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Description of Classroom:
Ninth grade, boys and girls.

Introduction to reading non-fiction: learning to read a newspaper. Lesson will take one day and is a precursor to a lesson on journalism.

Content Objective(s):
SWBAT: Use before, during, and after-reading strategies that are appropriate to reading a newspaper. SWBAT: Evaluate the effectiveness of the reading strategies by writing a summary of what they read.

Language Objective(s):
SWBAT: Listen to instructions and learn effective reading strategies for reading newspapers. SWBAT: Read bold headlines, italics, and captions, as well as look at the featured picture (before reading strategies) to get an idea of what the article is about. They will then read the article, following the flow of the columns to their proper continuation (during reading). SWBAT: Write about the article they read and evaluate how effective their reading strategies were (after reading). SWBAT: Discuss what they read and share what they learned from the article they chose.

Nevada Standards:
2.12.1 Select and use before-reading strategies appropriate to text and purpose. 2.12.2 Select and use during-reading strategies appropriate to text and purpose. 2.12.3 Select and use after-reading strategies appropriate to text and purpose; evaluate the effectiveness of reading strategies.

Key Vocabulary:
Students will use a dictionary to look up the terms they do not understand.

Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
X X X X X X Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing X X X X X X X X Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement X X X X X X X X Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral

Teaching Strategies:
Blooms Taxonomy, Gardners MI, Myers/Briggs.

Warm Up Activity:
Students will respond to the journal prompt: Why is the news important and is the newspaper still relevant in our technologically advanced society? Do you think the newspaper will become obsolete, why or why not?

Lesson Sequence:
Students will begin by responding to the journal prompt. We will then discuss reading strategies for reading the newspaper. They will look at the pictures, read the captions, and read the bold headlines. I will show them how a newspaper flows differently than a book. They will be shown how the columns are broken up and read differently from a book. I will demonstrate by projecting an article on the board and reading it aloud, tracing my progress with a pointer to show how you go from the bottom of the column you are reading, to the top of the column that continues the story. When I am done modeling, I will take questions and then allow them to work on reading the article of their choice and writing their summaries. In their summaries, they will write what they learned from the article by focusing on what they believe to be the most important parts of the article. Once they have written their summaries, students will complete a worksheet that helps them to evaluate the effectiveness of their reading strategies (Did looking at the pictures, reading the captions, looking at the bold help in understanding while reading? etc). Ten minutes before class ends, they will be told to break into groups and discuss what they learned. If they did not finish their evaluation of reading strategies, they may finish this for homework along with the assignment to create their own front page news. Homework Options: Students will create an 8 x 11 front page news about a current event, something important that has happened to them recently, or fictional topic from our class readings of their choosing. They will use captioned pictures, italics, and bolded headlines.

Will be based on students IEP or specific request made by the student.

Supplementary Materials:
A copy of the New York Times will be provided for each student. I will give students a worksheet about reading strategies, with evaluation questions attached. They will be given a paper detailing their homework assignment.

Will be based on in class discussion, summary of article, evaluation of reading techniques, and the homework assignment.

Will be based on how well the lesson is received and the results of the assessments
Form: 005 JDC 4/22/08

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