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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death


Part 51.
The Great Cloud Of Witnesses!
When Jesus spoke to the disciples He always spoke in parales !t 1"#"$. %& we insist on eing literalistic
' wish to stick to the letter o& the word when studying the (ile we will ne)er grow into what Jesus had in
*ind &or us. Why+ ,)ery part o& the (ile is a parale that leads us on into a deeper parale until we
realise the we are the asis o& the parale- it has een said that ''man is fearfully and wonderfully made''
as a *atter o& &act he. *an is the greatest o& all o& /od0s creation. Why+ Are we not told that GOD'S
OWN KINGDOM DWELLS IN MAN. 1es2 !an is /od0s greatest dwelling place. e)en though it is
hidden yet to *ost. it is speedily on the way that we are to FULLY realise that we are actually the
recipients o& /od0s greatest haitation e)er. ' no *atter who we are ' where we are in our thinking there
is always *ore. % could i& % chose. still e in the literal or e)en part literal real*. The *o*ent we egin
reading the (ile we are reading a ne)er ending parale that increases with our understanding '
recepti)eness to the 3pirit o& /od. which is endless as we de)elop in our /od potential as to the realisation
that in our true inner I4dentity. we are di)ine eings. We were ne)er e)er *eant to stay still spiritually. i&
we do we will eco*e stagnant. We are not re&erring to the &lesh *an that we touch. see. hear ' s*ell. we
are re&erring to that part o& *an ' wo*an that is unseen with the hu*an eye. Praise /od &or our ne)er
ending de)elop*ent in Hi*.
Clouds. *ore than we *ay realise go)ern our natural state o& a&&airs. they shade the sun. they ha)e a
*a5or part in any stor*. which also gi)es the* a part in controlling the 6uantity o& rain we recei)e. this o&
course *eans that they can also withhold the rain. /od has allotted the* a *a5or part o& our need&ul
weather patterns. This gi)es the* a wonder&ul part in the control o& our natural &ood. Ha)e we yet realised
that our great /od has allotted a si*ilar control to His spiritual clu!s. 7et us recei)e into our spirit the
deeper *eaning o& the ne8t )erse.
''Behold, He spreads His lightning against the dark clouds and covers the roots of the sea. For by
[His clouds] God executes ud!ement u"on the "eo"les; He gives food in abundance.'' Jo "9#":4"1.
A*p. ;ne has )ery aly na*ed the clouds when it re&ers to /od0s people. ''T"# Hst O$ H#a%#&.''

''Who lays the beams of the upper room of His abode in the waters [above the firmament], Who maes
the clouds His chariot, Who wals on the wings of the wind, Who makes winds His messen!ers, flames
of fire His ministers''# Psa 1:$#"4$. A*p.
<ot only does /od e8ecute 5udge*ent y His clouds ut also He *akes t"#s# clu!s His c"arit in
who* He is indwelling as His *essengers ' *inisters who are His &la*es o& &ire. %t is also interesting to
note that *any o& these )erses we will e sharing that in in a nu*er o& Ara*aic translations the word
cloud is translated as the &e*inine word s"#'i&a". This is the case especially in Acts 1#=. which we will
deal with a little later on.
Whene)er clouds are *entioned there is also a deeper parale in)ol)ed with the*. re*e*er when
looking at these things i& we look at the* on the sur&ace we will *iss a lessing. %n scripture there are a
nu*er o& re&erences to clouds in a *etaphoric ' &igurati)e sense ' they can sy*olise that o& a
transitory or a changing or an e8perience that is a parale &or a season. Who are these clouds that /od
uses to e8ecute His (&!#r$ul )u!*#+#&ts, Would they e related in any way to the ''!reat cloud of
witnesses'' + Ha)e we e)er paused to consider why these witnesses are related to a cloud. We read that
we are co*passed aout or surrounded y a great cloud. this to *ysel& signi&ies that there is *uch *ore
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
signi&icance to this parale ' in *any cases is no dout related to people or souls in a spiritual &or*.
