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The generation of optimal states through the creation of ideal congruence with the implicate order is the intentandoutcomeofWellnessWork.Theimplicateorderis DavidBohmestermforthefieldofinfiniteintelligencealsoreferredtoastheLogos.

WHATYOUSEEISWHATYOUGET Its world view is that shared by many named schools of thought. It aligns with the supernaturalworldviewthatholdstherearetwoformsofphenomena:1)thenatural world of matter, energy, space and time, i.e. the epiphenomenon and 2) the Noumenonthatisthecauseofthenaturalworld.ItembracesVitalismsviewthatthe expression of life in matter is more than the materialists accident of physical chemical evolution. It rejoices in the approach of the Greek Empiricists and also honorsthevaluesoftheirbrethren,theRationalists.Itthrivesupontheviewpointthat materialcreationisliketheshadowsonthewallofacave,merelyadimreflectionof itscause.TheHolographicview,expressedinTalbotsHolographicUniversesupports therealizationsoftheMastersthatthisworldisGodscosmicmotionpictureshow as Yogananda says in his Autobiography of a Yogi, and this reality is assumed as a given. It rests upon the premise that the physical world is a momenttomoment manifestationofaUniversalIntelligence.Itassumesthattheparadigmsandviewpoints elaborated so well by David Bohme in Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Deepak ChoprainAgelessBody,TimelessMind,CarolynMillerinCreatingMiraclesandDavid Hawkins, M.D., in Power Versus Force are more useful in leading us to an understanding of the most effective means of generating optimal states than is the exclusiveuseofrationalisticreductionism.



YOU CAN GET THERE FROM HERE YOU ALREADY DO Remembering that the map is not the territory, it is still valuable to use maps for guidance.








As above, so below and as within, so without

CAUSE Spirit is the life Cayce SOURCE By turning and turning (i.e. WILL ABOVE choosing Gods will) we BEING come round right Mind is the MIND SOUL builderCayce SELF Translated as EMOTION INSIDE / WITHIN neuropeptides



the physical is the result. Cayce CELLS TISSUES ORGANS SYSTEMS




Thephysicalbodyisjusttheresultofachainofcauseandeffect.Itisthemostjunior partner in the amalgam composed of the body and its owner or being. We call this compositeahumanbeing.Currentlymanybeingsfindthisatroublingassociation.

PROPERTYMANAGEMENT101 Consider finding yourself the chief tenant and landlord in the words most complex structure. It is built from over 50 trillion interacting subunits. You have no owners manual, warranty information or schematic diagrams. You live in and own the most complex thing on your planet, have a vested interest in its maintenance and upkeep and are born into a culture that is essentially clueless as to how to manage this property and keep it in optimal shape for its minimal service interval of about 140 years. You and your fellow property managers are informed by the local authorities that the best that can be done is to fix up breakdowns once they occur and take an earlyleaveoptionatabout77yearsintoyourtenancy.Youreadthatthesesocalled localauthoritiesonmaintenanceareroutinelyevictedfromtheirownstructuresafter about58yearsofresidencyandcountyourselflucky. MAPSANDOURRETURNTOWHOLENESS

Ifamaphasrealvaluetous,thenfollowingitsdirectionshouldhelpustoarrivemore efficiently at our desired destination than would blindly drifting along. If, as Edgar Cayce said, Spirit is the life, mind is the builder and the physical is the result, then what should we do? Well, if you are living in a constantly selfremodeling structure which is replacing its stomach every 4 days, its bonesevery3monthsand98%ofits atomseveryyearanddoingthisallusingblueprints,theanswerseemsobvious:Keep those blueprints tidy and assure yourself of quality control from the subcontractors thatdoyourremodeling! After a rather lengthy investigation of how to upgrade the performance of our subcontractors and restore their access to our ever refreshed blueprints, Wellness Workhasemergedasaworkablestrategytodojustthat!

If Will is the senior manager of the blueprint department, then one would certainly wanttheexecutiveordersitissuesforremodelingtobebasedonunobscuredaccess tothebestcopyofthesedrawings.Itisfromtheseblueprintsortemplatesthatyoull
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recreate your bodily structure, as well as the circumstances, conditions, and relationshipsyoullbuildforyourself. The senior manager, will, must repeatedly send its instructions for upgrading your blueprintstothedraftingdepartment,yourmind,forcontinuousqualityimprovement ofyourbodilyhealth,thebeautyandeaseofyourcircumstances,theimprovementof your condition of abundance reception and the optimization of all of your relationships. The more your senior executive will is harmonizing with the Universal Will, the more optimally can your continuous quality improvement program bring you your hearts desires. WelcometotheNet

