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I I I I I I l _I i J
B.E. Degr ee Exam i n a tion, J uly 20 06
Object Oriented Programming with C++
Time: 3 hr' ] I Ma". Marks: I 00
Note: Answer any Fhefull que.\tions.
1 a. \\'hat are Rcterence I) pes, The Boo! type and Fnumcratinn data type'> "ith examples
.tnu desert be its usage. (Oil Marks)
b What arc nev\ and udcte expression? Give examples. (08 Mnks)
c . Deline scnpe ofresoluuon operator w1th an example and its related (04 'larks)
2 a. What an.: 1nlinc m..:mber functions and recursive functions'? Give examples.
(011 Marks)
b Define scope and life time. global and local object.<.. (04 \larks)
c. Di,cuss the three steps involved in the function over load \\ 1th an
iII ustration (Oil Marks)
3 a. What are the Generic functions? Explain how do you overload a tunction template
with an example. ( 10 Marks)
b. Write a program to conduct a generic sort using class template. (10 \1arks)
4 a. Whm is static data member and stattc member functions? What are its merits and
demerits? Give examples.
b. Bring out the differences between structure and C+ class.
c. Explain the concept of to objects with an example.
(08 \larks)
( 04 ,\1arks)
(08 Marks)
5 a. Discuss with examples constructors and destructors in C + Wh;t is the order of
c'c.:ution'! (08 \larks)
b. What are the need., and usage of friend functions? Write a program that has over
loaded operator to ill ustrate multiplication ofnvo matrics. ( 12 'l>farks)
6 a . What arc the multiple and mull level inheritance illustrate \\ ith examples?
b. What arc Yinual Lxplain with an example usage. (Oii \lark.)
7 a. Write a program that has a class called MA 1 RIX. Check Lhe two matrics by
usmg = - overloaded operator. Perform the following operations
if (ml m:!l
m3 = rn I+ m2
m4 ml- m2
\Vhcrc mi . m2. m3 and m4 arc MATRIX objects. Display the res uh by overloaded
operator << ( 14
b. Discuss the Importance ofabstmct cla:;s..:s. Gi'c e'ample5. (06 \larks)
Write cmical notes on the folio\ ing
a. b. Ncsted classes c. 10 in C++ d . 'this' pointer in C-+

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