Clouds in this case are a go)erning group o& spiritual people. ''for by His clouds God executes
ud!ement'' also y His clouds He gi)es us spiritual &ood in aundance. % elie)e that this cloud o&
witnesses ha)e a greater part in the in&luencing o& our spiritual li)es than *any can at the *o*ent
percei)e. they are not only cheering us on ecause o& the &act that they ha)e not yet recei)ed the &ul&il*ent
o& that which is pro*ised. ecause /od had so*ething greater in )iew &or us. so that e)en though these
wonder&ul heroes ' heroines o& &aith could not yet co*e to per&ection apart &ro* us e&ore they could 5oin
us ' )isa )ersa- ut consider this. these great cloud o& witnesses are in a )ery real sense ha)ing a part in
go)erning our thinking ' to a point are now e8ecuting wonder&ul 5udge*ent ' in&luence o)er us. What a
wonder&ul plan our great /od has &or us all. To stress what we are sharing % would like to re*ind us all
that whene)er we *eet together we also &ellowship with the ''s"irits of ust men made "erfect#'' He 1>#
>". As we ha)e read there are at least two sections in)ol)ed when re&erring to the clouds that *ake up the
host o& hea)en. we read o& the great cloud o& witnesses that are e)en now in another real* waiting yet to
e per&ected. then we ha)e the group o& spiritual clu!s that e)en today /od is using to control '
illu*inate the spiritual ele*ents o& His people. we *ust not con&use the two.
%n once again considering the ao)e Jo "9#":4"1. i& we drop down nine )erses to "?#?. we read
''!od seals u" "stops brings to a standstill by se$ere weather# the hand of e$ery man [and now under His
seal their hands are forced to inacti$ity] that all men whom He has made may now His doings "His
so$erei!n "ower and their subection to it#.''

@eep in *ind that when originally written there were no )erses in the original writings ' the thought
or the*e o& the inspired writer was not changed ' we are eing in&or*ed that y the se)ere weather o&
His clu!s He is ringing to pass His plan &or ' to every man ' He &orces their hands to inacti)ity that
He *ay i*part so*ething etter to the*. yes that they would e)en know His doings. His so)ereign power
' their su5ection to it.
He Takes %way The First That He &ay 'stablish The (econd!
He 1:#=.
%& we can only see ' recei)e it the ao)e is an ongoing principle o& /od. He is always *o)ing ahead or
doing a &#( t"i&*. To so*e. )erse 1> in chapter 11 o& the Re)elation o& Jesus Christ is actually partly in
e&&ect right now. ''$ome up here% &nd before the very eyes of their enemies they ascended into heaven in a
cloud#'' % ask the 6uestion. are /od0s clouds in e8istent acti)ity at the present *o*ent+ !y answer would
e in the a&&ir*ati)e MOST DEFINATELY-
The increased truth that is eing i*parted y ' through /ods controlling clouds e)en His son0s his
*an4child is ringing *any sincere ones at the *o*ent to a spiritual inacti)ity. the winds o& lessing are
not eing i*parted to *any that are in older truths that are passing away at the *o*ent. /od has a plan.
the truth o& per&ect lo)e is the ai* o& /od in ' y His Clouds. The old is eco*ing superseded anti6uated
' )oid. when we were children we acted ' spoke like children. ut now in our *aturity as clu!s that
now ha)e a control o& the spiritual weather we are as an e8tension o& the Christ ''who has come ) is now
comin! and bein! re$ealed *+ H*( (%*+T(#'' ,)ery ti*e that we or any o& our rothers are i*parting
truth whether it e y pen or y )oice out o& ''God's chamber comes the whirlwind ) cold from the
scatterin! winds#'' Jo "?#=. as well as the positi)e co*&orting pro*ise o& lierty. What is happening
here+ 3o*e without realising it are causing a re4enact*ent o& Jericho. Whether we elie)e it or not the
di)iding walls o& the organisation o& the &lesh. ' yes the religiosity o& *an are y the power o& /od in '
through His clouds. y the withholding o& the rain causing not only a ceasing o& acti)ity. ut in this
circu*stance a reassessing o& their spiritual position ' understanding. ;nce again as with Jericho the
insidious eguiling walls o& di)ision ' organisation are eing caused to $all !(& $lat. <ow when /od
caused this to happen y His then Clouds ' as it were ' were Joshua ' Cale ' their &ollowers. these walls
&ell down in a way that was incredile. When these then sons walked across Jordan to clai* the pro*ised
land. the &irst opposition to the then sons were the walls o& Jericho ' only five miles from (ordan ' that were
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
hiding all sorts o& &alse religious de)iations. These walls acco*plished two in&a*ous purposes. the &irst as
with any wall its purpose was protecti)e ' di)isi)e. that which kept OUT that which would try enter in
either to e8pose or otherwise. The second was that which would keep IN &or people in religious error lo)e
that which delusi)ely eguiles. 3o the se)ere weather that is rought into action y the !ar' clu!s is
causing *an to cease in his acti)ities ' reconsider his spiritual standing.

