane, 30% n-octane in wt. percent) enters to the shell of a heat exchanger at 1000 kPa with mass flow rate of 100 kg/hr. The cooling water at 20 C is used to remove the heat from this stream, where its temperature should not be higher than 50 C in the outlet of the heat exchanger. Calculate the minimum molar flow rate of cooling water so that the temperature of alkenes stream to be 60 C in the outlet of heat exchanger. Choose the Weighted model for the heat exchanger simulation with no pressure drops in both sides.

27- In Reaction Results page, the conversion percent based on nitrogen could be seen.

28- Now, the reactor is simulated.

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3- Select the components from the Components list and then close the active window by clicking on cross button (all process components should be entered in this step). Follow the step-by-step instructions to solve the problem. 1- Open a new case.


4- The cross button is not seen on the figure and you could move the active window to see the cross button in order to close it.

2- Add a new component list.

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7- Select the Peng Robinson or SRK equation of state from Property Package.

5- Select the Fluid Package (Make sure selecting Component List -1in the component list).

8- Close the Fluid Package by clicking on cross button. After this step, it is possible to import/export the Fluid Package. Then enter to Simulation Environment. 6- Add a new Fluid Package.

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11- In the Worksheet/Composition page, enter mass fraction of the components, click OK and close the active window to return to PFD.

9- Drag a material stream to the PFD and change its name to Hot-in, then enter its vapor fraction, pressure and molar flowrate in the Worksheet/Conditions Page.

12- Drag another stream to the PFD and change its name to H2O-in, enter its temperature, pressure in the Worksheet/Conditions page.

10- Save the simulation work (e.g., problem-4).

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15- Double click on the heat exchanger and enter inlet and outlet streams on the Design/Connections page

13- In the Worksheet Composition page, enter 1 for mole fraction of water and 0 for the rest and click OK and close the active window.

16- In the Design/Parameters page enter 0 for pressure drops of both sides.

14- Select a heat exchanger from the Object Palette (F4) and drag it to the PFD.

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19- Enter 60 C for the Hot-out temperature in the Worksheet/Conditions page.

17- In the same page change the heat exchanger model to Weighted and then increase the intervals to 50 to improve accuracy.

20- It is seen in the Design/Specs page that the Degrees of Freedom are reduced to 1.

18- In the Design/Specs page, it is seen that Degrees of Freedom is 2.

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23- As seen in the Worksheet/Conditions page, the minimum flow rate of the cooling water is calculated to be 23.16 kmole/hr.

21- In the Worksheet/Conditions page, enter 50 C for H2O-out temperature.

24- So the process is simulated.

22- It can be seen in the Design/Specs page that the Degrees of Freedom are reduced to 0.

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