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com Annatto Extract

Annatto Extract

Annatto is extracted from the orange coloured, outer coat surrounding the seeds of the shrub Bixa orellana. This shrub is native to South America, India, East Africa, the Caribbean and Philippines. The colourings responsible for the yellow to orange hue range of annatto are bixin and norbixin. Norbixin is the water soluble saponified form of bixin. Advantages of Annatto Annatto extracts are available as water soluble, emulsions, or oil soluble. Blends with turmeric or paprika oleoresin expand the possibilities of the yellow to reddish-orange range.

Recommended Annatto Extract Applications

Soy Drinks Spirits Milk Drinks Ice Cream

Margarine Cheese Yogurt Smoothies Baking Sauces/Soups Snack Seasoning Batters/Breadings Breakfast Cereal Sausage Casing Meat Analogues Fats/Oils Dry Mixes

Chemical Structure



Beets, Betacyanins, Betanins, Betalains

Beets, Betacyanins, and Betanins (from Betalains)
Sources > Beets / Betacyanins / Betanins (from Betalains) Red beet juice is extracted from the root of the vegetable Beta vulgaris, or the red beet. Red beets are grown in the Midwest region of the United States and harvested from August to October.

Choose One:

Red Beet (Beetroot Red) Dehydrated Beets


Betanin is the main coloring compound present in red beetroot juice color. Historically, it has imparted additional color to wines. Betanin is part of a group of betalains called betacyanins. Betacyanins reflect red-blue light dependent on pH much like anthocyanins with red hues from pH 3-7 and bluer hues at higher pH.

Coloring with Beets, Betacyanins, and Betanins (from Betalains)

The colourings responsible for the red hue of red beet juice are a group of molecules called betalains. This group of pigments contains the red and yellow pigments known asbetacyanins and betaxanthins, respectively.

Red beetroot hues vary further depending on the betalains extracted. Betacyanins are red-blue pigments, while betaxanthins are yellow pigments. The distribution of extracted pigments varies due to factors such as beetroot cultivar and extraction method. A common extraction method involves a series of size reduction processes followed by hydraulic filtering and condensation. Manufacturers control the extraction parameters to protect the coloring compounds from heat, light, pH and enzymatic degradation which can occur.

Beets are readily available for food and beverage manufacturers and consumers in North America. Betalains are available in two primary forms: 1) Ground Dehydrated Beets the dehydrated beet vegetable is ground into a powder 2) Beet Juice juice from the red beet, which can also be spray dried into powder form Coloring from red beets can be water soluble, and the red beet flavor can easily be masked. Advantages of DDW Red Beet: Although some other natural colorants have better heat stability than betalains, betalains do have excellent light stability and excellent pH stability. Generally, betalain colors will not fade in light. Unlike anthocyanins, betalains do not change in hue in response to differences in the pH of foods and beverages. Betalains can also be available in either powder or liquid (beet juice) and can be either water soluble or insoluble. In the following video, colorMakers Stephen Lauro discusses attributes of beets / betalains during his recent presentation at the Supply Side West Trade Show: Recommended Red Beet Applications: Milk Drinks, Ice Cream, Yogurt, Fruit Preparations, Salad Dressing, Sauces/Soups, Snack Seasoning, Dry Mixes

Chemical Structure (Betanins)

Carotenoids are the compounds responsible for yellow, orange and red colors in many fruit, vegetable and algal sources. Within each source, carotenoids vary in concentration, proportions and chemical structure, all of which influence how it can be used in a food product . Some of the food coloring carotenoids include annatto, betacarotene, paprika, lycopene, lutein, carrot oil and saffron. Each contains different types and ratios of carotenoids. All of these are carotenoids, says colorMakers Stephen Lauro. All are from the same family of molecules.

Stability of Carotenoids
Carotenoids generally have good heat stability. Carotenoids can handle high temperature and high pressure extrusion processing. Carotenoids work best in pH above 3.5 and have good pH stability in high pH. However, carotenoids can be degraded by light, low pH, oxygen and enzymes. This is especially important to remember for manufacturers of beverage concentrates with lower pH levels.

Solubility of Carotenoids
Most carotenoids as initially extracted from their plant source are oil soluble.

Labeling of Carotenoids
The food industry considers carotenoids that are synthesized by color manufacturers to be classified as nature identical instead of natural due to the raw materials used.

Carotenoids Chemical Structure

All carotenoids demonstrate a basic structure which consists of a hydrocarbon chain of varying length and varying types of end groups. The light absorption of the conjugated carbon chain and its variations produce the color. The long chain also leads to color degradation due to oxidation and light. Carotenoids benefit from processing techniques that combat oxidation such as antioxidants and specialized packaging.

Figure 1: beta-carotene

Figure 2: Lycopene

Figure 3: Trans-bixin

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