'')*W (+,-$H* [a fenced town with high walls] was tightly closed because of the -sraelites; no one
went out or came in.'' Joshua 9#1. A*p. A&. r#li*ius cit. or organisation still has the sa*e purpose
e)en today2 Contra4wise it is enlightening to re*e*er that we also ''are a city set on a hill#'' /od can
open up wide any city whether it e literal. allegorical or spiritual y ha)ing the walls to $all !(& $lat y
todayAs Joshua0s ' Cale0s who are now ruling as clu!s.
We need to realise that Jericho represents &ar *ore than organisation per43e- as today &or us it
represents a way o& thinking that would try to keep souls linded ' away &ro* where /od is taking us '
that is )ery deeply WITHIN into our !ost Holy Place. ,)ery *an is predestined to this ' this o& course is
away &ro* the &lesh ' delusi)eness o& a Jericho ' that which would allow *an to &ind his wonder&ul &ull
/odly inheritance.
% also &ind it so assuring that e)en within the city o& a Jericho that /od would still less ' keep a
Raha who kept her integrity ' de)otedness to /od ' His cause. so *uch so that she eca*e a &orerunner
in the genealogy o& Jesus Christ Hi*sel&. 3o those who today who are in a Jericho. /od will act on their
ehal&. Bor within the walls o& the City o& your strong religious Jericho. you also will &ind that which is
.ur Raha who /od is going to less in ,C,R1 !A<. Also as with Raha who eca*e a &orerunner o&
the *an Jesus- e)en greater than that is He that is within you the )ery Christ Hi*sel& who told us that ''*
and &y Father are O+''' who is your TRD, identity. e)en your deity.
The spiritual Raha o& your true identity who is pure ' per&ect ' untouched y the hu*an seed o&
corruptiility is ali)e with you in purity today. Also as Raha was preser)ed o& /od ' was the seed o&
royalty e)en in Jericho. so within you ' which includes all ' you too ha)e an untouched seed o& royalty a
Raha as it were dwelling e)en now in your Jericho e8perience which is )ery soon to pass away ' the
walls o& this Jericho e8perience will also $all !(& $lat.
We 6uoted in an earlier paragraph Jo "?#= ''Out of it's chamber, comes the whirlwind, and cold
from the scatterin! winds#'' Which are eing controlled y /od0s clouds. in reading &ro* )erses 1: down.
in )erse 1" we read. ''whether it be for correction or for His earth !enerally or for His mercy and lo$in!
kindness# He causes it to come#'' Here are so*e help&ul contriuting )erses. ,8 =#1E. >". 13a* 1>#1E.
/od0s wonder&ul clouds are now at this *o*ent ruling an unseen spiritual ele*ent o& *an0s spiritual
destination. This will gradually increase as these s&/clu!s gain in a spiritual *o*entu* which will
e)en o)ertake our e8a*ples such as ,noch ' ,li5ah. The like as hardly i*aginale to *any e)en now
who are in this spiritual walk. Are we not told in Pro)ers ''-ut the "ath of the .uncom"romisin!ly] ust
and ri!hteous is like the li!ht of dawn, that shines more and more /bri!hter and clearer0 until .it
reaches its F122 (T3'+GTH and G2O34 in] the "erfect day .to be "re"ared]# Pro $#1E A*p.
