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Qu hacer si mi hijo se niega a hablar en un segundo idioma?

Tengo un hijo de cuatro aos al que le suelo hablar en alemn, aunque cuando estamos en casa con mi marido o con amigos cometo el fallo de cambiarle al castellano. En septiembre entr al colegio alemn de Barcelona. Las tres primeras semanas de adaptacin fueron muy bien, pero luego empez a decirme que por qu le hablo en alemn y no como a pap. Dice que quiere volver a su otro cole (el ao pasado iba a un colegio de habla cataln/castellano/ingls) porque las profesoras son mejores. He hablado con la profesora actual y me ha dicho que no tiene ningn problema para entender pero que s le cuesta mucho trabajo expresarse en alemn y eso le provoca una gran frustracin. Se siente tan mal que llora por cualquier tontera, por ejemplo si le pongo un yogur que no le gusta para el colegio ya se pone a llorar, etc. Me tomo mucho tiempo para jugar con l, hablar con l, ir al parque. Tambin quiero dejar claro que tengo mucho material (libros, pelculas, cds, dvds, etc.) en alemn, y lo utilizamos. Quiero dejar claro que mi hijo fue operado con dos aos de los odos. Le tuvieron que poner drenajes, ya que tena un 30% menos de audicin, y eso le ha afectado en el habla, ya que hay palabras que le cuesta pronunciar correctamente. Estoy buscando maneras para poder motivarlo y que vuelva a ser el nio alegre y feliz que siempre ha sido. Me parte el corazn verlo sufrir y me pregunto si ha sido la eleccin correcta de cambiarlo de colegio. Gracias por vuestra respuesta de antemano!

What should I do if my son refuses to speak his second language?

I have a four year old son who I speak to in German, though I make the mistake of switching to Spanish when we are at home with my husband or with friends. In September he started attending the German school in Barcelona. The first three weeks of adaptation went well, but this week he has begun to ask me why I speak to him in German instead of in Spanish like Daddy. He says he wants to go back to his other school (last year he went to a school in Catalan/Spanish/English) because his teachers were better. I spoke with his current teacher and she said he has no problem understanding, but he has a hard time expressing himself in German and this is very frustrating for him. He feels so bad that he cries at the drop of a hat, for example if I give him a yogurt flavour he doesnt like for snack, he starts to cry. I spend a lot of time playing with him, talking to him, going to the park. I also want to let you know that I have lots of material (books, movies, cds, dvds, etc) in German and we use them. I should also mention that my son had an operation on his ears when he was two. They had to put tubes in his ears since he had 30% less hearing than normal, which affected his speech. There are words he has trouble pronouncing correctly. Im looking for ways to motivate him and help him to become the same happy child he has always been. My heart breaks to see him suffer and I ask myself if I made the right choice by changing schools. Thank you in advance for your help!

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