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Snapple Questions Red and Blue


Sex, hair color, marital state, and blood type are examples of what level of measurement? Nominal


The only mathematical operations that can be performed on nominal level variables are ___________ and _____________. Frequencies and percentages


What constitutes the ordinal level of measurement? The numbers or letters assigned to each category of a variable can be compared and a member of a higher category can be said to have more of an attribute than a member of a lower category.


Interval data consists of real numbers. True or False? True


What types of mathematical procedures are performed using interval and ratio data? All


Why is it important that the researcher collect data at the highest level of measurement? The operations that can be performed on lower levels of data can also be performed on higher levels of data but operations that can be performed on higher levels of data cannot be performed on lower levels of data.


The mode identifies ___________________ score. Most popular


The median is _________________ to extreme numbers. Insensitive


The mean will be moved toward the _______________ and will not represent the average of the distribution when the data set is small. Extreme


Name the four types of measures of dispersion. Range, percentile, standard deviation, and standardized scores


When do researchers use standardized scores? When the units of measurements are different and the researcher wants to compare them.


What is a Type I error? When a researcher concludes that a relationship or difference exists when in actuality it does not.


What is a Type II error? When a researcher concludes that a relationship or difference does not exists when in actuality it does.


Descriptive statistics give information about the ______________ and inferential statistics allow ______________ to the population. Sample, generalize


Define the term null hypothesis. This is a statement that there is no relationship between the independent and dependent variables and that any such observed relationship is due to chance.


The level of significance is also know as _____________ and reported as a ____________. The alpha level, p value


What does a .01 level of significance mean? The researcher is willing to say that there is a difference when one does not exist once in 100 times.


The stricter the researcher is in preventing the risk of stating that a difference exists when it does not makes in more likely that _______________________. a difference will not be found when it actually exists


Inferential statistics is based on the assumption of ___________________. Random sampling


For what is multiple correlation/regression used? When a researcher wants to predict the value of one variable based on the value of several other variables.


The appropriate procedure for testing the statistical significance of differences between the means of two groups is the ______________. t-test


An analysis of variance test the differences between the means of _________________. Two or more groups


If an analysis of variance demonstrates a significant difference among three groups, a __________________ is required to determine the location of the difference. Post-hoc analysis


Why are you required to take this research course? To be able to read and evaluate research and determine if it is appropriate for practice.


Who benefits from your knowledge of research? The patient

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