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Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct- updated on 09-10-2011

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Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct
Refrigeration o o_o5 o (sensible heat o latent heat) o ooOo_oct o
oto5c_o_oo_oct oc_oco_ Oo o oo Oogqo oto5coogqoo
cotcoco_to_t ooo_ oocccotc (Electical Energy)o ocotc (Thermal Energy) o
SensibleHeat _oo5 -- Air Con oo5to5too oo5cot_oo5o5 5+ F _oc Building o
_oqo5oo5 Return chilled water o ++ F o og5oo5to5c Chiller o oooot_oct_oco_
Latent Heat _oo5-- 32 F ooqgoo5ogo latent heat o oo Oo_ot 32 F ooqgoo5
ogo_ocoog5oo5c Phase o_o5ct_ocoo_octo_o_t Refrigeration o oocqtoc_oco_
vapor-compression cycle ac vapor absorption cycle oo5 refrigeration cycle o5t_oc_oo_
Thermodynamic cycles o o_too`o_
Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct- updated on 09-10-2011
oo5ctOo_q ( Page 2
Refrigeration o o_ o ocqtgo_oco_o5ogq o5oo` o ooo`o_
What is required to make a refrigeration unit?
1) Compressor (oqogoc5)
2) Condenser (o qoqc5)
3) Expansion device (Expansion o go5)
+) Evaporator (o5oogo5)
5) Refrigerant (Refrigerant) o _oco_
Compressor (oqogoc5 Compressor (oqogoc5 Compressor (oqogoc5 Compressor (oqogoc5) )) )
Refrigerant o compress oo oo5o_o5c compressor o oo`o_
Compressor (oqogoc5)o_ Refrigeration System ocoo c ogt_ototcooct_oc _ot
oo oocqtacoo oooo5co_
1) To circulate the refrigerant around the system. Refrigerant (vapor o Liquid ) o
Refrigeration System otoc o_ooo5toqo5c o oootgo_
2) Refrigeration Systemoc Compressor (oqogo c5)5toto_ o occcotc (Electical
Energy)o ot@ o5tqoo_ (Low Pressure Refrigerant vapor )o o5t_oco_ (High Pressure
Refrigerant vapor ) _ocoog5oo5coooooto_
vapor o_ooq o Liquid o_ooq o_o5cto_ Process o Condensation Process ooo`o_
Refrigeranto vapor o_ooqo Liquid o_ooqo o_o5cto5cooo_ oqg5 o
oc_to go5o condenser o oo`o_
Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct- updated on 09-10-2011
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Condenser Condenser Condenser Condenser
condenser o ooo5oqo5 High pressure refrigerant vapor o oo5t (sensible and latent
heat) o ooO ogq_oco_ O o High pressure refrigerant vapor o oo5t
Oo o5to_acoc_o_cqo High pressure refrigerant vapor o high pressure liquid
_ocoo_o5cto5to_ Condenser o_ ooq_oco_ High Temperature refrigerant o
ooqqoo_ Low Temperature atmosphere o o Heat o Transfer _oco5to5c
_o_ooooto_ Heat Exchange oco_t _oco_Ambient Temperature go_ oo oqtoco Heat
o Rejeaction ooo_oo_too`o_ Refrigeration System ocooc oo(Air)o
o_oooc_ot condenser o Heat o Rejeacto ooc Air Cooled ooo`_ot og(Water)o
o_oooc_ot condenser o Heat o Rejeactoooc Water Cooled ooo`o_
The expansion device The expansion device The expansion device The expansion device o_ throttling device or orifice _oco_ condenser o high pressure liquid
o_ mixture of low pressure vapor and liquid _oco5c expansion device o_o_o oooto_
Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct- updated on 09-10-2011
oo5ctOo_q ( Page 4
g_oco_to_to_ ooqoto5o_o` oc
o_qco oooto5t_ocoo_o5cto o5to__occ_o Evaporation ooo`o_ Refrigeration
System ocooc refrigerant o ocooo5 refrigerant vapor _ocoog5oo5c
o_o5cto oco_ ogo5o evaporator ooo`o_ Evaporator o_ Heat Exchange oco_t
_oco_ Evaporator o_ refrigerant ac oto5coo_octogo_g_oco_to_t (Cooling
Nedium) _o5to c Heat Exchange _oco5co oooto_ oo_ _ocg5o qog5oo5
ctocto_ O o_o5c ooq_oco_ (oto5coo_octogo_g_oco_to_t) o oo_
ooqqoo_ refrigerant o cocto 5to_ refrigerant o oo5to coo o5to_
o o_to_o5ooogo_
What are Refrigerants?
ooqo_o5cto_ oo 5o liquid state o vapour state o_o5ctqco_ substance o cto
Refrigerants ooo ooqco_ ocoo 5o_ operating temperatures ac pressures o5tgo_
substanceo5to Refrigerants _ocot_o__oo_
Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct- updated on 09-10-2011
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Building Air Conditioning System o5to o R-11, R-123,R-12,R-13+a ac R-22 o o
Refrigerants _ocot_o__oo_
Boiling points at atmospheric pressure
R-11 = + 75F
R-123 = + 82F
R-12 = - 21F
R-13+a = - 15F
R-22 = - +1F
Refrigeration System oco o oooo .
otocooct o R22 Refrigerant o5to Flow o ooooOqto_ogq valve oooc_ot Coil
ocoocto_ooctoco oo` O oq5oooatoo5 (Warm Air) o Coil o ctoo_oooo c
Coil oct_ goo5 Liquid Refrigerant o_ ooo oo5to coo _ot Refrigerant o Boiling
Temperature o og5ogo5 coc@ Refrigerant vapor _oco o_o5ctoo5to_
Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct- updated on 09-10-2011
oo5ctOo_q ( Page 6
ogo_ atmospheric pressure (1+.7 psia [0.10 NPa|) _ ooq 212F [100C| oc ooo_ot
oc oo_ (boils and evaporates). o oo5 ogo pressure o (1+.7 psia [0.10
NPa|)Oo_oco5c_o_o ooooc O pressure _ocoo5 ogo_ 212F [100C|
Ooq_tco_oco_oco5c ogo _oct oc o_oct o_ocoo5oo o5t_ocoqoqo c (higher
pressure) ogoo5oo_to5to_ oqoo5ctoo5 c5t _ococtocto ccO5t_oo_
Refrigerant oco_tcoc o ooo_ ooqo Boiling Temperature ooo`o_
At a given pressure, the temperature at which a liquid will boil into a vapor is the same
temperature at which the vapor will condense back into a liquid.
Ooo` ogoo_ R-22 o the pressures and corresponding temperatures ooc boil _oc_oct
ac condenses _oc_octo o oo5_oo_
85 psia [0.59 NPa| o5toc the liquid R-22 o_ ooq +1.2F [5.1C| _o ooo_ o boil
Refrigeration (vapor Compression Cycle) o_o5ct- updated on 09-10-2011
oo5ctOo_q ( Page 7
_oo5 Compressor o_ R-22 refrigerant vapor o 280 psia [1.93 NPa|
o5tog5oo5c_o_ooO5to`o vapor o_ oo q 121.5F [+9.7C| o c liquid _oco
condense _oco5ooo_
!n order to condense the refrigerant vapor at this higher temperature, a
substance at a temperature less than 121.5F [+9.7C| is needed. Ambient air or water is
generally available at temperatures less than this.

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