Inlookingatamind,onecanfindcountlessfilesthatneedtobe:1)spellcheckedto see if there are any illusory interpretations of experience, 2) grammarchecked to assurethatthemeaningormissionoflifeundertakenbythesoulisrealized,3)edited andprocessed,aswholesceneswerestoredinanunprocessedstatethatarejumbled upwhichgobblesuppreciousRAM(RealtimeAttentionMentationunits).TheseRAM unitsaredesperatelyneededtorunapplicationsinpresenttime.Howthenshallwe upgrade these files? Well, we could try to handle this mess one file at a time la Scientology or cocounseling. Perhaps instead we could set up a programmed subroutinethatwouldsequentiallyeditabatchoffiles.Todothelatterwouldrequire accessto: 1) Anextremelypowerfulsetofprocessorsandcoprocessors 2) Elaborateprogrammingthatwasimbuedwithimpeccableorganizationalskill 3) A reading device that could simultaneously access all files and edit them accurately 4) An overseer program that would assure that no data was deleted, just transformedandreformattedtoamoreoptimalstatus 5) The freeing up of Realtime AttentionMentation units (RAM) so that they would be more available for running the current applications of focus, interpretationandaction 6) Access to the prime priority of what to change and in what sequence to changeit 7) Optimal differential entry points from which to begin the reprogramming process
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Perhaps a single landlord / tenant (i.e., you), a pair of them (i.e., doctor patient, therapistclient)oranownersassociation(supportgroup,prayergroup)wouldbeup to the task, perhaps not. However, we may assume with some certainty that if one coulduplinktotheUniversalIntranet,usingitsvastsensing,sortingandcomputational resources to edit all files that it assessed as those most in need of change, then we might more quickly attain optimal state management in our individual remodeling projects.ThisUniversalIntranetwouldofcourseneedtobe: 1) Omniscient 2) Omnipotent 3) Benignly disposed to grant us access and assistance (lovingly oriented to provideallgoodtous)

IfyouorIcouldbeofferedbillionsortrillionsofopportunitiestouplinkourwilltoIts Willofourownfreechoice,albeitbeyondobservationonthemonitorofourconscious awareness,wejustmightpulloffsuchamassivereprogrammingendeavor. WellnessWorkandWellWareNetseektouseourinnatemodemstogetonlinein thisintranetand,startingfromnonoptimalstatesofbodyemotionmindabundance relationships,etc.,obtain: 1) Theprimaryprioritytostartfromininitiatingchange 2) Anoptimaldifferentialentrypointintothefilesthatneedediting 3) Uplinkdownlinkaccessandstatusreportsaswemoveto100%completion ofagivenprocessingsequence 4) Alternate approaches if uplinking is not the optimal means to achieve an idealendpointsuchas: a) Lifestylemodification b) Rebalancingoftheintake,presenceoruseofessentialsnecessaryfor regenerationandrepair c) Theuseofotherapproachesand/orspecialists,betheymedical,dental, chiropractic,oranyotherflavor d) Theuseofexternalsubstancessuchasherbsandallotherbiologically activesubstances e) theuseofenergyand/orinformationinitsmyriadformsas homeopathic,floweressences,RifeorMorafrequencygenerators,Chi Gongemulators,etc. f) Anyothercombinationofvalidoutsideinmeansthatisoptimal.
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Ofteninthiswork,thebenefitsattainableusingalternativeapproachesariseasentry points.Uplinkingallowsthesoul,withoutactuallyhavingtotakeanherbalpreparation, a homeopathic or use an energybased approach such as acupuncture, chigong, pranayamas, etc., to emulate the use of and then receive the beneficial results that wouldhaveoccurredhadtheyusedasubstanceoranenergy/informationapproach. Thesebenefitsaccrueasabeingisinternally..................tomoreitspointofviewand blueprints.Themeasurableoutcomeinrealtimeisthatachangewetypicallyobserve occurring over months or years, using outsidein approaches, occurs in only minutes, hours or days using this insideout system. A sideeffect of discovering, using and enjoying the benefits of this approach is that were keeping our cleaning staff busy dusting the bottles of homeopathics, flower essences and supplements we no longer needtorecommendtoourwellnessclients. CASESTUDY1 A woman in her 70s with post mastectomy metastatic carcinoma widely disseminated throughout her whole skeleton as seen on her bone scan, plus CT confirmedtumorsinherliver.Shechosetoforgochemotherapyandradiationdueto concerns she held about quality of life, were she to have elected the conventional approach prevalent in the U.S. medical community. A course of chiropractic care guided by Holotrophic OptimizationTechniqueandWellnessWorkwaselectedto enhancewellness,nottotreatherconditions. Herappetitereturned,hernauseawaseliminated,herhighlevelsofpainwere completelycontrolledwithoutdrugs,hertumorsstoppedprogressing,andtheLdopa dosagesheneededtocontrolherParkinsonismwasslasheddramatically.Sheleft,as shehadnowilltolive,painlessly.ThecauseofdeathwasascribedtoParkinsonismon herexitcertificate,notcancer. CASESTUDY2 Awomaninher30swithaveryseveresnakephobia.Toleaveherbedatnight, all lights had to be turned on, bed covers removed and the room and bathroom thoroughlysearchedforsnakesbeforeshecouldrelieveherself. Astheworkprogressed,sheonedayfoundherselfenrapturedasshewatcheda televisedspecialonreptilesandrealizedabout10minutesintotheportiononsnakes how beautiful they were and how safe (not to mention astonished) she was. Side benefitoneveryrelievedhusband.
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CASESTUDY3 A woman in her early 40s with a cyst under her arm for six months prior to a briefWellnesssession.Noreturnonfollowupatoneyear.

