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The National Museum of Archaeology and History of Moldova The National Museum of Archaeology and History of Moldova was

set in 1983 and holds a monumental building in the center of Chisinau. The museum is a building outstanding through its architecture and history. Construction techniques are stone, stucco decoration plastic. The first architect of the building was Simsko-Savoiski , rebuilt in 1888 by H. Lonski. The museum holds a rich heritage, numbering more than 300.000 pieces which are structured in many collections. The collection of archaeology represents a special interest, comprising various tools, ceramic vessels, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, cult pieces, weapons, funerary urns, adornment objects from the Paleolithic to the late Middle Ages. 50.000 pieces-antic, medieval and modern coins, most of them discovered on the territory of Moldova, various institutional and personal seals, medals and ensigns form the numismatic collection-all aim at illustrating the most important stages in the history of currency. The museum holds a rich collection of cold weapons and firearms, military uniforms. The collection of clothing highlights the multiple aspects of the social-economical life form the 18th-20th centuries. Various devices and appliances, measurement instruments, musical instruments, lighting objects from the 17th-20th centuries form the science and technique collection. The imposing collection of old books includes authentic rarities produced in different typographical centers: Bucharest, Sibiu, Iasi, Moscow, Kiev, Paris, Berlin etc. Some tenths thousands photos and documents regard various political, social and cultural events form history from the 18 th-20th centuries. The museum storage shelters other collections as well, which are continuously investigated and valorized. The museum is an authority in science. The researchers and museographers participate actively at national and international scientific events, presenting the results of their research in the fields of history, archaeology and museology. The museum has a significant number of scientific publications issued in the republic and abroad, it edits starting from 1992 the journal Tyragetia, in whose pages are published articles and studies signed by esteemed names of science and culture from the republic and from various European countries . The cultural prestige of our institution is supported by the big number and thematically diversified permanent and temporary exhibitions organized in the museum, outside our institution, in the country and abroad, and by the originality of cultural projects and museum pedagogy programs, innovative events organized for the public, including Museum Day and Night. The museum offers the public a permanent exhibition- ,,History and civilization, which shows objects of incontestable value, evoking important stages, major events, and remarkable persons from the history of the country, suggesting the visitor an image of evolving civilization in this space from the oldest times until the present. The museum diversifies continuously the forms and means of information dissemination. Thereby, the permanent exhibiting became interactive through implementation of multimedia technologies which pass on to the public complex visual and sound information about the presented objects in view of historic development.