What *s The 5ee"er &eanin! Of The Cloud That 3ecei$ed 6esus7
%n Acts 1#=411 we read regarding the cloud that recei)ed Jesus out o& their sight. Please let us look a little
deeper than the literal ' see what is there &or us in a paraolic sense. As earlier *entioned this word cloud
is translated in a nu*er o& Ara*aic translations as s"#'i&a" this )erse eing one o& the* ' this eing the
case it rules out any possiility o& this word *eaning a natural cloud as we once thought. %ncidentally this
is not the only )erse where the word shekinah is applied to cloud or clouds. Also % would like to couple
this )erse with the &ollowing.
''&nd they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, $ome up hither. &nd they went up into
heaven in the cloud; and their enemies beheld them.'' Re) 11#1>. A3C. Would this e)ent e related in
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
any way to the *r#at clu! $ (it&#ss#s,
As we ha)e *entioned clouds ha)e a )ery signi&icant higher *eaning than is generally percei)ed in
the literal real*. Would this cloud ha)e anything to do with ''T"# "st $ "#a%#&'' /od0s people- as
*entioned earlier. % would suggest to all that these were caught up into a hea)enly real* as was ,li5ah in
> @ings >#11. ''Where he went u" by a whirlwind into hea$en#'' 3trong0s F E:9$ would tell us that this
represents ''A "i*"#r #t"#r ("#r# c#l#stial 0!i#s r#%l%#.'' 3o we could *ore than assu*e that he too
was caught up in the clouds or the ''Hst $ "#a%#&'' where celestial odies re)ol)e. in )ery si*ilar
e8perience to those in Re) 11#1> ' &or those who are a part o& the spiritual return o& Christ where we are
caught up i& t"# clu!s which is e)en now an actual e8perience to *any. Acts 1#=. %t is surely wonder&ul
to e ali)e today2
''Which also said, .e men of !alilee, why stand ye ga/ing up into heaven0 this same (esus, which is
taen up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.'' Acts
1#11. @JC.
Returning to Acts 1#11. it is )ery interesting to note that the words in the same way A*p. are
translated +a&&#r in the Diaglott or in li'# +a&&#r y the *a5ority o& the translations that % ha)e at *y
disposal which includes the @JC. %s this signi&icant+ 1es )ery *uch so2 <otice the phrase is in lie
manner ' incidentally this does not ha)e the sa*e *eaning as in lie form as so*e would tend to assu*e.
To &urther illustrate this point- the word *anner is &ro* the /reek word trope or tropos ' these /k words
are also used in !t >"#"?. where we read concerning Jesus- ''as a mother fowl gathers her brood under
her wings, and you refused.'' The two words as a are also &ro* the )ery sa*e /k word trope or tropos.
<ow it goes without saying that this is not trying to i*ply that Jesus was a *other &owl. ut it is *eant as
a type. an allegory. %n the sa*e way i& li'# +a&&#r is not i*plying that the cloud in Acts 1#11 is a literal
cloud ut once again is an allegory ' is re&erring to the clu!s $ (it&#ss#s or the Hst $ "#a%#&. % ha)e
in this paragraph used the )ery literal in e8plaining this point. ut once again we *ust scratch to see what
lies elow the sur&ace ' we will e a*aGed at what we will &ind. All o& this is leading us to a deeper
higher e8perience- to4wit. The s#cr#t plac# o& the !ost High.
One Heart %nd One Way Fore$er!
''and - will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear &e for e$er; for the good of them, and of
their children after them; and - will mae an e$erlastin! co$enant with them, that - will not turn away
from them, to do them !ood; and - will put 1y fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from 1e.'' Jer
">#"=4$:. JP3.
What /od is ringing to pass y His plan in using His clouds is asolutely wonder&ul. The agenda o&
the 3pirit is right now ringing in a plan that *en will realise that deep within the*sel)es that is in the
secret place. e)en in their *ost holy place that there is only one way that they can &ear Hi* &ore)er ' that
is that we all ha)e &# "#art t '&( Hi+ i& &l. &# tru# (a. $r#%#r. We ha)e tried outside the
peri*eter o& the Taernacle plan ' we &ound no li&e. we then also tried within the &ence in the outer court.
ut this did not ' could not satis&y. 3o then we went within the holy place with the arti$icial li*"ti&* o&
the oil in the candlesticks as with the l#a%#&#! 0r#a! which represented &alse ' di)erse doctrines '
elie&s which are ra*pant today in this dwindling real*. These were stepping stones to *uch o& *ankind.