CASESTUDY4 A horse lover in her late 30s who had not been able to be around horses or barns and breathe through her nose since childhood. With chiropractic and Wellness Work sessions she regained complete normal nasal function in, on, and around horses. CASESTUDY5 Aclientwho,after10yearsofalternativecareusingsophisticatedmuscletesting and remedies from the outside in, was progressively worsening. Incapacitated by migrainesandotherphenomena,shesawherselfheadedtototalinvalidstatusinsix months. Two years later, she can outwork both of her partners and has moved from barelykeepingherfinancesatsurvivaltolandingmultimilliondollarcontractsforher consultingfirm. CASESTUDY6 A woman in her late 30s who had been growing viral tags all over her body whichwereperiodicallyburnedoffandthenrecurred.Anover95%reductionintheir distribution and prevalence with HOT (Holotrophic Optimization Technique) guided neurologicdestressingandWellnessWork. TOWILLINGLYCHOOSECONGRUENCEORNOTTOWILLTHATISTHEQUESTION What if an individual is not willing to have its will and that of its Creator become congruent?Thenneitheruplinking,prayer,mindfulnessnormeditationwillbeableto initiatechange.Aformofoutsideinsymptomorillnessmanagementwillbethenext closestthingtowholenessthatsuchanindividualcanattain. Would the effects of Wellness Work intervention be permanent? Only as long as a being willingly maintains its congruence can it be so. Even then, we are each responsiblefortheoperationandmaintenanceofour6capacitiesthewill,mindand emotions of the being and the aura, chakras, nadiis, meridians (outer and inner Bioshells) and the physical body. How we exercise our free will through these capacities for experience and expression will determine many future options,
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opportunitiesandgrowthchallenges(i.e.,symptomsofnonoptimalstatestoresolve). ThemeansthatareemployedinWellnessWorktosortout:whatisaprimepriority, what is an optimal distinction or differentiation, is uplinking available, what lifestyle, dietaryorsupplementarychangemaybeuseful,etc.,arethefollowing 1) Muscleresponsetestingthatisusedtodetectindicatordrops(i.e.,muscles thatbecomeslowerasthebody/mindsignalsachangeinstate). 2) Interfacingwithfilterssomeareavailablecommerciallysuchasthosefrom Vega, Apex Energetics, Total Body Modification, etc., and most are proprietaryfiltersdesignedforWellnessWork. 3) Accessfiltersagroupof30plusfilterswhichareemployedtoassureaccess totheUniversalIntranet,obtainconnectiontononphysicalhardwarethat augments the beings processors by networking with proprietary coprocessors.Theseassurethatonlythatwhichiscongruentwithabeings missionandlifepurposeswillbefosteredduringuplinkingandcoprocessing andvastlyacceleratetherateoftransformationofbeing,personalityandthe physicalbody. 4) A set of sevenlevel equations that the being solves conjointly with the help,onceuplinked,ofmorehighlydevelopedordersofintelligence,being, and technology than commonly encountered on earth. These equations weredevelopedtogetthequickestandmoststableresultfromthisformof processing. 5) Scale filters that allow rating of relative normalization on any of the seven levelsofourmap.Theseinclude: a) Terrainincongruence(110) b) StressResistanceImpairment(110) c) StagesofAdaptation(laDr.BeardallsClinicalKinesiology) d) Homotixicitybytissuetypeandstage(laDr.Reekeweig) e) Toxicity(ApexEnergetics,modified) f) Eliminationofdrainageblockages115(ApexEnergetics,modified) g) BlockagetoRegeneration115(ApexEnergetics,modified) h) Vegascalesformesenchymalcommunication/drainageblock,immune, endocrine,psychicstress,others(Vega) I) filterstoassess%ofchange,completion,etc.,similarinfunctiontothe spoolupbargraphforprintersonaMacbasedcomputersystem 6) Profilers another group of 30plus filters that check the integrity of the being and body amalgam to assess their availability for uplinking or
