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Falun Gong or Falun Dafa is a Chinese cult based on traditional qi gong practices that was f ounded in 1992. T he Chinese government's attempts to suppress the movement have resulted in the group becoming something of a cause clbre amongst the anti-China crowd. Its support f or social conservatism and anti-communist stance has helped popularize the movement in the west. Political movement or harmless religious group? Attitudes towards Falun Gong are sharply divided.[1] Opponents claim that the organization is in f act a political group that seeks to overthrow the Chinese government,[2] while supporters argue that they are being oppressed because of the evil government philosophy. Public perceptions in the English-speaking world are skewed by the highly successf ul public relations campaigns operated by Falun Gong practitioners, and, in the United States, knee-jerk paranoia about the Chinese government.[3] While initially supportive of the movement, the Chinese communist party began a crackdown on the movement af ter a 1999 incident when ten thousand practitioners surrounded the CCP compound in Beijing.[4] Teachings Essentially a less violent Chinese version of Aum Shinrikyo, Falun Gong combines Chinese f olk religion with modern-day eschatology. T he organization is vehemently opposed to homosexuality and premarital sex, and generally holds the same social views as the Catholic Church. As part of the larger qi gong movement, Falun Gong also endorses traditional Chinese medicine, its adherents claiming that the techniques they teach are a replacement f or evidence-based medicine.[5] Falun Gong takes a Christian science approach to illness, claiming that

sickness is the result of past-lif e transgressions. Despite being general troublemakers, Falun Gong is aggressively nonviolent.[6] T he groups teachings go so f ar as to eschew most f orms of political involvement.[7] Of course, given the belief s of the group, "political involvement" is rather creatively def ined - protests and advocating against same-sex marriage or the Chinese government is acceptable, while actually becoming a politician[8] is looked down on. Cult of personality T he f ounder of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi, claims to have miraculous powers. He claims that he is the savior of humanity, who has come to the earth to "rectif y" the way and prevent "true" spiritual teachings f rom being lost. He claims that ancient Chinese knowledge is f ar superior to current teachings.[9] Teachings on race T he movements teaching on race-related issues are somewhat questionable. Li Hongzhi maintains that interracial relationships are a sign of the Dharma ending period and that race divisions continue to exist in the af terlif e, that people of dif f erent skin colors go to dif f erent heavens, and that as a result interracial children cannot go to heaven without the personal intervention of Li Hongzhi.[4] Complete moonbattery Falun Daf a's teachings get even more bizarre: they teach that there is a 2-billion year old nuclear reactor in Af rica,[4] lef t by an ancient race of Falun Gong practitioners. While the reactor in question def initely exists,[10] all available evidence suggests that it has f ormed naturally, without any intervention f rom ancient intelligence. Organ harvesting As much as Falun Gong may be an unpleasant movement, the reaction by the Chinese government has been highly questionable. In 2006, the Kilgour-Matas report was released by a Canadian MP which suggested that Falun Gong members have been subject to involuntary organ harvesting.[11]T he U.S. Department of Saf ety later released an analysis of the report arguing that there was insuf f icient evidence that this was actually the case.[12] As with other inf ormation on the group, there is a great deal of obf uscation as to what is actually going on, as most media outlets that f eature reports on the group are either drawn directly f rom Falun Gong supporters[13] or sources within the Chinese government. Footnotes 1. [1]

2. One example 3. T he group's Wikipedia article, which completely whitewashes the organization, is currently under discretionary sanctions imposed af ter a 2007 arbitration 4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 New York Times: Rooting Out Falun Gong; China Makes War on Mysticism 5. [2] 6. Just go with it. 7. Aside f rom self -immolation, apparently. 8. You know, somebody who might actually be able to change the law 9. "Modern equipment is pretty advanced, but I'd say it's still not as good as ancient Chinese medical science." 10. Geology: T he Oklo Natural Nuclear Reactor 11. [3] 12. [4] 13. For example, [5]

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