' were necessary t +a&.. ut &c# (# ar# #&li*"t#&#! no longer necessary t a&.. What good is the
arti&iciality o& a holy place to anyone now. what good are the &alse doctrines ' elie&s to anyone any
longer when /od has *o)ed on ' gi)en us one heart. and one way. that they *ay &ear *e &or e)er. &or the
good o& the*. and o& their children a&ter the*# The hungry ' dissatis&ied heart knew that there had to e
*ore. How did we know+ The hand o& /od was on our li)es ' placed that longing ' hunger within us.
we could not ha)e *o)ed on i& it were not &or the 3pirit. We ha)e now entered into the true ' e)erlasting
way o& !i%i&# sheinah li*"t ' not the arti$icialit. o& a wonder&ul real* in its hey day. ut ecause /od
has *o)ed on we *ust *o)e on also out o& that which /od has li&ted His hand. Stp1 l' 2 list#&- you
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
will not &ind anywhere the Pentecost o& a yesteryear. we *ight try to *ake e8cuses ecause o& a natural
loyalty to a cause that we once lo)ed. ut *y dear &ellow rother ' sister our true loyalty is not to a
dwindling cause ut to our great /od in Christ Jesus in His p#r$#ct (a.. will ' purpose &or us now '
today in a place o& the u&l#a%#&#! 0r#a! $ !i%i&# trut" which is also &ull o& u&c&ta+i&at#! pur#
!i%i&# illu+i&ati& o& the SHEKINAH GLORY only &ound in t"# +st "l. place deep within oursel)es.
we. who are the te*ple o& /od2
% (torm That We Could Consider Circumstantial!
%ll Thin!s Work To!ether For Good, To The Called!
''&s we were being dangerously tossed about by the violence of the storm, the next day they began to
throw the freight overboard; &nd the third day they threw out with their own hands the ship's e2uipment
"the tacle and the furniture#. &nd when neither sun nor stars were visible for many days and no small
tem"est ke"t ra!in! about us, all hope of our being saved was finally abandoned. 3hen as they had
eaten nothing for a long time, 4aul came forward into their midst and said, 1en, you should ha$e
listened to me, and should not have put to sea from $rete and brought on this disaster and harm and
misery and loss. But [even] now - beg you to be in good spirits and tae heart, for there will be no loss
of life amon! you but only of the shi". 5or this [very] night there stood by my side an angel of the !od
to Whom - belong and Whom - serve and worship, &nd he said, 6o not be frightened, 4aul% -t is
necessary for you to stand before $aesar; and behold, !od has given you all those who are sailing with
you. 7o kee" u" your coura!e, men, for - have faith "complete confidence# in !od that it will be e8actly
as it was told me; -ut we shall ha$e to be stranded on some island#'' Act >?#1E4>9. A*p.
%n what we ha)e 5ust read % would like to share with you what ca*e ' is co*ing to *e as we look at
the ao)e )erses. As all through scripture there is *uch hidden. a little o& what we ha)e already heard '
so*e o& what we are yet hearing. %n this dangerous stor* it was no accident that on the ne8t or the
SECOND DAY they egan to throw &reight o)eroard. Considering our history since the )ery early
Church ' the decline o& what the early ook o& Acts church stood &or- this second day % would partly liken
to those who egan to recei)e re)elation &ro* around the ti*e o& !arin 7uther ' onwards. We could
e)en re)erse to 1:: years earlier where we hear o& John Huss eing urned at the stake &or al*ost the
sa*e )iews as 7uther. The second day to so*e represents the >nd thousandth year ut *ore accurately it
is really a way o& thinking. &a+#l. t"# "l. plac# r p#&t#cstal #3p#ri#&c#. 3o those in this stor*y
e8perience egan to throw unwanted ' unneeded &reight or elie&s o)eroard. %t is in the THIRD DAY
which is *ost signi&icant that they egan to throw out (it" t"#ir (& "a&!s the ship0s e6uip*ent tackle
' &urniture which up to this point had een that which they had relied on. that which was the )isual part o&
the p".sical s"ip. ;ur true ship which is Hion has nothing to do with the physical or that which is
percei)ed y the &i)e senses. or that which is e)en in the IN/4ART real*. %nterestingly this was not the
end o& the stor*. the sun or the stars were not )isile &or *any days ' yet the stor* wa8ed worse still.