Muzeul National de Arheologie si Istorie a Moldovei Muzeul National de Arhiologie si Istorie a Moldovei a fost fondat in 1983 si detine o constructie monumentala in centrul Chisinaului. Muzeul se afla intr-o cladire remarcabila prin arhitectura si istorie. Tehnicile de constructiie sint piatra, dcor plastic din stuc. Primul arhitec a fost Simsko-Savoiski, dupa care cadirea a fost reconstruita in 1888 de H. Lonski. Muzeul detine o mostenire bogata, numarind mai mult de 300 000 piese care sint structurate in multe colectii. Colectia arheologica reperezinta un iteres special, cuprinzind diferite unelte, vase de ceramic, figurine antropomorfe si zoomorfe, piese de cult, arme, urne funerare, obiecte de podoaba din Paleolitic pina in Evul Mediu. 50 000 piese- monede antice, medievale si moderne, cele mai multe din ele descoperite pe teritoriul Moldovei, diferite sigilii, medalii institutionale si personale formeaza colectia numismatica- toate urmarind de a ilustra cele mai importante etape in istoria valutei. Muzeul detine o bogata colectie de arme reci si arme de foc, uniforme militare. Colectia de imbracaminte evidentiaza multiplele aspecte ale vietii socialeconomice, formeaza secolele 18-20. Diverse dispositive si aparate, instrumente de masurare, instrumente musicale, obiecte de iluminat din secolele 17-20 formeaza colectia tehnica si stiintifica. Colectia impunatoare de carti vechi include raritati autentice produse in diferite centre tipografice: Bucuresti, Sibiu, Iasi, Moscova, Kiev, Paris, Berlin etc. Unele zeci de mii de poze si documente care privesc diverse evenimente politice, sociale si cultural formeaza istoria secolelor 18 -20. Muzeul de depozitoare adaposteste si alte colectii care sunt in mod continuu investigate si valorificate. Muzeul este o autoritate in stiinta. Cercetatorii si muzeografii participa activ la evenimente nationale si international, prezentind rezultatele cercatarii lor in cimpurile de istorie, arheologie si muzeologie. Muzeul are un numar semnificativ de publicatii stiintifice eliberate in republica si in strainatate, modificarile incepind din 1992 revista Tyragetia , in a carei pagini sunt publicate articole si studii semnate de nume apreciate ale stiintei si culturii din republica si din diverse tari europene. Prestigiul cultural a institutiei noastre este sprijinit de un numar mare si tematic diversificate expozitii permanente si temporare organizate in muzeu, inafara institutiei, in tara si in strainatate, si prin originalitatea de proiecte culturale si programe de pedagogie muzeala, evenimente inovatoare organizate pentru public, incluzind O Zi S o Noapte la Muzeu. Muzeul ofera pulicului o expozitie permanenta-,,Istoria si Civilizatia care prezinta obiecte de valoare incontestabila, evocind etape importante, evenimente majore si personae persoane remarcabile din istoria tarii, sugerind vizitatorului o imagine de evolutie a civilizatiei in acest spatiu din timpurile vechi pina in prezent. Muzeul diversifica continuu forme si mijloace de diseminare a informatiei. Astfel, expunerea permanenta a devenit interactiva prin implementarea tehnologiilor multimedia care trec pe la informatii complexe vizuale si sonore publicului cu privire la obiectele prezentate in vederea dezvoltarii istorice.

The National Museum of Archaeology and History of Moldova was set in 1983 and holds a monumental building in the center of Chisinau. It is remarkable for its architecture and history. Construction techniques are stone, stucco decoration plastic.The museum holds a rich heritage, numbering more than 300.000 pieces which are structured in many collections. The collection of archaeology contains various tools, ceramic vessels, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, cult pieces, weapons, funerary urns, adornment objects from the Paleolithic to the late Middle Ages. 50.000 pieces-antic, medieval and modern coins, most of them discovered on the territory of Moldova, various institutional and personal seals, medals and ensigns form the numismatic collection. The museum holds a rich collection of cold weapons and firearms, military uniforms. Various devices and appliances, measurement instruments, musical instruments, lighting objects from the 17th-20th centuries form the science and technique collection. The imposing collection of old books includes authentic rarities produced in different typographical centers.The museum is an authority in science. The researchers and museographers participate actively at national and international scientific events, presenting the results of their research in the fields of history, archaeology and museology. The museum has a significant number of scientific publications issued in the republic and abroad. The museum offers the public a permanent exhibition- ,,History and civilization, which shows objects of incontestable value, evoking important stages, major events, and remarkable persons from the history of the country, suggesting the visitor an image of evolving civilization in this space from the oldest times until the present.

Vocabulary: Outstanding(adj)- of major significance or importance (remarcabil); Stucco(n)- a plaster now made mostly from Portland cement and sand and lime; applied while soft to cover exterior walls or surfaces (stuc); To comprise(v)- be composed of( a cuprinde); Weapon(n)- any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting (arma); Adornment(n) - a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness(podoaba); Numismatic(n)- auxiliary discipline of history , dealing with the history of coins, old medals, etc ( numismatica); To highlight(v)- move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent(a evidentia); Device(n)- something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect(dispozitiv); Appliance(n)- a device or control that is very useful for a particular job(aparat); To regard(v)- to look at attentively ( a considera); Storage(n)- the act of storing something( depozitare).

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