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processing.Theydetailwhatmustbeunblockedorupgradedinordertoget ahumanbeingreadyforgrowthandhealing.Theyindicatedirectionstotake in order to reach base camp from which the ascent undertaken using WellnessWorkmayproceed. WHENCECOMETHTHOU? Fortunately for us all, Dr. Reinhard Voll did not take the pronouncement of his colleagues, that his illness was incurable and his prognosis terminal, as a death sentence. He instead remapped the acupuncture meridians, reinterpreted their significance and demonstrated the electronic measurability of their state of function. Perhaps as importantly, he also showed us that their interaction with material substances such as drugs, herbs, vitamins or minerals as well as with immaterial or semimaterial substances such as homeopathics, nosodes and complex homeotherapeutics and with fields, such as geopathic stressors, could be measured. Thus we have been given the gift of generation ONE of a more modern science of energeticdifferentiationandwellnessimprovement. Bioelectronics of Vincent, MORA therapeutics and the Vega SegmentoElectrograph giveusgenerationsTWOandTHREE. Enter overstressed Dr. Helmut Schimmel. It was either give up his waitinglist ofnew patients and current practice or find a less stressful way to achieve the results he wantedforhispatientsfromElectroacupunctureaccordingtoVoll(E.A.V.).Hisinsight that, since a homeotherapeutic substance can cancel an observable meridian aberration, it could be said to have been asking a question such as What will bring balance to this disharmony? led to the creation of generation FOUR Vega testing. NownewdistinctionscouldeasilybemadethatE.A.V.couldnotprovide.Lessstresson the practitioner and more comfortable results for the client were the direct improvementsaddedbythisfourthlevelofthescientificmovetowardwellness.Awin winsynergytobesure. What if you could duplicate the accuracy of machinebased assessments while doing yourdistinctionassessments,yetdosomorequickly?Theansweringofthisquestion gaverisetogenerationFIVEinbioenergeticsVegaBiokinesiology.Itblendedtheuse offiltersandasimilarinterfaceasusedinVegatestingwiththewordsmostcomplex andsensitivenetworkedsystemasitsreadoutdeviceahumanbeing.
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Generation SIX arose from the skillful blending of Dr.Versendaals Contact Reflex Analysis and Vega Biokinesiology by Dr. Roy Martina (MD, Europe) into his Integra system. Practitioners throughout the world compared Integra and their Vega, Entero, Dermatron, Biotron and other machinebased work and parked their machines and computersintheirusedtobeusefulcollectionsofpriortechnologiesalongwiththeir 8trackplayersand45RPMvinyldiscs. GenerationSEVENaroseoutofimpatiencewiththeslowspeedofchangeobservable withIntegraworkandthedesiretobringthebeingmoreactivelyintotheprocessof healingtomakerealthepromiseoftheworldsscripturesthattheOneCausecanbe drawnupontobringforwardallgood. It also arises from a frustration with outsidein approaches. Homeopathys founder, Samuel Hahnemann, tells us on the one hand It is only by means of the spiritual influenceofamorbidagentthatourspiritualvitalpowercanbediseased,andinlike manner, only by the spiritual operation of medicine can health be restored. On the otherhand,weareleftwitharatherclumsyoutsideinmeansofgettingaspiritualend accomplished. Generation SEVEN, a.k.a. Wellness Work and WellWare Net, are an attempt to observationally validate the teachings of the worlds great spiritual traditions, using modern understanding of the will, mind and emotions. They do so by using the quantum physics point of view so eloquently elaborated by Deepak Chopra most recently in his books Quantum Healing and in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and by usingthemostelaborateinstrumentyetdevised,thehumanneuralnet,tobridgethe gap between matter and spirit. Level sevens approach looks at healing as an inside jobandacceleratesourabilitytoturnroundrightfarinexcessoftherateofchange availablefromoutsideinapproaches.Itsendresultisthesimplegiftofwholeness.
AaronFlickstein,EmeritusD.C.,ACE(AlternativeandComplimentaryExpert),ICAK(952) 5200WillsonRd.Edina,MN55424NexttoPerkinsoffHwy100@the50th/Vernonexit



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