When /od wants to do a thing that is &or the est o& *ankind He will ha)e a way ' even by 9 through His
storm clouds ' &or us to e rid o& that which is not His est or is ur second est na*ely old or discarded
truths- these i& held to can e)entually 0#c+# cu&t#r$#its. Please notice that which had een earlier
considered essential was now considered a hindrance ' was eing thrown o)eroard ' discarded with '
y their (& "a&!s. %snAt /od good+
When all hope o& their eing sa)ed was aandoned ' they had not taken &ood &or a long ti*e Paul
ca*e &orward a*ong the* ' said. you should ha)e listened to what % /od0s representati)e told you in the
&irst place ' you could ha)e a)oided all this troule. *isery har* ' loss. ut now % eg o& you e in good
spirits &or there will e no loss o& li&e a*ong you ut only o& THE SHI4. ' 3he ship in this case is
representative of that which housed their wrong lower sensed beliefs ' This )ery night an angel ca*e '
stood eside *e. an angel o& the /od who % worship ' elong to ' he told *e not to e &rightened &or
there is so*ething in the &uture that /od has planned &or you. you are going to stand e&ore Caesar ' 9
might - add here that He has planned for His sons to stand before those in high places even before leaders
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
9 ings 9 declare to them the truths of !od 9 to rule 9 reign in the highest place of all, the most holy
place within which will also be evident without, 9 this time is "artly right now ' Bor /od has gi)en us all
those who are sailing in this ship. 3o keep up your courage &or % ha)e &aith that it will e e8actly as it was
related to *e. /od was speaking to ' through &# +a& ' so it is today /od is speaking to ' through
ONE NEW MAN. (ut ' if the full realisation of it has not yet happened to you ' we will proaly e
stranded & s+# Isla&!. When we are rought to a higher place in /od it is usually a lonely place in
which we are in &or awhile until we are grounded in that which /od is doing in our li)es this is as an
allegory o& our Isla&! #3p#ri#&c#.
%n looking at )erse "1 it would see* that there is a contradiction &or we read. ''4aul said to the
centurion and the soldiers. :nless these men remain in the shi", you cannot be saved.'' We *ust realise
that there is a spiritual ship as well as a literal one. Dnless t"#s# +#& sta.#! i& t"# (a. o& the true
spiritual ship & &# on the natural ship cul! 0# sa%#!. %& the natural ship is to e destroyed )erse >>.
what is the ship e that we are to re*ain in to e sa)ed+ % i**ediately think o& this )ery si*ilar )erse.
''Because !od had us in mind and had something better and greater in view for us, so that they [these
heroes and heroines of faith] should not come to "erfection %8%3T F3O& 1( [before we could ;oin
them].'' He 11#$:. A*p.

We need each other especially those who are waiting to eco*e per&ect. &or without us aiding in the
ship. the true !ost Holy Place unconta*inated !i%i&#l. illu+i&at#! e8perience. which is the only
e8perience where we will &ind per&ection. those who are relying on us ca&&t. (it"ut us1 e sa)ed or
co*e to per&ection. 3o it see*s that whiche)er direction we go in our thoughts we are again arri)ing at
our great clu! $ (it&#ss#s-
% a* so happy to report that o& those who stayed in the ship. A77 escaped sa&ely to land. Acts >?#$$.
+o (tony Heart *s Too Hard For Our God!
''&nd do not presume to say to yourselves, We have &braham for our forefather; for - tell you, !od is able
to raise up descendants for &braham from these stones%'' !at "#=. A*p.
There are so*e who are y nature )ery deter*ined indi)iduals ' the harder the task the *ore
persistent they eco*e ' whate)er the pro5ect once they ha)e started it they are co**itted until it is
acco*plished. no *atter what2 This o& course co*es &ro* our creator. /od delights in *aking so*ething
out o& a see*ing nothing ' will not cease until he acco*plishes this in e)ery *an2

'' &nd - will give them one heart, and - will put a new spirit within you. &nd * will remo$e the stony
heart out of their flesh, and will !i$e them a heart of flesh,'' ,Ge 11#1=. !@JC.
