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SI Units

SI Units
SI = Systme International d'units 1. 2. 3. 4. Quantity, Name, Symbol SI Prefixes SI Derived Units cgs Units

Quantity, Name, Symbol length metre (meter): m (the correct English spelling of the unit is "metre", but the variant "meter" is frequently used in the United States) mass kilogram: kg time second: s electric current ampere: A thermodynamic temperature kelvin: K amount of substance mole: mol luminous intensity candela: cd

SI Prefixes exponent (base 10) of decimal numbers: E n = 10n Factor 1024 10 10 10 10 10

21 18

Prefix E 24 E 21 E 18 E 15 E 12 E E E E 9 6 3 2 yotta zetta exa peta tera giga mega kilo hecto

Symbol Y Z E P T G M k h




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02-Nov-09 12:08 PM

SI Units

101 10 10 10 10 10 10

deca deci centi milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto

da d c m n p f a z y

E -1 E -2 E -3 E -6 E -9 E-12 E-15 E-18 E-21 E-24


-9 -12



SI Derived Units (Please note: all units to the right of the slash are actually in the denominator!) Frequency hertz: Hz = 1/s Force newton: N = m kg/s2 Pressure, stress pascal: Pa = N/m2 = kg/m s2 Energy, work, quantity of heat joule: J = N m = m2 kg/s2 Power, radiant flux watt: W = J/s = m2 kg/s3 Quantity of electricity, electric charge coulomb: C = s A Electric potential volt: V = W/A = m2 kg/s3 A Capacitance farad: F = C/V = s4 A2/m2 kg Electric resistance ohm: Omega = V/A = m2 kg/s3 A2 Conductance siemens: S = A/V = s3 A2/m2 kg Magnetic flux weber: Wb = V s = m2 kg/s2 A Magnetic flux density, magnetic induction tesla: T = Wb/m2 = kg/s2 A Inductance henry: H = Wb/A = m2 kg/s2 A2 Luminous flux

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02-Nov-09 12:08 PM

SI Units

lumen: lm = cd sr Illuminance lux: lx = lm/m2 = cd sr/m2 Activity (ionizing radiations) becquerel: Bq = 1/s Absorbed dose gray: Gy = J/kg = m2/s2 Dynamic viscosity pascal second: Pa s = kg/m s Moment of force metre newton: N m = m2 kg/s2 Surface tension newton per metre: N/m = kg/s2 Heat flux density, irradiance watt per square metre: W/m2 = kg/s3 Heat capacity, entropy joule per kelvin: J/K = m2 kg/s2 K Specific heat capacity, specific entropy joule per kilogram kelvin: J/kg K = m2/s2 K Specific energy joule per kilogram: J/kg = m2/s2 Thermal conductivity watt per metre kelvin: W/m K = m kg/s3 K Energy density joule per cubic metre: J/m3 = kg/m s2 Electric field strength volt per metre: V/m = m kg/s3 A Electric charge density coulomb per cubic metre: C/m3 = s A/m3 Electric displacement, electric flux density coulomb per square metre: C/m2 = s A/m2 Permittivity farad per metre: F/m = s4 A2/m3 kg Permeability henry per metre: H/m = m kg/s2 A2 Molar energy joule per mole: J/mol = m2 kg/s2 mol

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SI Units

Molar entropy, molar heat capacity joule per mole kelvin: J/mol K = m2 kg/s2 K mol Exposure (ionizing radiations) coulomb per kilogram: C/kg = s A/kg Absorbed dose rate gray per second: Gy/s = m2/s3

cgs Units erg 1 erg = 10-7 J dyne 1 dyn = 10-5 N poise 1 P = 1 dyn s/cm2 = 0.1 Pa s stokes 1 St = 1 cm2/s = 10-4 m2/s gauss 1 G = 10-4 T oersted 1 Oe = (1000/(4 pi)) A/m maxwell 1 Mx = 10-8 Wb stilb 1 sb = 1 cd/cm2 = 104 cd/m2 phot 1 ph = 104 lx Conversion of units Index General chemistry The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty International System of Units (SI): SI Units SI Prefixes The International System of Units (SI) (BIPM) A Dictionary of Measures, Units and Conversions

2008 Institut fr Chemie und Biochemie | Contact |

Last modification: 2009-01-26

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