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HYPOTHESIS TESTING Parameters would be tested at 95% level of significance. 1.

HOUSEHOLDS ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY H0- There is no relationship between gender and owning alternative source of electricity. H1- There is a relationship between gender and ownership of alternative source of electricity.
Sex of the Respondents Households' with alternative source of electricity Crosstabulation Count Households' with alternative source of electricity yes Sex of the Respondents Total male female 56 34 90 No 7 3 10 Total 63 37 100

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correction Likelihood Ratio Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Casesb .231 100 1 .631

df 1 1 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .629 .890 .624

Exact Sig. (2-sided)

Exact Sig. (1-sided)

.234a .019 .240



Where n=2, Degree of freedom= n-1= 2-1=1 Chi-square tabulated= 0.0039 Decision rule: Since chi-square calculated is greater than chi-square tabulated, we reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between gender and ownership of alternative source of electricity by households. Therefore from the results of the chi-square test, it can be suggested that there is a relationship between gender and ownership of various types of alternative sources of electricity such as generator, solar, inverter, etc. H0- There is no relationship between income level and ownership of alternative source of electricity by households H1- There is a relationship between income level and
Income level of Respondents * Households' with alternative source of electricity Crosstabulation Count Households' with alternative source of electricity yes Income level of Respondents no response <5000 5000-10000 10000-20000 21000-31000 31000-41000 41000-51000 51000-100000 100000-250000 250000-500000 >500000 Total 2 2 3 8 9 7 13 27 13 4 2 90 no 0 1 1 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 10 Total 2 3 4 10 12 8 14 27 13 5 2 100

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 12.553a 14.957 5.651 100 df 10 10 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .250 .134 .017

N=11, Degree of freedom=11-1=10 Chi-square tabulated=3.94 Decision rule: Since chi square calculated is greater than chi square tabulated, we reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the income level of the households and their ability to self-generate electricity. Therefore it can be suggested that there is a relationship between income level and ownership of alternative source of electricity. 1. HOUSEHOLDS ECONOMIC STATUS This section concerns the various households who carryout small scale businesses at home. H0- There is no relationship between gender and residential business H1- There is a relationship between gender and residential business

Sex of the Respondents * Households who do business at Home Crosstabulation Count Households who do business at Home yes Sex of the Respondents Total male female 26 22 48 Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correction Likelihood Ratio Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Casesb 100 3.059 1 .080

no 37 15 52

Total 63 37 100

df 1 1 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .079 .121 .078

Exact Sig. (2-sided)

Exact Sig. (1-sided)

3.090a 2.404 3.103



Where n=2, degree of freedom=2-1=1 Chi-square tabulated=0.0039 Decision rule: Chi square calculated is greater than chi square tabulated, therefore reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between gender and residential businesses.

Income level of Respondents * Households who do business at Home Crosstabulation Count Households who do business at Home yes Income level of Respondents no response <5000 5000-10000 10000-20000 21000-31000 31000-41000 41000-51000 51000100000 100000250000 250000500000 >500000 Total 0 1 3 5 7 4 5 13 8 1 1 48 no 2 2 1 5 5 4 9 14 5 4 1 52 Total 2 3 4 10 12 8 14 27 13 5 2 100

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 7.190a 8.156 .000 100 df 10 10 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .707 .614 .994

Where n=11, degree of freedom= n-1=11-1=10 Chi square tabulated=3.94 Decision rule: Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative. Therefore there is a relationship between income level and residential business 2. AWARENESS AND SUPPORT OF ELECTRICITY TARIFF INCREASE POLICY This section concerns the level of awareness by households on the increase in electricity tariff policy and the extent of support. H0- There is no relationship between gender and awareness H1- There is a relationship between gender and awareness
Sex of the Respondents * Number of Households aware of a proposed increase in electricity tariff Crosstabulation Count Number of Households aware of a proposed increase in electricity tariff yes Sex of the Respondents Total male female 50 28 78 no 13 9 22 Total 63 37 100

Value Pearson ChiSquare Continuity Correctionb Likelihood Ratio Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Casesb .183 100 .185a .032 .183

df 1 1 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .667 .857 .669

Exact Sig. (2-sided)

Exact Sig. (1-sided)

.803 1 .669


Where n=2, degree of freedom=2-1=1 Chi square tabulated=0.0039 Decision rule: Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative stating that there is a relationship between gender and awareness. H0- There is no relationship between occupation and awareness H1- There is a relationship between occupation and awareness

Occupation of Respondents * Number of Households aware of a proposed increase in electricity tariff Crosstabulation Count Number of Households aware of a proposed increase in electricity tariff yes Occupation of Respondents no response civil servant self employed others Total 1 24 24 29 78 no 0 7 11 4 22 Total 1 31 35 33 100

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 3.978a 4.314 .764 100 df 3 3 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .264 .230 .382

Where n=5, degree of freedom= 5-1=4 Chi square tabulated= 0.711 Decision rule: Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative which states that there is a relationship between occupation and awareness H0- There is no relation between tenancy or landlord and support for the policy H1- There is a relationship between tenancy or landlord and support of the policy.

Tenant or Landlord * Households opinion on increase of electricity tariff Crosstabulation Count Households opinion on increase of electricity tariff support Tenant or Landlord Total tenant landlord 4 0 4 Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 7.539a 9.225 3.708 100 df 3 3 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .057 .026 .054 not support 34 27 61 indifferen non t applicable 7 6 13 18 4 22 Total 63 37 100

Where n=2, degree of freedom=2-1=1 Chi square tabulated= 0.0039 Decision rule: Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative which states that there is a relationship between tenancy or landlord and support for electricity tariff increase policy.

H0- There is no relationship between economic status of the households and their support for the policy H1- There is a relationship between the economic status of the households and their support for the policy.

Households who do business at Home * Households opinion on increase of electricity tariff Crosstabulation Count Households opinion on increase of electricity tariff support Households who do business at Home Total Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 2.977a 3.028 1.233 100 df 3 3 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .395 .387 .267 yes no 3 1 4 not support 26 35 61 indifferen non t applicable 6 7 13 13 9 22 Total 48 52 100

Where n=2, degree of freedom= 2-1=1 Chi square tabulated= 0.0039 Decision rule: Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative. Therefore there is a relationship between the economic status of the respondents and the level of their support for the electricity tariff increase policy.

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