%& there are those reading these words right now who are discouraged ' &eel that you could ne)er e a
part o& those who co*e to per&ection. % ha)e news &or you in one sense it has nothing to do with your
*ortal understanding. it is /od that does the choosing. /od chose a )irgin called !ary to irth the Christ.
the choosing had nothing whatsoe)er to do with her own opinion o& hersel&. 3o /od is choosing right now
who He wishes to irth the Christ child within their *ost holy place. 1ou say oh ut at ti*es % &eel as
though *y heart is stony. Hear this /od is ale to raise up descendants &or spiritual Araha* &ro* these
stony hearts. He is in the process o& re*o)ing the st&. "#art out o& your &leshly thinking ' is in the
throes o& gi)ing you a spiritual heart o& &lesh. (e encouraged son ' daughter o& /od. %t will co*e to
pass. so says /od0s Word.
The )ery poor. sudued. hated ' *istreated Cinderella did not e)en re*otely i*agine that she was a
&uture princess until the prince laid his eyes on her recognised her as such ' then pursued her until he had
clai*ed her as his own. He saw in her what others did not as *ost others were looking at the natural.
carnal ' delusional &i)e sensed circu*stances.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
The (hekinah Clouds!
''5or behold, the darness shall cover the earth, and gross darness the peoples; but 6eho$ah shall rise
on you, and His !lory 4 s"#'i&a" 4 shall be seen on you. %nd the nations shall come to your li!ht, and
kin!s to the bri!htness of your dawnin!#'' %sa 9:#>4". !@JC.
%& we look closely ' consider the setting we will notice that this )erse can e re&erring to none other
than what is transpiring right now with /od0s sons who are e)en now eing partly *ani&ested ' are
shortly aout to co*e into &ull *ani&estation. 3o let us e edi&ied ' e thrilled that the shekinah glory is
eing seen in part e)en now in ' y His c"arit clu!s.
''5or they are -sraelites, and to them belong !od's adoption [as a nation] and the !lorious 8resence
/(hekinah0. With them were the special covenants made, to them was the <aw given. To them [the
tem"le] worshi" was re$ealed and [!od's own] promises announced.'' Ro* =#$. A*p. This is actually
word &or word in the A*pli&ied.

''3hat is to say, it is not the children of the body [of &braham] who are made !od's children, but it is
the offs"rin! to whom the "romise a""lies that shall be counted [as %braham's true] descendants#'' Ro*
=#E. A*p.
This is telling us that the s"#'i&a" glory that was upon early %srael is now upon His true +st "l.
plac# spiritual descendants. those o& our true spiritual Araha*.

''-n all their ;ourneys, whenever the cloud / s"#'i&a" / was taen up from o$er the tabernacle, the
-sraelites went onward; But if the cloud was not taen up, they did not ;ourney on till the day that it was
taen up.'' ,8o $:#"94"?. A*p.
There are a nu*er o& other re&erences that we could also cite that had to do with !oses. 3o*e
would like to say that this pro)es that the shekinah glory was used with !oses who is representati)e o& the
law. % would re*ind us all that the reason &or this is that it was to !oses that the taernacle plan was gi)en
the charge ' responsiility ' this housed THE MOST HOLY 4LACE which was illu*inated y the

''WH+) 7*<*1*) had finished praying, the fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt
offering and the sacrifices, and the glory 4 s"#'i&a" / of the <ord filled the house,'' >Ch ?#1. A*p.
;nce again the reason that the whole house was &illed with the s"#'i&a" *lr. is that the secret place
or the *ost holy place was ' has always een the &ocus point &ro* which all o& our li&e proceeds ''for in
Him we live 9 move 9 have our being,...for we are also His offspring'' ' this proceeds &ro* our *ost
holy place e)en the shekinah glory which is the deep &ocal point which is &ound in e)ery *an. 1es e)en
''While he was yet speaing, behold, a bright cloud / s"#'i&a" / overshadowed them= and behold, a
voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my belo$ed (on, in whom - am well pleased; hear ye him#'' !at
1?#5. A3C.
