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2, 2001 The 15th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Divine Virtues Also known as The Angels of Emnepe

Beloved, Our purpose is to teach the children of God how to relate normal feelings to their original Divine Virtues in Universal Consciousness. In doing this, feelings become their most powerful. This is necessary in order to manifest miracles. Suppose you have a feeling of contentment and happiness. The feeling of contentment and security relates directly to the virtue of Supreme Happiness, which is represented by the letter N in the ancient language. By meditating on this virtue in its original form in Universal Consciousness, the feeling of contentment and security grows and grows until it becomes much more powerful and sweeping in intensity and magnetism. The power and intensity is now strong enough to attract great changes in the material world. A meditation on Supreme Happiness, according to the ancient language, would look like this: Imagine yourself as a small dot in your solar plexus. Imagine that your body is a vast swirling universe all around you. Now imagine that out of the area of your liver, a deep red light is shining that fills the entire body and creates a feeling of supreme happiness. Imagine a sensation of refreshing coolness and hear angel choirs singing the note of A. Take as much time on this meditation as is necessary to become completely infused with the feeling of Supreme Happiness. The longing for spiritual growth requires that all feelings be brought into a state of perfection that vibrates in sympathetic resonance with their original Divine Virtues in Universal Consciousness. When a child of God has negative feelings, these feelings can heal and become positive by allowing them to flow safely and non-destructively in an atmosphere of all encompassing and unconditional love. Feelings, like water, change and cleanse themselves through flowing. The process of allowing the feelings to flow promotes insights into the conditions that caused the unhappiness and negativity in the first place. As the feelings flow and heal, and the insights come, the resulting positive feelings are then taken up into a state of meditation that allows the positive feelings to relate to the original feelings of divine virtues in Universal Consciousness. In this manner, the newly healed feelings are attuned to Universal Feelings and become very powerful and magnetic. This feeling energy is then used to attract and manifest the solutions that were discovered in the process of healing. By meditating on the divine virtues represented by the letters of our name, the following benefits are gained: E-M-N-E-P-E E.Universal Consciousness is everywhere and exists in all things. Universal Consciousness has will, intellect, and feeling. We teach the ability to unite individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness. M.Feelings are the magnetic power that shape physical reality, and feelings control change. We teach a child of God to attune individual feelings to Universal feelings. N.By attuning to the virtue of supreme happiness, the feeling for self-preservation becomes so strong that a child of God remains free and independent of all other influences in order to feel whatever they chose. E.In attuning to Universal Consciousness, a person goes into a state of high intuition. In this state there exists no sense of time and space. Divinity in its highest form speaks in this manner. P.The longing for purification and transformation of ones character drives a person to attune their feelings to the feelings of Universal Consciousness on an on-going basis. E. By feeling Divine Consciousness in everything, control over ones own feelings and the feelings of others is attained. * ECSTASY Note: email for a copy of the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox. Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardons, [The Practice of Magical Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN 3921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac. For serious study of the ancient language and easy reference, you can purchase these books online at: Previous angel messages and instructions on the ancient language, and the TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX, can be found at: homesite:

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