This as we would 6uickly realise is re&erring to the !ount o& Trans&iguration e)ent ' is telling us that
as the s"#'i&a" was with Jesus ' also in Hi* ready to e re)ealed at the appropriate ti*e. ' so it is with
us &or He eing our pattern 3on. ''for as He is in the world so are we,...- have given to them the the !lory
9 honour which .ou have given 1e, that they may be one as We are one# - in them 9 .ou in 1e, in order
that they will realise that they are one also#'' Jn 1?#1E.>>4>". What Jesus Christ has acco*plished so
will His children e)en His sons. ''as we wait for the redemption of our bodies from sensuality 9 the grave,
which will reveal our 9 c+pl#t# / adoption "our manifestation as !od's sons.'' As Jesus o)erca*e death
' the gra)e so will His sons. His co*plete glori&ied ody in which he has returned ' is returning in
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
co*plete &ullness as a *any *e*ered corporate son. 3o the s"#'i&a" glory that was His. Christ0s. is
ours also ' is eing re)ealed in our type o& !ount o& Trans&iguration e8perience which is e)en now. This
is a wonder&ul e)ent that took place e)en while He was in His &lesh. Are we not right now in the sa*e
position. re)ealing that which is e*anating &ro* out o& us whilst we are in the &lesh as s"#'i&a" clu!s,

''&nd when he had said these things, as they were looing, he was taen up; and a cloud 4 s"#'i&a" 4
received him out of their sight.'' Act 1#=. A3C. % ha)e 6uoted this )erse once *ore considering the
se)eral Ara*aic )ersions way o& thinking % &eel that it adds *uch light to our su5ect on the truth o& the
&ull *eaning o& the clu!s.
%n *y 7a*sa edition which is also taken &ro* ancient ,astern *anuscripts. the &ootnote regarding the
clu!s in Acts 1#= tells us '':ntil recent times +asterners believed that clouds were living creatures.'' %n
the light o& all that we ha)e written in this article concerning the clouds *y &acetious answer would e2 %
wonder why+
Would we e o)erstepping the *ark in saying that we are the ruling s"#'i&a" clu!s $ G!'s
c"arit #%#& t"# HOST OF HEA5EN, !y answer would e a loud NO we ar# &t %#rst#ppi&* t"#
+ar' we are chosen o& /od to rule ' reign with Hi* NOW ' this does not start to happen to*orrow or
at so*e &uture ti*e in a &uture *ani&estation. WE ARE RULING 2 REIGNING WITH HIM E5EN
NOW- Re*e*er this it is increasing e)ery day UNTIL THE FULNESS IS RE5EALED.
''3hen the sanctuary of God in hea$en was thrown o"en, and the ark of His co$enant was seen
standin! inside in His sanctuary; and there were flashes of li!htnin!, loud rumblings "blasts,
mutterings#, "eals of thunder, an earth:uake, and a terrific hailstorm#'' Re) 11#1=. A*p.
This is actually eginning to happen in the ark o& His co)enant within the sanctuary o& His *ost holy
place within us who are His people ' will increase in intensity until it reaches &ull &orce e)en until the
&ullness e)entuates ' there is a &ull *ani&estation o& our *ighty /od in Christ ' the last ene*y death is
swallowed up ' utterly )an6uished &ore)er ' the cry will e ''Oh death, where is your $ictory7 Oh
death where is your stin!7''
%n %"olo!y!
3e)eral articles ack % &ound &ault with a rother ' 5udged hi*. not *any would realise who % was
re&erring to ut there are those who would % now pulicly apologise to that rother ' say % a* sorry. Iuite
a lot has transpired in our li&e o& late ' % a* trusting that that part o& *e is gone &ore)er. % realise that
there can e no place &or the pointing o& the &inger in 5udge*ent i& we wish to progress in /od. ;ne has
written *y &eelings this way. ''* tell you, men if you would censure not till you are "erfect, the world
would soon for!et the meanin! of the word accused#''
Writt#& 0. Ralp" K&(l#s1 6a&uar. 789:.
%& we ha)e een prone to hu*an error in this article it is not purposely. ' % trust that a little kindness would allow &or any &ault. ' that we will consider '
i*ie the etter or spiritual part o& that which is presented ' intended. RW@.

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